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File List  |  1993-12-06  |  17KB  |  211 lines

  1. 101NOS.ZIP     101 Ways To Say No!! Tres Amusant                               
  2. 1991IRAQ.ZIP   The 1991 Iraqi Calendar. (Humor)                                
  3. 8088.ZIP       Undocumented DOS Commands (Humor)                               
  4. ADDICT.ZIP     Humorous Modem Addiction Text                                   
  5. ADVRTIZE.ZIP   Humorous Advertising Bloopers.                                  
  6. ALICEDIG.ZIP   Humor: Alice In Digitaland                                      
  7. ANSMACH.ZIP    Funny Sayings To Put On Your Answering Mach.                    
  8. APHORISM.ZIP   A Collection Of Various Sayings.                                
  9. APRIAL.ZIP     Practical Joke Program                                          
  10. ASCIICOD.ZIP   Amusing Account Of Non-ABC ASCII Codes.                         
  11. ASCIIEXT.ZIP   Ancient Meaning Of Extended ASCII Characters                    
  12. BAB200.ZIP     Humorous/Fun Creativity Tool For Word Lovers                    
  13. BABEL92A.ZIP   List Of Computer Related Abbreviations And Acronyms             
  14. BACKTALK.ZIP   Backtalk - Makes DOS Talk Back, A Practical Joke                
  15. BEER.ZIP       Why Beer Is Better Than A Wife - Humor                          
  16. BIGJOKE.ZIP    A Large Text File Containing Many Jokes.                        
  17. BIMG1029.ZIP   Glossary Of Humorous Terms                                      
  18. BLNDJOK2.ZIP   More Blond Jokes                                                
  19. BLOND.ZIP      202 Blond Jokes...                                              
  20. BLOND111.ZIP   All Jokes In Other Files & More                                 
  21. BLONDES.ZIP    Humorous Text File! On Why Blondes Have More Fun! Check This On 
  22.                Out...                                                          
  23. BLONDES1.ZIP   133 Compiled And Edited Blonde Jokes. Edited From Several Other 
  24.                Files.                                                          
  25. BLONDJOK.ZIP   Collection Of Blond Jokes                                       
  26. BLOOPERS.ZIP   A Collection Of The Best Student Bloopers That You Will Find    
  27.                Anywhere                                                        
  28. BLURP.ZIP      Joke--Makes Screen Blur-R-P-P                                   
  29. BSTBLND.ZIP    Blonde Joke                                                     
  30. BSTJOKES.ZIP   Jokes And More Jokes                                            
  31. BULB.ZIP       Updated Lightbulb Joke List.                                    
  32. BULBJOKE.ZIP   Lightbulb Jokes...No One Is Spared...                           
  33. BYUJOKS.ZIP    BYU Jokes                                                       
  34. COMPDIC.ZIP    Humorous Computer Dictionary                                    
  35. COMPDICT.ZIP   Tonkins Computer Dictionary Humorous                            
  36. COMPFUNY.ZIP   Hilarious Parody Of Entrance Exams For UC Colleges              
  37. COMPLANG.ZIP   Humorous Comparison Of Computer Languages                       
  38. CONSP.ZIP      For Any Conspiracy Buff Sort Of Humorous Look                   
  39. COOKBERK.ZIP   Humor: How To Cook A Berkeley Student                           
  40. COOPLAWS.ZIP   Cooper's 13 Laws Of CAD Systems - Humor(?)                      
  41. COURT.ZIP      A Listing Of Actual Funny Things Said In Court                  
  42. CURSE201.ZIP   Curses ! V2.01 -A Humorous And Creative Insult Generator        
  43. DB3JOKE.ZIP    Joke Program (Well Written) In Dbase III 003                    
  44. DEADANML.ZIP   Uses For A Dead Animal (Mainly Cats)                            
  45. DEVILDIC.ZIP   Humor: Devil's Dictionary Excerpts                              
  46. DLJUNKIE.ZIP   Hilarious - If This Sounds Like You, You're A Download Junkie.  
  47. DOSJOKE.ZIP    Says Rude Comments To The Unsuspecting User                     
  48. DRIVE.ZIP      Humor: Massachusetts Drivers....                                
  49. EMP_EVAL.ZIP   Employee Evaluation-Humor                                       
  50. ETHNIC.ZIP     Collection Of Ethnic Jokes                                      
  51. EXAMFUNY.ZIP   Hilarious Text File On College Exams                            
  52. EXCUSE.ZIP     Loads Of Humorous Excuses                                       
  53. EXCUSE30.ZIP   30 Top Excuses For Arriving Late                                
  54. EXCUSES.ZIP    List Of Reasons To Get Out Of Work                              
  55. FARSI.ZIP      Phrase Book For Potential Hostages. Useful!                     
  56. FAXAJOKE.ZIP   Information On Obtaining Faxed Joke Of The Day                  
  57. FJOKE.ZIP      FBI Joke                                                        
  58. FORTUNE2.ZIP   A Humorous Quote In .EPS Format: How I Made My Fortune. Dump It 
  59.                Straight To Your Postscript Printer And Post It At Work.        
  60. FRENCH31.ZIP   31 Excuses In English & French For Arriving Late To French Class
  61. FUNGUS.ZIP     Ask Uncle Fungus -- Fun For The Moronic...                      
  62. FUNNY.ZIP      Humor Re: Electricity And Programmers                           
  63. FUSIOFUN.ZIP   Humor: Fusion Backwoods Fun                                     
  64. GLOVES.ZIP     This Is A Joke Text File About Gloves                           
  65. GOPHER.ZIP     MS-Windows Graphic Joke --Cute!!!                               
  66. GOVPERSO.ZIP   Humor: Personnel Office In Government                           GRAVESTO.ZIP   A Humorous Story From The Grave                                 
  67. GROWOLD.ZIP    Fun List Of Signs Of Growing Old.                               
  68. GROWTH.ZIP     Personal Growth Courses (Humor)                                 
  69. HACKBIB.ZIP    Hacker's Bible -- The Jargon File Collection Of Slang & Hacker  
  70.                Lore                                                            
  71. HACKDICT.ZIP   Very Current Hackers' Dictionary: Barf, Flame                   
  72. HACKER.ZIP     Discussion Of Dangers Of Hackers                                
  73. HACKERS.ZIP    Zip Of Text Of Night Of The Living Hackers.                     
  74. HACKRTST.ZIP   Humorous Hacker's Test                                          
  75. HACKTERM.ZIP   Glossary Of Hacker Terminology. Amusing!                        
  76. HAHABULB.ZIP   Lightbulb Jokes                                                 
  77. HEAD.ZIP       Makes Computer Voice Emulator - Humorous                        
  78. HEADLNRS.ZIP   Humorous Collection Of Newspaper Headlines With A Commentary On 
  79.                Each.                                                           
  80. HELLTXT.ZIP    Being Only A Partial List Of Things In Hell..                   
  81. HIST20.ZIP     History Bloopers Text File.                                     
  82. HOTBOOT.ZIP    Hotboot -A Program That Lets You Booby-Trap Someone's Computer  
  83. HOWNOTES.ZIP   Humor: How To Take Notes                                        
  84. HOWTOFLY.ZIP   What To Do When Called Upon To Fly An Airplane - Humorous       
  85. HUMORTXT.ZIP   A Collection Of Humorous Text Files - Good                      
  86. JARGN299.ZIP   Jargon V2.99 Large/Complete List Of Computer Terms, Phrases, And
  87.                Hacker Terms.(4-3-92).                                          
  88. JBASE12.ZIP    ASP> Jokebase, Gag Database & Library                           
  89. JEANPAUL.ZIP   Talk To J.P. Sartre--Sidewalk Cafe (COM/Pas)                    
  90. JF281A.ZIP     The Jargon File V2.8.1 3/91 Draft For The "New Hacker's         
  91.                Dictionary" 1/2                                                 
  92. JF281B.ZIP     New Hacker's Dictionary Draft 2/2                               
  93. JKEDAY31.ZIP   Joke Of Day Version 3.1415926535                                
  94. JOKE.ZIP       Make Your Computer Screen Turn Upside Down                      
  95. JOKE#12.ZIP    Volume 12 - More Jokes!!!!                                      
  96. JOKE105.ZIP    Audio File Of A Joke Use SOUND.ZIP Program                      
  97. JOKE4-90.ZIP   Clean, Wholesome Text File                                      
  98. JOKE5-90.ZIP   Clean, Wholesome Text File                                      
  99. JOKE6-90.ZIP   Clean, Wholesome Text File                                      
  100. JOKE7-90.ZIP   Clean, Wholesome Text File                                      
  101. JOKE8-90.ZIP   Clean, Wholesome Text File                                      
  102. JOKE9-90.ZIP   Clean, Wholesome Text File                                      
  103. JOKEA-90.ZIP   Clean, Wholesome Text File                                      
  104. JOKEC-90.ZIP   Clean Wholesome Fun. Text File.                                 
  105. JOKES.ZIP      Collection Of Bogus Computer Errors.                            
  106. JOKES#14.ZIP   A Recent Collection Of Recent Jokes....                         
  107. JOKES#17.ZIP   Text File Of Jokes.                                             
  108. JOKES2.ZIP     Misc. Meanderings, Palindromes Etc..                            
  109. JOKES3.ZIP     A Short Collection Of Jokes                                     
  110. JOKES4.ZIP     The Ultimate Collection Of Lightbulb Jokes                      
  111. JOKES5.ZIP     Collection Of Good Jokes                                        
  112. JOKES6.ZIP     More Jokes                                                      
  113. JOKES_14.ZIP   Jokes & Gags                                                    
  114. JOKIN-1.ZIP    Jokin' Around Joke Compilation 1 Of 4                           
  115. JOKIN-10.ZIP   Next Series Of Jokes....Pretty Good                             
  116. JOKIN-2.ZIP    Jokin' Around Joke Compilation 2 Of 4                           
  117. JOKIN-3.ZIP    Jokin' Around Joke Compilation 3 Of 4                           
  118. JOKIN-32.ZIP   Jokin Around Joke Series #32                                    
  119. JOKIN-4.ZIP    Jokin' Around Joke Compilation 4 Of 4                           
  120. JOKIN-5.ZIP    5th In The Jokin Series...                                      
  121. JOKIN-6.ZIP    6th In The Jokin Series                                         
  122. JOKIN-7.ZIP    7th In The Jokin Series                                         
  123. JOKIN-8.ZIP    8th In The Jokin Series...                                      
  124. JOKLAF2.ZIP    Joker's Laugh 2                                                 
  125. JOKLAF3.ZIP    Joker's Laugh 3                                                 
  126. KBPRAYER.ZIP   Humorous Text File - Keyboard Prayer !                          
  127. LAFTTER.ZIP    Some Fun Text Files                                             
  128. LAWJOKES.ZIP   Collection Of Jokes On Those Shysters!                          
  129. LAWS.ZIP       A Collection Of 'Murphy's Laws' And More..                      
  130. LAWSLIFE.ZIP   Laws Of Life (Text)                                             
  131. LAWYER.ZIP     Collection Of 'Lawyer' Jokes                                    LAWYER7.ZIP    1987 Lawyers' Jokes In Case You Missed Them                     
  132. LAWYERS.ZIP    Another Collection Of Lawyer Jokes                              
  133. LAWYRJOK.ZIP   Humor: More Lawyer Jokes                                        
  134. LBLBJOKE.ZIP   Worlds Greatest Light Bulb Joke                                 
  135. LITEBULB.ZIP   Definitive List Of Lightbulb Jokes.                             
  136. LOVEDOS.ZIP    Joke DOS Replacement, It's Sickly Sweet/Nice                    
  137. MAC_EMUL.ZIP   Mac Emulator -Humorous Program That Emulates A Mac              
  138. MADHATTR.ZIP   Humor: Mad Hatter's Day                                         
  139. MAGIC.ZIP      Harddisk Joke! QB4.0 W/Source                                   
  140. MAKE-DOC.ZIP   Be A Professional Document Writer! (Humor)                      
  141. MANLAUGH.ZIP   Jokes About Men."Why Are Men Like Noodles?"                     
  142. MCDONNEL.ZIP   Humor: McDonnel-Douglas Owner Registration Form                 
  143. MICRODIP.ZIP   A Little Computer Humor                                         
  144. MIDEAST.ZIP    Useful Phrases For Mideast Travelers (Jokes)                    
  145. MISSDISH.ZIP   Humor: Miss Dish's Lament                                       
  146. MLAW.ZIP       Murphy's Law (And Many Others) Explained.                       
  147. MOUSEBAL.ZIP   Hilarious IBM Internal Memo On Mouse Balls                      
  148. MRFINCOM.ZIP   Murphy's Laws Of Combat (Addendum- Iraq)                        
  149. MURFSEX.ZIP    Murphy's Laws On Sex!                                           
  150. MURPHLAW.ZIP   Murphy's Law                                                    
  151. MURPHY.ZIP     Witty And Humorous Wisdom For AUTOEXEC.BAT                      
  152. MURPHY05.ZIP   Murphy's Law And Like Sayings.                                  
  153. MURPHY2.ZIP    More Of Murphy's Laws Text File                                 
  154. NERD.ZIP       How To Keep A Nerd Busy                                         
  155. NEWLANG.ZIP    New Languages Programmers Wit & Humor                           
  156. OH_FLOW_.ZIP   A Flowchart For Mondays & Fridays! (Humor)                      
  157. OLW.ZIP        Our Lawyer Writes: Humor Picking On Attys                       
  158. ONELINER.ZIP   Collection Of One Line Jokes                                    
  159. OXYMORON.ZIP   Short List Of Oxymorons (Bittersweet)                           
  160. PICKUP.ZIP     Some Good Lines To Help With Dates                              
  161. POL-CORR.ZIP   Satire: The Official "Politically Correct" Dictionary. 5.5.91   
  162. POLLAW.ZIP     75 Quotes, Quips, Sayings And Jokes About Politicians And       
  163.                Lawyers.                                                        
  164. QUAYLE.ZIP     Large Collection Of Quayle Jokes                                
  165. REALOPS.ZIP    Humorous Textfile On How "Real" Sysops Run A Bulletin Board     
  166.                System, In The Tradition Of 'Real Men Don't Eat Quiche'         
  167. REALPRGR.ZIP   Real Programmers Don't.....                                     
  168. RECEIPTS.ZIP   Text Of An 1861 Canadian Book Listing Various Home Remedies And 
  169.                The Like. Sometimes Hilarious!                                  
  170. RISC.ZIP       Ridiculous Instruction Set Computer -- Humor.                   
  171. RSRCHPAP.ZIP   Humor: Research Paper Interpretation                            
  172. RUSJOKES.ZIP   1001 Russian Jokes In Cyrillic...From St. Petersburg.           
  173. SAYINGS4.ZIP   Humorous Words Of Wisdom And Comedy.                            
  174. SCI_TEST.ZIP   Funny But True Answers On Science Tests In US                   
  175. SCOTJOK2.ZIP   Scotty Baby's Greatest Joke Collection                          
  176. SEAGULL.ZIP    List Of Joke Classes For Seagull University                     
  177. SELPROGL.ZIP   Humor: Selecting Programming Languages Made Easy                
  178. SEXLAWS.ZIP    Murphy's Law On Sex                                             
  179. SKOOL.ZIP      Some Funny Answers To A History Quiz                            
  180. SLAPPER.ZIP    Practical Joke To Play On Unsuspecting PCer                     
  181. SMAC.ZIP       Mac Emulator, Humor & Somewhat Useful                           
  182. SNURGLE.ZIP    If You Need A Laugh Today, You Need This One Includes A Special 
  183.                Invitation For You To Have Some Fun                             
  184. STUPDSIG.ZIP   Humor: Signatures: Kind Of Stupid                               
  185. SWLIFCYC.ZIP   Humor: Software Life Cycle                                      
  186. THEPLAN.ZIP    A Cute Look At How "Stuff" Happens.....                         
  187. THERULES.ZIP   Short But Humorous Text File - Written By A Female              
  188. THISGUY.ZIP    This Guy Bar Jokes.                                             
  189. TICKLITE.ZIP   Ticklite-Jokes, Sayings, Trivia Teller Display A Continuous     
  190.                Stream Of Jokes On Your Screen In DOS Or In Windows 3.1         
  191. TLJOKES.ZIP    A Collection Of Tasteless Jokes. Celebrities Food, Serial       
  192.                Killers, Aids, Etc                                              
  193. USSRMODE.ZIP   Article From Pravda About Modems (Hilarious)                    
  194. WARSTORY.ZIP   Humor: Vaxen War Story                                          
  195. WATER.ZIP      Joke Program Makes Water Draining Sound                         
  196. WEIGHCHK.ZIP   A Humorous Weight Control Program                               WHRBOUT.ZIP    Leave Humorous Messages Onscreen While Away!                    
  197. WINLOSE.ZIP    Humorous Wallpaper For Frustrated Win3 Users                    
  198. WISEGUY.ZIP    Humorous Responses To DOS Commands                              
  199. WOMANTXT.ZIP   Chemical Analysis Of Women (Humor)                              
  200. WORMXMAS.ZIP   Humor: The Worm Before Xmas Rhyme                               
  201. XCRPTS1.ZIP    Short, Humorous News Items. #1                                  
  202. XCRPTS2.ZIP    Short, Humorous News Items. #2                                  
  203. XCRPTS3.ZIP    Short, Humorous News Items. #3                                  
  204. XCRPTS4.ZIP    Short, Humorous News Items. #4                                  
  205. XCRPTS5.ZIP    Short, Humorous News Items. #5                                  
  206. XCRPTS6.ZIP    Short, Humorous News Items. #6                                  
  207. XCRPTS7.ZIP    Short, Humorous News Items. #7                                  
  208. XMASTIME.ZIP   A Sorry Tale For Computer Freaks At Xmastime!                   
  209. YOUSON.ZIP     You's On First -- Sequel For Abbott & Costello                  
  210. ZERRO1-5.ZIP   Jokes From Zerro                                                