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- /*
- * @(#) MPEG Audio Player maplay 1.1, last edit of this file: 2/21/94 18:10:24
- * @(#) Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Tobias Bading (bading@cs.tu-berlin.de)
- * @(#) Berlin University of Technology
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- 0) Already tested platforms
- The source code of this first release of maplay has been successfully tested
- with the following configurations:
- - SPARCstations with SunOS 4.1.3 or Solaris 2.2 (SunOS 5.2),
- GNU C++ 2.5.1, GCC 2.5.4
- - SGI with IRIX 4.0.5F, GNU C++ 2.5.1, GCC 2.5.4
- - DECstation with ULTRIX 4.2, GNU C++ 2.5.1, GCC 2.5.8
- 1) Compiling the sources
- First of all, take a look at the shell script configuration.sh. This script
- specifies values for the following environment variables:
- COMPILER Put the name of your C++ compiler in here, "g++" for
- example. You may specify the full path for your
- compiler if the makefile doesn't find the compiler.
- COMPILERFLAGS This variable contains compiler flags for your
- compiler. The -D flags together with #ifdefs in the
- sources create the (hopefully) correct program for your
- machine. You should not change these defines.
- Other flags are for optimizations, like "-O2" for the
- GNU g++, warning output control etc.
- What the define "-DDAMN_INTEL_BYTE_ORDER" does
- should be obvious. It has to be defined on machines
- which use the same byte order as Intel processors.
- (Intel byte order is lowest-byte-first)
- INCLUDEDIRS Put -I options for include file paths for your compiler
- in here. The options are used by makedepend and make.
- LIBRARIES This variable should contain -l options needed by
- your compiler for linking the program. The math
- library is automatically included in the makefile.
- AUDIO_INCLUDES Audio include files, like audio.h or audioio.h, are
- often placed in different directories on different
- machines. Put the correct include directive for your
- machine in here, for example "#include <sys/audio.h>".
- The script configuration.sh contains a big switch statement, which tests the
- output of the command "uname -sr". This command should return the name and
- release of your operating system. You should enter this command in a shell
- first, to see if the output matches one of the already existing case entries.
- If so, you can modify the environment settings of this entry according to your
- needs. If your operating system and/or release hasn't been tested by now,
- you may enter your own entry according to the "uname -sr" output and put in
- your environment settings then (see 1.1: Compiling on new platforms).
- If your operating system does not know a uname command, you may write a shell
- script named "uname" containing
- "echo Your_System 1.23"
- and add an entry in the configuration.sh file. Or you can throw away the switch
- statement and leave only your environment settings in the script file.
- After you have modified configuration.sh, you can run "make" to start
- compiling. I hope you will be rewarded with an executable after doing so.
- If the compilation process didn't make it till the end, you may try to
- fix the problem. If you need to adjust the environment settings mentioned
- above, you should execute "make clean" thereafter and then "make" again.
- If you don't get the problem fixed, you can send me an email (to
- bading@cs.tu-berlin.de) wherein you describe your problem. You can also sent
- me an email, if you successfully compiled the program, but needed to do
- some changes to the sources. These changes may also be useful for other users,
- so I can include your changes in the next release.
- I am interested in any expiriences in compiling the program on other machines,
- because I can't test the program on any existing type of machine myself.
- Bug reports etc. should be send to bading@cs.tu-berlin.de, too.
- 1.1) Compiling on new platforms
- Due to the fact that you are using a computer on which I have not tested the
- program by now, everthing can happen while compiling the program (who knows?).
- Besides, even if your computer has an audio device with CD quality, the program
- cannot use it, because each device has a different programming interface, like
- a library, or ioctls etc. and I wrote only routines for Indigos and SPARC 10
- by now. But if you have enough informations about your device and some knowledge
- in C/C++, who can write your own output class. If you are interested, take a
- look at chapter 1.2. If you want to use the program as a decoder only, you do
- not have to worry about this.
- Ok, now here is what you should do to get the program running on your machine:
- a) Create a new entry in configuration.sh according to your "uname -sr" output.
- b) Set the environment variables COMPILER, INCLUDEDIRS and LIBRARIES to values
- usefull on your machine.
- c) Leave AUDIO_INCLUDES empty. If you want to write your own output class, you
- may need this variable.
- d) Include the following options into the variable COMPILERFLAGS:
- - the best possible optimization option(s) for your compiler
- (-O2 for example)
- - -DDAMN_INTEL_BYTE_ORDER, if your machine uses Intel byte order.
- If you do not know which byte order is used by your machine, try it
- without this define first. If the program creates warnings like
- "WARNING: stream contains illegal ...", you should add the define, execute
- "make clean ; make" and try it again.
- Do not insert the defines "-DIRIX", "-DIndigo", "-DSolaris", "-DSunOS",
- "-DSPARC", "-DULTRIX" or "-DDEC" into COMPILERFLAGS. But you can create
- new define names for your machine.
- I hope you get a working executable after modifying configuration.sh and
- running make. If that is not the case, you have two options:
- 1. Try to fix the problem yourself with new #ifdefs in the sources.
- 2. Send me an email describing your problems.
- 1.2) Writing a new output class
- First of all, I have to remind you of the computational effort the program
- needs in this first version. Currently mono streams need a half Indigo or
- SPARC 10 for realtime playback. Stereo stream need the whole machine.
- So it might be possible that you are not able to play any streams even
- if you have written a new output class for your device, because your computer
- (or the program ;-) is too slow for realtime decoding. You should know the
- power of your machine or ask someone who knows it before you start writing
- a new output class.
- Ok, you want to write a new output class?
- Then take a look at the file obuffer.h first. The Class Obuffer is an
- abstract base class for all audio output classes. Currently implemented
- derived classes are:
- - class ShortObuffer for raw PCM output to a filedescriptor
- - class IndigoObuffer for audio playback on Silicon Graphics Indigo machines
- - class SparcObuffer for audio playback on Sun SPARC 10 machines with the
- dbri device
- To access your audio device, the program needs a new class derived from
- Obuffer specifically for this device. The new class has to implement the
- following methods:
- - a constructor
- The constructor has configure the audio device. It should set the
- number of channels (mono or stereo) and the sample frequency (32, 44.1 or
- 48 kHz) according to the mode of the audio stream. These informations should
- be included in the parameters of the constructor. The sample format is
- always 16 bit signed PCM.
- - void append (uint32 channel, int16 value)
- This function takes a channel number (0 for left or 1 for right) and a
- PCM sample. The sample should be stored in an array for later output.
- - void write_buffer (int fd)
- This function should transfer samples from previous calls to append() to the
- audio device. Samples are not written to the audio device in append(),
- because a syscall takes too much time. The parameter is a dummy in this case.
- You can take the implementations in obuffer.c as a guideline.
- To use your class, the main function in maplay.c has to be modified. Simply
- remove the //s in lines 216-226 and fill in your class name, parameters etc.
- If you have implemented a new output class, you will be rewarded with the
- great audio quality of MPEG audio. And if you think that other users might
- like your class too, sent me a copy of your sources and I will include it
- in the next release.
- Enjoy MPEG audio,
- bye,
- Tobias Bading (email: bading@cs.tu-berlin.de)