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- YATZ Version 1.1
- YATZ is an exciting dice game that can be played with up to
- 9 players. This is a demo disk of the program. The game
- is fully operational in this format for you to play and
- decide if you like it. If you do enjoy it please send a $18
- donation and I will send you a registered copy of version 2.0.
- Version 2.0 allows you to save a game in the middle of playing
- and then restore it at a future time and continue playing. It
- also has a top 20 score feature which saves your highest scores.
- It also includes a printed intsruction manual.
- Once you have registered the program you will recieve any
- future updates free of any fees except postage.
- You may distribute this program freely as along as it remains
- unchanged and you do not charge any fees.
- Please send donations, comments, and/or problems to :
- 1955 Clearbrook Ct.
- Tracy , CA 95376
- CompuServe 73547,3714 Prodigy MFHK20A
- Yatz may be played with up to nine (9) players at a time. A game consist
- or 39 turns each. Each turn you may roll the dice up to 3 times. For every
- turn you must mark a score on the score board even if it's a zero (0).
- The Score board is broken down into 3 columns and 20 rows. The first column
- is your SINGLE GAME, the scores in this column count for face value. The
- second column is your DOUBLE GAME, the scores in this column are doubled on
- line 19. The third column is your TRIPLE GAME and the scores are tripled on
- line 19. The GRAND TOTAL is the sum of all three columns. The ultimate
- high score at this time is 1,944 by Steve Fore of Fremont, Ca. If you can
- beat this score let me know.
- The Board is divided into two (2) sections, an upper and lower. In the Upper
- section (rows 1-6), you try to get at least 63 points in each game. This
- will give you a bonus of 35 points for each column. Remember this 35 points
- will be doubled and tripled on line 19 for your double and triple games.
- Upper section is determined by the number 1's; 2's; 3's; 4's; 5's; and 6's
- that you roll on any given turn. For example three (3) 2's gives you a score
- six (6) in the second ROW which is labeled "TWO's".
- The Lower section (rows 10-17) works slightly different. Row 10 labeled
- "THREE OF A KIND" is scored as the TOTAL of all five dice as long as at
- least THREE of the dice are the same. Example, you have three sixes and a
- four and a three, this would score as 25 in the THREE Of A KIND row. ROW 11
- labeled "FOUR OF A KIND" works the same way except you must have at least
- FOUR dice which are the same number.
- Row 12 labeled "FULL HOUSE" is scored as 25 points. A FULL HOUSE is 3 dice
- with the same number and the other 2 dice with the same number. Example,
- you have three 5's and two 1's, this is a FULL HOUSE and counts as 25 points.
- Row 13 labeled "SM. STRAIGHT" is scored as 30 points. A SMALL STRAIGHT is at
- least 4 dice in sequence. Examples of SMALL STRAIGHTS is dice with the
- numbers 1-2-3-4 or 2-3-4-5 or 3-4-5-6.
- Row 14 labeled "LG STRAIGHT" is scored as 40 points. A LARGE STRAIGHT is all
- five dice in sequence. There are only 2 possible LARGE STRAIGHTS and they
- are dice with the numbers 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6. This row and row 15 (YATZ)
- are the hardest to fill.
- Row 15 is labeled "YATZ" is scored as 50 points. A YATZ is all five dice
- with the same number.
- Row 16 is labeled "CHANCE" and is scored as the total of all five dice.
- There are no other conditions that need to be meet to use you turn as a
- Row 17 is the total of all scores in a coloumn. Row 18 is the Total of your
- upper and lower sections for each coloumn. Row 19 mulitpies row 18 by 1,2
- or 3 depending on if it is you SINGLE, DOUBLE, or TRIPLE game. ROW 20 is
- you grand total for the game.
- The only exception to the above scoring rules is the WILD YATZ. If you have
- filled all three YATZ boxes (With 50 or 0) and the upper section ROW for the
- number that caused the YATZ are filled you may use the YATZ for any LOWER
- section ROW. Example, you roll 5 Five's and you have filled all three YATZ
- score boxes AND all 5's coloumns are fillid in the upper section, you may
- use this for a LARGE STRAIGHT or SMALL STRAIGHT. A YATZ is always a FULL
- When it is your turn press <ENTER> to roll the dice. After the dice are
- rolled you may select dice that you want to hold and roll again or you can
- mark a score box. To select dice to hold use your up and down cursor keys
- to move the arrow next to the button that is next to the dice you want to
- hold. Press <ENTER>. The button will turn red indicating that this dice
- will not be rolled. If you make a mistake or no longer want to hold this
- dice simply press <ENTER> again and the button will turn green indicating
- that this dice will be rolled. If you want all the dice to be rolled again
- leave ( or make ) all the buttons green. After you have selected the dice
- you want to hold (if any), press F1 to roll the dice. Now you can either
- select any dice you want to roll or mark a score box. Again press F1 to
- roll the dice. After the THIRD roll of the dice control of the program will
- automaticlly be switch to the score board. Only THREE rolls of the dice are
- permitted each turn.
- If after your first or second roll of the dice you want to mark a score box
- instead of roll again, press F2 to transfer program control to the score
- board. If you have not had your third roll yet and you on the score board you
- pree F2 again to go back and select dice to hold and roll agian.
- To mark the score board, move the highlighted box tho the ROW and COlOUMN
- that you want to fill and press enter. You must mark one box for each turn
- you take. Press enter and the score will go in that box and all your totals
- will be updated. If you make a mistake after you have pressed enter you can
- correct it by pressing any key EXCEPT <ENTER> and then move the highlighted
- box to the one you want to fill. The program will alert you if you select
- a score box that will result in a score of 0. Press <ENTER> to confirm you
- want to zero out a score box.
- Now your turn is complete and other players (if any) take their turn. Play
- continues until all boxes are full (39 turns each) then all scores are dis-
- played and the winner is shown.
- I hope that you enjoy playing the game. I spend over 200 hours programing the
- game to insure accuracy with the above rules. If you enjoy the game please
- send in the $18 registration fee and receive VERSION 2.0 which allows you
- to save games in the middle, keep track of your 20 highest scores, and get a
- printed instuction manual which provides helpfull hints on stradigy. You
- are also able to obtain updates of the program at no cost except postage if
- you register. Send registration fee amd\or comments to :
- TRACY, CA 95376
- CompuServe 73547,3714 Prodigy MFHK20A