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This is the output of CD-BENCH relative to my Aztech 6x. As you
can see, the reading speed is rather variable: at the beginning of
the disc it is very low (for a 6x drive), then it grows rapidly up
to 1000 kB/s (much more than 900 kB/s, the normal speed of a 6x
drive). In conclusion, 6x is an average.
Questo e` l'output di CD-BENCH relativo al mio Aztech 6x. Come
si puo` vedere la velocita` di lettura e` alquanto variabile:
all'inizio del disco e` molto bassa (per un 6x), poi sale rapida-
mente ed arriva fino a 1000 kB/s (ben oltre i 900 kB/s di un norma-
le 6x). Si tratta, insomma, di un "6x in media".
CD-BENCH v1.1 - Freeware by Pino Navato (pnavato@geocities.com)
SMARTDrive v4.0+ (or compatible) found and temporarily disabled.
Testing drive E:
Device name: AZIDE
Sector size: 2048 bytes
Sectors: 322281
Size of inserted CD: 629.46 MB
Reading sectors 1-1200
Transfer rate: 656 kB/s (4.4x)
Reading sectors 50001-51200
Transfer rate: 860 kB/s (5.7x)
Reading sectors 100001-101200
Transfer rate: 989 kB/s (6.6x)
Reading sectors 150001-151200
Transfer rate: 1000 kB/s (6.7x)
Average access time (300 MB): 195 ms
The following one, instead, is the result given by a Creative
4x. Its reading speed is extremely constant and it is almost equal
to 600 kB/s that is the nominal speed of a 4x drive. Its access
time is better than the Aztech's one; this fact shoudn't cause
surprise: access time and data transfer rate are not closely
connected, that's why both of them are considered.
Quello che segue, invece, e` il risultato fornito da un Creative
4x. La sua velocita` di lettura e` estremamente costante ed e`
pressoche' pari ai 600 kB/s che costituiscono la velocita` nominale
di un 4x. Il suo tempo di accesso e` migliore rispetto all'Aztech;
questo fatto non deve meravigliare: tempo di accesso e velocita` di
lettura non sono strettamente correlati, ecco perche' vengono con-
siderati entrambi.
CD-BENCH v1.1 - Freeware by Pino Navato (pnavato@geocities.com)
SMARTDrive v4.0+ (or compatible) found and temporarily disabled.
Testing drive G:
Device name: MSCD001
Sector size: 2048 bytes
Sectors: 310664
Size of inserted CD: 606.77 MB
Reading sectors 1-1200
Transfer rate: 598 kB/s (4.0x)
Reading sectors 50001-51200
Transfer rate: 595 kB/s (4.0x)
Reading sectors 100001-101200
Transfer rate: 596 kB/s (4.0x)
Reading sectors 150001-151200
Transfer rate: 600 kB/s (4.0x)
Average access time (300 MB): 164 ms
Last but not least, the result given by a Plextor PX-20TS: the
data transfer rate is extremely variable, the acces time is very
Ecco, infine, il risultato di un Plextor PX-20TS: la velocita`
di lettura e` estrememente variabile, il tempo di accesso e` molto
CD-BENCH v1.1 - Freeware by Pino Navato (pnavato@geocities.com)
SMARTDrive v4.0+ (or compatible) found and temporarily disabled.
Testing drive I:
Device name: ASPICD0
Sector size: 2048 bytes
Sectors: 319124
Size of inserted CD: 623.29 MB
Reading sectors 1-1200
Transfer rate: 1638 kB/s (10.9x)
Reading sectors 50001-51200
Transfer rate: 2328 kB/s (15.5x)
Reading sectors 100001-101200
Transfer rate: 2752 kB/s (18.3x)
Reading sectors 150001-151200
Transfer rate: 3008 kB/s (20.0x)
Average access time (300 MB): 86 ms