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(C) Copyright 1980, 1984, 1989
INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1
PROGRAM HISTORY ............................................ 1
CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE ................................. 1
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ....................................... 2
PROGRAM CAPACITY ........................................... 2
KEYBOARD DESCRIPTIONS ...................................... 2
PROGRAM FILES .............................................. 3
GETTING STARTED ............................................ 3
THE RECIPE SCREEN .......................................... 4
THE MAIN MENU .............................................. 4
PROGRAM/DIRECTORY INITIALIZATION ........................... 5
ADDING RECIPES ............................................. 6
SEARCH MENU ................................................ 8
PRINT MENU .................................................10
DELETE MENU ................................................11
COLORS/UTILS MENU ..........................................11
BACKING UP THE DATA FILES ..................................13
ORDER FORM .................................................14
The Recipe Processor is a program that's designed to manipulate kitchen
recipes, much in the way a word processor manipulates text. This
program allows you to store your favorite recipes for later use and
print out. In addition, you can manipulate the number of servings the
recipe will yield, instantly adjusting the amounts of each ingredient.
You can quickly browse through your recipes, by recipe category,
ingredient, or through the entire recipe data base. It will even help
you with your shopping by preparing and printing a shopping list for
you. You can edit the shopping list and add items that are not
currently in the Recipe Processor's data base. In addition, the program
can import and export recipes, allowing easy sharing of recipes between
two computers. Try doing all this with your favorite recipe cookbook!
The Recipe Processor was conceived in 1978, when I purchased my first
computer, a TRS-80 model 1. In order to keep my wife interested in the
computer (and to justify the cost) I told her of all the wonderful
things that it could do for her in the kitchen. Unfortunately, I did
not have the disk drives necessary for the I/O, and the program remained
75% completed until 1980, when I purchased a TRS-80 model 3 computer.
With 2 single sided floppy diskette drives, the Recipe Processor was
finally up and running.
In 1984 the program was converted to run on a Model 4 TRS-80, which
allowed the luxury of an 80 x 24 screen, inverse video, and double sided
floppy drives. Written in interpretive BASIC (only 29K user space) the
program relied on a complex system of overlays in order to perform its
many functions. Needless to say it was not a speed demon.
The Recipe Processor remained unchanged until 1989, when I decided to
convert the program to run in the MSDOS environment. To speed up the
program, it was rewritten using Turbo Pascal. One of my friends, who
was kind enough to test the program, suggested that I add an
import/export feature to allow easy transfer of recipes from computer to
computer. He also suggested that the import feature be able to read the
large database of recipes that were available on the Compuserve network.
The end result that you see is basically the same program that was
written back in 1980, spiced up a bit with pull down menus, pop up
windows, and dialog boxes.
If you program in Turbo Pascal, I recommend that you purchase Turbo
Pascal Innovations, by Rockland Publishing. This book supplied me with
many of the routines that were used in the program for the menu system
and popup windows. The book comes complete with all of its routines
already on diskette. This alone is worth the price! No, I do not get
any royalties for plugging this book. Simply put, this is a great book
and a must for anyone who uses Turbo Pascal.
Computer : IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2, or 100% compatible.
Memory : A minimum of 256K of RAM is needed.
DOS : MSDOS version 2.1 and above.
Disk Drives : 1 floppy disk minimum, but works best with a hard disk.
Monitor : Monochrome or color.
Printer : Any printer that works with your computer will do.
The Recipe Processor can store a maximum of 500 recipes per directory.
Storage requirements for each recipe will vary, depending on the length
of the recipe. A recipe can contain a maximum of 48 ingredients and 65
lines of directions. With overhead, a recipe can be as large as 7.5K,
or as small as .5K, depending on it's contents.
A single bootable floppy system can contain about 100 recipes. Again,
this will vary with the size of the recipes. In a two floppy system,
a 360K data disk can hold about 300 recipes.
Hard disk systems are limited only by the size of the hard drive. A
hard drive will greatly speed the performance of the program, as disk
input/output is intensive.
A note on program capacity: The values above seem to be adequate for
most needs. Why 500 recipes per directory? To me, it seems to be more
then enough. However, if you find that the program limits on
ingredients, lines of direction, and recipes per directory are
restrictive, write to me and let me know. The program capacities are
easily expanded.
In this guide, the term RETURN refers to the carriage return key. On
some keybaords it may be labeled as enter.
The term CURSOR KEYS refers to the arrow keys, page up/dn, home/end
CONTROL KEYS refers to the function keys F1 - F10
RP.EXE ............. The Recipe Processor program.
INITIAL.RPD ........ This file stores directory initialization data,
recipe categories, and the user name for the
main screen.
NAMES.RP ........... Contains name, category, and amount for each
recipe in the database.
INGRED.RP .......... Contains all recipe ingredients and amounts.
INSTR.RP ........... Contains all recipe directions.
INDEX.RP ........... Keeps track of which ingredient and direction
records belong to which recipe.
POINTERS.RP ........ Pointer file for sorting recipes.
Before doing anything, make a working copy of the master diskette!
FLOPPY DISK USERS: Place your DOS diskette into drive A and type
DISKCOPY A: A: and press RETURN.
Follow the DOS prompts to finish the copy process.
HARD DISK USERS: Create a directory called RP by typing the following:
MD\RP and press RETURN.
CD\RP and press RETURN.
Now place the master diskette into drive A and type the following:
COPY A:*.* C: and press RETURN.
If you do not want to use the recipes that come with the program, type
the following command:
ERASE *.RP? and press RETURN.
To start the program, simply type RP and press return. If you do not
erase the RP? files, the program will begin at the main menu screen. If
the RP? files are erased, the program will begin at the initialization
The Recipe Processor divides the screen into three windows. The top
window contains 3 lines and displays the user name, current function
being executed, and the recipe name, category, and amount served.
The middle window contains 14 lines. This window is where the action
takes place. When browsing, recipes are displayed here. If adding or
editing a recipe, data input and display will occur here. The shopping
list and other program functions will also display in this window.
The third window is 3 lines long, and it displays active function keys
and program messages. Regardless of program function, this window will
keep you informed of active control keys.
There are 6 choices on the main menu, 5 of which are pull down menus.
Menu descriptions follow:
1. ADD - used to add recipes to the database.
2. SEARCH BY - This menu allows searching recipes by category,
ingredient, or by recipe name. It is also used to browse and print.
3. PRINT - this menu contains printer re-direction, shopping list, and
other print functions.
4. DELETE - this menu contains commands to delete recipes and compress
the recipe files.
5. COLORS/UTILS -contains command to customize program colors,
category and directory maintenance, import/export,
and configuration utility.
6. QUIT - quits to DOS.
Also displayed on this screen is the current data directory in use, and
the number of recipes contained in that directory.
At almost any time, pressing the ESC key will abort the current function
and return you to the main menu screen.
When the Recipe Processor begins, it checks the current directory for
the existence of the INITIAL.RPD file. If it is not present, the
PROGRAM INTRODUCTION screen is displayed. Pressing any key will bring
you to the DEFINE FOOD CATEGORIES screen. You can enter in up to 100
different food categories. Each category contains a maximum of 10
Categories can be entered in one of two ways:
1. Use the default categories that the program supplies.
2. Create your own custom categories.
To use the default categories, simply answer "yes" to the prompt:
If you answer "no", you will see the category window open on the right
side of the screen. You can enter up to 100 categories. Pressing ESC
will terminate category entry.
Categories can be added to or modified at any time during the program.
Don't get upset if you forgot to enter them all.
Whether you use the default categories or define your own, you will see
the category "TO BE EDIT". When adding or importing recipes, you may
come across a recipe whose category has not been entered into the
database. Assign "TO BE EDIT" to these recipes. When all input is
complete, add the new categories to the database (see CATEGORY UPD).
Then browse by category ("TO BE EDIT"), and change each recipe category
to it's proper entry.
When category entry is completed, you will see the prompt:
Choose Edit: Done Categories
Use the right arrow or press C to review your category list. Use the
left arrow or press D if you are done.
After selecting DONE, you will see the GET USER NAME screen. Type in up
to 25 characters for the recipe title of this directory (usually the
users first name).
The main menu will now be displayed. Only the ADD, COLORS/UTILS, and
QUIT choices will be active. The other menu choices will not activate
until there is at least 1 recipe entered into the database.
To add recipes to the database, choose the ADD option. You will be
asked for a recipe name. Enter up to 40 characters for the recipe name.
The category window will then appear in the center of the screen. Use
the up/dn arrows, pageup/dn, and home/end keys to highlight the desired
category. If the category you need has not been entered, choose TO BE
EDIT for the category. The category can be added and changed later.
You will then be asked to enter the amount of servings the recipe will
yield. Enter a number from 1 up to 999.
At this time the ingredient entry window will appear on the left, and a
smaller syntax window on the right. Each ingredient is entered in 3
parts, the amount, the measure, and the ingredient description.
The amount syntax is an optional whole number, a space, and a fraction.
It's easier to show then to describe. See below.
1 1/2 = one and one half
2/3 = two thirds
4 = 4 whole units
2 1/8 = 2 and one eighth
You must enter a valid amount or the program will not advance to the
measure entry. For some reason, if you must have a blank amount, press
the F6 key. This will fill the amount with the underline character and
move the cursor to the measure column. Remember, the bottom window will
always display active control keys.
When you have entered the amount, press RETURN. The cursor will move
over to the measure column, and the syntax window will display measure
examples. You can enter up to 6 characters to describe the measure
being used. Examples: tsp, tbls, cup, large, med, quart, ounce, oz,
each, as req, whole, and so on. If you need to have the measure blank,
just press return.
Now the cursor moves to the ingredient description column. You can
enter up to 30 characters to describe the ingredient. If needed, this
entry can be blank just by pressing return. When the ingredient is
entered, the cursor will move back to the amount column, ready to accept
the amount for the next ingredient. The program keeps track of the
ingredient number below the syntax window. Up to 48 ingredients can be
If needed, the F1 key will back up the cursor one field at a time, and
the F2 key will advance the cursor one field at a time. This allow you
to back up and correct or change previous entries. The up/dn arrow keys
will move the cursor forward or backward one whole ingredient at a time.
At this point, if you have entered all of your ingredients, you can end
ingredient entry by pressing the F10 (DONE) key, which brings up the
directions entry window.
A recipe can contain up to 65 lines of directions. Each line can have
up to 75 characters. When entering text, the arrow keys will position
the cursor in the window. The cursor will not move past the 75th
position on the line. Press either return or down arrow to go on to the
next line.
The INSERT and DEL keys function as you would expect them to. DEL will
delete the character under the cursor, and INSERT will insert characters
at the cursor position. When INSERT is active, the cursor will change
to a large cursor as a reminder. Pressing INSERT again, or advancing to
a different line of text automatically turns off the insert mode.
Caution: while in the INSERT mode, any characters that are pushed off
the right edge of the screen will be lost.
If you need to insert a line of text between 2 existing text lines,
position the cursor on the line where you want to insert text, and press
the F4 key. Text below the cursor will move down by one line, opening
up a new blank line.
Deleting an entire line of text is done by positioning the cursor on the
line to be deleted and pressing the F5 key. Again, the active control
keys are displayed in the bottom window of the screen.
To end direction input, press the F10 (DONE) key. This will display the
following prompt:
Review: Done Ingredients Directions
The word "Done" will be highlighted. If you are done entering this
recipe, just press RETURN. This will return you to the main menu screen.
If you want to review the ingredients or directions, use the left/right
arrow keys to highlight your choice and press enter.
The SEARCH menu allow you to search, display, edit, print and browse
through your database of recipes. There are 4 menu options in the
SEARCH menu:
1. RECIPE - This option allows you to search for a specific recipe in
the database. The recipe selection window will appear in the center
of the screen listing the recipes in alphabetical order. Use the
up/dn arrow, pageup/dn, home/end keys to highlight the desired
recipe. Now press enter to display the recipe. Browsing with this
option will display each recipe in the database.
2. CATEGORY - The category option allows you to select recipes from a
specified category. First the category window will appear. Use the
up/dn arrows, pageup/dn, home/end keys to select the desired
category. Now the recipe selection window will appear, listing only
the recipes that match the selected category. Again, use the cursor
keys to select and display a recipe. Browsing will only display the
recipes that meet the selected category.
3. RECIPE NAME - This option will prompt you to key in a name or partial
name of a recipe to display. The first name in the database that
satisfies the requirement is displayed. Browsing will display each
recipe in the database.
4. INGREDIENT - This option will prompt you to key in an ingredient or
partial ingredient to search for. The entire database is searched
for recipes containing a match to the selected ingredient. The
recipe selection window will then appear containing only the recipes
that contain the selected ingredient. Browsing will display only
recipes that contain the selected ingredient.
5. WILDCARD - allows you to list all recipes that contain a match to
a partial recipe name.
Once a recipe is selected it is displayed in the middle window. The
recipe is displayed in two parts: the ingredients, then the directions.
When a recipe is first displayed, the ingredients are shown in a two
column format. Up to 24 ingredients can be displayed at a time. If a
recipe has more then 24 ingredients use the PAGEUP/DN keys to display
either of the 2 ingredient pages. If a recipe contains 24 or less
ingredients, the PAGEUP/DN keys will not function. The active control
keys are as follows:
F1- DIRECTIONS. This key will toggle the display between the
ingredients and directions window. If displaying directions, the
bottom line of the screen will display page x of y, where x is the
current page being displayed and y is the maximum number of pages
for the recipe. The current page of either the ingredients or
directions will be remembered as you toggle between the two windows.
F2- NEXT. This key displays then next recipe in the database that meets
the current display criteria. Use this key to browse through the
recipes that you have selected. This key is active in both the
ingredient and directions window.
F3- PREVIOUS. This key displays the previous recipe in the database
that meets the current display criteria. Use this key to browse
F4- ZOOM LEFT. Each ingredient can contain up to 30 characters, but
only 20 characters can be displayed at a time on the screen. This
key will zoom and display the left column of ingredients in the full
30 character format.
F5- ZOOM RIGHT. Same as above, but for the right column of ingredients.
F6- PRINT RECIPE. Pressing this key will print out the recipe on your
printer. You will first be asked for the number of copies, then you
will be asked if you want the ingredients to print out in 1 or 2
columns. A 2 column printout will truncate the ingredient
description by 6 characters.
F8- EDIT. This allow you edit your recipe. Pressing this key will
cause the edit window to appear. There are four choices available:
INGREDIENT: If the ingredient window is displayed, this allows you
to enter/edit the ingredients of the selected recipe. If the
directions window is displayed, the directions can be edited. Press
the F10 (DONE) key to save the editing changes, or press ESC to
abandon the changes.
CATEGORY: allows you to choose a new category from the category
SERVES: allows you to change the number of serving that the recipe
will yield. This WILL NOT adjust the amounts column.
NAME: allows the recipe name to be modified. The recipe database
will be sorted automatically when you return to the main menu.
F9- SERVES. This allows you to temporarily change the amount served for
the recipe. The ingredient amounts will automatically be adjusted
for the new serving size. Pressing F9 a second time, or browsing to
the next/previous recipe will restore the recipe to its original
contents. Printing can be performed on the adjusted recipe.
NOTE - the recipe amounts are rounded in an attempt to prevent
fractions like 297/400 appearing. On rare occasion you may see a
fraction displayed as 4 29/4. This is really 4 and 29/40, however
the program can only display 6 characters for the amount. If you
see a fraction displayed as above, just add/subtract 1 from the
desired amount served. Example: a recipe serves 22. You want it
adjusted for 45. If a fraction is improperly displayed, change
the amount served to either 44 or 46.
F10-DONE. This key returns you to the main menu.
The print menu offers you options to print recipes, redirect the printer
to either the screen or a text file, print a shopping list, or print a
directory of all recipes in the database. Print menu options are:
1. RECIPE LIST. This will print a listing of all recipes and their
categories to either the printer or the screen.
2. RECIPE. This option will bring up the recipe selection window.
Use the cursor keys to select a recipe. The selected recipe will be
printed. See the F6 function key on the previous page.
3. SHOP LIST. Here you can choose recipes and build a shopping list
from the ingredients. You can add/delete items to/from the list, and
edit existing items. When done, your shopping list will print. See
the section "THE SHOPPING LIST" for more details.
4. PRINTER. This directs the printer output back to the printer.
5. SCREEN. This directs the printer output to the screen.
6. FILE. This directs the printer output to a file.
To build a shopping list, choose the SHOP LIST option. The recipe
selection window will appear. Use the cursor keys to select the desired
recipe and press RETURN. The screen will then show you how many items
are on the shopping list, and asks if you want to add another recipe.
If you answer yes, the recipe selection window will appear and another
recipe can be selected. Selected recipes will be omitted from the
selection list. The shopping list can support up to 200 items.
If you answer no the prompt "Add another recipe to the shopping list",
then the shopping list edit window will appear on the left side of the
screen. Use the cursor keys to scroll and edit the items in the window.
While ingredient descriptions in the recipe consist of 30 characters, in
the shopping list they can be expanded up to 50 characters. Use the
INSERT/DEL keys as necessary to edit the ingredients. If an ingredient
description becomes larger then 30 characters, it will scroll
F1- This allows you to add an ingredient to the shopping list. The
ingredient does not have to be in the recipe database. Use this to
add shopping items to the list that are not in the recipe database,
such as paper plates, soaps, pet foods, and so on.
F2- This key allows you to delete an ingredient. While the shopping
list will not duplicate ingredients from different recipes, you may
see very similiar items. Example: chopped onions and crushed
onions will each appear on the list. You may decide to delete one
of the two descriptions.
F6 or F10- this will print the shopping list to the printer, or the
redirected device.
This menu offers options to delete recipes, and to compress the recipe
data file.
1. DELETE. The delete option will display the recipe selection
window. Use the cursor keys to choose the recipe to be deleted and
press return. This will delete the recipe and display the recipe
selection window. You can now choose another recipe to delete, or
press F10 to exit the delete menu. At this time you will see the
INDEX.RP file will now be updated. This will only take about 15
seconds. A graph will be displayed showing file progress.
CAUTION - do not power down the computer until the main menu is
displayed. The INDEX.RP file must be updated with the deleted recipe
information. Powering down before the INDEX.RP file is updated will
jumble the database.
2. COMPRESS. When recipes are deleted, the recipe records are not
removed from the database files. The INDEX.RP pointers are simply
set to zero. To remove the deleted records from the database, use
the compress option. This will remove all deleted recipes and will
unfragment recipes (not the files) within the database.
Be patient. Compression will take about a minute, depending on
processor and hard disk speed. A graph will be displayed showing the
compression progress.
This menu contains the options to customize the program colors, change
directories, add/delete categories, and import or export recipes. There
are 12 options in this menu.
1. CATEGORY UPD. This allows new categories to be added, existing
categories to be edited or deleted. The category window will appear on
the right side of the screen, with the categories in alphabetical order.
To edit a category, use the cursor keys to select the desired category,
then use the INSERT/DEL keys to make the desired changes.
To delete a category, simply make the first character of the category a
To add a new category, press the END key. This will position you at the
end of the category list. Key in up to 10 characters for the new
category and press return. You can enter up to 100 categories.
Press the ESC key to end category updates. The categories will be
automatically sorted.
2. MAIN SCREEN. This allows the main screen colors to be selected.
3. MAIN MENU. This allows the main menu colors to be selected.
4. WINDOWS. This option selects colors for the popup windows.
5. RECIPE INPUT. This allows you to select colors for the recipe input
6. RECIPE DSPLY. This allows you to select colors for the recipe
display windows.
7. USER NAME. This selects colors for the user name, and allows you to
change the user name.
8. DEFAULT COLORS. This sets the program colors to their default
9. SAVE CONFIG. Once you have selected your colors, use this option to
save the color configuration. This will also save the current recipe
directory. The next time the program runs, it will use your custom
colors and the saved recipe directory.
10. CHANGE DIR. Use this option when you want to store or access
recipes in a new directory. A directory window will appear
displaying a directory tree. Use the cursor keys to select the
desired directory and press enter. If there are no directory files
in the selected directory, you will be asked if you want to
INITIALIZE the directory. The F1 key will allow you to change
11. IMPORT DATA. This allows you import recipe file that were created
by the Recipe Processor export feature. It can also read the
database of recipe files that are on the Compuserve network.
You will first be asked for the path and filename of the recipe file
to import. You will then see the prompt "IMPORT ENTIRE FILE?". If
you answer yes, the entire file will be imported in non-stop mode.
If you answer no, then you will be able to choose which recipes in
the file to import.
Next, the prompt "EDIT CATEGORIES AT THIS TIME?" will appear.
Answer no if you are importing recipes created from The Recipe
Processor running on another computer. Answer yes if you are
importing recipes from the Compuserve network.
Recipes will be displayed as they are imported. If editing
categories, the category window will appear as each recipe is
imported. Use the cursor keys to select the desired category.
12. EXPORT DATA. Use this option to place recipes into a file which can
be imported into other recipe processor programs.
You will first be asked if the export file is meant for another
RECIPE PROCESSOR program. If you are going to attempt to import
these recipes into a program other then the RECIPE PROCESSOR, answer
no. This will attempt to create an export file with maximum
compatibility. If the file is meant for another RECIPE PROCESSOR
program, answer yes. The RECIPE PROCESSOR will be able to read both
formats of the exported file.
Next, you will be prompted for an export file name. If the file
does not exist, you will be asked if you want to create the file.
If you answer no, the export function will terminate. If the export
file exists, recipes will be added to the file. The recipe
selection window will then appear. Use the cursor keys to select
the desired recipe to export, and press return. The recipe
selection window will again appear, allowing you to select as many
recipes as you want to export. Recipes selected will not be
displayed in the recipe selection window. When all recipes have
been selected, press the F10 key to transfer the choosen recipes to
the datafile.
After you add to your recipe database, or before you delete recipes
from your database, be sure you backup your recipes. This is easily
done in one of two ways.
1. Copy all *.RP? files to diskette, or
2. Use the export function for the entire database.
Jay Lichtenstein
185 Canterbury Ct.
East Windsor N.J. 08520
Please make checks payable to Jay Lichtenstein. The Recipe Processor
will be supplied on a 360k 5 1/4 inch diskette.
Shipping will be by UPS. Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.
---------------- ORDER FORM - MAIL TO ABOVE ADDRESS -----------------
Quantity:___________ x $35.00 ------> Total: ___________
Registrant Name ______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________ State _____ Zip ______
Phone (______) _______________________________________________________
Registering the program entitles you to receive the next major upgrade
to the Recipe Processor free of charge. Further upgrades will be
$10.00 for registered users.
If you have any comment or suggestions on improving the Recipe
Processor, please write to me at the above address. If your
suggestion becomes a part of the Recipe Processor, you will
receive the next upgrade free of charge.