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##################### ASTROLOG 4.00 UPDATE FILE #####################
Happy New Year everyone! 1994 promises to be a exciting year,
with the last Saturn Pluto Square being exact after the very first
day, and the great seven planet Stellium in Capricorn soon after on
1-11. In honor of these great times and great events (and my Pluto
over Sun transit that just happened), allow the next big release of
our Astrolog astrology calculation program to be presented: version 4.00!
More than just your ordinary upgrade, Astrolog 4.00 features
some major new enhancements:
* A new set of formulas for the planets whose accuracy rivals if not
exceeds those of all major commercial products.
* PostScript file representations for all of Astrolog's graphics
* Windows metafile picture file options which allow graphics charts
to be easily inserted into documents or modified in picture editors.
* Many other new useful features such as labeled cusps for graphics
charts, along with a standard batch of bug fixes and improvements.
This release posting consists of the following files, each
posted as a separate article:
1. A text Update file describing new features and changes to Astrolog
4.00 made over the previous version, 3.10 (what you're reading now).
2. A uuencoded, compressed, shell archive of the source code, config
file, and makefile.
3. A uuencoded, zip archive containing the source code, config file,
makefile, icon file, and two ephemeris files.
4. A uuencoded DOS executable ready to run on PC's.
5. A History file as a uuencoded, compressed, straight text file
describing the changes made to each version of the program since its
beginning (not necessary unless you are upgrading from several
versions ago).
The "source code" consists of 15 files (13 C program files and
two header include files). The "config file" is the astrolog.dat
default parameter file (not necessary to have to run but useful). The
"makefile" is a standard compilation Makefile in the shell archive,
and a different Microsoft nmakefile in the zip archive. The "icon
file" is a Microsoft Windows icon to use if invoking Astrolog from
Windows. The "ephemeris files" are used for the accurate calculation
of the planetary positions (see later).
Some of these files are posted in more than one part in multiple
articles, due to newsreader size restrictions. For these files,
extract each part in turn to a separate file, go into a text editor
and strip off the header and trailing text, and concatenate them
All the files described above have been uploaded to Michael
Bulmer's alt.astrology anon ftp site at hilbert.maths.utas.edu.au in
the directory /incoming/astrolog. (The ephemeris files are in the
subdirectory /incoming/astrolog/ephem.) They should be moved to the
standard /pub/astrology/Astrolog directory there soon. Fellow
employees at Microsoft connected to its network can get a copy of
this version out of my public share in the directory
If you have used or are familiar with the previous versions of
the program, you may want to first read the section on changes to old
features made in this release. In addition, if you aren't familiar
with any previous versions of the program at all, you will want to
read the comprehensive Helpfile for version 3.10, so you know what
the version 4.00 feature enhancements are referring to. This
documentation Helpfile for the previous version describes all its
features together in order, and is available at the hilbert ftp site.
I intend to create and post one for version 4.00 containing this
Update information in it sometime soon.
##################### ASTROLOG 4.00 MAIN FEATURES #####################
-b switch: Astrolog 4.00 has a new set of calculation routines
which are much more accurate than the Matrix software routines that
have always been used before! The old routines are still there,
except that one may now choose between the old and new calculation
methods with the new -b switch. With -b, Sun through Pluto, the North
Node, and Chiron will be computed more accurately (although slower).
The other asteroids, uranians, stars, and house cusps are always
generated with the Matrix routines.
The new calculation uses ephemeris files for some planets which
must be in a directory specified at compile time in order to work.
The new routines are valid based on how many of the ephemeris files
one has. With all of them, the formulas will cover and deliver
accurate positions for nearly 8500 years from December -5260 BC
through March 3237 AD! There are 62 ephemeris files total. Each file
covers a range of 100,000 days, or about 273 years. Altogether they
take up 2.8 megabytes of disk space, but each segment of 273 years
only takes up 90K. For each time segment, there is an ephemeris file
named "LRZ5_n" containing the positions of Jupiter through Pluto (at
80 day increments) and a file "CHI_n" containing the positions of
Chiron. The 'n' refers to span of Julian Days covered by it (divided
by 100000). For example, Julian Days 1,200,000 through 1,300,000 are
in the files "LRZ5_12" and "CHI_12" (the 'm' character in some files
refers to negative Julian Days). You don't need all the files to use
-b, just those that cover the dates you want to use. If you try to
use -b with a date not covered by an available ephemeris file, an
error message will be printed and the Matrix positions will be used.
The files "LRZ5_24" and "CHI_24" cover the years 1859 through 2131
AD, which is good for most purposes and only takes up 90K. These two
files are included in the posted zip archive. For Unix users who want
any ephemeris files, and PC users who want to cover more years, the
complete set of files is at the hilbert ftp site.
Astrolog uses the formulas from the "Placalc" program package to
generate its precise positions. Placalc's accuracy is about the same
as the "CCRS" routines, and those used in Nova (it even fixes some
accuracy problems Nova has, in some of its earlier versions at
least). Placalc's integrated outer planet positions represent the
standard of the Nautical Almanac, the international astronomical
standard, as published in the Astronomical Almanac, for its
computations as computed before 1984. (Since 1984 the standard has
been the DE200 integrations by JPL.) The Sun's position implements
the Newcomb theory for all terms > 0.01", the positions of Mercury
through Mars are done to all terms > 0.05", while "Brown's improved
lunar ephemeris" is used such that the Moon is within 3" of DE200.
Placalc's fraction of second precision, is of course much more
accurate when compared to the old Matrix positions, which were only
accurate to about one minute (and several degrees for Chiron) for
this century only. For example, at 1800 AD, the Matrix positions for
the outer planets are off by 2 degrees, and about 1 degree for 2100;
by 1500 AD, Matrix is off by 14 degrees for Pluto while Chiron is
barely in the right hemisphere anymore.
There is a new flag to "Use ephemeris files" in the astrolog.dat
file, which when set, will always use the Placalc routines and is the
same as just including -b all the time, in which case -b will toggle
them back off. There is a compile time option #define PLACALC in the
astrolog.h which can be commented out to disable the -b switch and
the new formulas.
Note that this calculation method won't allow the -v0 switch to
express planetary velocities relative to average speed work with it,
and nor will central planetary bodies other than the Sun or Earth
(standard Geo and Helio centric charts) via -h work. It will however
display velocities for the Moon and the Node, which aren't available
with the Matrix routines.
Very important: For Unix users only, there is a rare possibility
that the program will hang when you try to use the -b s