Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: Company Group 1995 1996 1996 1995 ROOO R000 ROOO ROOO (549 369) (674 661) Other money market instruments (549 369) (225 318) (648 271) (674 661) Repurchase agreements (648 271) (225 318) 8 380 270 8 522 292 8 739 037 8 515 881 The capital balances of all foreign currency loans at year- end were covered by forward exchange or option contracts. Short-term debt is of a revolving nature and is therefore not disclosed as current liabilities. 10 471 515 10 833 757 Guaranteed debt 10 833 757 10 471 515 9 806 713 10 338 198 by South African Government 10 338 198 9 806 713 664 802 495:559 by South African banks 495 559 664 802 The Company may issue or re-issue locally registered stock in terms of the Post Office Amendment Act 85 of 1991 . These borrowing powers are limited in terms of the Company's articles of association (refer note 21).