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Compu-Chef (tm)
Version 1.5
The Ultimate Meal Manager
Recipe Organizer, Shopping List Maker
(At least we think so!!)
User's Guide
Copyright (C) 1990 by
Micro System Design, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Written and Designed by:
Peter Sciacchetano
Mark Bacas
P.O. Box 774
Harvey, LA 70059
High Concepts BBS is the Home of Compu-Chef
(504) 392-4080
Fidonet 1:396/16
page 1
(C) Copyright 1990 Micro System Design, Inc. and HillStepper
All rights reserved worldwide.
The Compu-Chef(tm) product is NOT in the "Public Domain" and it is
NOT "Freeware." Compu-Chef is a copyrighted software product developed
and owned by MSD and HillStepper. MSD and HillStepper grant you the
right without charge to reproduce, distribute and use copies of this
version of Compu-Chef, subject to receive any payment, commercial
benefit, or other consideration for such reproduction or distribution,
or change this license agreement or the above copyright notice that
appears in the software, documentation, user interface, menus and
magnetic media:
The rights to receive any such financial or other benefit, and to
modify the product or employ its components in any kind of derivative
work, are reserved exclusively by MSD and HillStepper. Support from
users enables us to develop additional features and future versions
of the Compu-Chef product. Registered users benefit from enhanced
technical support, notice of new products, and bulletin board access.
Contact us at:
HillStepper P.O. Box 774 Harvey, LA 70059 USA (504) 392-4080
You may not reverse-engineer, disassemble, modify, decompile or create
derivative works of the product. You acknowledge that the product
includes certain trade secrets and confidential information, all of
which is the copyrighted intellectual property of MSD and HillStepper.
page 2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................. 3
2. System requirements ...................... 3
3. Features ................................. 4
4. Getting Started .......................... 5
5. Running the program ...................... 6
6. Adding a recipe .......................... 7
7. Editing a recipe ........................ 10
8. Deleting a recipe ....................... 12
9. Marking a recipe ........................ 12
10. Exporting a recipe ...................... 13
11. Printing a recipe ....................... 13
12. Finding a recipe ........................ 14
13. Let's go shopping ....................... 16
14. Printing recipes with the reports option 17
15. Helpful Information system .............. 17
16. Utilities ............................... 18
Importing recipes ....................... 19
Exporting recipe ........................ 20
Category Maintenance .................... 21
Ingredient Maintenance .................. 21
Deleting a group of recipes ............. 22
Clearing marked recipes ................. 22
Fixing Files ............................ 22
17. Acknowledgments ......................... 23
18. Appendix A .............................. 24
19. Registrations ........................... 27
page 3
Thanks for you interest in Compu-Chef. We had two things in mind
when developing this program:
First, it was to be the BEST cooking program available. Compu-Chef
is loaded with powerful features that make cooking, meal planning
and shopping, almost effortless.
Second, it was to be the EASIEST TO USE. The program is laid out
in a very intuitive, easily manageable format. Most of the comments
we receive about Compu-Chef express the user's appreciation for the
EASE OF USE for a program with so many powerful features.
Because of Compu-Chef's ease of use, you may find this manual almost
un-necessary, but it does describe some of the less obvious features
of Compu-Chef.
Feel free to contact us with any comments or suggestions to improve
this program. We are constantly updating Compu-Chef to be better
than before.
P.O. Box 774
Harvey, LA 70059 USA
(504) 392-4080
(504) 391-2925 Bulletin Board Service
System Requirements
IBM or compatible computer with at least 384K RAM
Monochrome or Color Monitor
1 Floppy Drive (Hard Disk Recommended)
Compu-Chef can be run from a floppy disk or a Hard disk system, although
we recommend a Hard Disk for this program to really show its power
and capacity. Floppy disks will work although at a much reduced speed
and capacity.
page 4
Up to 100,000 recipes can be stored and retrieved.
Recipes can contain ANY number of ingredients.
Recipes keep track of CALORIES, FAT, and CHOLESTEROL.
Once Compu-Chef is started, you immediately see a list of your recipes.
Simply pick one and view it, print it, change it, or whatever. Also,
Compu-Chef shows you BOTH the ingredients and the directions on the
SAME screen to let you get a good look at the recipe.
Enter the number of people for dinner, and Compu-Chef automatically
adjusts the ingredients for up to 999 servings.
Whenever possible, Compu-Chef provides a pop-up list when you have
to enter some piece of information. If for example, you are entering
Worcestershire Sauce, simply hit W in the list, and press enter on
Worcestershire Sauce, it will automatically be typed in for you!
Pick which recipes you plan to make, and Compu-Chef automatically
prints a complete shopping list for you. The program also keeps
a separate shopping list in which you can enter other things you
need from the store.
No more math! - If a recipe calls for 1/2 pint of something, with
a tap of a key, Compu-Chef automatically changes it to Cups,
Tablespoons, Teaspoons, etc...
Compu-Chef has ability to find recipes in many different ways.
You can mark you favorite recipes with a check, allowing you to
later view a handy list of your favorite recipes. Or, find
recipes by any category: Italian, Desserts, Side dish, etc. Or,
tell Compu-Chef that you have some chicken, and it will show all
recipes that contain chicken! You could also find what side dish
goes well with chicken!
Compu-Chef accepts recipe files from other programs, so you can
quickly and easily accumulate an entire library of recipes. Also
you can EXPORT any recipes to a disk to give to your friends.
Compu-Chef also has a complete INFORMATION SYSTEM which contains
a handy calorie/fat/cholesterol guide, cooking glossary, food
storage information, measurement/food equivalents, and a
miscellaneous screen where you can put what ever you want. Plus
ALL of these information guides can be changed or added to by the
page 5
Getting Started
Compu-Chef can be set up to run three different ways:
1) One Floppy disk.
Stores about 40 recipes on a 360K disk.
Stores about 130 recipes on a 720K disk.
Stores about 250 recipes on a 1.2M disk.
Stores about 320 recipes on a 1.44M disk.
2) Two (360k) Floppy disks.
This method uses a DATA disk, and a PROGRAM disk.
Stores about 80 recipes if used with 360K disks.
Not much increase with larger disks.
3) Hard Disk. (* Recommended *)
This allows for up to 100,000 recipes.
To use Compu-Chef on one disk:
Simply copy all of the files from the original disk to a formatted disk.
Put the original disk in drive A:
Type COPY A:*.* B: (see DOS manual for help)
Put the original disk away, and use only the new copy.
To use Compu-Chef on two disks:
Prepare two formatted disks. Label one PROGRAM, and the other
DATA. Insert the original Compu-Chef disk in drive A:
The instructions on the screen will explain what to do.
To use Compu-Chef on a Hard Disk:
Insert the original Compu-Chef disk in drive A:
Type A:
The instructions on the screen will explain what to do.
If you prefer to manually copy the Compu-Chef disk on to a 720k, 1.2M,
1.44M, or anywhere on your hard disk, you may do so. Simply copy
all of the files. from the Compu-Chef disk. If you have a previous
versions of Compu-Chef, be careful not to copy these files on top
of your existing ones, or you will loose your existing recipes.
Use the INSTALL program if you want to save your old recipes.
page 6
Running the program
If you are using floppy disks, put the program disk in drive a:
Type CC (if you have a color monitor)
Type CC M (if you have a monochrome monitor)
If you are using a hard disk, change to the Compu-Chef directory:
Type CD\CC
Type CC (if you have a color monitor)
Type CC M (if you have a monochrome monitor)
After the program loads, Compu-Chef will set up your files for first
time use. Press enter to continue with the set-up. This procedure
only happens the first time you use the program.
If all went well, you should see a screen similar to the following:
┌─── Main Menu ────┐ ┌Recipes ──────────────────────── Time Cals Mark┐
│ │ │ │
│ A Add R │ │Crawfish Pie 01:00 290 F │
│ E Edit e │ │Mark's Famous Po-Boy 00:30 350 FSEP│
│ D Delete c │ │Pecan Pie 01:30 250 S P│
│ M Mark i │ │ │
│ X Export p │ │ │
│ P Print e │ │ │
│ F Find s │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ Q Quick Find │ │ │
│ S Shopping List │ │ │
│ R Reports │ │ │
│ I Information │ │ │
│ U Utilities │ │ │
│ │ │ │
└── ESC to quit ───┘ │ │
└──────────────── All Recipes ──────────────────┘
3 recipes
page 7
Adding a recipe
Adding a recipe is very simple. Simply press [A] from the main menu.
The following screen will appear.
┌───────────────────────────── Add Recipe ──────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Title │
│ │
│ Number of Servings 0 │
│ Categories 1 Approximate cook time │
│ 2 Fat (grams) per Serving │
│ 3 Cholesterol per Serving │
│ Calories per Serving │
This type of screen is an ENTRY SCREEN. You simply type the information
into the shaded fields; press [ENTER] to advance to the next field. Use
the ARROW keys to move around to different fields. Pressing [PgDn]
anywhere in the screen, or pressing [ENTER] on the last field will
save the information. Pressing [ESC] in this screen will abort your
entry, and return you to the main screen. See appendix A for a list
of available keys in an entry screen.
Type in the recipe information. Enter the recipe title. Next, you
may assign the recipe to up to 3 categories. To see a quick list
of categories already entered, simply press enter in this blank field,
and a pop up pick list will appear and let you make your selection.
You can pick one of the ┌──[Select item]─┐
existing categories or │ - Add to list -│
you can press the up │ │
arrow to add a new category │ Dessert │
You can also jump to a │ Main Dish │
particular item by │ Sandwich │
pressing the first │ │
letter of your selection. │ │
If you enter a category that is not in the list it will ask you if
you would like to add it. After entering the categories, you can
enter the number of servings, the approximate cooking time, then three
items for the health conscious, fat, cholesterol, and calories. That's
it for the main recipe information.
page 8
Adding a recipe
Next, you will see the following screen:
┌─── Ingredients (F3-Zoom In) ──────┬───── Directions (F4-Zoom In) ─────┐
│ │ │
│ ──────── End ──────── │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
Ingredients: F3-Zoom I/Ins-Insert D/Del-Delete Enter-Change U-Units
F2-Edit Info F4-Directs F5-Servings P-Print X-Export M-Mark
You are now ready to start entering ingredients. To start, just press
the letter [I], [INS]ert, or [ENTER] on the End line. Using [ENTER]
is easier when inserting many ingredients. Next, the following screen
┌────────────────────────── Add Ingredients ───────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Quantity Unit Name │
│ │
│ │
│ When adding ingredients, you may enter the quantity using │
│ fractions or decimals. If you want to enter an ingredient │
│ like DICED ONIONS, enter it >> ONIONS - DICED << │
This is the screen where you enter the quantity, unit of measure and
the name of the ingredient.
Quantities can be displayed in two ways: using Fractions, or using
Decimals. Depending on how you have your Quantity display set up
from the Utility Menu, determines how your quantities will be displayed
here. You can actually enter the quantity in fraction or decimal
form, and it will be converted to whichever display Compu-Chef is
setup for. So if you enter 1.5 and you are setup for fractions, it
will convert it to 1 1/2 automatically.
page 9
Adding a recipe
Enter the unit of measure for this ingredient. If you just hit the
enter key here, you will be presented with a pop up pick list.
┌────[Select item]───┐
│ = As required │ You can select any of the items
│can = Can │ from the pick list or enter your
│cup = Cup │ own. Compu-Chef has an extensive
│ea = Each │ unit conversion system, so keep
│gal = Gallon │ in mind that if you enter
│g = Gram │ something other than from the
│oz = Ounce │ pick list, CC won't be able to
│pkg = package │ convert it to any other unit. So
│pt = Pint │ try to use qt for Quart instead of
│lb = Pound │ Qrt. There are 3 exceptions to
│qt = Quart │ this, first, you can enter a capital
│Tbsp = Tablespoon │ [T] for Tablespoon, a small [t] for
│tsp = Teaspoon │ teaspoon, and [c] for Cup.
Once you have selected the unit of measure, you can enter the name
of the ingredient. We recommend that you enter the actual ingredient
as the first word, then any specifications on how that item should
be prepared, (i.e. Onions - Diced, instead of Diced Onions). This
helps when searching for recipes by ingredient names. Also, to keep
ingredient names consistent, you could simply press enter in the blank
field, and another handy pick list will show all ingredients that
have been entered into Compu-Chef. Simply pick one, or hit ESC if
you want to type in your own.
That's all to entering in an ingredient line. Just keep hitting [I],
or [ENTER], until all of the ingredients have been entered.
To enter the directions for the recipe, you can press the right
arrow key or the [F4] key. Pressing the right arrow allows you to
enter the directions while still viewing the ingredients. Pressing
[F4] allows you to enter the directions in a zoom mode. After entering
the directions, press [Esc] and you will be asked if you wish to save
the changes. When entering the directions, you are actually using
a mini word processor. See appendix A for a complete list of keys.
that can be used in this word processor.
You can use the [F3] and [F4] keys to zoom in and out between the
ingredients and the directions.
After entering all the required information for the recipe, you can
just hit the [Esc] key, which will bring you back to the main menu.
That is all it take to enter a recipe, very easy and intuitive.
page 10
Editing a recipe
To edit a recipe just press [E] from the main menu. You will be presented
with the recipe to edit, and an instruction line like the following
at the bottom of the screen:
┌─── Ingredients (F3-Zoom In) ──────┬───── Directions (F4-Zoom In) ─────┐
│ │ │
│ 1 1/2 lb Beef - Roast │ The roast should be slightly │
│ 1/2 ea Onion - Diced │ frozen for best results in │
│ 1/2 ea Bell Pepper - Dic │ cutting, as this allows you to │
│ 5 oz Hickory Smoked W │ slice the roast very thin. Place │
│ 2 Tbsp Peanut Oil │ sliced roast in bowl with │
│ 1 tsp Seasoning Salt │ worcestershire sauce for 15 to 20 │
│ 3 Tbsp Mayonaise │ minutes. While meat is marinating│
│ 8 ea Swiss Cheese - Sl │ Saute onions, bell pepppers and │
│ 2 ea Soft French Bread │ 1/2 tsp of seasoning salt in │
│ ─────────── End ───────────── │ peanut oil. Remove vegetables │
Ingredients: F3-Zoom I/Ins-Insert D/Del-Delete Enter-Change U-Units
F2-Edit Info F4-Directs F5-Servings P-Print X-Export M-Mark
There are many things you can do when editing a recipe:
F3 Zooms in on the ingredients showing all of the ingredient
I/Ins Adds ingredients, by placing the light bar where
you wish to insert the ingredient and press the [I]
or [INS]ert key.
D/Del Deletes an ingredient by pressing [D] or the [DEL]ete
key, upon which, you will be asked to confirm the
Enter Lets you change or edit an ingredient to edit it.
Simply highlight the ingredient to edit and press
U One of the major features is the Unit conversion
feature. You can change from Tbsp to Cups simply
by pressing the letter [U]. You can cycle through the
different units of measure.
F4/-> Edits the directions by pressing [F4] or the right
arrow key.
page 11
Editing a recipe
F5 Changes the serving size of a recipe. You can
change the number of servings to up to 999, and
the ingredient quantities will automatically be
adjusted. The quantities will by converted to the
best unit of measurement, so you won't have 200
Tbsps of salt, you will have 3 1/8 quarts.
P Prints your recipe right from this screen. You will be
asked if you are sure that the printer is ready. After
hitting enter, the recipe will print.
X You can export your recipe by pressing the [X] key.
You can export your recipe to the disk. This is handy
if you wish to trade recipes with a friend or post one
on a Bulletin Board System (BBS). You will be asked
for the filename to export to, and if it already exists,
you will be asked if you wish to append the recipe,
or replace the file altogether. See you DOS manual
for information on naming files.
M You can mark the recipe for 4 different groups:
When you mark recipes for FAVORITE, you can
quickly and easily pull up a list of your favorite
recipes (See Finding Recipes). If you mark a recipe
for the SHOPPING LIST, that recipe will be included
on the next shopping list that you print
(see SHOPPING LIST). If you mark recipes for
EXPORT, then those recipes can be exported to a
file (See Exporting Recipes). If you mark recipes
for printout, then those recipes can be printed on
the printer (See Printing Recipes).
page 12
Deleting and Marking recipes
Deleting a recipe
Simply press the letter [D] from the main menu, and you will be shown
the recipe you requested to delete, and asked to confirm the deletion.
If you confirm the deletion by pressing enter, the recipe will be deleted.
Use this with caution, once a recipe is deleted it can't be retrieved.
When a recipe is deleted, disk space is not immediately freed-up. To
recover disk space from deleted recipes, use the FIX FILES option
from the UTILITY menu. (To delete a group of recipes, see DELETE
Marking a recipe
You can mark any recipe from the main menu for your Favorite list,
Shopping list, Exporting, or Print to be printed out. After selecting
[M] from the main menu you will see a screen similar to the following:
┌─────────────── Mark Recipe ──────────────┐ Highlight the category
│ │ you wish to mark. A
│ √ Favorite List (F5) │ check mark appears to
│Mark Recipe for: Shopping List (F6) │ show that it has been
│ Export List (F7) │ selected.
│ Printout (F8) │
│ │ The F5-F8 keys can be
└─────────────── ESC to Quit ──────────────┘ used from the Main Menu.
When you mark recipes for FAVORITE, you can quickly and easily pull
up a list of your favorite recipes (See Finding Recipes). If you
mark a recipe for the SHOPPING LIST, that recipe will be included
on the next shopping list that you print (see SHOPPING LIST). If
you mark recipes for EXPORT, then those recipes can be exported to
a file (See Exporting Recipes). If you mark recipes for printout,
then those recipes can be printed on the printer (See Printing Recipes).
page 13
Exporting and Printing recipes
Exporting a recipe
Exporting recipes is useful if you would like to exchange Compu-Chef
recipes with a friend. Simply export the recipes to a file, and your
friend simply imports that file into their program.
You can export any recipe from the main menu by highlighting the recipe
of your choice and pressing [X]. You will be prompted for a filename
to export to. The default is [EXPORT.CCF] but this can be changed
by simply typing over it. If the file already exists, you will be
asked if you wish to append the recipe to the file or replace the
file all together with the recipe.
Printing a recipe
Any recipe can be printed directly from the main menu simply by pressing
the letter [P]. You will be asked to press the enter key when you
are ready to print.
page 14
Finding Recipes
This is by far one of the most important features of the program.
After selecting this option, (with the [F] key from the main menu)
you will be presented with a screen that looks like the following:
┌──────────────────────── Find Recipes ───────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Enter any or all of the following : │
│ │
│ Recipe Title │
│ │
│ Category │
│ │
│ Ingredient │
│ Use the singular form of the name for best search.│
│ │
│ Favorites Shopping Exports Printout? FSEP │
You can search by any of the above criteria or any combination of
them. If you wish to skip a certain area use the down arrow key,
otherwise a pop up pick list will appear when you press enter on a
blank field. The pick list will appear for the Category and the Ingredient
fields. This is a very helpful feature, as you don't have to remember
the way the ingredients or categories were entered. After entering
the selection criteria, you will be presented with a list of recipes
that match your request if any exist. A screen similar to the following
will appear:
Recipes Time Cals Mark
║Crawfish Pie 1:00 290 F ║
║Mark's Famous Po-Boy 0:30 350 FSEP║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
Category=MAIN DISH
page 15
Finding recipes
A double box is placed around the recipes so you know you are viewing
selected recipes. You are also shown the criteria that the selected
recipes meet by the statements under the double box (i.e. Category=MAIN
DISH in this case).
When displaying selected recipes, functions such as Shopping List,
and Exports, etc. only work on the currently selected recipes. This
feature is a very handy way of performing an operation on selected
recipes. For example, if you want to EXPORT all of you desserts,
simply do a find for category=DESSERT, and then export from the utility
To return to viewing all of the recipes, press [Esc].
Finding recipes in a hurry.
By pressing [Q] from the main menu you can perform a quick search.
This allows you to "jump" to a particular recipe or at least get somewhere
in the neighborhood of the recipe you are searching for. After pressing
[Q] you are prompted to enter a string of letters to search for, so
if you are looking for 'Eggplant casserole' you can hit [Q] and type
eg and Compu-Chef will bring you to the first occurrence of
'eg'. This comes in handy if you have a several hundred recipes and
want to find one quickly.
page 16
Let's go Shopping
Shopping list is the next option from the main menu. This allows
you to generate a shopping list from recipes that have been 'marked'
as such. Upon selecting [S] from the main menu, you will be presented
with the following:
┌── Shopping List Menu ─────┐
│ │
│ N New shopping list │
│ E Edit shopping list │
│ M Misc shopping list │
│ P Print shopping list │
│ C Clear list/marks │
│ │
└────── Esc to return ──────┘
After selecting [N] from the above menu, a new shopping list will
be generated. It will show you which recipes it is shopping for and
then tell you that it is combining the ingredients. You can then
use [E] to edit or view the generated shopping list. The shopping
list shows you the ingredient name and the recipe name for each
ingredient. There is also a miscellaneous shopping list for you
to enter such things as tooth paste, paper towels, or any other
thing not pertaining to the recipes. You can access this by pressing
[M] from the print shop sub menu. Select P from this menu to print
both shopping lists. After you have printed your shopping list, or
the next time you choose to do so, you can clear the recipes marked
with an 'S'. You can also clear the miscellaneous shipping list.
To clear these you can use [C] from the sub menu.
page 17
Printing recipes with the Reports option
Helpful Information System
Printing recipes with the Reports option
By selecting [R] reports from the main menu, you can print out your
complete recipes or just the titles of them. This function works
in conjunction with the Find option. If all the recipes are shown
you will be presented a screen like this:
┌──────────────────────── Report ──────────────────────────┐
│ │
│This will print the recipes currently selected. │
│ │
│All Recipes │
│ │
│Print Complete recipe or Title only C/T ? C │
This will print all the recipes. If you select [C], it will print
the complete recipes, or if you select [T] just the title for each
one will be printed.
If you wish to print just the 'Main Dishes', you can use the find
from the main menu and do a search by category for main dish after
which you would be presented with a screen like the following:
┌──────────────────────── Report ──────────────────────────┐
│ │
│This will print the recipes currently selected. │
│ │
│Category = MAIN DISH │
│ │
│Print Complete recipe or Title only C/T ? C │
This would print out the Main Dishes, and again either the complete
recipe or just the titles can be printed.
Helpful Information system
Compu-Chef has 5 information screens. These are editable information
screens that you can enter any information you want. We have entered
some helpful information in these for you, but feel free to modify
them in anyway you see fit. The screens include the following information:
Cooking Terms, Food Storage, Nutritional Guide, Food and Metric Equivalents,
and a Miscellaneous Info Screen.
page 18
The last option from the main menu is the utility menu. After selecting
[U] from the main menu, you will be presented with the following choices:
┌───── Utilities Menu ───────┐
│ │
│ I Import Recipes │
│ E Export Recipes │
│ Q Quantity Display │
│ C Category Maintenance │
│ N Ingredient Maintenance │
│ M Clear Marks │
│ F Fix Files │
This allows you to set up and perform various utility options of Compu-Chef.
page 19
Utilities - Importing recipes
Importing recipes allows you to load in recipes from other Compu-Chef
users, and even from other programs. After selecting [I] from this
menu, you will be presented with the following:
┌─────────────────────────── Import Recipes ─────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Import File Name import.ccf │
│ │
│ Approve each Recipe Y/N N │
│ │
│ │
│ │
This screen allows you to import recipes. If a friend is using Compu-Chef,
Meal Master or any other program that can export recipes, you can
use this to import them. Compu-Chef CURRENTLY recognizes Meal Master
recipes automatically. Other types of recipes should be edited to
match the EASY text format shown below.
The title goes on ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────
the first line ----------->│Barbecue Pork Chops
On the next three lines -->│Main Dish
is where the categories -->│Beef
are placed. -------------->│
Then the number of servings│4
Then you skip a line ----->│
The ingredients are next ->│1 c Brown Sugar
The quantity starts on │1/2 c catsup
the first column. │1 envelope dry onion soup mix
Unit of measure starts on │2 T vinegar
the ninth column. │3 T mustard
The description starts on │8 pork chops
the fourteenth column. ┌>│
Then skip another line ──┘ │Combine first 5 ingredients and pour over
Then the directions ------>│Cook at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours.
Then 3 dashes to complete >│---
the recipe. │
This is easy to do if you set tab stops at column 9 & 14 .
page 20
Utilities - Exporting recipes
This option allows you to export your recipes in Compu-chef format.
You can export All your recipes, your favorites, ones marked for shopping
or ones marked for exporting. You can also selectively export each
recipe by answering [Y] to approve each recipe. The following screen
appears after selecting EXPORT from the utility sub menu.
┌────────────────────── Export Recipes ──────────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ Export Recipes │
│ │
│ All Favorites Shopping Exports ? AFSE E │
│ │
│ Approve each Recipe Y/N N │
│ │
│ │
page 21
Utilities - Category maintenance
and Ingredient maintenance
Category maintenance
You can perform category maintenance by selecting [C] from the utility
sub menu. This allows you to delete, change or add categories. This
is very handy if you have three different categories you wish to combine
into one. (i.e. sweets, pies, and desserts).
After selecting category maintenance, you will be presented with a
screen similar to the following:
┌───────────── Category Maintenance ──────────────┐
│ │
│ Ins - Add ┌──────────────────────────┐ │
│ Enter - Edit │ │ │
│ Del - Delete │ Dessert │ │
│ │ Main Dish │ │
│ │ Sandwich │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ └──────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
└───────────────── Esc to quit ───────────────────┘
By pressing the [INS]ert key you can add a category. If you press
[Enter] on any particular category, you will be allowed to change
it. It will also change any associated recipes. For example, if you
wanted to change sweets, pies, and desserts, all to desserts, highlight
sweets, press enter, and change it to desserts. Do the same for pies.
To delete a category simply pressing the [DEL]ete key. That category
will be removed from any associated recipes..
Ingredient Maintenance
You can also perform ingredient maintenance in much of the same way
as category maintenance. After selecting [N] from the utility sub
menu you will be presented with a screen similar to the one above.
This is handy if you have something like: Diced onions, onions chopped,
and Onions minced, and you wish to change them all to Onions - Diced.
You can also delete any ingredient from here, but use this with caution,
as the ingredient will be removed from all of your recipes.
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Utilities - Deleting a group of recipes
Clearing marked recipes
and Fixing Files
Deleting a group of recipes
Use this option to delete a group of recipes. This option works in
conjunction with the FIND option. Use the FIND option to select which
recipes to delete, then select this option from the utility menu to
delete the recipes. For example, to delete all DESSERT recipes, select
the DESSERT category in the FIND option. Then use this delete option
to delete all DESSERTS. WARNING!! This option can delete ALL OF
YOUR RECIPES if you are not careful.. If you select this option without
selecting any recipes from the FIND option, then this option will
Clearing marked recipes
Using the clear marks function, you can clear any set of marks. If
you wish to clear all recipes marked as your favorite, hit [M] from
the utility sub menu and then [F] for favorite. This is an alternative
to doing each one individually.
Fixing files
You shouldn't ordinarily need to use this option. If for some reason
the index files get messed up either from a power outage or from a
system lock up, you can choose [F] from the utility sub menu upon
which time you will be asked to press any key. This function also
recovers lost space from deleted recipes, so it is not a bad idea
to use this option every couple of months, or after deleting many
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As you can see by the many features of Compu-Chef, it is a very powerful
program. We have worked very hard on this project and will continue
to support it, if those who use it support it. We already have plans
in the works to make Compu-Chef better, we even have ideas for other
programs for household use.
Any suggestions on making Compu-Chef better or ideas for another type
of program would be greatly appreciated. You can reach us by contacting
High Concepts BBS and leaving a message (504) 391-2925, or contact
HillStepper at (504) 392-4080.
Meal-Master is a trademark of Scott Welliver and Episoft Systems MS-DOS
is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
PKZIP and PKUNZIP are trademarks of PKWARE, Inc.
We would like to thank several people for there suggestions and support
while working on this project:
Sallie Austin (For recipes contained in shareware version)
Dave Davis
Ellen Cleary
Rich Harper
Michelle Bass
The wives : Rebecca and Kristi
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Appendix A
The following keys can be used in data entry screens.
Enter For entering data into a field.
Moves the cursor to the next field.
Ctrl U Restores a field to the value before it was
PgUp Saves the current changes and quits.
Esc Quits without saving the current changes.
Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current
Ctrl Home Moves the cursor to the first field of the screen.
End Moves the cursor to the last character of the
current field
Ctrl End Moves the cursor to the last field of the screen.
Up Arrow Moves the cursor to the previous field.
Dn Arrow Moves the cursor to the next field.
Rt Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the right.
Left Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the left.
page 25
Appendix A
The following keys can be used in the pick-list screens
PgUp Scrolls the list up one page.
PgDn Scrolls the list down one page.
Ctrl PgUp Moves to the top of the list.
Ctrl PgDn Moves the cursor to bottom of the list.
Up Arrow Moves the highlighted bar up one line.
Dn Arrow Moves the highlighted bar down one line.
A - Z Moves to the options starting with the letter.
page 26
Appendix A
The following keys can be used in the word processor
Up arrow Moves up one line
Dn arrow Moves down one line
Left arrow Move left one character
Right arrow Move right one character
Ctrl-Left arrow Move left one word
Ctrl-Right arrow Move right one word
Home Beginning of current line
End End of current line
Ctrl Home Beginning of current window
Ctrl End End of current window
PgUp Previous edit window
PgDn Next edit window
Ctrl PgUp Beginning of directions
Ctrl PgDn End of directions
Ins Toggle Insert mode ON/OFF
Del Delete character at cursor
Ctrl Y Delete current line
Ctrl T Delete word right
Ctrl B Reform paragraph
Esc Exit
page 27
Please send this registration for Compu-Chef to:
P.O. Box 774
Harvey, LA 70059-0774
Compu-Chef registration form
Fidonet address (if any):___________________________________
____ Copies of Compu-Chef @ $30.00 each: $__________
With on disk documentation
____ Copies of Compu-Chef @ $35.00 each: $__________
With bound manual
Louisiana Residents add applicable tax: $__________
Total: $__________
Disk format: 5 1/4" _____ 3 1/2" _____
Visa/Mastercard Accepted. To Order Call (504) 392-4080