C/C++ Interactive Guide
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492 lines
*** IMPORTANT!!! ***
For a printed copy of this user guide, copy this file to your printer.
If you have a previous version of AHELP, the three notes on this page may be
of interest to you. Otherwise, proceed to the next page.
AHELP5 Shareware Version 1.4 for Clipper 5.x
Note 1: AHELP5 requires a different file structure for the help file than
AHELP for Summer '87 (versions 1.x and 2.0) used. The utility program named
AHELPUP.EXE converts the previous file structure to the new file structure.
Use it if you want to UPgrade any help files from AHELP version 1.x or 2.0
to AHELP5 files. You do not need to use AHELPUP if you are upgrading from
AHELP version 2.1.
To use AHELPUP, log into the directory where the old help file exists, and
AHELPUP [filename]
where [filename] is the name of the old help file. If you omit the file
name, AHELPUP will prompt for it.
Note 2: AHELP5 names its index files differently from AHELP version 1.x or
2.0; the names of the two index files are derived from the name of the help
file. This eliminates the inability of those previous versions of AHELP to
maintain more than one help file in a given subdirectory.
Note 3: The parameters passed by Clipper 5.0 to AHELP5 are not consistent with
those passed by Summer '87 to AHELP. Consequently, help files created with
AHELP are of little value to AHELP5. The ASCII file import capability in
AHELP5 can partly overcome this Clipper inconsistency, if you use the
utility program HELPWRIT.EXE to write your old help files out in ASCII
format, then import them into AHELP5.
To use HELPWRIT, enter
HELPWRIT [filename]
where [filename] is the name (no extension) of the help file. If you omit
the file name, HELPWRIT will prompt for it.
Version 1.4 Copyright (C) 1990-1993, Capella Inc.
Welcome to AHELP5! This help system, for use with your Clipper 5.x
applications, provides both context-sensitive and generalized help windows.
Features included with version 1 of AHELP5 (be sure to see version 3, p.7):
* You control whether help windows have no border, a single-line border, or
a double-line border.
* You control whether the cross-bars drawn inside the help windows have no
line, a single line, or a double line.
* AHELP5 automatically determines the appropriate intersections.
* You control what colors AHELP5 will use for the help window border, title,
content, and highlight bar in the help index window.
* You control whether or not the end user has the ability to create or
modify help windows.
* You control whether or not the help windows have drop shadows.
* AHELP5 automatically positions the help window immediately below the screen
position of the input variable (e.g., a GET variable) if the window will fit
there; otherwise, the window appears immediately above the input variable.
* AHELP5 provides a help index; whenever any help window is on the screen,
the user may press F1 to see the help index. The help index is another
window with a scrolling alphabetic listing of help subjects. The user
uses the cursor control keys to highlight the subject of interest, and
presses Enter to see the corresponding help window. The user may also
type the first letter of the subject to move the highlight bar immediately
to the first occurrence of that letter.
* AHELP5 is sensitive to the Clipper environment. If the cursor is off when
help is invoked, it will be off when control returns to your application.
Conversely, if the cursor is on when help is invoked, it will be on when
control returns to your application. The same principle applies to colors,
function keys, insert status, work area, and the status of SET CONSOLE,
* AHELP5 does not use any "wait state" commands (READ, WAIT, ACCEPT, INPUT,
MENU TO), to avoid conflicts with any pending GETs. It uses the INKEY()
function for all keyboard input, with two exceptions: it calls DBEDIT() for
the help index window and MEMOEDIT() for displaying/editing help text.
What do you have to do in order to use AHELP5? Three things:
1. Insert a call to AHELP in your application with the setup parameters you
want to use as described in the next section.
2. Insert the command SET KEY XX TO AHELP in your application.
3. Compile your application and link, specifying AHELP5.LIB as one of the
LIB files (AHELP requires both CLIPPER.LIB and EXTEND.LIB).
That's all. The rest is transparent to your application.
The application must call AHELP with four parameters before starting the user
interface, in order to initialize the help system. During initialization,
AHELP declares three PUBLIC memory variables:
HELPOPTN - an array of application options and file names
HELPCODE - a character string for use by the application when no input
variable is waiting -- AHELP uses the content of `HELPCODE' as
its third parameter if the Clipper-passed third parameter is
HELPACTIVE - a logical variable set to true when AHELP is executing, and
false otherwise.
Also during initialization, AHELP5 checks for the existence of the help file
(and creates it if it is missing), and for the existence of the two index
files needed (and creates them if they are missing).
Setup Syntax:
AHELP( <expC1>, <expN>, <expC2>, <expA> )
<expC1> is the name of the application's Help File (one to eight characters)
<expN> is any value (ignored by AHELP5)
<expC2> is a string of switch values: /Bn/Cn/Dn/En
/Bn defines the help window Border: n=0 means no lines
n=1 means single line
n=2 means double line
/Cn defines the window crossbar: n=0 means no lines
n=1 means single line
n=2 means double line
/Dn defines drop shadows: n=0 means shadows are off
n=1 means shadows are on
/En defines Edit capability: n=0 means edit is off
n=1 means edit is on
These switches may appear in any order. No other switches are defined
in version 1. If any switch is missing, default values are:
B = 2 (double line border)
C = 1 (single line crossbar)
D = 0 (drop shadows off)
E = 1 (edit on)
<expA> is the name of a four-element character array containing
screen color values:
element 1 = the foreground/background colors of the help window
element 2 = the foreground/background colors of the help index
highlight bar
element 3 = the foreground/background colors of the help window
title and bottom-row message
element 4 = the foreground/background colors of the help window
This array is not needed after AHELP5 returns.
Example 1:
HCOLOR[1] = "N/W" && content
HCOLOR[2] = "W+/B" && highlight
HCOLOR[3] = "B/W" && title
HCOLOR[4] = "W+/W" && border
| | | | | |
filename | | | | color
double | | | array
border | | | name
| | |