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Assembly Source File
221 lines
name parent
title 'PARENT --- demonstrate EXEC call'
; PARENT.EXE --- demonstration of EXEC to run process
; Uses MS-DOS EXEC (Int 21H, Function 4BH Subfunction 00H)
; to load and execute a child process named CHILD.EXE,
; then displays CHILD's return code.
; Ray Duncan, June 1987
stdin equ 0 ; standard input
stdout equ 1 ; standard output
stderr equ 2 ; standard error
stksize equ 128 ; size of stack
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII linefeed
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' ; executable code segment
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_DATA,ss:_STACK
stk_seg dw ? ; original SS contents
stk_ptr dw ? ; original SP contents
main proc far ; entry point from MS-DOS
mov ax,_DATA ; set DS = our data segment
mov ds,ax
; now give back extra memory
; so child has somewhere to
; run...
mov ax,es ; let AX = segment of PSP base
mov bx,ss ; and BX = segment of stack base
sub bx,ax ; reserve seg stack - seg psp
add bx,stksize/16 ; plus paragraphs of stack
mov ah,4ah ; fxn 4ah = modify memory
; block
int 21h
jc main1
; display parent message ...
mov dx,offset DGROUP:msg1 ; DS:DX = address of message
mov cx,msg1_len ; CX = length of message
call pmsg
push ds ; save parent's data segment
mov stk_seg,ss ; save parent's stack pointer
mov stk_ptr,sp
; now EXEC the child process...
mov ax,ds ; set ES = DS
mov es,ax
mov dx,offset DGROUP:cname ; DS:DX = child pathname
mov bx,offset DGROUP:pars ; EX:BX = parameter block
mov ax,4b00h ; function 4BH, subfunction 00H
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
cli ; (for bug in some early 8088s)
mov ss,stk_seg ; restore parent's stack
; pointer
mov sp,stk_ptr
sti ; (for bug in some early 8088s)
pop ds ; restore DS = our data segment
jc main2 ; jump if EXEC failed
; otherwise EXEC succeeded,
; convert and display child's
; termination and return
; codes...
mov ah,4dh ; fxn 4dh = get return code
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
xchg al,ah ; convert termination code
mov bx,offset DGROUP:msg4a
call b2hex
mov al,ah ; get back return code
mov bx,offset DGROUP:msg4b ; and convert it
call b2hex
mov dx,offset DGROUP:msg4 ; DS:DX = address of message
mov cx,msg4_len ; CX = length of message
call pmsg ; display it
mov ax,4c00h ; no error, terminate program
int 21h ; with return code = 0
main1: mov bx,offset DGROUP:msg2a ; convert error code
call b2hex
mov dx,offset DGROUP:msg2 ; display message 'Memory
mov cx,msg2_len ; resize failed...'
call pmsg
jmp main3
main2: mov bx,offset DGROUP:msg3a ; convert error code
call b2hex
mov dx,offset DGROUP:msg3 ; display message 'EXEC
mov cx,msg3_len ; call failed...'
call pmsg
main3: mov ax,4c01h ; error, terminate program
int 21h ; with return code = 1
main endp ; end of main procedure
b2hex proc near ; convert byte to hex ASCII
; call with AL=binary value
; BX=addr to store string
push ax
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
call ascii ; become first ASCII character
mov [bx],al ; store it
pop ax
and al,0fh ; isolate lower 4 bits, which
call ascii ; become the second ASCII
; character
mov [bx+1],al ; store it
b2hex endp
ascii proc near ; convert value 00-0FH in AL
add al,'0' ; into a "hex ASCII" character
cmp al,'9'
jle ascii2 ; jump if in range 00-09H,
add al,'A'-'9'-1 ; offset it to range 0A-0FH,
ascii2: ret ; return ASCII char. in AL.
ascii endp
pmsg proc near ; displays message on
; standard output
; call with DS:DX = address,
; CX = length
mov bx,stdout ; BX = standard output handle
mov ah,40h ; function 40h = write
; file/device
int 21h ; transfer to MS-DOS
ret ; back to caller
pmsg endp
_TEXT ends
_DATA segment para public 'DATA' ; static & variable data segment
cname db 'CHILD.EXE',0 ; pathname of child process
pars dw _ENVIR ; segment of environment block
dd tail ; long address, command tail
dd fcb1 ; long address, default FCB #1
dd fcb2 ; long address, default FCB #2
tail db fcb1-tail-2 ; command tail for child
db 'dummy command tail',cr
fcb1 db 0 ; copied into default FCB #1 in
db 11 dup (' ') ; child's program segment prefix
db 25 dup (0)
fcb2 db 0 ; copied into default FCB #2 in
db 11 dup (' ') ; child's program segment prefix
db 25 dup (0)
msg1 db cr,lf,'Parent executing!',cr,lf
msg1_len equ $-msg1
msg2 db cr,lf,'Memory resize failed, error code='
msg2a db 'xxh.',cr,lf
msg2_len equ $-msg2
msg3 db cr,lf,'EXEC call failed, error code='
msg3a db 'xxh.',cr,lf
msg3_len equ $-msg3
msg4 db cr,lf,'Parent regained control!'
db cr,lf,'Child termination type='
msg4a db 'xxh, return code='
msg4b db 'xxh.',cr,lf
msg4_len equ $-msg4
_DATA ends
_ENVIR segment para public 'DATA' ; example environment block
; to be passed to child
db 'PATH=',0 ; basic PATH, PROMPT,
db 'PROMPT=$p$_$n$g',0 ; and COMSPEC strings
db 0 ; extra null terminates block
_ENVIR ends
_STACK segment para stack 'STACK'
db stksize dup (?)
_STACK ends
end main ; defines program entry point