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- Distributed by Springsoft.
- Installation
- To install.
- Select the drive containing the program
- type INSTALL <drive to install from> <drive to install to>
- the game shall be installed on that drive under the directory
- eg to install from drive A onto C
- type
- Setup
- To change the keys (or slow the game down for those
- of you with 386DX's and above)
- type
- in the game directory.
- The game would like 750K of extended to run.
- It will run on less by utilising your hard disk, but it will
- be slower. And does not like running with KEYB installed.
- It may also run under Windows 3.1, depending upon your
- Windows options.
- If you do not know how to enable/disable these use the
- utility MAKEBOOT.EXE included, and have a blank disk at the
- ready. This program will then make a boot disk which you
- should have in your disk drive upon turning the computer on.
- To Play
- Type
- GO
- in the game directory.
- Instructions
- Choose the number of players (1 or 2)
- if you leave the game it will play a demo,
- to exit the demo press ESC.
- Player 1 then may choose a character by repeatedly pressing
- SPACE, and press TAB to change the players background.
- When the required character is selected then press
- If a two player game was selected, player 2 should also
- choose a character.
- If not the computer shall randomly select a fighter.
- The game shall then load.
- Each charecters have 9 keys (Default player 1.QWEASDZXC
- player 2.Numeric key-pad) or they may be redefined through
- the setup program.
- Each key and some combinations of keys cause the fighter
- to perform a move. The Bars at the top of the screen show
- the players status, when the status bar reaches zero the
- fighter dies. The aim is to kill the opposition. (deep huh?)
- Half the fun is working out the special moves of the
- characters so play with the keys.
- Some moves are faster than others and some do more damage
- than others.
- Each character has up to 30 different moves some of which
- require up to 4 keys being pressed at once.
- To play again press Y.
- In tournament play, the aim is to kill each of the opponents
- after each other, registered users will then be treated to
- a winning animation sequence, unregistered users get the
- small amount that will fit on a 720K disk (sorry, but you
- should register, anyway, there are many more opponents in
- the registered version to face so you haven't really won!).