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- By plumbing the deep secrets of the human mind, scientists will
- open the way to cures, wonders -- and voyeurism
- Contemplate for a moment a tangle of seaweed tossed up on
- the shore. This is what a neuron looks like, surrounded by a
- thicket of tiny tendrils that serve as communications channels.
- Now multiply that neuron 100 billion times. Crammed into the
- skull of every human individual are as many neurons as there
- are stars in the Milky Way. Each one of these receives input
- from about 10,000 other neurons in the brain and sends messages
- to a thousand more. The combinatorial possibilities are
- staggering. The cerebral cortex alone boasts 1 million billion
- connections, a number so large, marvels neuroscientist Gerald
- Edelman in his recent book about the brain, Bright Air,
- Brilliant Fire, that "if you were to count them, one connection
- per second, you would finish counting some 32 million years
- after you began."
- Assembled by nature and honed by evolution, the convoluted
- 3-lb. organ positioned between our ears represents a triumph of
- bioengineering, one that continues to elude comprehension and
- defy imitation. "The brain," declares molecular biologist James
- Watson, co-discoverer of the physical structure of DNA, "is the
- most complex thing we have yet discovered in our universe." The
- quest to understand the biology of intelligence is likely to
- occupy the minds of the world's best scientists for centuries to
- come. The task may prove more challenging than those alive today
- suppose, requiring perhaps new breakthroughs in physics and
- chemistry. Meanwhile, the knowledge spawned by this search
- promises to transform society. Here is what lies ahead:
- From the wheeled cart to the printing press, from the
- telephone to the airplane, inventions have enormously expanded
- the repertoire of human capabilities, and this trend will
- continue, even accelerate. In this century computers have
- provided instant access to awesome number-crunching power and a
- vast storehouse of information. In coming centuries they will
- augment and amplify human skills in far more astounding ways.
- Thus, while the brain will not undergo much in the way of
- biological evolution, humans, assisted by ever more powerful
- computers, will become capable of far greater intellectual
- feats. "We won't recognize any difference in brains
- themselves," emphasizes Maxwell Cowan, chief scientific officer
- of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.
- "But we will recognize enormous differences in what brains know
- and understand."
- Intriguingly, the brain's expanding knowledge of itself has
- begun to suggest radical new approaches to computer design. Like
- the brain, the computers of the future will not execute tasks
- in serial lockstep but will be capable of doing a million things
- in parallel. The chips of which they are composed may well be
- silicon, but they will mimic biological systems in almost every
- other way. A tantalizing hint of what the future holds comes
- from a type of computer known as a neural network. Employing the
- time-tested tactic of trial and error, these assemblages of
- artificial neurons have already "learned" to recognize scribbled
- handwriting, deduce principles of grammar and even mimic the
- acoustic sensitivity of the barn owl. By cobbling several of
- these sensory systems together, scientists will certainly be
- able to create, say, a robot that combines a barn owl's hearing
- with the ability to track moving objects and issue an
- ear-piercing hoot. Home gardeners may well employ an artificial
- owl to chase away rabbits and deer, but they will hardly
- consider it an intellectual equal. "Let me put it this way,"
- laughs Caltech physicist Carver Mead, a legendary designer of
- computer chips. "Two hundred years from now, I will not be
- having this conversation with a piece of silicon."
- By the end of the next century, if not before, scientific
- insight into the perceptual centers of the human brain should
- vanquish these ancient afflictions. Already scientists have
- developed a cochlear implant that bypasses nonfunctioning hair
- cells in the ear and stimulates the nerve leading to the
- auditory cortex of the brain. Says Michael Merzenich, a
- neurophysiologist at the University of California, San
- Francisco: "We know that these inputs to the brain are
- distorted, yet the patients who have worn them for a while
- insist that what they hear sounds perfectly normal." What
- appears to occur, says Merzenich, is that the brain somehow
- manages to adjust its connections to make sense of the
- distortions it receives. This clear demonstration of the
- plasticity inherent in the adult brain lends hope that
- scientists of the future will succeed in performing other
- similar feats. One of these might well be the ability to equip
- artificial limbs with electronic "neurons" that can respond to
- signals relayed by the brain. These circuits might even include
- the equivalents of the axons and dendrites that link one neuron
- to another.
- Almost certainly, scientists will master techniques for
- stimulating injured neurons to regenerate themselves. The
- brains and spinal columns of adult mammals do not possess this
- ability, at least not yet. A clue that this should be possible
- comes from frogs and salamanders, whose central nervous systems
- miraculously regrow following injury. Scientists have
- discovered several proteins that may eventually be deployed to
- rejuvenate broken spinal cords and damaged optic nerves. "I
- don't hold out too much hope for bionic man," says Michael
- Stryker, a colleague of Merzenich's who specializes in vision.
- "I think we will get there faster using biological techniques."
- Scientists are currently absorbed in tracking down genes
- believed to be responsible for such mental illnesses as manic
- depression and schizophrenia. Eventually, they can be expected
- to broaden their goals and seek out the genetic tool kit for
- building such intellectual traits as musical talent,
- mathematical genius and, above all, personality. Shyness, for
- instance, appears to have a genetic basis; assertiveness and
- hair-trigger anger probably do as well. Like it or not,
- predicts Dr. Lewis Judd, chairman of the psychiatry department
- at the University of California at San Diego, "We are going to
- find that the attitudes we take, the choices we make, are far
- more influenced by heredity than we ever thought."
- For the next century or two, if not beyond, schemes for
- improving the brain through genetic tinkering are likely to be
- confounded by a combination of social taboos, legal
- restrictions and sheer biological ignorance. But when the genes
- that underlie personality and behavior are isolated and
- understood, society will reach a critical ethical divide. A
- Pandora's box of options that were not available in centuries
- past will suddenly pop wide open. Should would-be parents who
- learn a fetus has inherited a strong likelihood of developing
- a serious but treatable mental illness opt for an abortion?
- Should they choose gene therapy to replace the defective DNA in
- their newborn child's brain cells? And while they're
- contemplating all this, might they not also consider conferring
- on their offspring desirable traits like intelligence?
- The machines that make images of the brain today are large,
- expensive contraptions that only major medical centers can
- afford. But just as computers have become ever smaller, cheaper
- and more powerful, so will the ultrafast successors to
- present-day positron-emission tomography and magnetic-resonance
- imaging scanners. Washington University neurologist Marcus
- Raichle predicts, in fact, that the "brain scopes" of the
- future will make a big splash at Disneyland and other theme
- parks. One can imagine lines of vacationers waiting to have
- their thoughts and emotions imaged in garish hues.
- But these machines will also be put to serious purpose.
- Consider, for example, the tantalizing evidence that certain
- patterns of brain activity correlate with higher achievement
- levels. Competing educational strategies might someday be
- judged by whether they stimulate specific areas of the brain and
- how strongly. "Is phonics really the best way to teach
- reading?" muses Dr. Raichle. "Or is it just another silly idea?
- By looking at the brain, I think we'll discover the answer to
- that question." And to others as well. Many mothers-to-be have
- wondered whether playing music and reciting poetry can
- influence embryonic brain development in desirable ways. Someday
- they may be able to judge for themselves.
- More important, tomorrow's brain scanners will be able to
- assess intellectual strengths and weaknesses in preschool
- children. A wide spectrum of mental weaknesses will become
- targets for early intervention. Dyslexia could be diagnosed in
- infancy, the time when brain plasticity is highest. Therapies
- could then be monitored by charting changes in neuronal firing
- patterns.
- Prominent mainstays of the pharmacopoeia of the future will
- be compounds that prevent nerve cells from dying. Much of the
- devastation caused by stroke is believed to occur because the
- directly injured neurons release massive quantities of the
- neurotransmitter glutamate. Normally, tiny bursts of glutamate
- act as signals between one neuron and another, triggering the
- brief opening of minuscule channels that allow calcium to pass
- through the cell's protective membrane. Too much glutamate,
- however, causes the channels to remain open too long,
- permitting an abnormal, and lethal, influx of calcium. Soon
- drugs that mop up excess glutamate or block its action may make
- this sort of stroke-related brain damage as preventable as
- tissue damage from gangrene. Similar strategies should likewise
- succeed in protecting neurons from the ravages of Alzheimer's
- disease.
- Needless to say, expanding knowledge of the brain's complex
- biochemistry and how it goes awry will bring about more
- effective treatments for depression and schizophrenia, panic
- attacks and obsessive compulsions, alcoholism and drug
- addiction. Along the way, scientists will gain profound
- insights into the biochemical signals that create the astounding
- range of human emotions. "Which peptides make you sad, which
- ones make you happy, and which ones make you feel just grand?"
- wonders Columbia University neuroscientist Eric Kandel. That
- knowledge could conceivably translate into an ability to
- fine-tune those states at will -- through either pharmacology
- or sophisticated biofeedback techniques.
- Certainly nothing in the past 100,000 years of cultural
- evolution can prepare future generations for the moment when
- science lays bare, as it most certainly will, the secrets of
- the human mind. "We will be rendered naked," predicts Tufts
- University philosophy professor Daniel Dennett, "in a way that
- we've never been naked before. The mind boggles at the
- varieties of voyeurism, eavesdropping and intrusion that will
- become possible." Concepts like good and evil, free will and
- individual responsibility, will presumably survive the upheaval,
- but not before being shaken to their deepest foundations.
- Imagine, for a moment, that a psychiatrist could peer into the
- psyche of a serial killer. Could the doctor see what was wrong?
- If he could, would he know how to fix it?
- The great adventure on which modern neuroscience has
- embarked will end up challenging our most cherished concepts of
- who we are. "In the end, we will even figure out how this
- tissue in our skulls produces the states of self-awareness we
- refer to as consciousness," ventures John Searle, a philosopher
- of science at the University of California, Berkeley. But just
- as understanding the Big Bang has not permitted humans to
- create new universes at will, understanding consciousness will
- probably not allow us to construct an artificial brain. Besides,
- says University of Iowa neurologist Dr. Antonio Damasio, "a
- brain is not likely to work without a body." At the very least,
- a disembodied brain would be extremely disoriented and terribly
- unhappy.
- In the coming centuries, one imagines, the desire to create
- monstrous caricatures of ourselves will dissipate. At long last,
- we will reclaim the awe and wonder our predecessors reserved for
- machines and turn them back toward our biological selves. Like
- Narcissus, we will behold the image of our minds and lose
- ourselves in endless admiration.