Computer Club Elmshorn Atari PD
Text File
1,326 lines
GSM A-bis interface betwenn BSC and BTS
analog digital converter
analog audio loop
access Burst
adress bus
assosiated control channel
access control class
asynchronous communication device interface
ACE receive side
ACE trasmit side
antenna couplin Equipment
auxiliary clock generator
access controle module
address complete messages
advanced CRT controler
association control service element
adjacent channel/carrier supression
accessory control unit
antenna combiary unit
adaptiv control
alternating current
authentication center
advanced data management system
automatic position telementering
automatic programming tools
administration center
analog to digital converter
advanced memory accesse controller
adminstrative management
arrow diagramming methode
adaptive differential pulse code modulation
automatic data processing
automatic data service center
analog to digital converter
automatic data processing
accoustic echo control
automatic error correction
additional elementary functions
alignment error state monitor...
application entity
automatic frequency control
advanced feature desing
advanced frame grabber
asynchronous framing technique for X.25
automatic ground-air-ground communi-...
...cation system
access grant channel
automatic gain control
automatic gain control
advanced graphics display controller
alarm indication Signal-Alarmkennungssignal
assembly, integration and verification
artificial intelligence
algorithmic language
advanced laser printer controller
actual lind set (Zeichengabestreckenbündel)
arithmetic logical unit
automatic message accounting
automatic message exchange
amplitude modul
architecture neutral distribution format
automatil noise limiter
artificial neural networks
american national standards institute
COMB antenna combiner
attitude/orbital control system
automatic overlad control
automatic pitch control
application protocol data unit
advanced programming interfaces
application programming interface
a programming language
advanced program to program communication
application program system
automatic position telementering
automatic programming tools
application part
application process
allied quality assurance publication
advanced run length limited
automatic request (for retransmission)
American standard Association
American Standard-Code for Information...
accredited standards committee
automatic sensitiv control
application service elements
application specific integrated circuit
abstract syntax notation one
average sellin price
automatic send./reveive
automatic scheduling with time-...
...integrated resource allocation
administrative state
address translation cache 68040
automatic test equipment
acceptance test manual
application programming tool
attachment unit interface
Automatisches Programmieren inclusive...
automated programming of lathes
automatic programming of machine tools
automatic system for positioning of tools
accounting unit
backup relationship
basic access method
bad processor
BASIC for experiment
beginners all purpose symbolic...
...instruction code
basic activity subste (IBM-Net)
bucket brigade device
bus busy line
bulk-CCD oder buried chanel CCD
broadcast control channel
BTS color code
binary coded decimal
base station subsystem central equipment
bus clear lin
BTS connection
basic control programm
basic combined subset IBM-Net
ballistic collection transistor
base transceiver station central unit
basic direct access method
beam accessable metal oxid semiconductor
bit error rate
business electronic data processing...
...systems technique
basic graphic access nethod
busy hour call attemps
binary automatic computer
basic input output system
basic indexed sequential access method
Build in system test
build in test
basic indissoluble information unit
bubble lattice file
BTS link interface
binary large objects
bassic man machine language
beacon mission software
block mode transfer
barring all outgoing calls except...
...those to HOme PLMN
biological neural networks
bit number
bit oriented protocol
basic operating system
basic programm access method
basic programmin support
bipolar transistor
basic sequential access method
BS common equipment
BS controller unit
base station controller
binary synchronous communication
BS expert-group
base station identification code
base station identity code
BS interface
base station interface
backup storage module
base station subsystem application part
BSS management application part
BSS operation & management applcation part
base station subsystem
base station subsystem central controller
basic combined subset IBM-Net
BS traffic code
base station subsystem switch unit
base station - Basis-Station
BTS controller
base transceiver station
BTS tester
data bus
detector back (balanced) bias
binary digit
SIEMENS cellular mobile Radio...
...Communication Network (450 MHz)
computer aided desing
computer aided engineering
computer assisted instruction
communication access method
computer aided manufacturing
content adressable memory
content adressable memory
controller area network
call processor
computer aided quality assurance
computer aided software engineering
DCA/Intel communication applications...
channel associated signalling
call allocation
carrier activated
cell broadcast channel
carte bancaire
conduction colles assembly
completition of calls to busy subscirbers
command control block
common control channel
common channel control
common channel controller
charge coupled device
central clock generator
control channel
conseil consultative de telephone...
...et telgraph
common channel managemente controller
common channel network control
common channel signalling network control...
...Steuerung der zentr. Zeichenausgabekanäle
common channel signalling network processor
common channel protocol enity
communication conttrol processor
common channel signalling No. 7...
...(Zentraler Zeichengabekanal Nr. 7)
common channel set
common channel signalling
command control word
country code
circuit duplex asynchronous
call directing code
contiguos disk file
cluster disk interface
compact disc
conference europeene des administratives...
...des postes et des telecommunications
chip enable
call forwarding
computer graphics application interface
colour graphics adapter
cell global identity
computer Graphics Metafile...
...interchange format
CCITT high level programming language
communication interrupt analysis
circuit identification doce...
computer integrated manufacturing
congestion indication primitive
cell identity code
system clock
common management information protocol
common management information...
...service elements
common management information service
cache memory management unit
common memory module
correlation matrix memory
complementary metal oxide Silicon
complementary metal oxyd
cellular mobile system-digital
connection management technique
communication method for SINIX
common memory
configruation management
corrective maintenance
computer numerical control
calling number identification presentation
calling number identification restriction
common business oriented language
chip on board
Programmiersprache für automatische...
...Übersetzung von Sprachen
continuos mark
connect number identity
connect number identification presentation
configuration and operation
command and parameter
character oriented protocol
coefficient of performance
coordination processor 113
critical path method
critical path methode
connections per secound
critical path scheduling
cycles pes second
central processing unit
call processing
central processor
connecting panel
coordination processor
cyclic redundancy check
cathode-ray tube
change request
common system bus
chipselect display memory
chipselect internal registers
carrier sense multiple access with...
...collision detection
circuit switched public data network
circuit switched public data network...
...(leitungsvermitteltes Datennetz DATEX-L)
charge coupled device
chip select
charge transfer device
communication terminal module controller
closed user group
chemical vapor deposition
device control
digital to analog converter
direct control, direct current
carry output
PCM interface card
digital line card 64KBit/s
SIEMENS digital mobile radio communi-...
...cation Network (900 MHz Channel)
destination address field
distributed associative memory
defense advanced research projects agency
digital adapter for subscriber loops
digital audio tape
distributed bus link
data base management system
dummy burst
dedicated control channel
data communication equipment
data communication function
data communication network
data communication processor
data control block
data communication system
digital data conversion equipment
direct digital control
double diffused drain
digital data receiver
digital data switch ISDN
digital data transmitter
digital display
data encrypt system
distributed File system
distributed function terminal
dialog administration
digital information display
DC digital in-/output
dual in line
dual in-line package
digital interface unit
data link controller
data link escape
data link identity (Erfassung einer...
dynamic link library
digital line unit
data lines
direct memory access controller
data memory access
deferred maintenance area
direct memory access
digital mobile communication system
dynamic memory interface
digital mobile radio system
data management system
display mission software
dimensional motion time
digital network interface circuit ISDN
directory number
distinguished name
disk operation system
domain tip propagation storage device
destination point code (Ziel-punkt-code)
dots per inch
data postprocessing system
dual ported RAM
distributed queue dual bus
dynamic random access memory
design rule check
data set label
digital signal multiplexer
digital signal processor
digital storing tape
directory services
direct transfer application part
data trasfer bus
date terminal equipment
dual tone multifrequency
desk top publishing
discontinuous transmission
extended VME
data exchange control
elektrical accounting machine
electrically alternable ROM
enhanced asynchronous SCSI interface
external bitmap format
electronic-counter measures
electrical connectivity check
error checking and correcting
european commission host organization
emitter coupled logic
emitter coupled logic
european computer manufacturer association
echo compensator
error detection and correction
enhanced disk coprocessor
error detecting and correcting
electronic data processing machine
electronic data processing system
electronic data processing
extended definition television
electronic data processing
error definition
electrically erasable PROM
enhanced fast instruction set computer
electronic funds transfer network
enhanced graphics adapter
equipment identification register
extended industry standard architecture
electronic inteligence
electronic security
emergency manual
european multibus group
elektromagnetische Interferenz
extended man machine language
Electro-Magnetische Verträglichkeit
external memory
extended network architecture
end of file
erasable programmable logic device
european printer performance test
erasable programmable ROM
entity realtionship model
enhanced small device interface
electric static discharge
embedded structured Query lang
extern storage
extended tail bit
european telecommunication...
...standards institute
european communication line interface
elektronisches Wählsystem digital
electronic warfare
extende subset of APT
extension card
fast associated control channel
final assembly code
floating gate avalanche injektion
family application programmer interface
file allocation table
frame alligner unit
Farbe, Bildinhalt, Austastlücke Syn-...
...chronsignal (englisch CVBX)
frequency correction burts
frequency control channel
federal communications commission
file control processor
fiber distributed data interface
frame data length
frequency division multiple Acccess
firmware development System
floppy disc unit
finite element methode
field effect transistor
finite elements
format effector
fast file system
for further studies
fast fourier transformation
form feed
frequency hopping equipment
frequency hopping
first in first out
first-in first-out memory
factory instrumentation protcol
fault identification probability
fuzzy logical interferences
force message broadcast
fault management
frame number
formula calculator
formula translating system
fibre optic station
floating point co-processor
field programmable gate arrays
field PLA
floating point processor
fault recognition probalility
finite state machine
fixed station
file transfer, access and management
faire trade commission
group relationship
generetc logical array
group code recording
global descriptro table vm386
graphical evaluation and review technique
graphics funktion interface
gatewav mobile switching center
gaussian minimum shift keying
group member
Großraumspeicherorientierte listenor-...
...ganisierte Ermittlungsmethode
government open systemes interface protocol
group owner
general purpose interface bus
global parallel, local sequential
groupe processor
guard period
graphical query language
global sequential, locoal parallel
groupe special mobile
gate turn off
high density CMOS
high level data link control
high definition television
high electron mobility transistor
hardware enginneering production plan
integrated HLR and AC
home location register (Heimdatei)
horizontal motion index (hp)
handover number
host packet assembly/disassembly
high power amplifier
high performance file system
hewlett packard interface bus
home public land mobile network
hierarchical specification language...
...functional extension
high speed unit
hierarchical type neural simulation language
height unit
Haupt-Vermittlungsstelle (Telex-...
...und Fernsprechnetz)
hardware in the loop
inter IC bus
interadministrative Revenue accounting
image analysis system
ISDN bit Rate
ISDN communication controller circuit
internal communication highway
interface CMIS-Programmschnittstelle zu CMIS
integrated control
integrated circuits (chips)
interactive debugging system
improved definition television
interrupt description table
ISDN echo cancellation circuit
integrated equipment components
institute of electrical and...
...electronical engineers
fet with isolation gate
pulse signalling (Impulskenn-...
implementation language 1
internation mobile equipment identity
international subscriber mobile...
...identity (Internationale Funkkennung)
interrupt acknowledge output
interrupt input
intelligent network
input-output control system
input output control
IOP extension card
inpur output processor
input-output register
image processing computer
image processing controller
integrated protocol controller ISDN
intelligent peripheral controller
inter process communication
intelligent peripheral interface
information processing language
ISDN power supply ISDN
image processing
internet protocol
interrupt request
instruction register
index sequential access methode
integrated services digital network
intelligent serial in-/output
international standards organization
ISDN user part
index sequential access method (ISAM)
information separator
ISDN terminal adapter circuit ISDN
interactive test generator
installation test manual
intelligent user interface
interworking funktion (Umsetzungsfunktion)
integrated injection logic
job control
Symbol-Programmiersprache für...
...militärische Probleme
joint test action group
encipher/decipher key
knowledge based intergrated machine
individual authentication key
künstliche neuronale Netze
knowledge-based operating system
(ferrite-) core memory (store)
key telephone system ISDN
loadsharing relationship
location area code
location area identity...
local area network controller
local area network
link access procedure for D-channel (ISDN)
local area transport protocol
life cycle cost
liquide christal display
load control file
link interface connector unit
light dependent resistor
light emitting diode
least coast estimating scheduling
low frequency
link interface concentrator
last in first out
last-in first-out memory
signalling link
logical inferences per second
link interface unit
long instruction word
local mobile subscriber identification
local maintenance terminal
location monitor
near letter quality
logic timing and sequencing
linear predictive coding
lines per minute
longitudinal redundancy check
line reflect match method
least recently used
lowest replacable unit
least significant bit
least significant digit
signalling link set
large scale integration
low power Schottky TTL
line transmission equipment
line trunk groupe (Anschluβgruppe)
long term prediction
low power TTL
look up table
logical unit IBM-net
Lichtwellen Leiter
multiple access computer
multiplexed analogue components
michigan algorithmic decoder
manufactoring autmation protocol
mobile application part
memory adress register
media attachment unit
multistation access unit
main broadcast control channel combined
main broadcast control channel
message buffer control
message buffer
multiplex bus
mechanical computer aided engineering
mobile country code
MSC connection
multichannel communication program (-system)
modified chemical vapor deposition
minimum cost expediting
magnetic disc device
main distribution frame
memory data register
Mittlere Datentechnik (für Gewerbe-...
...und Klein-Unternehmen)
magnetic tape device
memory enable
mobile equipment
multi frequency code
multi frequency colde
monitoring and fault isolation
monitoring fault isolation
million floatingpoint operations per second
modified frequency modulation
message handling system
management information base
multiple instruction, multiple data
million instructions per second
management information service user
management information service elements
management information system
management information tree
maintenance information
memory interface
man machine interface
man machine Language-Mensch-Maschinensprache
manufactoring message service
memory mangement unit
mobile network code
metal nitride oxide semiconductor
Metal nitrid SFET
mobile orginating call
metal organic molecular beam epitaxie
Magnetooptische Schichten mit...
...Fotoleitern kombiniert
metal oxid semiconductor field...
...effect transistor
metal oxid semiconductor
manged object
message passing controller
module processor complex
Metra-Potential-Method (aus Frankreich)
message passing protocol VME, VXI
multi protocol serial contraller
memory status
most significant bit
most significant bit
integrated MSC and VLR
mobile switching center...
mobile station international ISDN number
medium scale integration
main storage module
mobile station roaming number
main storage
mobile station (Mobil-Station)
mean time between failure
mean time between repair
mobile terminating call
mobile terminating controller
magnetic type device
mesage transfer part
mobile test station
mean time to failure
mean time to repair
mobile termination
mobile user part
multi vendor architecture
multiple virtual storage
multi system extended interface VME, VXI
modules (chips)
extended data rate adapter ISDN
negative acknowledge
network adressable unit IBM-net
gepufferte Nachrichtenverarbeitung
normal burst
network color code
numerical controlled oscillator
network computing system
numerical(ly) control(led)
national destination code
non destructive read out
network element of SSS
NCR electronic autocoding technique
new enhanced AT
network element function
network element
low frequency
nineteen hundred commercial language
network loadable module
network management access point
network management centers
non maskable interrupt
N-Kananl-MOS (s. u. MOS)
national mobile subscriber identification
network management system
network management
network protocol control information
new programming language
non return to zero invert
non return to zero
network service data unit
Heiβleiter (Termistor, Newi,...
...Thernewid); Widerstand
neutralized twisted nemantic
national television system committee
network user identification
operation and maintenance
off air call set up
open architecture CAD system
operation, adminstration an maintenance
office document architecture
office document interchange format
output disable
own equipment manufacturer
on line transaction processing
operation and maintenance application part
operating and maintenance center...
...(Bedinguns- und Wartungszentrum)
object management group
object management group
operation und maintenance manual...
operating and maintenance center...
...processor for the BSS
operating and maintenance center...
...processor for the SSS
operating and maintenance...
...center processor
operation and mantenance processor
operating and maintenance center...
...subsystem for the BSS
operating and maintenance center...
...subsystem for the SSS
operation and maintenance Subsystem
operating and maintenance center subsystem
operating and maintenance center...
...terminal for the BSS
operating and maintenance center...
...terminal for the SSS
operating and maintenance center terminal
object oriented programming system
object oriented programming
originating point code (Ursprungscode)
own signalling point code
open protocol technologie
open point
operating program
open raltime kernel interface definition
open software foundation
open system interconnect
open system interconnection
operator service system
operating system
operating system
outside vapor phase oxidation
processing and control element
packet assembly/disassembly
paradox application language
phase alternation line
pulse amplitude modulation
pulse amplitudemodulation
process automatic language
product assurance
puls breiten modulation
private branch exchnage ISDN
position sensing detectors
paging channel
peripheral channel interface
pulse codes modulation interface unit
photochromic micro image
pulse code modulation
pulse coded modulation
pheipheral control program
processor control panel
peripheral control switch
personalization center for SIMs
processor control switch
project control system
plasma chemical vapor deposition
power control
program counter
product definition interchange format
precedence diagram method
precedence diagramming methode
pulse duration modulation
public data network
parallel distibuted processing
packet data service
packet duplex synchronous
protocol data unit
process and experiment automation...
...realtime language
programmable electrically enable logic
programm evaluation procedure
program evaluation and review technique
phase encoding
priority encode
purchaser supplied material
perpheral group
physical layer protocol
peripheral (progammable) interface adapter
plug in computer architectur
programmable ISDN combo ISDN
process identification
personal information manager
Phillips Kommunikations Industrie AG
programming language ome
Automatische Funktionskontrolle
Maschinenorientierte PS für das ICL-...
...(früher ICT-) System
programmable logic array
programmable logical array
plastic liquid cristal display
programmable logic device
phase locked loop
public land mobile network
pusle width modulation
prompt maintenance alarm
peripheral module channel extension
peripheral module channel
performance management system
project managing system
preventive Maintenance (Instandhaltung)
project management
programmable network list
print output control
point of sale
primary operating system
peripheral processor controller
pulse positions modulation
peripheral preprocessor
Projekt-Planungs- und Steuerungssystem
pulse repetition frequency (recurrence)
parallel reduced instruction set...
priority arbitration
progammable ROM
programmable read only memory
Programmierungssystem mit symbo-...
...lischen Adressen
peripheral switch clock
packet switched data network
processor switch interface
peripheral switch mulitplexer
public switched packet data network
public switched telephone network
peripheral switch time stage
power supply unit
program storage unit
program status word
Programmiersprache, Plattenspieler
peripheral terminal adapter
Kaltleiter (eigen- oder fremderwärmt)...
packet transfer controller
product tree
physical unit
permanent virtual channel
permanent virtual connection
pulse width modulation-Pulsbreitenmodulation
pulse width (length)
quality PAL
query by example
queue head pointer VME, VXI
quality management
queued sequential access method
queued serial module
queued telecommunication access method
queue tail pointer VME, VXI
quality of service
rotating head digital storing tape
random access channel
registers and arithmetic and logic unit
resource allocation multiproject scheduling
random access-memory
random number
release after time out
restricted coulomb energy
rack central unit
relative distinguished name
remote data services
programmable PROM
radio frequency channel
request for proposal
request for technologie
radio frequency
rot, grün, blau
radio interface connection element
R-interface modul ISDN
reduced instruction set computing
radio interface transmission management
radio terminal link interface
run length limited
regional maintenance area
read mostly memory
real mode
release on acknowledgement
remote operation interface
read only memory
release on request
remote opertaion service element
remote opertaion service
remote procedure calls
regular pulse excited - long term prediction
regular pulse excitation
remote reporting post
round robin select
radio resource management
radar simulator mission software
radio sub-system
radar system workstation
radio terminal controller
radio terminal
release when done
receiver unit
group redundancy check
Receiver multicoupler
received signal quality
Service relationship
system application architecture
slow associatid control channel
source address field
Allgemeine maschinenorientierte Sprache...
...(von Siemens)
subsequent address message...
S-bus interface circuit
single board computer
synchronisation burst
signalling connection control part
synchronisation channel
SCCP management
standard commands for...
...programmable instruments
servic control point
silicon controlled rectifier
small computer system interface
surface charge transistor
stand alone dedicated control channel
system disk controller
synchronous data link control IBM-net
functional specification and...
...description language
software development system
storage disc unit
squentiel memoire
support entity function
software engineering production plan
software exchange standard
support entity
system engineering
switch groupe control
single level arbitration
selectively dope hetero transistor
shift in/out
signalling board
S interface device ISDN
signalling link terminal
single instruction, multiple data
single in-line memory module
PS zur Simulation vonr Prozessen
signalling network management
single in-lin package
subscriber identity module
system integration module
Siemens-NPT (für die computer-...
...unterstützte Planung)
PS für fertigungstechnische Aufgaben...
...auf NC-Werkzeugmaschinen
serial/parallel in-/output
serail input output
systeme interbanquaire de telecompensation
single layer aluminate metailzation
stereo lithographie system
signalling link control
subscriber line interface circuit
solid logic technology
system management application process
system message block
submulitplexer channel
suface mounting device
surface-mounted devices
specific management information...
...service elements
static memory interface
service management point
switching Management subsystem
service management system
station management technique
surface mount technology
security management
surface mount
Systems network architecture IBM-net
system network architecture
subscriber network interface circuit (ISDN)
serial number
subscriber numter
switching network
start of heading
short open load through methode
simulation oriented language
silicon on saphire-CMOS
silicon on saphire
shift out
scalable processor ARChitecture
signalling point code...
stored program control (Rechnersteuerung...
...mit gespeichertem Programm)
speech multiplexer
simultaneous peripheral operations on line
Speicher programmierbare Steuerungen
Signalling processing unit
service provider
signalling point
spare position
Structured-Query language
static random access memory
signal response
signed response
system ressource manager vm386
server requester programming interface
supervisor root pointer 68040
shift register
subsystem number
systemes services control point IBM-net
service switching point
switching subsystem
signalling and supervisor unit
signalling terminal control
super twisted nemantic
stop acknowledge outpot
signalling transfer point
stop input
PS für baustatische Probleme
start of text
signalling terminal
service user
signalling unit
switched virtual channel
switched virtual connection
standard VME
synchronous output
synchronous idle
system panel control
system panel display
system panel
technical assistance center
type approval code
token bus controller
tail bit
transfer capabilities application part
transcoder board
transcoder equipment
transparent computing facility
tronscoder group
traffic channel full and half
traffic channel full
traffic channel half
time compression mulitplex ISDN
transmission control protocol/...
...internet protocol
transmission control protocol
transaction capability
transmission control
total distributed control
trend display controller
TDMA frames
time division multiple access
tape disc operating system
transputer development system
technical description
two dimensional electron GAS FET
text and masks
terminal equipment
thin film transistor
transmission gate switch
total harmonic distortion
token holding timer
tag image file format
translation lookaside buffer
transmission line computer
telecommunication management network
tower mounted receiver preamplifier
temporary mobile subscriber identity
telecommunication management system
transport name service
technical and office protocol
terminal packet assembly/dissassembly
technical publishing software
timer processing unit
total quality management
transcoder / rate adapter unit
transcoder unit
through reflect line methode
token rotation timer
transfer relay
transmitter start code
time charing operating (system)
task state segment descriptors vm386
transistor-transistor logic
teletype-setter code
telephone user part
transmitter unit
transmitter combiner
transmitter channel filter unit
transmitter filter
universal asynchrons receiver...
...and transmitter
unified design language for...
...integrated circuits
user header label
U interface device ISDN
unijunction transistor
user language one
ultra low
universal network technologie
universal computer oriented language
user packet channel
universal product code
uni polar transistor
user part
user programm
unit record
universal serial asynchronous
USA standard code for information...
Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung
unit separator
user trailer label
unshielded twisted pair ISDN
vidoe application board
vapor axial deposition
voice activity detection
value added processes
voltage controlled oscillator
vertical redundance check
voltage controlled voltage source
voltage dependent resistors
video display unit
very high speed integrated circuits...
...hardware description language
Verallgemeinerte Index Methode
vertical integrated power
visible light emitting diode
very long instruction word
visitor location register (Aufenthaltsdatei)
very large scale integration
versatile modular europe
vertical motion index (hp)
voice onset time
video standards electronics association
volume table of contents
virtual terminal service
vertical tabulation
VME extension for instrumentation
wide area networks
work-breaksown structure
write enable
write once, read many
what you see is what you get
X.25 gateway
expanded memory
Leuchtdichte Y, Farbdifferenzsignal U V
zener diode
micro computer
micro processor