Computer Club Elmshorn Atari PD
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; A stereo reverb for the DSP56001 signal processor.
; Developed by Quinn Jensen (jensenq@npd.novell.com) using
; Dr. Vercoe and company's csound code as a reference for the
; configuration and gain values.
; This program fragment implements a stereo reberb effect
; on a DSP56001 processor. The "depth" and wet/dry mix are
; adjustable. The following filter configuration is employed:
; Left in ------+------- "dry" gain -----------> sum -----> Left out
; | ^
; v |
; sum --> reverb --> "wet" gain -----+
; ^ |
; | v -
; Right in -----+------- "dry" gain -----------> sum -----> Right out
; Note that the reverb path output is negated before summing with the
; right input signal. This throws in 180 degrees of phase shift
; making for interesting results even with mono inputs
; (i.e. Left in == Right in).
; The reverb element looks like this:
; Input ----+-----> comb1 ------+
; | |
; +-----> comb2 ---\ v
; | sum -----> allpass1 --> allpass2 ---> output
; +-----> comb3 ---/ ^
; | |
; +-----> comb4 ------+
; Each comb stage looks like this:
; +---- gain <-----+
; | |
; v |
; Input ---> gain ----> sum ---> delay ---+--> out
; The allpass stages look like:
; +--------- gain <---------+
; | |
; v |
; Input ---> gain --+--> sum ---> delay ---> sum ---+----> out
; | ^
; | |
; +--------> gain ----------+
; or,
; +-------> gain ----+
; | |
; | v
; Input ---> gain ----> sum --+--> delay --+--> sum -----> out
; ^ |
; | |
; +----- gain <-----+
; I've seen both configurations in the literature, so I plotted the
; Z-transform and they are equivalent in the steady state. They are indeed
; all-pass in the steady state but are supposed to have a subtle, discernable
; effect in "transient" audio signals.
; I think it could really use a couple more comb stages to fill in some of the
; graininess. The best possible "diffusion" is desired. By the way,
; I'd enjoy seeing any optimizations to the code.
; Quinn Jensen (jensenq@npd.novell.com or jensenq@qcj.icon.com)
include 'tdsg.basic.a56' ;hardware specific initialization code
; Data and constants
dot ;remember where we were in P-space
org x:$10 ;put runtime variables in on-chip X-space
; A spreadsheet was used to calculate the following numbers
; The gain of each feedback stage is given by
; feedback gain = exp(delay * ln(.001)/duration)
; where "delay" is the delay of the comb or allpass stage in seconds,
; and "duration" is the time in seconds for the reverberated sound
; to decay to 1/1000 of its original amplitude.
; Reverb filter lengths and coefficients
; Sun Aug 4 16:36:16 1991
; Sample rate 32.5520830 kHz
; Reverb duration 4.0000000 s
; stage delay(ms) length gain actual
; -----------------------------------------------------
; Comb1 29.7000000 967 0.9500031 29.71
; Comb2 37.1000000 1208 0.9379399 37.11
; Comb3 41.1000000 1338 0.9314831 41.10
; Comb4 43.7000000 1423 0.9273101 43.71
; All-1 5.0000000 163 0.9914025 5.01
; All-2 1.7000000 55 0.9970685 1.69
in_atten equ 0.3409091
comb_atten equ 0.0416667
dry_init equ 0.4000000 ; initial "dry" gain
reverb_init equ 0.9900000 ; initial "wet" gain
; comb 1 data and parameters
c1d equ $4000
c1r dc c1d
c1m equ 966
c1c equ 0.9500031
; comb 2 data and parameters
c2d equ c1d+ 2048
c2r dc c2d
c2m equ 1207
c2c equ 0.9379399
; comb 3 data and parameters
c3d equ c2d+ 2048
c3r dc c3d
c3m equ 1337
c3c equ 0.9314831
; comb 4 data and parameters
c4d equ c3d+ 2048
c4r dc c4d
c4m equ 1422
c4c equ 0.9273101
; allpass 1 data and parameters
a1d equ c4d+ 2048
a1r dc a1d
a1m equ 162
a1c equ 0.9914025
; allpass 2 data and parameters
a2d equ a1d+ 2048
a2r dc a2d
a2m equ 54
a2c equ 0.9970685
org y:$0
reverb_on equ reverb_init
reverb_off equ 0
dc reverb_on
dc dry_init
org p:dot ;go back to P-space
; reverb initialization code
; run-time controls
eff1_on ;enable reverb
move #reverb_on,y0
move y0,y:<reverb_gain
eff1_off ;bypass reverb
move #reverb_off,y0
move y0,y:<reverb_gain
; interrupt time calculations
; fs = 32.552083 kHz
jsr <saveregs
; L/R mix
clr a #in_atten,x1 ;clr a, get scale for mix
move x:<in_l,x0 ;get left in
move x0,x:<in_ls ;save
macr x0,x1,a x:<in_r,x0 ;a = scale * left, get right
macr x0,x1,a x0,x:<in_rs ;a += scale * right, save right
clr b a,y0 ;y0 goes to the combs, b is sum
; comb 1
move x:<c1r,r0
movec #c1m,m0
move y0,a
move x:(r0),x1
add x1,b #c1c,x0
macr x0,x1,a
move a,x:(r0)+
move r0,x:<c1r
; comb 2
move x:<c2r,r0
movec #c2m,m0
move y0,a
move x:(r0),x1
add x1,b #c2c,x0
macr x0,x1,a
move a,x:(r0)+
move r0,x:<c2r
; comb 3
move x:<c3r,r0
movec #c3m,m0
move y0,a
move x:(r0),x1
add x1,b #c3c,x0
macr x0,x1,a
move a,x:(r0)+
move r0,x:<c3r
; comb 4
move x:<c4r,r0
movec #c4m,m0
move y0,a
move x:(r0),x1
add x1,b #c4c,x0
macr x0,x1,a
move a,x:(r0)+
move r0,x:<c4r
; scale
move #comb_atten,x0 b,y0
mpyr x0,y0,b
; allpass 1
move x:<a1r,r0
movec #a1m,m0
move #a1c,x0
move x:(r0),x1
macr x0,x1,b x1,a
move b,y0
macr -x0,y0,a b,x:(r0)+
move r0,x:<a1r
; allpass 2
move x:<a2r,r0
movec #a2m,m0
move #a2c,x0
move x:(r0),x1
macr x0,x1,a x1,b
move a,y0
macr -x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+
move r0,x:<a2r
; output mix
move b,x0
move y:<reverb_gain,y0
mpyr x0,y0,b y:<dry_gain,y0
move x:<in_ls,x0
move b,a
macr x0,y0,a x:<in_rs,x0
macr x0,y0,b a,x:<out_l
move b,x:<out_r
jsr <restregs