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- REVIEWS, Page 88ARTThe Purple Haze of Hype
- WHERE: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City
- WHAT: More than 90 paintings, drawings, constructions and
- othar media
- THE BOTTOM LINE: The show recapitulates the overhyping of
- a limited '80s talent.
- The exhibition of the works of the late Jean-Michel
- Basquiat that opened at Manhattan's Whitney Museum of American
- Art last month is billed as a retrospective. It does cover the
- artist's working life: about nine years. But since it aims to
- present the deceased as the black Chatterton of Postmodernism
- -- the "marvellous boy," cut off in his prime by a drug overdose
- at the age of 27 -- it more resembles a parody of a funeral
- rite, performed over a slender talent encased in a sarcophagus
- grossly too large for it. There had to be room in that box for
- the 1980s as well.
- First, the eulogy by the museum director, David Ross. "Who
- killed Basquiat, ask the artist's friends and foes alike," Ross
- writes. "Art dealers? The white world? Self-serving collectors?
- The excesses of the '80s?" And while we're at it, why not toss
- in the CIA, the military-industrial complex, or little green
- men -- oops, vertically challenged other-pigmented males --
- from Mars? Perhaps some imitator of Oliver Stone is waiting in
- the wings to do just that: there are truckloads of Basquiat
- works in Beverly Hills. The plain truth -- that Basquiat killed
- Basquiat, that nobody but he was sticking the needles in his arm
- -- is not going to get much airing at this solemn farce of
- heroic victimology.
- Up come the mourners: six catalog essayists, rending their
- garments and mangling their syntax. Their rhetoric is sublime,
- beyond parody. "Since slavery and oppression under white
- supremacy are visible subtexts in Basquiat's work," intones one,
- "he is as close to a Goya as American painting has ever
- produced." "The paintings are alive and speak for themselves,''
- cries another, "while Jean remains wrapped in the silent purple
- toga of Immortality." A third, between decorative quotes from
- Michel Foucault, extols Basquiat's "punishing regime of
- self-abuse" as part of "the disciplines imposed by the principle
- of inverse asceticism to which he was so resolutely committed."
- Resolute commitment to inverse asceticism, apparently, is p.c.
- for addiction.
- The acme of vapid pretension is reached by the former art
- dealer Klaus Kertess, who thinks Basquiat's drug addiction was
- in some large way socially therapeutic. "Heroin," Kertess
- opines, "seems to have played some role in the formation of the
- discontinuous maps of mental states that are his paintings and
- drawings. Heroin seems to have helped him fuse his line with his
- nerve endings as they responded to, parodied and sought to heal
- a disturbed culture."
- It appears that everyone did everything to Basquiat,
- turning him into the all-purpose, inflatable martyr figure of
- recent American art. Mainly, they loaded him with more money
- than he knew what to do with and more praise than he could
- handle; the art market, like the ceiling of the Emperor
- Elagabalus, opened and smothered him in tons of roses. Some
- martyrdom.
- The malignant Other -- racial, cultural, critical, you
- name it -- bulks so large in this hagiographic exercise that
- one is surprised to find that the catalog nowhere mentions the
- one thing that Others did do for Basquiat in the last couple of
- years of his life: namely, get his pictures going when he was
- too zonked to do so himself. This operation was performed
- during the final six months by an artist named Rick Prol, at $15
- an hour. Of course, artists have long used studio assistants.
- But under the circumstances, it seems hypocritical to gush
- about Basquiat's last works in terms of the uniqueness of his
- hand, its emotional urgency and so forth.
- This show provides plenty of evidence of Basquiat's
- graphic industry, but not much that he ever tried to deal with
- the real world through drawing. He had no idea how to discipline
- himself into making a creative accord between its forms and the
- marks on paper or canvas. He just scribbled and jotted, picking
- up stylistic pointers from older artists he admired, among them
- Cy Twombly and Jean Dubuffet. He could only rehearse his own
- stereotypes, his pictorial nouns for "head" or "body," over and
- over again.
- Consequently, although Basquiat's images look quite vivid
- and sharp when one first sees them, and though from time to
- time he could produce an intriguing passage of spiky marks or
- a brisk clash of blaring color, the work quickly settles into
- the visual monotony of arid overstylization. Its relentless
- fortissimo is wearisome. (An exception is some of the works on
- paper, which attain a delicacy of placement and interval absent
- from the paintings.)
- Much is made of Basquiat's use of sources -- vagrant
- code-symbols, quotes from Leonardo or African bushman art or
- Egyptian murals. But these are so scattered, so lacking in
- plastic force or conceptual interest, that they seem merely the
- result of browsing and doodling rather than looking -- homeless
- representation. For polemical purposes, any rough sketch of a
- cartoon African carrying a crate next to a white with a topee
- and a gun can be turned into a "devastating" indictment of
- colonialism -- but this doesn't make Basquiat into an artist
- with an articulate social vision. As for his poetic effusions
- and snatches of writing, they are mostly fey blither.
- The life was so sad and truncated, and the art that came
- out of it so limited, that it seems unfair to dwell on either.
- Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel? Basquiat had talent --
- more than some of the young painters who were his
- contemporaries, though this may not be saying much. The trouble
- was that it did not develop; it was frozen by celebrity, like
- a deer in a jacklight beam. In the '80s Basquiat was made a cult
- figure by a money-glutted, corrupt and wholly promotional
- art-marketing system. He died in 1988, a year before the bull
- market collapsed and took his prices down with it. Now the same
- system, bruised but essentially unchanged, is trying to
- revalidate those prices in hard times by strumming on the theme
- that Victimhood Is Powerful. What has descended on Basquiat is
- not the "silent purple toga of Immortality" -- it's the loud
- purple haze of hype, all over again.