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Text File
121 lines
version 1.1
by Larry A. Irons
Copyright (c) 1990
All rights reserved
This computer program will help you make recipes for homebrewing.
The necessary files to run BREWBEER are:
These files must be available to the program or it will not work.
The data files contain information on the different ingredients
of grain and hops easily available from your local homebrew shop.
These files are in text format (ASCII) and can be altered by the
The first entry in each file is the number of data items in the
file. If the number of data items is changed, this entry must
reflect the new number of data items. If too many data items are
added to any data file, then the screen displays may become
cluttered and unusable. To change these data files use a text
Each line in these data files consists of one or more individual
items. Multiple items on one line must be separated by a comma.
String data, i.e. names, must be enclosed in quotes.
MALT.DAT uses the following format:
Ingredient name in quotes
Specific gravity of the ingredient (one pound per gallon)
Color in degrees lovibond (one pound per gallon)
For example - "Light syrup", 1.032, 3.4
HOP.DAT uses the following format:
Name of hop variety in quotes
Alpha acid percentage
For example - "Hallertauer", 4.1
FINHOP.DAT uses the following format:
Name of hop variety in quotes
For example - "Saazer"
The opening screen asks you for the amount of wort to initially
brew (default is 5.5 US gallons) and the name of the beer recipe.
An entry of 0 gallons will terminate the program. Pressing
control-break anywhere will also terminate the program.
On the succeeding screens, a flashing cursor and list of
ingredients are presented. Using the arrow keys move the cursor
to the left of the desired ingredient and press return or the
space bar. A prompt will be presented at the bottom of the
screen. Enter the desired amount of the ingredient. The
pressing of the plus key ('+') will increase the amount of the
ingredient by 0.25 units. The pressing of the minus key ('-')
will decrease the amount of the ingredient by 0.25 units. When
finished selecting ingredients from a screen press the escape key
(Esc) to move onto the next screen. The current selection of
ingredients will be written to a save file called RECIPE.PRN.
The option to print out this file is given after selecting the
finishing hops. Because each new recipe will overwrite this
file, print out your selection if you plan on formulating more
than one recipe during the session.
On the malt screen, choose ingredients from malt extracts
(unhopped dry or syrup), malted grains, and other cereal
adjuncts. Units are in pounds. After entering an amount of an
ingredient the specific gravity of the wort is recalculated. The
color in degrees lovibond is also recalculated. These numbers are
approximate depending on variations between manufacturers'
products and yields from malted grains.
After selecting the malt ingredients, the boiling hop screen is
presented. Select these in the same manner as the malt. Units
are in ounces. However, the boiling time for each hop variety
must be entered to calculate the alpha acid utilization. The
default boiling time is 60 minutes. One variety of hops cannot
be entered with two different boiling times. If you do this
often, then alter HOP.DAT to have two lines of the same hop
variety, for example, "Hallertauer 1" and "Hallertauer 2." After
selection of a boiling hop the bittering acids in the wort are
calculated in HBUs and a general description of the bitterness is
given. In general higher gravity worts should be more bitter to
balance the malt.
After selecting the boiling hops, the finishing hop screen is
presented. Only the varieties suggested by "ZYMURGY" magazine
for finishing hops have been listed. If others are desired then
alter FINHOP.DAT. Finishing hops are selected similar to boiling
hops. Units are in ounces.
After selecting finishing hops, the option to print out the
recipe file is given. If the print option is selected then make
sure that the printer is ready or else the computer will lock up.
After printing the recipe the user is taken to the initial
Have fun designing homebrew recipes! If you find this program of
value please send a suggested donation of $25.00 to:
PO BOX 33351
DENVER, CO 80233
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future updates. Updates are already in the works. Please send
your constructive criticisms, suggestions, and ideas.