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Many people think that the data transfer rate of CD-ROM drives
is constant from the beginning to the end of the disc, but this is
not always true: at times it varies only a little, other times it
varies very much. In the latter case, common benchmarks report a
completely wrong result because they suppose that the reading speed
is constant, so they read only at the beginning of the disc.
Has your drive a constant data trasfer rate? My program gives
you an accurate answer. CD-BENCH reads the disc in four different
points and displays four results, so you can see if and how much
the speed varies.
CD-BENCH also measures the average access time by performing 100
random accesses to sectors located in the first 300 MB of the disc.
Using a fixed portion of the disc ensures that the result depends
only on the drive speed and not on the disc size. If the disc
contains less than 300 MB of data, CD-BENCH skips this test.
The sequence of 100 accesses is only apparently random: it is
always the same, every time you perform the test; in this way,
again, the result depends only on the drive speed.
CD-BENCH interacts with the 8253 timer chip to get high
resolution timing and, therefore, highly accurate results.
The presence of a disk cache like SMARTDrive can lead to
unrealistic results. CD-BENCH temporarily disables SMARTDrive
v4.0+ or compatible caches (PC-Cache v8.0+ and the most recent
versions of Norton Cache are known to be compatible) and restores
their original status before returning to DOS, even if you abort
the program by pressing Ctrl-Break or ejecting the disc (I don't
lock them so you are free to do as you like).
If no parameter is supplied on the command line, CD-BENCH tests
all the available CD-ROM drives; if you want to test only one of
them, just specify its letter.
CD-BENCH cannot run in a DOS window under W95 or OS/2: you have
to use "plain" DOS.
Your feedback is welcome.
My addresses are:
E-mail: pnavato@geocities.com
Pino Navato, 2:335/225.18 (The Bits BBS, Fidonet)
WWW: www.poboxes.com/pnavato
(currently forwards to
Mail: Pino Navato
Via Pittore, 164
80046 S.Giorgio a Cremano (NA)
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