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** Note ** The Softerm Overview online help was designed for use with
Microsoft Windows 3.1. It may not function correctly with previous
versions of Windows. All other Softerm Plus online help systems will
work correctly with Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or later.
What Is Softerm Plus?
Softerm Plus is a shareware communications/terminal emulation program
for Microsoft Windows. It features a pro-cognitive graphical user
interface, exact terminal emulations, scripting, and file transfer
Softerm Plus features include:
Pro-cognitive Graphical User Interface
* Modular design allows for individual "Customization" of feature set
and functionality
* Profiling lets you "Personalize" your communications environment
* Graphic User Interface (GUI) uses Common User Access (CUA) standards
Terminal Emulations
* Exact emulations support all keyboard, video, and printer functions
of the terminal being emulated.
* Terminal Emulations include:
DEC VT340, DEC VT320, DEC VT240, VT220, VT131, VT100, VT52
IBM 3101-20 (Block Mode), 3101-10
ANSI 3.64
File Transfer Protocols
* Kermit (Dumb Mode)
* Kermit (Smart Mode, Kermit Server)
* Honeywell Kermit
* Softrans (some Host's Source Code Included)
* Xmodem and Xmodem 1k
* Ymodem and Ymodem 1k
* Ymodem-g and Ymodem-g 1k
* Zmodem
* Character (ASCII) File Send/Receive
* Filtering/Edit Options during File Transfer
Softerm Plus is not public domain, and it is not free software. You are
granted use of this software for a period of 30 days from the date of
installation. After that time you are obligated to register the
software be sending $35.00 to the address below. If you want to receive
a printed and bound reference manual, the registration fee is $50.00.
Send Registration Fee to:
Softronics, Inc.
5085 List Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Phone Numbers:
Sales : 800/225-8590
Office: 719/593-9540
FAX : 719/548-1878
Softerm Plus Copyright 1992 by Softronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Softerm and Softronics are registered trademarks of Softronics, Inc.
Microsoft is the registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of
Microsoft, Inc.
Technical Assistance
If the on-line Help does not answer your questions, you can telephone
Softronics' Technical Assistance department at (900) 884-7638. This is
a toll call and will cost $2.00 per minute. Softronics also provides
Technical Assistance on GEnie.
Files you need to operate Softerm Plus are:
ANSI364 HLP 11850 03-02-92 Online Help for ANSI 3.64 emulation
ANSIIBM HLP 6740 03-02-92 Online Help for IBM ANSI emulation
HOSTMODE DOC 26472 08-18-92 Documentation describing Host Mode
HOSTMODE HLP 11536 04-01-92 Online Help for Host Mode
IBM31011 HLP 8593 03-02-92 Online Help for IBM 3101-10 emulation
IBM31012 HLP 17282 03-02-92 Online Help for IBM 3101-20 emulation
IBMSIO HLP 10817 03-02-92 Online Help for COM port connection
MODULR2 HLP 160588 12-08-92 Online Help for Softerm Overview
PWDEDIT EXE 29440 11-20-92 Password Editor for Host Mode
PWDEDIT HLP 23568 04-20-92 Online Help for Password Editor
READ ME 7176 12-09-92 This Read Me file
SCRIPTS DOC 152227 08-18-92 Documentation for Script language
SFP HLP 9833 07-23-92 Online Help for Script module
SOFTERM EXE 57968 12-08-92 Softerm Plus executable
SOFTERM HLP 249803 08-06-92 Softerm Plus Online Help
SOFTERM MDB 150272 12-09-92 User Data Base
SOFTERM MOD 416768 12-09-92 Softerm Plus data base
SOFTFONT FON 180368 11-20-92 Softerm Plus fonts (optional)
TTY HLP 6733 03-02-92 Online Help for TTY emulation
VT131 HLP 20701 03-02-92 Online Help for DEC VT131 emulation
VT240 HLP 32995 10-01-92 Online Help for DEC VT240
VT340 HLP 39738 10-01-92 Online Help for DEC VT340
VTTERM HLP 34038 03-02-92 Online Help for DEC VT100, VT220
and VT320 emulations
WANSI DLL 5600 11-20-92 IBM ANSI module
WANSI364 DLL 22304 11-20-92 ANSI 3.64 module
WCHAR DLL 5120 11-20-92 Character file transfer module
WCM DLL 37904 11-20-92 Communications Manager module
WCOLOR DLL 16576 11-20-92 Color module
WCSHELL DLL 43520 12-08-92 Configuration Shell module
WDBM DLL 23776 11-20-92 Data base manager module
WDBS DLL 24288 11-20-92 Data base server module
WDBSRVR EXE 5280 11-20-92 Data base server module
WFMTC DLL 67808 11-20-92 Formatter module
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WGDI DLL 17840 11-20-92 Graphics interface
WGFXKRNL DLL 76000 11-20-92 Graphics Kernal
WIBM1X DLL 5600 11-20-92 IBM 3101-10 emulation module
WIBM2X DLL 16016 11-20-92 IBM 3101-20 emulation module
WIND$ DLL 72192 11-20-92 IBM Ind$File file transfer module
WKB DLL 19456 11-20-92 Runtime keyboard module
WKBC DLL 21616 07-15-92 Keyboard configuration
WKERMIT DLL 15408 11-20-92 Kermit file transfer module
WLPTIO DLL 10848 11-20-92 Parallel port module
WMCT DLL 17760 11-20-92 Multi-national translation
WMRKCPY DLL 7680 11-20-92 Mark and Copy module
WPCF DLL 2528 11-20-92 File management module
WPM DLL 11248 11-20-92 Presentation Manager module
WPROFILE DLL 183488 11-20-92 Profiling module
WRSHELL DLL 48848 12-08-92 Runtime Shell module
WSCH DLL 10880 11-20-92 Scheduler module
WSCRLBK DLL 21440 11-20-92 Scrollback module
WSFP DLL 45520 11-20-92 Script operation module
WSIO DLL 18656 11-20-92 Serial port module
WSOFT DLL 6832 11-20-92 Softrans file transfer
WSTRKRNL DLL 9024 11-20-92 Storage Kernal
WTEK DLL 36080 11-20-92 Terminal Emulation kernel
WTTY DLL 2688 11-20-92 TTY emulation module
WVM DLL 14048 11-20-92 Video Manager module
WVT DLL 41792 12-03-92 DEC VT100, 220 and 320 emulations
WVT131 DLL 31584 12-03-92 DEC VT131 emulation
WVT240 DLL 62880 11-20-92 DEC VT240 Graphics emulation
WVT340 DLL 72800 11-20-92 DEC VT340 Graphics emulation
WXMODEM DLL 12768 11-24-92 Xmodem and Ymodem file transfer
WXRM DLL 23632 11-20-92 File Transfer module
WZMODEM DLL 16976 11-20-92 Zmodem file transfer module
XRM HLP 67384 06-04-92 Online Help for File Transfer
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