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Text File | 1992-12-03 | 52.4 KB | 1,431 lines |
- % This text was produced with psbox's \joinfiles. You should:
- %-save this with a filename CONTAINING ONLY LETTERS
- % (say, PSBOXALL.TEX), in some uncrowded directory;
- %-tex PSBOXALL.TEX using Plain TeX.
- % You will get 6 files:
- % psbox.tex (the macros),
- % psbsamp.tex (the dox & sample file)
- % psbREAD.ME (a quick overview)
- % box.ps (a stupid sample PostScript dawing)
- % psbugs.tex (a sample bug report file)
- % psboxOK.tex {an anti-bug report file: please send if satisfied!)
- % and furthermore do the equivalent of TeXing psbsamp.tex.
- %Beginning-Of-File-Named:psbox.tex
- %
- % %%%%%%% %%%%% %%%%%% %%%%% % %
- % % % % % % % % % %
- % % % % % % % % % %
- % %%%%%%% %%%%% %%%%%% % % %
- % % % % % % % % %
- % % % % % % % % %
- % % %%%%%% %%%%%% %%%%% % %
- %
- % By Jean Orloff
- % Comments & suggestions by e-mail: ORLOFF@surya11.cern.ch
- % No modification of this file allowed if not e-sent to me.
- %
- % psbox is a set of machine-independent TeX macros to
- % 1) allow (Encapsulated) PostScript figure inclusion in all versions
- % of TeX (Plain, LaTeX) on all machines using a PostScript printer
- % 2) facilitate the communication (e-mail, ftp, ...) of all the files
- % (text, macros, figs) needed to reproduce a TeX document by grouping
- % them together into a single, TeXable file.
- % For more info, get the file pub/TeX/psbox/PSBOXALL.TEX by anonymous
- % ftp from cs.nyu.edu(=
- %
- % History:
- % 1.34 \readfilename=final fix for all filename scans; try \psforptips
- % 1.33: corrects \psnewinput for LaTeX (still fails if fname=a{b}c)
- % 1.32: corrects \psfordvialw and adds .TEX to PSBOXALL(!)
- % 1.31: adds \psfordvialw(?)
- % 1.30: adds \splitfile & \joinfiles for multi-file management
- % 1.24: fix error handling & add \psonlyboxes
- % 1.22: makes \drawingBox \global for use in Phyzzx
- % 1.21: accepts %%BoundingBox: (atend)
- % 1.20: tries to add \psfordvitps for the TeXPS package.
- % 1.10: adds \psforoztex, error handling...
- %2345678 1 2345678 2 2345678 3 2345678 4 2345678 5 2345678 6 2345678 7 23456789
- %
- % Checking version no to avoid multiple loadings
- \def\temp{1.34}%
- \let\tempp=\relax
- \expandafter\ifx\csname psboxversion\endcsname\relax
- \message{PSBOX(\temp) loading}%
- \else
- \ifdim\temp cm>\psboxversion cm
- \message{PSBOX(\temp) loading}%
- \else
- \message{PSBOX(\psboxversion) is already loaded: I won't load
- PSBOX(\temp)!}%
- \let\temp=\psboxversion
- \let\tempp=\endinput
- \fi
- \fi
- \tempp
- \let\psboxversion=\temp
- \catcode`\@=11
- % Every macro likes a little privacy...
- %
- %Trying to tame the variety of \special commands for Postscript: the
- % universal internal command \PSspeci@l##1##2 takes ##1 to be the
- % filename and ##2 to be the integer scale factor*1000 (as for usual
- % TeX \scale commands)
- %
- \def\psfortextures{% For TeXtures on the Macintosh
- %-----------------
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{%
- \special{illustration ##1\space scaled ##2}%
- }}%
- \def\psfordvitops{% For the DVItoPS converter on IBM mainframes
- %----------------
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{%
- \special{dvitops: import ##1\space \the\drawingwd \the\drawinght}%
- }}%
- \def\psfordvips{% For DVIPS converter on VAX, UNIX and PC's
- %--------------
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{%
- % \special{/@scaleunit 1000 def}% never read dox without trying!
- \d@my=0.1bp \d@mx=\drawingwd \divide\d@mx by\d@my% BUG! for large \drawingwd
- \special{PSfile=##1\space llx=\psllx\space lly=\pslly\space%
- urx=\psurx\space ury=\psury\space rwi=\number\d@mx
- }}}%
- \def\psforoztex{% For the OzTeX shareware on the Macintosh
- %--------------
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{%
- \special{##1 \space
- ##2 1000 div dup scale
- \number-\psllx\space \number-\pslly\space translate
- }}}%
- \def\psfordvitps{% From the UNIX TeXPS package, vers.>3.12
- %---------------
- % Convert a dimension into the number \psn@sp (in scaled points)
- \def\psdimt@n@sp##1{\d@mx=##1\relax\edef\psn@sp{\number\d@mx}}
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{%
- % psfig.psr contains the def of "startTexFig": if you can locate it
- % and include the correct pathname, it should work
- \special{dvitps: Include0 "psfig.psr"}% contains def of "startTexFig"
- \psdimt@n@sp{\drawingwd}
- \special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
- \psdimt@n@sp{\drawinght}
- \special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
- \psdimt@n@sp{\psllx bp}
- \special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
- \psdimt@n@sp{\pslly bp}
- \special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
- \psdimt@n@sp{\psurx bp}
- \special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space"}
- \psdimt@n@sp{\psury bp}
- \special{dvitps: Literal "\psn@sp\space startTexFig\space"}
- \special{dvitps: Include1 "##1"}
- \special{dvitps: Literal "endTexFig\space"}
- }}%
- \def\psfordvialw{% Try for dvialw, a UNIX public domain
- %---------------
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{
- \special{language "PostScript",
- position = "bottom left",
- literal " \psllx\space \pslly\space translate
- ##2 1000 div dup scale
- -\psllx\space -\pslly\space translate",
- include "##1"}
- }}%
- \def\psforptips{% For MS-DOS; LUOMA@brandeis.bitnet
- %---------------
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{{
- \d@mx=\psurx bp
- \advance \d@mx by -\psllx bp
- \divide \d@mx by 1000\multiply\d@mx by \xscale
- \incm{\d@mx}
- \let\tmpx\dimincm
- \d@my=\psury bp
- \advance \d@my by -\pslly bp
- \divide \d@my by 1000\multiply\d@my by \xscale
- \incm{\d@my}
- \let\tmpy\dimincm
- \d@mx=-\psllx bp
- \divide \d@mx by 1000\multiply\d@mx by \xscale
- \d@my=-\pslly bp
- \divide \d@my by 1000\multiply\d@my by \xscale
- \at(\d@mx;\d@my){\special{ps:##1 x=\tmpx, y=\tmpy}}
- }}}%
- \def\psonlyboxes{% Draft-like behaviour if none of the others works
- %---------------
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{%
- \at(0cm;0cm){\boxit{\vbox to\drawinght
- {\vss\hbox to\drawingwd{\at(0cm;0cm){\hbox{({\tt##1})}}\hss}}}}
- }}%
- \def\psloc@lerr#1{%
- \let\savedPSspeci@l=\PSspeci@l%
- \def\PSspeci@l##1##2{%
- \at(0cm;0cm){\boxit{\vbox to\drawinght
- {\vss\hbox to\drawingwd{\at(0cm;0cm){\hbox{({\tt##1}) #1}}\hss}}}}
- \let\PSspeci@l=\savedPSspeci@l% restore normal output for other figs!
- }}%
- %\def\psfor... add your own!
- %
- % Some common defs
- %
- \newread\pst@mpin
- \newdimen\drawinght\newdimen\drawingwd
- \newdimen\psxoffset\newdimen\psyoffset
- \newbox\drawingBox
- \newcount\xscale \newcount\yscale \newdimen\pscm\pscm=1cm
- \newdimen\d@mx \newdimen\d@my
- \newdimen\pswdincr \newdimen\pshtincr
- \let\ps@nnotation=\relax
- {\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=12 |catcode`|%=12 |catcode`~=12
- |catcode`#=12 |catcode`*=14
- |xdef|backslashother{\}*
- |xdef|percentother{%}*
- |xdef|tildeother{~}*
- |xdef|sharpother{#}*
- }%
- % useful to display special chars in \tt; fails for \,#,%
- \def\R@moveMeaningHeader#1:->{}%
- \def\uncatcode#1{%
- \edef#1{\expandafter\R@moveMeaningHeader\meaning#1}}%
- %
- \def\execute#1{#1}% NOT stupid: cs in #1 are then identified BEFORE execution
- \def\psm@keother#1{\catcode`#112\relax}% borrowed from latex
- \def\executeinspecs#1{%
- \execute{\begingroup\let\do\psm@keother\dospecials\catcode`\^^M=9#1\endgroup}}%
- \def\@mpty{}%
- % \if\matchin#1#2<=> \iftrue if #1 contains #2, <=>\iffalse otherwise:
- % \if\matchexpin: idem, but #1 & #2 are first fully expanded (no \if
- % inside!)
- % \tmpa & \tmpb contain what's before and after the occurence of #2
- \def\matchexpin#1#2{
- \fi%
- %\message{(#1>#2)}
- \edef\tmpb{{#2}}%
- \expandafter\makem@tchtmp\tmpb%
- \edef\tmpa{#1}\edef\tmpb{#2}%
- \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\m@tchtmp\expandafter\tmpa\tmpb\endm@tch%
- \if\match%
- }%
- \def\matchin#1#2{%
- \fi%
- \makem@tchtmp{#2}%
- \m@tchtmp#1#2\endm@tch%
- \if\match%
- }%
- \def\makem@tchtmp#1{\def\m@tchtmp##1#1##2\endm@tch{%
- \def\tmpa{##1}\def\tmpb{##2}\let\m@tchtmp=\relax%
- \ifx\tmpb\@mpty\def\match{YN}%
- \else\def\match{YY}\fi%
- }}%
- % converts any dimen in cm, with 1E-4 cm precision
- \def\incm#1{{\psxoffset=1cm\d@my=#1
- \d@mx=\d@my
- \divide\d@mx by \psxoffset
- \xdef\dimincm{\number\d@mx.}
- \advance\d@my by -\number\d@mx cm
- \multiply\d@my by 100
- \d@mx=\d@my
- \divide\d@mx by \psxoffset
- \edef\dimincm{\dimincm\number\d@mx}
- \advance\d@my by -\number\d@mx cm
- \multiply\d@my by 100
- \d@mx=\d@my
- \divide\d@mx by \psxoffset
- \xdef\dimincm{\dimincm\number\d@mx}
- }}%
- %
- % \ReadPSize{PSfilename} reads the dimensions of a PostScript drawing
- % and stores it in \drawinght(wd)
- \newif\ifNotB@undingBox
- \newhelp\PShelp{Proceed: you'll have a 5cm square blank box instead of
- your graphics (Jean Orloff).}%
- \def\s@tsize#1 #2 #3 #4\@ndsize{
- \def\psllx{#1}\def\pslly{#2}%
- \def\psurx{#3}\def\psury{#4}% needed by a crazyness of dvips!
- \ifx\psurx\@mpty\NotB@undingBoxtrue% this is not a valid one!
- \else
- \drawinght=#4bp\advance\drawinght by-#2bp
- \drawingwd=#3bp\advance\drawingwd by-#1bp
- % !Units related by crazy factors as bp/pt=72.27/72 should be BANNED!
- \fi
- }%
- \def\sc@nBBline#1:#2\@ndBBline{\edef\p@rameter{#1}\edef\v@lue{#2}}%
- \def\g@bblefirstblank#1#2:{\ifx#1 \else#1\fi#2}%
- {\catcode`\%=12
- \xdef\B@undingBox{%%BoundingBox}}%
- %% is not a true comment in PostScript, even if % is!
- \def\ReadPSize#1{
- \readfilename#1\relax
- \let\PSfilename=\lastreadfilename
- \openin\pst@mpin=#1\relax
- \ifeof\pst@mpin \errhelp=\PShelp
- \errmessage{I haven't found your postscript file (\PSfilename)}%
- \psloc@lerr{was not found}%
- \s@tsize 0 0 142 142\@ndsize
- \closein\pst@mpin
- \else
- % each entry in \GlobalInputList should be unique
- \if\matchexpin{\GlobalInputList}{, \lastreadfilename}%
- \else\xdef\GlobalInputList{\GlobalInputList, \lastreadfilename}%
- \immediate\write\psbj@inaux{\lastreadfilename,}%
- \fi%
- \loop
- \executeinspecs{\catcode`\ =10\global\read\pst@mpin to\n@xtline}%
- \ifeof\pst@mpin
- \errhelp=\PShelp
- \errmessage{(\PSfilename) is not an Encapsulated PostScript File:
- I could not find any \B@undingBox: line.}%
- \edef\v@lue{0 0 142 142:}%
- \psloc@lerr{is not an EPSFile}%
- \NotB@undingBoxfalse
- \else
- \expandafter\sc@nBBline\n@xtline:\@ndBBline
- \ifx\p@rameter\B@undingBox\NotB@undingBoxfalse
- \edef\t@mp{%
- \expandafter\g@bblefirstblank\v@lue\space\space\space}%
- \expandafter\s@tsize\t@mp\@ndsize
- \else\NotB@undingBoxtrue
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifNotB@undingBox\repeat
- \closein\pst@mpin
- \fi
- \message{#1}%
- }%
- %
- % \psboxto(xdim;ydim){psfilename}: you specify the dimensions and
- % TeX uniformly scales to fit the largest one. If xdim=0pt, the
- % scale is fully determined by ydim and vice versa.
- % Notice: psboxes are a real vboxes; couldn't take hbox otherwise all
- % indentation and all cr's would be interpreted as spaces (hugh!).
- %
- \def\psboxto(#1;#2)#3{\vbox{
- \ReadPSize{#3}%
- \divide\drawingwd by 1000
- \divide\drawinght by 1000
- \d@mx=#1
- \ifdim\d@mx=0pt\xscale=1000
- \else \xscale=\d@mx \divide \xscale by \drawingwd\fi
- \d@my=#2
- \ifdim\d@my=0pt\yscale=1000
- \else \yscale=\d@my \divide \yscale by \drawinght\fi
- \ifnum\yscale=1000
- \else\ifnum\xscale=1000\xscale=\yscale
- \else\ifnum\yscale<\xscale\xscale=\yscale\fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \divide\pswdincr by 1000 \multiply\pswdincr by \xscale
- \divide\pshtincr by 1000 \multiply\pshtincr by \xscale
- \divide\psxoffset by1000 \multiply\psxoffset by\xscale
- \divide\psyoffset by1000 \multiply\psyoffset by\xscale
- \global\divide\pscm by 1000
- \global\multiply\pscm by\xscale
- \multiply\drawingwd by\xscale \multiply\drawinght by\xscale
- \ifdim\d@mx=0pt\d@mx=\drawingwd\fi
- \ifdim\d@my=0pt\d@my=\drawinght\fi
- \message{scaled \the\xscale}%
- \hbox to\d@mx{\hss\vbox to\d@my{\vss
- \global\setbox\drawingBox=\hbox to 0pt{\kern\psxoffset\vbox to 0pt{
- \kern-\psyoffset
- \PSspeci@l{\PSfilename}{\the\xscale}%
- \vss}\hss\ps@nnotation}%
- \advance\pswdincr by \drawingwd
- \advance\pshtincr by \drawinght
- \global\wd\drawingBox=\the\pswdincr
- \global\ht\drawingBox=\the\pshtincr
- \baselineskip=0pt
- \copy\drawingBox
- \vss}\hss}%
- \global\psxoffset=0pt
- \global\psyoffset=0pt
- \global\pswdincr=0pt
- \global\pshtincr=0pt % These are local to one figure
- \global\pscm=1cm %should not be necessary
- \global\drawingwd=\drawingwd
- \global\drawinght=\drawinght
- }}%
- %
- % \psboxscaled{scalefactor*1000}{PSfilename} allows to bypass the
- % rounding errors of TeX integer divisions for situations where the
- % TeX box should fit the original BoundingBox with a precision better
- % than 1/1000.
- %
- \def\psboxscaled#1#2{\vbox{
- \ReadPSize{#2}%
- \xscale=#1
- \message{scaled \the\xscale}%
- \advance\drawingwd by\pswdincr\advance\drawinght by\pshtincr
- \divide\pswdincr by 1000 \multiply\pswdincr by \xscale
- \divide\pshtincr by 1000 \multiply\pshtincr by \xscale
- \divide\psxoffset by1000 \multiply\psxoffset by\xscale
- \divide\psyoffset by1000 \multiply\psyoffset by\xscale
- \divide\drawingwd by1000 \multiply\drawingwd by\xscale
- \divide\drawinght by1000 \multiply\drawinght by\xscale
- \global\divide\pscm by 1000
- \global\multiply\pscm by\xscale
- \global\setbox\drawingBox=\hbox to 0pt{\kern\psxoffset\vbox to 0pt{
- \kern-\psyoffset
- \PSspeci@l{\PSfilename}{\the\xscale}%
- \vss}\hss\ps@nnotation}%
- \advance\pswdincr by \drawingwd
- \advance\pshtincr by \drawinght
- \global\wd\drawingBox=\the\pswdincr
- \global\ht\drawingBox=\the\pshtincr
- \baselineskip=0pt
- \copy\drawingBox
- \global\psxoffset=0pt
- \global\psyoffset=0pt
- \global\pswdincr=0pt
- \global\pshtincr=0pt % These are local to one figure
- \global\pscm=1cm
- \global\drawingwd=\drawingwd
- \global\drawinght=\drawinght
- }}%
- %
- % \psbox{PSfilename} makes a TeX box having the minimal size to
- % enclose the picture
- \def\psbox#1{\psboxscaled{1000}{#1}}%
- %------------------------------------------------------
- % \joinfiles file1, file2, ...n \into joinedfilename .
- % makes one file out of many
- % \splitfile joinedfilename
- % the opposite
- \newif\ifn@teof\n@teoftrue
- \newif\ifc@ntrolline
- \newif\ifmatch
- \newread\j@insplitin
- \newwrite\j@insplitout
- \newwrite\psbj@inaux
- \immediate\openout\psbj@inaux=psbjoin.aux
- \immediate\write\psbj@inaux{\string\joinfiles}%
- \immediate\write\psbj@inaux{\jobname,}%
- %
- %
- % works if #1 is a single character
- \def\toother#1{\ifcat\relax#1\else\expandafter%
- \toother@ux\meaning#1\endtoother@ux\fi}%
- \def\toother@ux#1 #2#3\endtoother@ux{\def\tmp{#3}%
- \ifx\tmp\@mpty\def\tmp{#2}\let\next=\relax%
- \else\def\next{\toother@ux#2#3\endtoother@ux}\fi%
- \next}%
- %
- % \readfilename defs:
- %
- \let\readfilenamehook=\relax
- \def\re@d{\expandafter\re@daux}% spares typing 10 \expandafter's...
- \def\re@daux{\futurelet\nextchar\stopre@dtest}%
- \def\re@dnext{\xdef\lastreadfilename{\lastreadfilename\nextchar}%
- \afterassignment\re@d\let\nextchar}%
- \def\stopre@d{\egroup\readfilenamehook}%
- \def\stopre@dtest{%
- \ifcat\nextchar\relax\let\nextread\stopre@d
- \else
- \ifcat\nextchar\space\def\nextread{%
- \afterassignment\stopre@d\chardef\nextchar=`}%
- \else\let\nextread=\re@dnext
- \toother\nextchar
- \edef\nextchar{\tmp}%
- \fi
- \fi\nextread}%
- \def\readfilename{\vbox\bgroup%
- \let\\=\backslashother \let\%=\percentother \let\~=\tildeother
- \let\#=\sharpother \xdef\lastreadfilename{}%
- \re@d}%
- %
- % redefines \input using \readfilename
- %
- \xdef\GlobalInputList{\jobname}%
- \def\psnewinput{%
- \def\readfilenamehook{% each entry in \GlobalInputList should be unique
- \if\matchexpin{\GlobalInputList}{, \lastreadfilename}%
- \else\xdef\GlobalInputList{\GlobalInputList, \lastreadfilename}%
- \immediate\write\psbj@inaux{\lastreadfilename,}%
- \fi%
- \ps@ldinput\lastreadfilename\relax%
- \let\readfilenamehook=\relax%
- }\readfilename%
- }%
- \expandafter\ifx\csname @@input\endcsname\relax % then Plain
- \immediate\let\ps@ldinput=\input\def\input{\psnewinput}%
- \else
- \immediate\let\ps@ldinput=\@@input
- \def\@@input{\psnewinput}%
- \fi%
- %
- \def\nowarnopenout{%
- \def\warnopenout##1##2{%
- \readfilename##2\relax
- \message{\lastreadfilename}%
- \immediate\openout##1=\lastreadfilename\relax}}%
- \def\warnopenout#1#2{%
- \readfilename#2\relax
- \def\t@mp{TrashMe,psbjoin.aux,psbjoint.tex,}\uncatcode\t@mp
- \if\matchexpin{\t@mp}{\lastreadfilename,}%
- \else
- \immediate\openin\pst@mpin=\lastreadfilename\relax
- \ifeof\pst@mpin
- \else
- \errhelp{If the content of this file is so precious to you, abort (ie
- press x or e) and rename it before retrying.}%
- \errmessage{I'm just about to replace your file named \lastreadfilename}%
- \fi
- \immediate\closein\pst@mpin
- \fi
- \message{\lastreadfilename}%
- \immediate\openout#1=\lastreadfilename\relax}%
- % % will have an unusual catcode below; use * instead
- %\vbox
- {\catcode`\%=12\catcode`\*=14
- \gdef\splitfile#1{*
- \readfilename#1\relax
- \immediate\openin\j@insplitin=\lastreadfilename\relax
- \ifeof\j@insplitin
- \message{! I couldn't find and split \lastreadfilename!}*
- \else
- \immediate\openout\j@insplitout=TrashMe
- \message{< Splitting \lastreadfilename\space into}*
- \loop
- \ifeof\j@insplitin
- \immediate\closein\j@insplitin\n@teoffalse
- \else
- \n@teoftrue
- \executeinspecs{\global\read\j@insplitin to\spl@tinline\expandafter
- \ch@ckbeginnewfile\spl@tinline%Beginning-Of-File-Named:%\endcheck}*
- \ifc@ntrolline
- \else
- \toks0=\expandafter{\spl@tinline}*
- \immediate\write\j@insplitout{\the\toks0}*
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifn@teof\repeat
- \immediate\closeout\j@insplitout
- \fi\message{>}*
- }*
- \gdef\ch@ckbeginnewfile#1%Beginning-Of-File-Named:#2%#3\endcheck{*
- \def\t@mp{#1}*
- \ifx\@mpty\t@mp
- \def\t@mp{#3}*
- \ifx\@mpty\t@mp
- \global\c@ntrollinefalse
- \else
- \immediate\closeout\j@insplitout
- \warnopenout\j@insplitout{#2}*
- \global\c@ntrollinetrue
- \fi
- \else
- \global\c@ntrollinefalse
- \fi}*
- \gdef\joinfiles#1\into#2{*
- \message{< Joining following files into}*
- \warnopenout\j@insplitout{#2}*
- \message{:}*
- {*
- \edef\w@##1{\immediate\write\j@insplitout{##1}}*
- \w@{% This collection of files was produced with CERN psbox package}*
- \w@{% To decompose and tex it:}*
- \w@{%-save this with a filename CONTAINING ONLY LETTERS and a .TEX}*
- \w@{% extension (say, JOINTFIL.TEX), in some uncrowded directory;}*
- \w@{%-make sure you can \string\input\space psbox.tex (version>=1.3);}*
- \w@{% (else ftp cs.nyu.edu(=, then get}*
- \w@{% and tex the file psboxall.tex; more info in psbREAD.ME)}*
- \w@{%-tex JOINTFIL.TEX using Plain, or LaTeX, or whatever is needed by}*
- \w@{% the first file in the joining (after splitting JOINTFIL.TEX into}*
- \w@{% it's constituents, TeX will try to process it as it stands).}*
- \w@{\string\input\space psbox.tex}*
- \w@{\string\splitfile{\string\jobname}}*
- \w@{\string\let\string\autojoin=\string\relax}*
- }*
- \expandafter\tre@tfilelist#1, \endtre@t
- \immediate\closeout\j@insplitout
- \message{>}*
- }*
- \gdef\tre@tfilelist#1, #2\endtre@t{*
- \readfilename#1\relax
- \ifx\@mpty\lastreadfilename
- \else
- \immediate\openin\j@insplitin=\lastreadfilename\relax
- \ifeof\j@insplitin
- \errmessage{I couldn't find file \lastreadfilename}*
- \else
- \message{\lastreadfilename}*
- \immediate\write\j@insplitout{%Beginning-Of-File-Named:\lastreadfilename}*
- \executeinspecs{\global\read\j@insplitin to\oldj@ininline}*
- \loop
- \ifeof\j@insplitin\immediate\closein\j@insplitin\n@teoffalse
- \else\n@teoftrue
- \executeinspecs{\global\read\j@insplitin to\j@ininline}*
- \toks0=\expandafter{\oldj@ininline}*
- \let\oldj@ininline=\j@ininline
- \immediate\write\j@insplitout{\the\toks0}*
- \fi
- \ifn@teof
- \repeat
- \immediate\closein\j@insplitin
- \fi
- \tre@tfilelist#2, \endtre@t
- \fi}*
- }%
- % To be put at the end of a file, for making a tar-like file containing
- % everything it used.
- \def\autojoin{%
- \immediate\write\psbj@inaux{\string\into{psbjoint.tex}}%
- \immediate\closeout\psbj@inaux
- \expandafter\joinfiles\GlobalInputList\into{psbjoint.tex}%
- }%
- %----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Annotations & Captions etc...
- %
- %
- % \centinsert{anybox} is just a centered \midinsert, but is included as
- % people barely use the original inserts from TeX.
- %
- \def\centinsert#1{\midinsert\line{\hss#1\hss}\endinsert}%
- \def\psannotate#1#2{\vbox{%
- \def\ps@nnotation{#2\global\let\ps@nnotation=\relax}#1}}%
- \def\pscaption#1#2{\vbox{%
- \setbox\drawingBox=#1
- \copy\drawingBox
- \vskip\baselineskip
- \vbox{\hsize=\wd\drawingBox\setbox0=\hbox{#2}%
- \ifdim\wd0>\hsize
- \noindent\unhbox0\tolerance=5000
- \else\centerline{\box0}%
- \fi
- }}}%
- % for compatibility with older versions, but \psfig is a bad name!
- %\def\psfig#1#2#3{\pscaption{\psannotate{#1}{#2}}{#3}}
- %\def\psfigurebox#1#2#3{\pscaption{\psannotate{\psbox{#1}}{#2}}{#3}}
- %
- % \at(#1;#2)#3 puts #3 at #1-higher and #2-right of the current
- % position without moving it (to be used in annotations).
- \def\at(#1;#2)#3{\setbox0=\hbox{#3}\ht0=0pt\dp0=0pt
- \rlap{\kern#1\vbox to0pt{\kern-#2\box0\vss}}}%
- %
- % \gridfill(ht;wd) makes a 1cm*1cm grid of ht by wd whose lower-left
- % corner is the current point
- \newdimen\gridht \newdimen\gridwd
- \def\gridfill(#1;#2){%
- \setbox0=\hbox to 1\pscm
- {\vrule height1\pscm width.4pt\leaders\hrule\hfill}%
- \gridht=#1
- \divide\gridht by \ht0
- \multiply\gridht by \ht0
- \gridwd=#2
- \divide\gridwd by \wd0
- \multiply\gridwd by \wd0
- \advance \gridwd by \wd0
- \vbox to \gridht{\leaders\hbox to\gridwd{\leaders\box0\hfill}\vfill}}%
- %
- % Useful to measure where to put annotations
- \def\fillinggrid{\at(0cm;0cm){\vbox{%
- \gridfill(\drawinght;\drawingwd)}}}%
- %
- % \textleftof\anybox: Sample text\endtext
- % inserts "Sample text" on the left of \anybox ie \vbox, \psbox.
- % \textrightof is the symmetric (not documented, too uggly)
- % Welcome any suggestion about clean wraparound macros from
- % TeXhackers reading this
- %
- \def\textleftof#1:{%
- \setbox1=#1
- \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup
- \advance\hsize by -\wd1 \advance\hsize by -2em}%
- \def\textrightof#1:{%
- \setbox0=#1
- \setbox1=\vbox\bgroup
- \advance\hsize by -\wd0 \advance\hsize by -2em}%
- \def\endtext{%
- \egroup
- \hbox to \hsize{\valign{\vfil##\vfil\cr%
- \box0\cr%
- \noalign{\hss}\box1\cr}}}%
- %
- % \frameit{\thick}{\skip}{\anybox}
- % draws with thickness \thick a box around \anybox, leaving \skip of
- % blank around it. eg \frameit{0.5pt}{1pt}{\hbox{hello}}
- % \boxit{\anybox} is a shortcut.
- \def\frameit#1#2#3{\hbox{\vrule width#1\vbox{%
- \hrule height#1\vskip#2\hbox{\hskip#2\vbox{#3}\hskip#2}%
- \vskip#2\hrule height#1}\vrule width#1}}%
- \def\boxit#1{\frameit{0.4pt}{0pt}{#1}}%
- %
- %
- \catcode`\@=12 % cs containing @ are unreachable
- %
- % Uncomment the line corresponding to your TeX system:
- %\psfortextures% For TeXtures on the Macintosh
- %\psforoztex % For OzTeX shareware on the Macintosh
- %\psfordvitops % For the DVItoPS converter for TeX on IBM mainframes
- \psfordvips % For DVIPS converter on VAX and UNIX
- %\psfordvitps % For dvitps from TeXPS package under UNIX
- %\psfordvialw % For dvialw, UNIX public domain
- %\psonlyboxes % Blank Boxes (when all else fails).
- %Beginning-Of-File-Named:TrashMe
- \splitfile{\jobname}%
- \let\autojoin=\relax
- %Beginning-Of-File-Named:psbsamp.tex
- % psbsamp.tex V-1.3: a sample use of the psbox macros from Plain TeX.
- %2345678 1 345678 2 345678 3 345678 4 345678 5 345678 6 345678 7 3456789
- %
- \input psbox.tex % 'told you it was necessary!
- %
- %
- % These are just to get a mini verbatim:
- \def\\{\hbox{$\backslash$}}%
- \edef\{{\hbox{$\{$}}%
- \edef\}{\hbox{$\}$}}%
- \def\section#1{\ifnum\pageno=1\else\vfil\break\fi
- \centerline{\frameit{1pt}{2pt}{\frameit{0.5pt}{3pt}{\hbox{#1}}}}%
- \nobreak\medskip}%
- \def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{a}\kern-.15em
- T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}%
- %
- %
- \line{\hfil
- \frameit{1pt}{2pt}{\frameit{0.5pt}{3pt}{\hbox{PS}}}
- \frameit{1pt}{2pt}{\frameit{0.5pt}{3pt}{\hbox{BOX}}}
- \hfil \llap{V-\psboxversion, by Jean Orloff}}
- \line{\sevenrm e-mail: ORLOFF @ SURYA11.CERN.CH\hfil
- Updates available by anonymous ftp from:
- cs.nyu.edu:pub/tex/psbox/%;\hfil noa.huji.ac.il
- }
- \bigbreak
- \section{Crash Overview}
- {\def\nl{\hfil\break}\parindent=0pt\parskip=3ptplus3pt\def\im{\parindent=1cm}
- WHAT IS IT:\nl
- psbox is a set of machine-independent TeX macros to:
- {\im
- \item{1)\ }allow (Encapsulated) PostScript figure inclusion in all versions
- of TeX (Plain, LaTeX) on all machines using a PostScript printer
- \item{2)\ }facilitate the communication (e-mail, ftp, ...) of all the files
- (text, macros, figs) needed to reproduce a TeX document by grouping
- them together into a single, TeXable file.
- \bigskip
- \noindent HOW TO GET IT TO WORK:
- \item{1)\ }get the file psboxall.tex by one of the following ways:\nl
- -from outside CERN: ftp cs.nyu.edu(=\nl
- -(if all else fails) send me a mail (orloff@surya11.cern.ch);
- \item{2)\ }tex psboxall.tex: this will produce a complete documentation
- dvi and a
- set of files, including the raw macros named psbox.tex;
- \item{3)\ }adapt your psbox.tex to your system by uncommenting the appropriate
- {\tt\%\\psfor...}-line at the end of the file;
- \item{4)\ }put it in your TeX Inputs directory
- }
- \bigskip
- \def\tag#1{\noindent\hbox{\tt #1\hss}\nl\hangindent1cm}
- \tag{\\psbox\{fname.eps\}}
- makes a box having the right size to enclose the figure fname.eps;
- \tag{\\psboxto(xdim;ydim)\{fn.eps\}}
- makes a box of the given size and rescales fn.eps so that it just fits;
- \tag{\\psboxto(\\hsize;0pt)\{fn.eps\}}
- has the maximal width \& a height computed from a uniformal rescaling;
- \tag{\\centinsert\{\\pscaption\{\\psbox\{fn.eps\}\}\{Fig 1: the
- caption...\}\}}
- recommended way to include a graphics between 2 paragraphs;
- \tag{\\begin\{figure\}[hbt]\\begin\{center\}\\mbox\{\\psbox\{fn.eps\}\}\\caption\{Fig
- 1:\} \\end\{figure\}}
- recommended way in LaTeX;
- \tag{\\autojoin}
- makes a single file called psbjoint.tex containing the currently tex'd
- file plus all the files (macros \& figs) included since the \\input of
- psbox.tex. Texing psbjoint.tex will split it into all these files with
- their original names (so think of PC's:12345678.123!!) and tex the
- first one (generally the one that issued \\autojoin).
- }
- \vfill\break
- \section{Introduction}
- \TeX{} and PostScript have become de-facto standards for
- producing scientific papers and figures. The reason for this perhaps
- lies in the success of electronic mail within the scientific
- community as both standards produce text files that easily propagate by
- e-mail and yet produce machine-independent result when printed from any
- computer on any PostScript printer\footnote{*}{You might think of
- sending directly the PostScript description of the whole document, but
- this would mean sending 15 times more caracters and moreover
- forbidding your correspondant to make any correction to the
- manuscript.}. Recently, these standards have been further sanctified in
- the Physics community with the advent of electronic ``Bulletin Boards"
- which spread like crazy and whose very existence precisely relies on
- such standards.
- In this rapidly evolving and modernish landscape, the
- inclusion of figures into papers still remains a dark spot: it is
- relatively uneasy and, worse, essentially non-universal. The purpose of the
- {\tt psbox} macros is to try and correct for this.
- To start with, let us show how to use the macros for including
- Encapsulated PostScript graphics-File (EPSF) into any \TeX\ document
- (Plain \TeX, Plain-based macros like Harvmac, Phyzzx,... or \LaTeX).
- To get this to work, you first need to produce an EPSF. This
- is different from a usual PostScript file. (For instance, with CERN's
- package PAW/HIGZ, the output device specified in the metafile is -111
- for simple postscript and -113 for EPSF). You can always check whether
- you succeeded by looking at your EPSF: it should start with {\tt\%!}
- and somewhere contain a line like:
- $$
- \hbox{\tt\%\%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury\hfil}
- $$
- where llx \& lly (urx \& ury) are the positive integer coordinates of
- the lower-left (upper-right) corners of the smallest rectangle enclosing
- your graphics. If all else fails, you still have the opportunity of
- adding such a line by hand: you might then want to know that
- coordinates are given in ``Big Points'' (1in=72bp)%
- \footnote{**}{%
- Not to be confused with ``Points'' (1in=72.27pt): inventing units
- related by such crazy factors as 72.27/72 definitely is a perverse and
- deeply immoral sport!}
- from the bottom left
- corner of the printed page. You can always visualize the corresponding
- {\tt\%\%BoundingBox} using {\tt\\boxit} (see below). Once you have a
- good EPSF, you should save it in the same directory as the \TeX{}
- file in which you want to insert your graphics.
- Now you're ready for inserting. Here is how to do:
- \item{1)} Check you have a copy of the file {\tt psbox.tex} somewhere on
- your system. If you don't, get it by ``anonymous ftp'' from the site
- {\tt cs.nyu.edu}. In the directory pub/tex/psbox, you will find a file
- called {\tt psboxall.tex} which is an ``archive'' containing the macros,
- this documentation, a sample PostScript figure, etc... Just ``{\tt get}''
- it by ftp, tex it on your system, and you will see how an archive splits
- into it's original files.
- \item{2)} make sure the uncommented line at the end of the {\tt psbox.tex}
- file corresponds to your particular way of translating \TeX{}
- output into PostScript:
- $$\vbox{\halign{\tt\\ps#\hfil&\qquad#\hfil\cr
- fortextures& for TeXtures on the Macintosh\cr
- foroztex& for OzTeX shareware soft on the Macintosh\cr
- fordvitops& for IBM mainframes dvi to postscript converter DVITOPS\cr
- fordvips& for Unix, PC and VAX dvi to postscript converter DVIPS\cr
- %fordvitps& for dvitps from the TeXPS package under UNIX.\cr
- fordvialw& for Unix free converter (part GNU software)\cr
- onlyboxes& for poor people without any of these\cr
- }}
- $$
- \item{3)} in the
- beginning of your \TeX{} file, type {\tt\\input psbox.tex}
- in order to load the relevant \TeX{} macros;
- If you get the wrong postscript
- converter, you will just get extremely white(!) figures but the
- formatting of your text will be exactly the same.
- Now you can get your graphics where you want in the text by
- just typing:
- $$
- \hbox{\tt\$\$\\psbox\{box.ps\}\$\$}
- $$
- And this is what you get:
- $$
- \psbox{box.ps}
- $$
- The {\tt\\psbox\{EPSFilename\}} macro makes a \TeX{} \\vbox
- having the right size to contain the graphics and issues a \\special
- command for the postscript printer to put the EPSF graphics at the
- right place.
- \section{Scalings}
- You can moreover use Postscript to resize your graphics. This can be
- done via the {\tt\\psboxto} macro: here you
- specify the dimensions and \TeX{} uniformly scales the graphics to fit
- entirely in the given box. For instance
- $$\eqalign{\hbox{\tt\$\$}
- &\hbox{\tt\\boxit\{\\psboxto(3cm;7cm)\{box.ps\}\}}\cr
- &\hbox{\tt\\boxit\{\\psboxto(7cm;3cm)\{box.ps\}\}\$\$}\cr}
- $$
- gives
- $$
- \boxit{\psboxto(3cm;7cm){box.ps}}
- \boxit{\psboxto(7cm;3cm){box.ps}}
- $$
- (we have here materialized the \TeX boxes by the
- {\tt\\boxit\{anybox\}} command which can be useful for
- boxing not only psboxes, but any kind of text boxes. To
- control the thickness of the line and to have some white space
- between your box and it's framing, you can use
- {\tt\\frameit\{LineThickness\} \{WhiteSpaceThickness\} \{\\anybox\}}).
- If you specify one zero dimension in {\tt\\psboxto}, you get a box
- proportional to the natural one for your drawing, but with the scale
- specified by the non-zero dimension: $$\eqalign{\hbox{\tt\$\$}
- &\hbox{\tt\\boxit\{\\psboxto(3cm;0cm)\{box.ps\}\}}\cr
- &\hbox{\tt\\boxit\{\\psboxto(0cm;3cm)\{box.ps\}\}\$\$}\cr} $$ yields
- $$ \boxit{\psboxto(3cm;0cm){box.ps}} \boxit{\psboxto(0cm;3cm){box.ps}}
- $$
- Altenatively, you can specify a scale factor%
- \footnote{*}{This way
- you can be sure to get exactly the same size for the \TeX{} and EPSF
- box: with {\tt\\psboxto}, you can have the \TeX box 1/1000 too large
- because of rounding errors unavoidable for compatibility reasons}
- ($\times1000$ in the usual \TeX{} way):
- $$\hbox{\tt\\psboxscaled\{250\}\{box.ps\}:}\psboxscaled{250}{box.ps}
- $$
- On certain occasions, the way PostScript computes it's BoundingBox may
- may be too conservative: the box turns out to be too large because of
- some invisible control point lying outside the visual bounding box.
- For most purposes, this won't harm. Certain perfectionists will
- nevertheless appreciate the possibility of correcting the bounding
- box by specifying an offset ({\tt\\psxoffset, \\psyoffset})
- for the lower left corner and incrementing the width and height
- ({\tt\\pswdincr, \\pshtincr}) of the graphics. For instance,
- $$\hbox{\tt\\psxoffset=0.3cm\\psyoffset=12pt\\pswdincr=0.3cm\\pshtincr=12pt}
- $$
- will {\bf raise} the figure by 12pt, shift it to the right by
- 0.3cm and change it's size so that it still fits. These dimensions
- get reset after each use of {\tt\\psbox...} so
- you should type this just before the one you want to modify. These
- dimensions also get scaled together with the figure if you later decide to
- use {\tt\\psboxto or \\psboxscaled}:
- $$
- \psxoffset=0.3cm\psyoffset=12pt
- \pswdincr=0.3cm\pshtincr=12pt
- \boxit{\psboxto(3cm;0cm){box.ps}}\kern2cm
- \psxoffset=0.3cm\psyoffset=12pt
- \pswdincr=0.3cm\pshtincr=12pt
- \boxit{\psboxto(1cm;0cm){box.ps}}
- $$
- Since a {\tt\\psbox} is a true \TeX box, nothing prevents you to have
- \psboxto(0cm;1em){box.ps} it in the middle of a line..(?) More
- seriously, if you want your graphics to be as large as possible, you
- can type
- $$\hbox{\tt\$\$\\psboxto(\\hsize;0cm)\{box.ps\}\$\$}
- $$
- which gives
- $$\psboxto(\hsize;0cm){box.ps}
- $$
- \section{Annotations}
- For certain figures, you might want to add something on top of the
- graphics (eg. a greek letter to name an axis, or other math symbols
- you use in the text). This is what
- {\tt\\psannotate\{\\psbox...\}\{annotation\}} was made for. For
- instance if you type
- $$\hbox{\tt\$\$%
- \\psannotate\{\\psboxto(10cm;3cm)\{box.ps\}\}%
- \{\\fillinggrid\\at(3\\pscm;1\\pscm)\{A sample at.\}\}\$\$}
- $$
- you get
- $$\psannotate{\psboxto(10cm;3cm){box.ps}} {\fillinggrid
- \at(3\pscm;1\pscm){A sample at.}}
- $$
- This example displays the 2 possible annotations:
- \item{-}{\tt\\at((xdim;ydim)\{annotation text\}} will place {\tt
- annotation text} xdim to the right of, and ydim higher than the
- current point without actually moving it (this may prove useful in
- other circumstances). The dimensions may be expressed in any valid
- \TeX{} unit, but here we used {\tt\\pscm} meaning scaled centimeters
- in order for the annotation to keep the same relative position inside
- the figure, whatever rescaling you might do later on.
- \item{-}{\tt\\fillinggrid}: in order to help you in the tedious task
- of determining the position of your annotations, you can use
- {\tt\\fillinggrid} as one particular annotation. This will produce a
- 1\\pscm by 1\\pscm grid that roughly fills your figure. You will of
- course have to delete these in your final document\footnote{*} {To
- suppress all these grids at once in your final document, you may type
- {\tt\\let\\fillinggrid=\\relax} just after the line where you
- {\tt\\input psbox.tex}.}.
- \section{Figure Environment For Plain\TeX}
- If you have many large figures, the probability that \TeX{}
- barks at you about ``overfull or underfull vbox...'' becomes
- significant, because you give it a hard time trying to cut pages
- into a document that has many large unbreakable units. To
- overcome this problem, La\TeX{} users simply have to type:\hfil\break
- {\tt\\begin\{figure\}[hbt]\hfil\break
- \\begin\{center\}\\mbox\{\\psbox...\}\\end\{center\}\hfil\break
- \\caption\{Some caption\}\hfil\break \\end\{figure\}\hfil\break}
- In Plain\TeX{} you should use
- {\tt\\centinsert\{\\psbox...\}} instead of {\tt\$\$\\psbox...\$\$}.
- This will get your graphics precisely where you typed it except if
- there is not enough room in the current page, in which case you'll get
- it on top of the next one.
- However, you will then probably want to have a caption, in case your
- graphics and explanatory text get separated. You should then
- use {\tt\\pscaption\{\\psbox...\}\{caption\}}, for instance
- $$\vbox{\hsize=10cm\tt\hbox{
- \\centinsert\{
- \\pscaption\{
- \\psannotate\{
- \\psboxto(6cm;0cm)\{box.ps\}\}\{
- }
- \hbox{\qquad\\fillinggrid\\at(3\\pscm;1\\pscm)\{A sample at.\}\}\}\{
- Figure 1: this is ...
- \}\}
- }}
- $$
- in order to get:
- \centinsert{
- \pscaption{
- \psannotate{
- \psboxto(6cm;0cm){box.ps}}{
- \fillinggrid\at(3\pscm;1\pscm){A sample at.}}}{
- Figure 1: this is probably the most stupid caption I can think of
- but it can still be useful for illustrative purposes.
- }}
- %
- If your caption is short, it will automatically get centered:
- $$\pscaption{\psbox{box.ps}}{\bf Figure 327.}
- $$
- \section{Multiple Files Management}
- Suppose you now have a few figures together with a paper, plus your favorite
- macros and reference files. You want to communicate the fruits of your hard
- work to the entire world, but you don't want to send ten separate files to
- each collaborator/potentially interested scientist. So you create a "master"
- file containing (you hope) all the files needed to re\TeX{} your paper. The
- receiver will also have to do some electronic cutting and pasting. Very
- quickly, it starts being a nuisance for everybody to assemble and disassemble
- a large file into it's constituents. This is why I thought the following
- macros might prove handy:
- \item{a.}{\tt\\joinfiles filename1, filename2, ..., filenamen \\into%
- \{JOINTFIL.TEX\}}\hfil\break
- joins several files into a big one that can be split later on. Since
- the goal here is universality, you should remember that PC's still form
- the majority of personal computers, and they like filenames of the form
- 12345678.123 where you can only replace digits by a letter (no
- *,\&,\$,', etc...), without distinction between upper-case and
- lower-case. So, if you want portability, save your texts as
- {\tt12345678.tex} and your figures as {\tt12345678.eps} (ie. no
- empty extensions): this will save you from later troubles!
- The file {\tt JOINTFIL.TEX} has a header explaining how to split
- it (see below) and is in fact auto-splittable. Namely, you just have to
- run \TeX, or \LaTeX{} depending of what is required by the first file in
- the list. This should first split the file and then tex it while
- including properly the figures. You can edit the ``archive'' {\tt
- JOINTFIL.TEX}, for instance to change the header, or to modify the names
- under which files will be stored when split. For this you may need to
- know that each file in the archive has a header line containing it's
- name, eg:\hfil\break
- {\tt\%Beginning-Of-File-Named:box.ps}.
- \item{b.} {\tt\\autojoin}:\hfil\break
- since it is painful to remember the list of all figure's names, you can
- generate a joint file called {\tt psbjoint.tex} by simply typing
- {\tt\\autojoin} close to the end (ie. after all {\tt\\psbox...} and
- {\tt\\input ...} have been issued) of the file you want to tex. This
- will first close and then read in a file called {\tt psbjoin.aux} that is
- always generated automatically and that basically contains the list of
- all your inclusions (both figures and macro files {\tt\\input}ted). If
- you never say {\tt\\autojoin}, the file {\tt psbjoin.aux} will
- nevertheless be created and will by the end of the day contain the list
- of files needed for your texing session. This list will appear as an
- incomplete {\tt\\joinfiles}-command, which you can complete and tex to
- do the joining. Notice: all these macro and figure files do not need to
- be in the same directory to be found. If \TeX{} is able to find them
- for {\tt\\input} or {\tt\\psbox} (because they are in some directory
- named {\tt TeX Inputs} or pointed at by an environment variable {\tt
- TEXINPUTS}), it will be able to join them too. Unix users should resist
- the temptation of specifying explicit path in filenames (eg: {\tt
- ../../TeX/mymacros.tex}): this makes their \TeX{} files non-portable.
- They should rather add an entry in their {\tt TEXINPUTS} list of paths.
- \item{c.}{\tt\\splitfile\{JOINTFIL.TEX\}}\hfil\break
- splits {\tt JOINTFIL.TEX} into it's constituents. Anything before the
- first {\tt\%Beginning-Of-File-Named:} line is trashed into a special
- file called {\tt TrashMe}: never store precious info in such a file
- anyhow! You may fear what happens if one of the constituent-file
- names coincides with a previoulsy existing file on your disk. Does it
- silently replace it? Well, no, relax, all output produced by these
- macros use {\tt\\warnopenout} instead of the standard {\tt\\openout},
- which will give you a chance to break precisely in this case. Notice
- {\tt\\warnopenout} is sometimes too cautious: it can warn you before
- erasing a file that doesn't exist! This is because a file with the same
- name exists in some directory \TeX{} is searching in for input files,
- but relax, it will only write files in the same directory as {\tt
- JOINTFIL.TEX}. Finally,
- notice you can say {\tt\\splitfile \{\\jobname\}} in which case you will
- split the very file that issued such a command (this is in fact what
- makes the output of {\tt\\joinfiles} auto-splittable). However,
- watchout: {\tt\\jobname} has peculiar and machine-dependent
- definition. It gives the name of the file currently texed MINUS it's
- {\tt.tex} extension if it has one (and on most machines, minus any
- extension your filename could have). So, \TeX{} will not
- be able to read in from the file named {\tt\\jobname} (without
- extension). But it always tries to read in {\tt\\jobname.tex} (in fact,
- on IBM \& VAX machines, it doesn't even try to read {\tt\\jobname}
- without extension). This mess explains the
- precaution taken in the header of a joint file, reproduced below:
- {\obeylines\tt\def
- {\hfil\break}
- \% This collection of files was produced with CERN psbox package
- \% To decompose and tex it:
- \%-save this with a filename CONTAINING ONLY LETTERS and a .TEX
- \% extension (say, JOINTFIL.TEX), in some uncrowded directory;
- \%-make sure you can \string\input\space psbox.tex (version>=1.3);
- \% (else ftp cs.nyu.edu(=, then get
- \% and tex the file psboxall.tex; more info in psbREAD.ME)
- \%-tex JOINTFIL.TEX using Plain, or LaTeX, or whatever is needed by
- \% the first file in the joining (after splitting JOINTFIL.TEX into
- \% it's constituents, TeX will try to process it as it stands).
- \\input psbox.tex
- \\splitfile\{\\jobname\}
- \\let\\autojoin\\=\\relax
- }
- \joinfiles psbREAD.ME, psboxOK.tex\into{TrashMe}
- \section{Errors}
- \message{RELAX!!!
- The following error messages should not frighten you, they are
- intentional tests. Just continue and see what comes out!}
- If \TeX{} cannot find the file you specified, you will get the following
- output:
- $$\psbox{in_exist.ps}$$
- On the other hand, an existing file which is not EPSF will produce:
- $$\psbox{psbsamp.tex}$$
- \autojoin
- \bye
- %Beginning-Of-File-Named:box.ps
- %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
- %%Creator:Adobe Illustrator(TM) 3.0
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- % Copyright (C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- % All Rights Reserved.
- % Adobe Illustrator is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- /Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 dup 100 dict def load begin
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- % definition operators
- /bdef {bind def} bind def
- /ldef {load def} bdef
- /xdef {exch def} bdef
- % graphic state operators
- /_K {3 index add neg dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll} bdef
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- {/setcmybcolor get} {{1 sub 4 1 roll _K _K _K setrgbcolor pop} bind} ifelse def
- /g {/_b xdef /p {_b setgray} def} bdef
- /G {/_B xdef /P {_B setgray} def} bdef
- /k {/_b xdef /_y xdef /_m xdef /_c xdef /p {_c _m _y _b _k} def} bdef
- /K {/_B xdef /_Y xdef /_M xdef /_C xdef /P {_C _M _Y _B _k} def} bdef
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- /i {dup 0 eq {pop _i} if setflat} bdef
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- /w /setlinewidth ldef
- % path construction operators
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- /c {_r curveto} bdef
- /C /c ldef
- /v {currentpoint 6 2 roll _r curveto} bdef
- /V /v ldef
- /y {_r 2 copy curveto} bdef
- /Y /y ldef
- /l {_r lineto} bdef
- /L /l ldef
- /m {_r moveto} bdef
- % error operators
- /_e [] def
- /_E {_e length 0 ne {gsave 0 g 0 G 0 i 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M [] 0 d
- /Courier 20 0 0 1 z [0.966 0.259 -0.259 0.966
- _e 0 get _e 2 get add 2 div _e 1 get _e 3 get add 2 div] e _f t T grestore} if} bdef
- /_fill {{fill} stopped
- {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't fill, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef
- /_stroke {{stroke} stopped
- {/_e [pathbbox] def /_f (ERROR: can't stroke, increase flatness) def n _E} if} bdef
- % path painting operators
- /n /newpath ldef
- /N /n ldef
- /F {p _fill} bdef
- /f {closepath F} bdef
- /S {P _stroke} bdef
- /s {closepath S} bdef
- /B {gsave F grestore S} bdef
- /b {closepath B} bdef
- % text block construction and painting operators
- /_s /ashow ldef
- /_S {(?) exch {2 copy 0 exch put pop dup false charpath currentpoint _g setmatrix
- _stroke _G setmatrix moveto 3 copy pop rmoveto} forall pop pop pop n} bdef
- /_A {_a moveto _t exch 0 exch} bdef
- /_L {0 _l neg translate _G currentmatrix pop} bdef
- /_w {dup stringwidth exch 3 -1 roll length 1 sub _t mul add exch} bdef
- /_z [{0 0} bind {dup _w exch neg 2 div exch neg 2 div} bind {dup _w exch neg exch neg} bind] def
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- /_g matrix def
- /_G matrix def
- /_D {_g currentmatrix pop gsave concat _G currentmatrix pop} bdef
- /e {_D p /t {_A _s _L} def} bdef
- /r {_D P /t {_A _S _L} def} bdef
- /a {_D /t {dup p _A _s P _A _S _L} def} bdef
- /o {_D /t {pop _L} def} bdef
- /T {grestore} bdef
- % group construction operators
- /u {} bdef
- /U {} bdef
- % font construction operators
- /Z {findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin
- {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /FontName exch def dup length 0 ne
- {/Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 0 exch {dup type /nametype eq
- {Encoding 2 index 2 index put pop 1 add} {exch pop} ifelse} forall} if pop
- currentdict dup end end /FontName get exch definefont pop} bdef
- end
- %%EndProcSet
- %%EndProlog
- %%BeginSetup
- Adobe_Illustrator_1.1 begin
- n
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- ]/_Helvetica-Oblique/Helvetica-Oblique Z
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- /hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron
- ]/_Times-Roman/Times-Roman Z
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- u
- 0.5 g
- 0 G
- 0 i 0 J 1 j 1 w 4 M [3 2 ]0 d
- %%Note:
- 297 366 m
- 297 483 L
- 86 483 L
- 86 366 L
- 297 366 L
- b
- 191.5 424.5 m
- B
- U
- u
- 1 g
- 0 j 0.3 w []0 d
- 191.5 365.9999 m
- 249.7652 365.9999 297.0001 392.1918 297.0001 424.5 c
- 297.0001 456.8082 249.7652 483.0001 191.5 483.0001 c
- 133.2347 483.0001 85.9999 456.8082 85.9999 424.5 c
- 85.9999 392.1918 133.2347 365.9999 191.5 365.9999 c
- b
- 191.5 424.5 m
- B
- U
- u
- u
- u
- 0 g
- 1 w
- /_Helvetica-Oblique 10 12 0 2 z
- [1 0 0 1 212 445]e
- (Postscript box:)t
- T
- U
- U
- u
- u
- /_Times-Roman 12 12 0 2 z
- [1 0 0 1 212 433]e
- ()t
- (Sometimes surrounded)t
- T
- U
- U
- u
- u
- /_Times-Roman 12 12 0 0 z
- [1 0 0 1 138.0166 409]e
- ( by a T)t
- T
- U
- U
- u
- u
- /_Times-Roman 12 12 0 0 z
- [1 0 0 1 171.6728 406]e
- (E)t
- T
- U
- U
- u
- u
- /_Times-Roman 12 12 0 0 z
- [1 0 0 1 179.0029 409]e
- (X box:)t
- T
- U
- U
- U
- 0 G
- 1 j [3 2 ]0 d
- 226 448 m
- 276 448 l
- S
- []0 d
- 225.5 410.5 m
- 275.5 410.5 l
- S
- %%PageTrailer
- %%Trailer
- _E end
- %%EOF
- %Beginning-Of-File-Named:psbREAD.ME
- % -------------
- % psbox is a set of machine-independent TeX macros to
- % 1) allow (Encapsulated) PostScript figure inclusion in all versions
- % of TeX (Plain, LaTeX) on all machines using a PostScript printer
- % 2) facilitate the communication (e-mail, ftp, ...) of all the files
- % (text, macros, figs) needed to reproduce a TeX document by grouping
- % them together into a single, TeXable file.
- %
- % 1) get the file psboxall.tex by one of the following ways:
- % -from outside CERN: ftp cs.nyu.edu(=
- % -(if all else fails) send me a mail (orloff@surya11.cern.ch);
- % 2) tex psboxall.tex: this will produce a complete documentation dvi and a
- % set of files, including the raw macros named psbox.tex;
- % 3) adapt your psbox.tex to your system by uncommenting the appropriate
- % %\psfor...-line at the end of the file;
- % 4) put it in your TeX Inputs directory
- %
- % \psbox{fname.eps}
- % makes a box having the right size to enclose the figure fname.eps;
- % \psboxto(xdim;ydim){fn.eps}
- % makes a box of the given size and rescales fn.eps so that it just fits;
- % \psboxto(\hsize;0pt){fn.eps}
- % has the maximal width & a height computed from a uniformal rescaling;
- % \centinsert{\pscaption{\psbox{fn.eps}}{Fig 1: the caption...}}
- % recommended way to include a graphics between 2 paragraphs;
- % \begin{figure}[hbt]\begin{center}\mbox{\psbox{fn.eps}}\caption{Fig 1:}
- % \end{figure}
- % recommended way in LaTeX;
- % \autojoin
- % makes a single file called psbjoint.tex containing the currently tex'd
- % file plus all the files (macros & figs) included since the \input of
- % psbox.tex. Texing psbjoint.tex will split it into all these files with
- % their original names (so think of PC's:12345678.123!!) and tex the
- % first one (generally the one that issued \autojoin).
- %Beginning-Of-File-Named:psbug.tex
- PSBOX bug-report form
- ---------------------
- From:
- To: orloff@surya11.cern.ch (Jean Orloff)
- Subject: psbox BUG
- YOU Name:
- Email:
- PSBOX version no:
- source:
- MACHINE type: (NeXT, Mac LC,...)
- Operating system:
- TEX name:
- version:
- TEX->PS name: (dvips, TeXtures,...)
- version:
- DRAWING program: (Adobe Illustrator, xfig,...)
- version:
- PRINTER type:
- PostScript version:
- PREVIEW for postscript (if any): (ghostscript,...)
- Command(s) incriminated: (\psbox,\splitfile,...)
- Problem description:
- Log (TeX, TeX->PS, Printer) file(s) where you got insulted:
- %Beginning-Of-File-Named:psboxOK.tex
- PSBOX ANTI-bug report form
- --------------------------
- From:
- To: orloff@surya11.cern.ch (Jean Orloff)
- Subject: psbox ANIT-BUG
- PSBOX has been checked to work in the following environment:
- ------- --- ------- -----------------
- Macintosh*.* TeXtures*.* Apple LaserWriter (ALW)
- " OzTeX 1.3 ALW
- UniX workst: TeX 3.14t3 dvips 5.47 ALW
- SUN4 " " ALW
- NeXT " " Preview
- " dvialw ALW
- IBM370(VM/CMS) TeX3.14/CMS1.3 DVItoPS ALW
- " " dvips 5.483 ALW
- DOS PC emTeX dvips GhostScript
- If your system is not listed here but nevertheless works fine, please
- add in a line, fill in the detailed form below and send it to me.
- YOU Name:
- Email:
- PSBOX version no:
- source:
- MACHINE type: (NeXT, Mac LC,...)
- Operating system:
- TEX name:
- version:
- TEX->PS name: (dvips, TeXtures,...)
- version:
- DRAWING program: (Adobe Illustrator, xfig,...)
- version:
- PRINTER type:
- version of PostScript used:
- PREVIEW for postscript (if any): (ghostscript,...)