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; Elements File for MWTWIN program
; Comments may be added by preceding with a semicolon
; The heading [ELEMENTWEIGHTTYPE] 1 signifies that Average Elemental Weights are
; being used while [ELEMENTWEIGHTTYPE] 2 signifies the use of Exact Weights
; The group heading [ELEMENTS] must exist to signify the start of the elements
; Elemental values may be changed, but new elements may not be added
; If you wish to add new elements, simply add them as abbreviations
; If this file becomes deleted, the MWTWIN program will create a new file
; with the default values
; Uncertainties from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
; For Radioactive elements, the most stable isotope is NOT used;
; instead, an average Mol. Weight is used, just like with other elements.
; Data obtained from the Perma-Chart Science Series periodic table, 1993.
; Uncertainties from CRC Handoobk of Chemistry and Physics, except for
; Radioactive elements, where uncertainty was estimated to be .n5 where
; n represents the number digits after the decimal point but before the last
; number of the molecular weight.
; For example, for No, MW = 259.1009 (±0.0005)
; The values signify:
; Weight Uncertainty
H 1.00794 0.00007
He 4.002602 0.000002
Li 6.941 0.002
Be 9.012182 0.000003
B 10.811 0.005
C 12.011 0.001
N 14.00674 0.00007
O 15.9994 0.0003
F 18.9984 0.0000009
Ne 20.1797 0.0006
Na 22.98977 0.000006
Mg 24.305 0.0006
Al 26.98154 0.000005
Si 28.0855 0.0003
P 30.97376 0.000004
S 32.066 0.006
Cl 35.4527 0.0009
Ar 39.948 0.001
K 39.0983 0.0001
Ca 40.078 0.004
Sc 44.95591 0.000009
Ti 47.88 0.03
V 50.9415 0.0001
Cr 51.9961 0.0006
Mn 54.93805 0.00001
Fe 55.847 0.003
Co 58.9332 0.00001
Ni 58.6934 0.0002
Cu 63.546 0.003
Zn 65.39 0.02
Ga 69.723 0.001
Ge 72.61 0.02
As 74.92159 0.00002
Se 78.96 0.03
Br 79.904 0.001
Kr 83.8 0.01
Rb 85.4678 0.0003
Sr 87.62 0.01
Y 88.90585 0.00002
Zr 91.224 0.002
Nb 92.90638 0.00002
Mo 95.94 0.01
Tc 97.9072 0.0005
Ru 101.07 0.02
Rh 102.9055 0.00003
Pd 106.42 0.01
Ag 107.8682 0.0002
Cd 112.411 0.008
In 114.818 0.01
Sn 118.71 0.007
Sb 121.757 0.003
Te 127.6 0.03
I 126.9045 0.00003
Xe 131.29 0.02
Cs 132.9054 0.00005
Ba 137.327 0.007
La 138.9055 0.0002
Ce 140.115 0.004
Pr 140.9077 0.00003
Nd 144.24 0.03
Pm 144.9127 0.0005
Sm 150.36 0.03
Eu 151.965 0.009
Gd 157.25 0.03
Tb 158.9253 0.00003
Dy 162.5 0.03
Ho 164.9303 0.00003
Er 167.26 0.03
Tm 168.9342 0.00003
Yb 173.04 0.03
Lu 174.967 0.001
Hf 178.49 0.02
Ta 180.9479 0.0001
W 183.84 0.03
Re 186.207 0.001
Os 190.23 0.03
Ir 192.22 0.03
Pt 195.08 0.03
Au 196.9665 0.00003
Hg 200.59 0.02
Tl 204.3833 0.0002
Pb 207.2 0.1
Bi 208.9804 0.00003
Po 208.9824 0.0005
At 209.9871 0.0005
Rn 222.0176 0.0005
Fr 223.0197 0.0005
Ra 226.0254 0.0001
Ac 227.0278 0.00001
Th 232.0381 0.0001
Pa 231.0359 0.00005
U 238.0289 0.0001
Np 237.0482 0.0005
Pu 244.0642 0.0005
Am 243.0614 0.0005
Cm 247.0703 0.0005
Bk 247.0703 0.0005
Cf 251.0796 0.0005
Es 252.083 0.005
Fm 257.0951 0.0005
Md 258.1 0.05
No 259.1009 0.0005
Lr 262.11 0.05