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- November 9, 1990
- Program by Keith Gerdes
- Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software
- This program is released as FREEWARE. You may copy and distribute it
- freely, but please leave this archive intact.
- DC Disk Info is used to give you a quick 'snapshot' of any disk. You will
- get visual representation of the file allocation on your disk, plus certain
- statistics about the disk.
- ====================
- DC KeyTop v1.2 users
- ====================
- If you use DC Desktop, please also download the file DCKEY12B.ARC which
- contains the new DC KeyTop v1.2b
- You will need the new DC KeyTop v1.2b if:
- 1) You currently use DC KeyTop, and
- 2) You install DC DISK INFO as memory resident, and
- 3) You own DC Desktop v1.2 or greater.
- If you have DC Desktop v1.0, then you do not need DC KeyTop 1.2b, and can run
- DC DISK INFO just fine. In fact, do not run DC KeyTop v1.2b with the
- DC Desktop v1.0, or it will cause a reset of your machine!
- If you do not use DC KeyTop, then you can still run DC DISK INFO.
- Again, DC KeyTop is not necessary for DC DISK INFO to run as described below.
- You just get an extra treat when DC KeyTop v1.2b is used. In combination
- with DC KeyTop, DC DISK INFO will acts as a desk accessory, not as a program!
- ==================
- ==================
- If you DO NOT run the new DC KeyTop v1.2b, but instead use DC KeyTop v1.2a
- or DC KeyTop v1.2, the system will 'hang' after DC DISK INFO runs (if it is
- memory resident).
- ==================
- ==================
- If you configure DC DISK INFO to calculate files and folders used, we
- STRONGLY recommend that you use FOLDRXXX.PRG.
- Double Click Software can not assume any responsibility for disk data
- damage as a result of using this program and hitting the '40 folder' bug.
- Use FOLDRXXX.PRG if you wish to completely safeguard against this problem.
- You should be using FOLDRXXX.PRG anyway, regardless of whether you use
- ====================
- ====================
- >To INSTALL DC DISK INFO if you have DC DESKTOP, do this:
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- 1) Copy DCDSKINF.PRG to your AUTO folder. When DC DISK INFO runs, it will
- install itself in memory, and register with the DC Desktop.
- - or -
- 1) Execute DCDSKINF.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with an
- alert box asking you whether you want to RUN, INSTALL or QUIT the program.
- 2) Click on INSTALL. If DC Desktop is present, it will install itself in
- memory and register with DC Desktop.
- ====================
- ====================
- >To RUN DC DISK INFO from the desktop, follow these steps:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- 1) Execute DCDSKINF.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with an
- alert box asking you whether you want to RUN, INSTALL or QUIT.
- 2) Click on RUN. The screen will clear and you will be asked to enter a
- drive letter.
- 3) Press one key out of the letters displayed on the screen.
- 4) You will be prompted whether or not to determine the files and folders
- on that drive. Press <Y> or <N>.
- 5) The FAT of the chosen disk will be scanned and a graphic representation
- of your file layout will be displayed, along with certain statistics.
- 6) Press a key or the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to repeat.
- >To RUN DC DISK INFO (installed) from DC Desktop, do this:
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- 1) Click on a drive icon on the desktop until it is selected.
- 2) Press the <ALTERNATE>+<S> keys at the same time.
- 3) Depending on your configuration, you may be prompted if you want the
- file and folder count to be calculated. Press the <Y> or <N> key.
- 4) The file allocation and drive statistics will be displayed for the
- icon you chose from the desktop.
- 5) Press a key or the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to return to the desktop.
- ====
- ====
- DC DISK INFO must be INSTALLED as memory resident for it to work as described
- directly above.
- ====================
- ====================
- >TO QUIT DC DISK INFO, do this:
- -------------------------------
- 1) Press either the <ESC> or <UNDO> key instead of a drive letter.
- ====================
- ====================
- DC DISK INFO has three simple possible configurations.
- When you run DC DISK INFO, it can either:
- 1) Calculate the files and folders on the disk automatically, or
- 2) Not calculate the files and folders, or
- 3) Prompt you as to whether to calculate the files and folders.
- >To configure DC DISK INFO, do this:
- ------------------------------------
- 1) Copy the DCDI_CFG.PRG and DCDSKINF.PRG files to the same location.
- This is a temporary location just for configuration.
- 2) Run the program DCDI_CFG.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented
- with an alert asking you:
- +---------------------+
- | Calculate Files |
- | and Folders? |
- | |
- | |Yes| |No| |Prompt| |
- +---------------------+
- 3) Click on the appropriate button. The configurator will attempt to
- save this information back to the DCDSKINF.PRG file. If it can't
- locate it, it will tell you.
- 4) You can now copy DCDSKINF.PRG to you AUTO folder, if you have DC Desktop.
- ====
- ====
- Be certain you have the files in the same place. The configurator just
- looks in the current directory for the file named DCDSKINF.PRG
- DO NOT copy DCDI_CFG.PRG to your AUTO folder, it is not designed to run
- from the AUTO folder on bootup.
- ====================
- ====================
- If you do not calculate files and folders, the volume label will not be
- displayed.
- =====================
- =====================
- * FAT (File Allocation Table) map
- Each character represents a cluster or a _group_ of clusters which
- make up the FAT.
- . = clusters unused
- X = clusters used
- x = clusters mixed (used/empty)
- B = clusters marked bad
- Note: 1] Whenever x's are mixed among X's, this indicates fragmentation of
- disk space. (ie. XXXxXXxXXXXxxX )
- 2] x's leading into or trailing a group of X's is natural.
- (ie. XX xXXXXXx XXX )
- 3] B's may indicate one or more clusters bad in a group, if a
- character represents more than one cluster
- * Extended space usage information for a drive.
- At the bottom of your screen you will see:
- Drive X info:
- Free Space : xxxxx bytes xxx Mb xx% | Volume Label : name
- Used Space : xxxxx bytes xxx Mb xx% | # Folders : xxx
- Total Space : xxxxx bytes xxx Mb | # Files : xxx
- Marked Bad : xx | Clusters/char : xx
- ====
- ====
- All space calculations are based upon clusters used or free, and therefore
- are accurate to the nearest size of a cluster. In other words, the sizes
- reported are sizes according to cluster count, not actual file sizes summed.
- Where:
- Free Space is the remaining free space
- Used Space is the total used space
- Total Space is the maximum storage of the disk
- Marked bad is a count of all sectors marked as bad on the disk
- Volume Label is obvious
- # Folders is the count of folders on the disk
- # Files is the count of files on the disk
- Clusters/char is the number of clusters represented by each character
- and is determined according to: number of sectors on the drive / 1600
- xxxxx bytes is the bytes free/used/total
- xxx Mb is the free/used/total space in Megabytes
- this may also be xxx Kb for Kilobytes
- xx% is the percentage free/used out of 100%
- ==========
- ==========
- If you would like to see a feature in any of our products, please do
- not hesitate to tell us what you need!
- Call us if you have any questions too!
- You can reach us at:
- Voice: (713)977-6520
- Online:
- =======
- GEnie: DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30)
- CompuServe: 75300,577 (go ATARIVend, area 13)
- The DC BBS: (713)944-0108
- Usenet: uace0@menudo.uh.edu