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File List | 1992-09-01 | 9.3 KB | 170 lines |
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- CASCOLY SOFTWARE --| | |-------------------
- 4528 36th NE | ____|__ | Association of
- Seattle WA 98105 | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- Shareware is a means of distributing software. Under the shareware concept,
- software may be freely copied and passed along to others, or distributed
- through bulletin board systems or national networks.
- As a recipient of a shareware program, you may use the software for a short
- trial period to determine if it meets your needs. If the software is not
- suitable, then you can discard it. If you decide to use it, you must pay by
- registering. When you register a Cascoly shareware program, you receive:
- * A copy of the latest version of the program
- * A bonus of any other Cascoly program of equal or lesser value
- (see REGISTER.FRM for details)
- * A free introductory account on CompuServe including a private User
- ID number and password, $15 introductory usage credit, and a
- complimentary subscription to CompuServe Magazine, - a $30 value!
- * A minimum of 90 days online support via CompuServe or by
- telephone. Support by mail is also available, if accompanied
- by a SASE.
- * With some programs, you will also receive bonus maps, datasets
- or puzzles.
- To register a program, enter the following command:
- and the order form will be copied to your printer. Check off the program
- you wish to register, and check the program you wish to receive as a bonus.
- ***************************************************************************
- GREEN, FENCE and TOWERS use a unique 3-D perspective graphics system that
- shows fantastic detail (characters actually move behind walls or through
- water). You're not limited to 2 directions for scrolling -- you can scroll
- in EIGHT directions. Also, as you scroll from side to side, the perspective
- changes.
- In GREEN you help Planters to prevent the pavers from turning farms into
- parking lots. Pavers include mall developers, real estate agents, clear-cut
- loggers and other exploiters. There are several different maps, of varying
- difficulty. You have the ability to plant hedges, add walls, and to destroy
- pavement. GREEN is a strategy game, similar in concept to Populous and
- SimCity.
- In FENCE you try to prevent your sheep from escaping by building fences to
- block them. You have the ability to plant a variety of hedges and walls,
- with many levels of difficulty and various maps. FENCE is a strategy game,
- similar in concept to Tetris, Populous and SimCity.
- TOWERS is similar to Tetris, since you need to place blocks of varying
- size. That's where the similarity ends -- you need logic and planning,
- rather than quick reflexes in TOWERS. You build one level of the tower at
- a time, trying to fit the blocks in the tightest pattern. Each level
- becomes the base for the next level. How high can you build?
- ANTIC -- AntiC is a cross between Othello and Life. The object is to change
- all the squares in the pattern to the same color using the fewest number of
- transformations. Anti-Chaos networks are formed from squares connected to
- each other by directional lines. Each square is one of 3 colors and sends
- its color to the following squares in the network. If only one color comes
- into a square, it takes that color. If two colors come in, they cancel and
- the square assumes the third color. Each time you change a square, all the
- colors are recalculated and redrawn. Ages 8 and up. Mouse/ EGA
- WEBS is a deceptively simple solitaire game requiring both strategy and
- cunning. You claim nodes on a web while trying to limit the nodes claimed
- to your computer opponent. Automatic display of potential moves, a variety
- of webs and difficulties give hours of challenge. NEW IN V1.1: Web maker
- feature included. Registered users are eligible to enter a cash prize
- contest. Ages 8 and up. Requires mouse/EGA.
- PEG: No one really knows when PEG solitaire was invented. Some stories trace
- it to prisoners during the French Revolution, but published descriptions
- date at least 100 years earlier. Most likely the game is even older. PEG
- presents variations on the classic peg solitaire with multiple starting
- positions, and varying endgames. One of the pleasures of playing the game
- on your computer is that you can quickly set up the board to try different
- strategies. Ages 8 to 88. Requires mouse/EGA.
- ATC -- An air traffic controller game that's perfect for a few minutes or
- hours of fun. Easy to learn, but difficult to master. The game tracks best
- scores at each of 20 levels of difficulty. Ages 10 and up. (Supports
- monochrome or color)
- BORDER -- a cross between GO and connect the dots, this abstract strategy
- game for 2 players involves enclosing more area than your opponent, while
- preventing them from stopping you. Ages 12 and up. CGA/EGA
- ECOMASTER -- A diverting ecology game for one or more players in which you
- bid for and trade animals based on their abilities to thrive in different
- environments. No previous biological experience is assumed. For 1 or more
- players. Typical games last less than an hour. For ages 10 and up.
- FICTIONARY <tm> -- The game of fantastic and farfetched definitions. Each
- round one player chooses a word that no other player knows. You can choose
- your own word or pick one from the large selection included with the game.
- Then each other player makes up their own definition for the word. Everyone
- votes for what they think is the correct definition. Points are scored for
- guessing the proper one, or misleading other players. Special rules allow
- play by 2 or even 1 player. Ages 12 and up.
- -------------------
- QUILT is a diverting graphics program or nonresident screen saver, using
- half square quilting patterns. You can create specific patterns or set the
- program on sequential mode for continuously changing patterns. Change
- widths, patterns, rotate or flip the designs, or colors for "billions and
- billions" of combinations. Full EGA and VGA support, with configurable
- color palettes chosen from 64 possible colors. EGA/VGA req. Ages 8 to 88.
- CAPBUF is a memory resident (TSR) program that lets you capture any text
- screen and save it for later processing or printing. It is quite useful for
- programs that do not otherwise provide means of printing their results. Use
- it for intermediate results of games, or collecting copies of messages while
- on a bulletin board. (mono or graphics)
- UDECIDE helps you make decisions such as which software or hardware to
- purchase; ratings surveys; which project to pursue; ranking; or selecting
- colleges, movies, stocks, or wines. You enter a list of elements by which
- you will evaluate the contenders, optionally giving each a weight. Then you
- enter the possible options, and assign a value to each element. You can
- then sort to obtain an ordered list of the best options. Or you can perform
- what-if analyses by changing elements or weights. (mono or graphics)
- How old was Paul Revere when he rode into history? How many years separated
- Michelangelo and Cortez? With CHRONOS, you sort and select by individual
- people and events, or nations and occupations, to develop new insights and
- trace patterns across different eras and cultures. CHRONOS is used by
- history and art students, genealogists, teachers, writers and others
- interested in exploring historical relations or cultural events.
- CHRONOS comes with several datasets, which you can modify. Or you can design
- your own. Registered users will receive the current program along with
- additional datasets, such as WW2(Pacific) and 20th century.
- (mono or graphics)
- In additional you might be interested in the following games I've designed
- for interactive, multiplayer use on CompuServe:
- ATC -- multiplayer version
- SNIPER! <tm> based on the TSR, Inc game, you command a squad of infantry in
- wartorn Europe.
- -------------------
- ASP & the Ombudsman
- -------------------
- Cascoly Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals
- (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you.
- If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member
- by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
- Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
- does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to
- the ASP Ombudsman at P.O. Box 5786, Bellevue, WA 98006 or send a Compuserve
- message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 .