When this has completed you will be returned to a dos prompt. At this stage you can load Microsoft Windows in the normal manner
From the windows program manager
Click on File then Run
When this has finished click on File, New and OK
Select program item
Click into the Command Line box and type C:\NETSCAPE\NETSCAPE.EXE
The netscape icon should now appear in the selected program group.
At this stage all of the necessary files have been installed, but you now have to configure them.
Click on the Custom icon and a window will appear. Click onto Setup and then Login.
Enter your username and password into the appropriate boxes and click onto OK.
Your software has now been configured.
To logon to the system:
Click onto Setup and then Log. This will bring up a log window.
Click onto Connect and your modem will start dialing and you will be connected to our system. Once the connection has been made you will see that the Connect button will change to say Disconnect.
Once you have completed this process you can run ANY Internet application.