Corel ArtShow 4
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287 lines
; Install for the Corel ArtShow 4
; As At November 3, 1993
; Don Slaunwhite
SetVariable (Copycdaudio, "No") ; files that will be copied over
SetVariable (copyartshow, "No")
setvariable (cdaudioSize, 821 000) ; be copied over (measured in bytes)
setvariable (cdaudioPath, "C:\CDAUDIO")
setvariable (artshowpath, "C:\ARTSHOW4")
setvariable (artshowsize, 2 300 000)
; Set the title of all dialog windows.
WindowTitle ("Setup")
SetVariable (InsAskPath,
"Modify the default path if necessary, and then click on {\b OK} or "
"press {\b Enter} to continue. ")
SetVariable (InsBadPath,
"The path is currently not valid. You must specify a drive "
"letter, a colon, and a directory from the root of the drive. ")
SetVariable (InitialInstructions,
"Click on {\b OK} or press {\b Enter} to continue. "
"To abort the setup, click on the {\b Exit} button at the "
"bottom right corner of the screen, or press {\b F3}. "
"The installation takes up about 3MB of disk space, including CD-Audio.")
DisplayMessage ("%n"
"The Setup program will install the required portions of ArtShow 4 "
"on your hard disk. The ArtShow 4 consists of the following "
"ArtShow 4 Viewer:%tA powerful viewing program for examining the Artwork%n"
"%t%tentered into the Design Contest.%n%n"
"Corel ArtView:%tThis Windows 3.1 screensaver module will use any%n"
"%t%tBMP,PCX,GIF or Kodak PhotoCD image as%n"
"%t%tpart of its screensaver display.%n%n"
"Corel CD-Audio:%tSimulates a CD Player, allowing you to play and%n"
"%t%tcatalogue your favorite CDs on your CD-ROM drive."
GetWinPath (WinPath)
GetWinSystemPath (SystemPath)
; Determine if the artshow has been installed before.
; If the WIN.INI file contains information on where the artshow directory
; is located, then make that the default path.
GetFromWinIni (artshowPathTemp, "ArtShow4", "ArtShow", "Undefined")
IfEqualGoto (<artshowPathTemp>, "Undefined", Promptartshowcopy)
SetVariable (artshowPath, <artshowPathTemp>)
; Determine if the cd-audio has been installed before.
; If the WIN.INI file contains information on where the cd-audio directory
; is located, then make that the default path.
GetFromWinIni (cdaudioPathTemp, "CorelSCSI", "CD-Audio", "Undefined")
IfEqualGoto (<cdaudioPathTemp>, "Undefined", Promptcdaudiocopy)
SetVariable (cdaudioPath, <cdaudioPathTemp>)
; Ask whether to install the artshow
AskYesNo (Copyartshow, <Copyartshow>,
"The Artshow programs require about 2.3MB of disk space.%n"
"Would you like to copy them to your hard disk?",
"Click on {\b Yes} or press {\b 'Y'} to copy Artshow 4 and the ArtView screensaver.%n"
"Click on {\b No} or press {\b 'N'} to proceed without copying Artshow 4 and ArtView screensaver.%n%n")
IfEqualGoto (<Copyartshow>, "No", DontPromptartshowPath)
; Ask for where artshow should be installed.
PromptPath (artshowPath, <artshowPath>,
"Where should Setup install Corel ArtShow 4?",
<InsAskPath>, <InsBadPath>)
; Check if there is enough space to install artshow
GetSpaceAvailable (SpaceAvailable, <artshowPath>)
Subtract (SpaceAvailable, <artshowSize>)
IfLowerGoto (<artshowSize>, <SpaceAvailable>, artshowPathOK)
AskYesNo (Prompt, "Yes",
"There may not be enough space to install the Artshow 4 files "
"on your hard disk. Would you like to enter a new path for them? ",
"Click on {\b Yes} or press {\b 'Y'} to enter a new path for the "
"Artshow files\par Click on {\b No} or press {\b 'N'} to "
"continue anyway. ")
IfEqualGoto (<Prompt>, "Yes", PromptartshowPath)
; ****** end of artshow checking
; ***** start of cdaudio checking
; Ask whether to install the cdaudio
AskYesNo (Copycdaudio, <Copycdaudio>,
"Corel CD-Audio requires about 800KB of disk space.%n"
"Would you like to also copy it to your hard disk?",
"Click on {\b Yes} or press {\b 'Y'} to copy CD-Audio.%n"
"Click on {\b No} or press {\b 'N'} to proceed without copying CD-Audio.")
IfEqualGoto (<Copycdaudio>, "No", DontPromptcdaudioPath)
; Ask for where cd-audio should be installed.
PromptPath (cdaudioPath, <cdaudioPath>,
"Where should Setup install Corel CD-Audio?",
<InsAskPath>, <InsBadPath>)
; Check if there is enough space to install cd-audio
GetSpaceAvailable (SpaceAvailable, <cdaudioPath>)
Subtract (SpaceAvailable, <cdaudioSize>)
IfLowerGoto (<cdaudioSize>, <SpaceAvailable>, cdaudioPathOK)
AskYesNo (Prompt, "Yes",
"There may not be enough space to install the CD-Audio files "
"on your hard disk. Would you like to enter a new path for them? ",
"Click on {\b Yes} or press {\b 'Y'} to enter a new path for the "
"CD-Audio files\par Click on {\b No} or press {\b 'N'} to "
"continue anyway. ")
IfEqualGoto (<Prompt>, "Yes", PromptcdaudioPath)
AskYesNo (AskAgain, "No",
"Would you like to change anything before proceeding with "
"the installation?",
"Click on {\b Yes} or press {\b 'Y'} to reenter options."
"Click on {\b No} or press {\b 'N'} to proceed with installation.")
IfEqualGoto (<AskAgain>, "Yes", AskAgain)
; ****** end of cd-audio checking
; Determine the installation medium.
SetVariable (Medium, "CD-ROM/Net Drive")
; ******* cdaudio making of directories
; Create the tree structure.
ifEqualGoto (<Copyartshow>, "No", DontMakeartshowPath)
MakePath (<artshowPath>)
ifEqualGoto (<Copycdaudio>, "No", DontMakecdaudioPath)
MakePath (<cdaudioPath>)
IfEqualGoto (<Copyartshow>, "No", DontCopyartshow)
; Copy the files
OpenCopyProgress (
"Setup is copying the ArtShow 4 files.",
"Please wait while Setup is copying files.")
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\ARTSHOW4.EXE", <artshowPath> "ARTSHOW4.EXE", 257552)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\DATA\93DATA.DBF", <artshowPath> "93DATA.DBF", 353792)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\DATA\93DATA.MDX", <artshowPath> "93DATA.MDX", 539648)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\VBRUN200.DLL", <artshowPath> "VBRUN200.DLL", 356292)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\MCI.VBX", <artshowPath> "MCI.VBX", 36944)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\THREED.VBX", <artshowPath> "THREED.VBX", 55904)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\QEVBDBF.VBX", <artshowPath> "QEVBDBF.VBX", 380784)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\MHGR200.VBX", <artshowPath> "MHGR200.VBX", 111328)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\MUSCLE.VBX", <artshowPath> "MUSCLE.VBX", 87312)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\LZEXPAND.DLL", <artshowPath> "LZEXPAND.DLL", 9936)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\ARTVIEW.SCR", <WinPath> "ARTVIEW.SCR", 69120)
CopyFile ("ARTSHOW4\PCDLIB.DLL", <WinPath> "PCDLIB.DLL", 84448)
; ****** check to see to copy cd-audio files
IfEqualGoto (<Copycdaudio>, "No", DontCopycdaudio)
; Cd-Audio files:
SetProgressBarMsg ("Setup is copying the CD-Audio files.")
CopyFile ("CDAUDIO\CD_AUDIO.EXE", <cdaudioPath> "CD_AUDIO.EXE", 185000)
CopyFile ("CDAUDIO\CD_AUDIO.HEL", <cdaudioPath> "CD_AUDIO.HEL", 254000)
CopyFile ("CDAUDIO\COMMDLG.DLL", <cdaudioPath> "COMMDLG.DLL", 89000)
CopyFile ("CDAUDIO\CPALETTE.DLL", <cdaudioPath> "CPALETTE.DLL", 64000)
CopyFile ("CDAUDIO\LED.FON", <cdaudioPath> "LED.FON", 5600)
CopyFile ("CDAUDIO\WINHELP.HLP", <cdaudioPath> "WINHELP.HLP", 31000)
CopyFile ("CDAUDIO\WINHELP.EXE", <cdaudioPath> "WINHELP.EXE", 257000)
CloseCopyProgress ()
; Add Program Manager group
GetCurPath (CurPath)
SetVariable (CurPath, <CurPath>)
; **** check to install artshow icon
IfEqualGoto (<Copyartshow>, "No", Dontaddartshowicon)
OpenProgmanProgress (
"Setup is adding a Program Manager group",
"Please wait while Setup adds {\b Program Manager} groups".)
OpenProgmanGroup ("Corel ArtShow 4", Delete) ;; Add the group named aft