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- Time's journalists pride themselves on being able to turn on
- a dime, producing thoughtful, thoroughly reported stories on very
- little notice. But our quadrennial presidential-election issue
- demands deadline journalism on an altogether higher plane. The
- magazine is coming out a full four days earlier than usual --
- yet we were determined not to sacrifice the in-depth research
- and forward-looking analysis that readers have come to expect.
- Part of the solution: squeeze the interval between final
- editing and distribution of the magazine from the normal 36
- hours down to 12.
- For operations director Oliver Knowlton, the work began
- two months ago, mapping out deadlines for copy, page layouts
- and photography. By election night, everything was in place. A
- charter plane stood by in Little Rock, Arkansas, ready to rush
- a cover picture of President-elect Clinton to an imaging center
- in Houston for final transmittal (President Bush's headquarters
- is in Houston; his picture would have to travel only across
- town). Says Knowlton: "From a production viewpoint, it's murder.
- I swore four years ago I'd never do this to myself again -- but
- here I am."
- The job was also an editorial decathlon. Thanks to
- Oliver's airtight deadlines, everything in the magazine had to
- be written, edited, double-checked for accuracy and put to bed
- by 6 a.m. Wednesday, no matter how late the returns were. So
- assistant managing editor Jim Kelly and senior editor Tom
- Sancton prepared two complete story lists, one in anticipation
- of a Clinton victory and one in response to the last-minute
- surge by George Bush. While a few stories appeared on both
- lists, most hinged on results that wouldn't be available until
- the final hours. There would be either a story on what President
- Clinton will do in office or an analysis of Bush's upset
- victory, but not both -- yet both had to be in the works. So
- correspondents with Clinton and Bush and with other crucial
- candidates sent in a steady stream of interviews and analysis
- throughout the night, as the staff at TIME's New York City
- headquarters fought to put it all together.
- For associate editor Priscilla Painton and senior writer
- Walter Shapiro, it was the end of a long road. Since July one
- or the other has been at Clinton's side almost nonstop. Some
- pundits think this kind of close-in coverage blurs a
- journalist's objectivity. Counters Painton: "You can read all the
- position papers and interview all the campaign staff you like,
- but there is nothing like spending 17 hours a day with someone
- to get a feel for his presidential character."
- Elizabeth P. Valk