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Catalog 1.51 Shareware (for Windows 95, NT 3.51, NT 4.0)
Catalog is an easy to use tool with a Windows 95 interface which
allows you to catalog unit drive, the unit drive can be a floppy,
a hard drive, an optical drive, a ZIP drive and a CD-ROM.
With Catalog you are able to :
- Organize your volume into categories.
- Add comment to each files and folders.
- Search for files using file name or your own comment (with mask characters)
- and more, just have a look to this program
If you have comment about this application feel free to email me
Thanks for trying my shareware and don't forget to register
Benjamin a+
Email : Benjab@msn.com
Internet : http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Benjab
Registration : $20 US (avalaible on Compuserve forum:SWREG ID#10102)
Information for German Translation
Hans Mair will translate any English Shareware programs to german language for a free
copy of the translated program.
You can contact him using his email : Hans.Mair@ns.augustanet.de
History of Catalog
1.51 - Add the German Language Option in Catalog
- Add New Catalog File Document Menu Item in the Windows 95 Shell
- Add Goto feature in the Search Windows
- Add Popup Menu on File/Folder in the Search Window.
- Add File History List in the File Menu
- Add Categories in the catalog file
- Add the search on comment feature
- Add comment feature for each file and folder
- Add comment feature for the catalog file
- Add Open if possible" Feature for files
- Add the delete feature for files and folders
- Add an option to change the priority of catalog
- Add the same icon than the Explorer
- Add the "update date" column in the list of drive
- Change the design of the window when Adding a volume
- Optimize the adding volume method (x3 faster with large drive!!)
- Optimize the startup process (x1.5 Faster)
- Fixed some color problem
- Fixed problem when using large font in windows configuration
- Fixed a minor bug in the window position saving/loading
- Fixed a minor bug with the properties windows position
- Fixed a bug on window restoring positions
- Fixed a bug when adding an empty disk
1.21 - Fixed a bug an error occurs on opening a clg file
error : "The Key already exists in the collection"
1.2 - Fixed a bug in the All volumes property window
- Fixed a bug when adding a volume
- Update the setup installation program
1.1 - Add an Option to run Catalog In french or in English
- Add context help on all windows
- Add Options Windows (Autoload Last file Option)
- Add the export menu and window
- Add History of Mask used in the Find Window
- Add Animation in the Export Windows
- Add Animation in the Add Volume Window
- Add Animation in the Find Window
- Fixed a bug with the list of files (error if the width of column <= 0)
- Fixed the GPF generated by the Export menu
1.0 - The original version