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Text File  |  1993-07-19  |  6KB  |  83 lines

  1. FROM THE MANAGING EDITOR                             ;2\MOY\102692\1026990.000
  2. GRAPEVINE                                            ;9
  3.  Home at Last                                        ;2\MOY\102692\1026550.000
  4.  Stop Me If You've Heard This One                    ;2\MOY\102692\1026551.000
  5.  Cashing In                                          ;2\MOY\102692\1026552.000
  6.  Hell No, We Won't Go                                ;2\MOY\102692\1026553.000
  7.  One from the Heart                                  ;2\MOY\102692\1026554.000
  8.  Campaign Quiz                                       ;2\MOY\102692\1026557.000
  9. THE WEEK: October 11-17, 1992                        ;9
  10.  NATION                                              ;9
  11.   The Campaign Nears Decision by Default             ;2\MOY\102692\1026991.000
  12.   Justice Under the Gun                              ;2\MOY\102692\1026992.000
  13.   Et Cetera                                          ;2\MOY\102692\1026994.000
  14.  WORLD                                               ;9                
  15.   Ninety Seconds Of Terror                           ;2\MOY\102692\1026995.000
  16.   Egypt's Killer Quake                               ;2\MOY\102692\1026996.000
  17.   An Awesome Mandate                                 ;2\MOY\102692\1026997.000
  18.   Contradiction in Terms                             ;2\MOY\102692\1026998.000
  19.   Take That, Cristoforo!                             ;2\MOY\102692\1026999.000
  20.   Et Cetera                                          ;2\MOY\102692\10269910.000
  21.  BUSINESS                                            ;9
  22.   An Era Is History as King Coal Nears Death         ;2\MOY\102692\10269912.000
  23.   Forced Disclosure                                  ;2\MOY\102692\10269914.000
  24.   Et Cetera                                          ;2\MOY\102692\10269915.000
  25.  SOCIETY                                             ;9
  26.   The First Real World Series                        ;2\MOY\102692\10269917.000
  27.   Queengate Cover-Up                                 ;2\MOY\102692\10269918.000
  28.   Nobel Prizes                                       ;2\MOY\102692\10269919.000
  29.   Finishing Line                                     ;2\MOY\102692\10269920.000
  30.  HEALTH & SCIENCE                                    ;9
  31.   Go Slow Off the Joe                                ;2\MOY\102692\10269921.000
  32.   Chemical Caution                                   ;2\MOY\102692\10269922.000
  33.   Et Cetera                                          ;2\MOY\102692\10269924.000
  34. MILESTONES                                           ;9
  35.    Died:Rudolf Nureyev                               ;2\MOY\102692\1026540.000
  36.  Ailing:Walter "Red" Barber                          ;2\MOY\102692\1026541.000
  37.    Died:Highes Rudd                                  ;2\MOY\102692\1026542.000
  38.    Died:Ben Maddow                                   ;2\MOY\102692\1026543.000
  39. WASHINGTON                                           ;9
  40.  While the Getting's Good                            ;2\MOY\102692\10269925.000
  41.  The Democrats:Measuring the Drapes                  ;2\MOY\102692\10269926.000
  42. THE ECONOMY                                          ;9
  43.  Anatomy of a Fumble                                 ;2\MOY\102692\10269939.000
  44. SCANDALS                                             ;9
  45.  Lone Wolf or a Pack of Lies?                        ;2\MOY\102692\10269927.000
  46.  The Political Interest                              ;2\MOY\102692\1026unk.000
  47. SOCIETY                                              ;9
  48.  Children Without Pity                               ;2\MOY\102692\10269928.000
  49. BUSINESS                                             ;9
  50.  Arkansas Pecking Order                              ;2\MOY\102692\1026200.000
  51.  Who's in the Driver's Seat?                         ;2\MOY\102692\1026201.000
  52. CUBA                                                 ;9
  53.  The Man Who Would Oust Castro                       ;2\MOY\102692\10269929.000
  54.  America Abroad                                      ;2\MOY\102692\1026unk.001
  55. NOBEL PRIZE                                          ;9
  56.  Strike Against Racism                               ;2\MOY\102692\10269930.000
  57. COVER STORIES                                        ;9
  58.  Iceman                                              ;2\MOY\102692\10269931.000
  59.  The World in 3300 B.C.                              ;2\MOY\102692\10269932.000
  60. HEALTH                                               ;9
  61.  Danger Overhead                                     ;2\MOY\102692\1026130.000
  62. RELIGION                                             ;9
  63.  A Somewhat Less Fatherly God                        ;2\MOY\102692\1026610.000
  64. MUSIC                                                ;9
  65.  Bringing Folk Back Home                             ;2\MOY\102692\1026440.000
  66. SHOW BUSINESS                                        ;9
  67.  Conservative Provocateur Or Big Blowhard?           ;2\MOY\102692\1026460.000
  68.  An Interview with Rush Limbaugh                     ;2\MOY\102692\1026461.000
  69. REVIEWS                                              ;9
  70.  Music:Perilous Journey                              ;2\MOY\102692\10269933.000
  71.  Books:Chronicling The Change                        ;2\MOY\102692\10269934.000
  72.  Television:Twisting the Satiric Knif                ;2\MOY\102692\10269935.000
  73.  Cinema:Songs of a Street Hustler                    ;2\MOY\102692\10269936.000
  74.  Cinema:Punishing The Dream                          ;2\MOY\102692\10269937.000
  75.  Short Takes                                         ;2\MOY\102692\10269938.000
  76. PEOPLE                                               ;9
  77.  Deion's Big Day                                     ;2\MOY\102692\1026500.000
  78.  Shock Jock                                          ;2\MOY\102692\1026501.000
  79.  Back Talk Of the Town                               ;2\MOY\102692\1026502.000
  80.  Donald and Marla: The End                           ;2\MOY\102692\1026503.000
  81. ESSAY                                                ;9
  82.  Hold It! Don't Get Out the Vote                     ;2\MOY\102692\1026640.000