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* * * * * * * VDFE v2.0 Help File * * * * * * *
│ »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» NON-MENU ACTIONS ««««««««««««««««««« │
│ Action Key │ Action Key │
│ Selected a Value │ Redraw Screen F9 │
│ Selected Value + 1 Shift+ │ Activate Menu F10 │
│ Selected Value + 100 Shift+PgDn │ │
│ Selected Value + 10000 Shift+End │ │
│ Selected Value - 1 Shift+ │ │
│ Selected Value - 100 Shift+PgUp │ │
│ Selected Value - 10000 Shift+Home │ │
│ »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» MENU ACTIONS ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« │
│ Action Key │ Action Key │
│ Load Index File Alt+I │ Play the Block Enter │
│ Load Data File Alt+D │ Merge Current Block with Next M │
│ Change File Names Alt+N │ Split Current Block S │
│ Save Index File Ctrl+I │ Cut Block to Clipboard Del │
│ Save Data File Ctrl+D │ Paste from Clipboard Insert │
│ Save Both Ctrl+S │ Copy Block to Clipboard Shift+Insert │
│ Create Index I │ Delete the Block Shift+Del │
│ Pack Data Ctrl+P │ Write Clipboard to File W │
│ Help F1 │ Read File into Clipboard R │
│ Exit Esc │ Record into Clipboard F3 │
│ │ Play Clipboard Contents F4 │
│ │ Select COM Port (for recording) F2 │
│ │ Select Playback Device F5 │
══════════════════════════════╡ Introduction ╞══════════════════════════════
VDFE is designed to work with pairs of files, one containing the actual
digitized voice data and the other providing an index into the words,
phrases, and sounds stored in the data file. This allows a reasonable level
of programming flexibility, especially for systems using large amounts of
voice data. VDFE works only with data files in their uncompressed form.
Data files are unlimited in length. Index files may contain at most 4096
entries. An index file consists only of a number of index entries packed
together. Each entry is 8 bytes long, so the file length will be 8 times
the number of entries. One entry in an index file is formatted as follows:
Bytes 0 - 3: Offset from beginning of data file in bytes.
Bytes 4 - 7: Length of sound in bytes.
Each of the two parts of the entry is a "long" (4-byte) integer, stored
in "low byte first" order.
In this document, a "block" refers to a segment of a voice data file as
referenced by an entry in the corresponding index file. The length of a
block may range from 1 byte to the length of the entire data file. Note,
however, that VDFE requires blocks to be sequential and non-overlapping.
Gaps may exist, but no voice data byte may be a part of two blocks.
═════════════════════╡ Explanation of Screen Contents ╞═════════════════════
Menu Bar:
Works in the conventional way. Activate by pressing F10. The mouse is not
supported in this version. Use of the menu bar is optional, since all
commands are accessible through direct keystrokes.
Blk # (Block number):
Shows a sequential reference number for each index entry.
Shows the starting byte number within the data file for each block. Can be
changed from the keyboard.
Shows the ending byte number within the data file for each block. Can be
changed from the keyboard. The number actually saved in the index file for
each block is <Stop> - <Start>.
Block count:
This is the total number of blocks currently defined for the index file.
Data file size:
The total number of bytes currently in the data file.
Buffer size:
This is the number of bytes in the RAM buffer. This number has no effect
on the size of the data file that may be edited, or the size of files that
may be read and written through the clipboard. It affects only actual
recording and playback. It is the maximum size allowed for any block to be
played through the speaker, although larger blocks may be otherwise
manipulated. It is also the maximum number of bytes that can be
continuously recorded into the clipboard.
Digitizer port:
This is the COM port number to which the voice digitizer hardware is
attached. It can be set with the F2 key. Used for recording only.
Sound Output:
This is either the PC internal speaker or an LPT (printer) port into
which you have plugged a Farpoint EAR-WIZARD device (and, of course, a
set of headphones or a speaker). The F5 key sets this parameter.
Index file:
The name of the current index file. Change by pressing Alt+N. The current
index will be written to this file name by Ctrl+I or Ctrl+S.
Data file:
The name of the current data file. Change by pressing Alt+N. The current
data will be written to this file name by Ctrl+D or Ctrl+S.
Instruction area:
Always displays a very brief set of operating instructions.
══════════════════╡ Descriptions of Individual Commands ╞═══════════════════
Selected a Value ( ):
When there are entries in the index list (Blk #, Start, & Stop) then one
of these entries is always "selected", as indicated by highlighting. The
highlight can be moved up and down with the vertical arrow keys. The
horizontal arrow keys select either the Start or Stop value. The selected
value can then be manipulated. Its numerical value can be changed with the
Shift key in combination with various cursor pad keys (see the following
commands). The selected block is also the target of the Play, Merge,
Split, Cut, Paste, Copy, and Delete commands.
Selected Value + 1 (Shift+):
Adds 1 to the selected value unless it would cause an overlap.
Selected Value + 100 (Shift+PgDn):
Adds 100 to the selected value unless it would cause an overlap.
Selected Value + 10000 (Shift+End):
Adds 10000 to the selected value unless it would cause an overlap.
Selected Value - 1 (Shift+):
Subtracts 1 from the selected value unless it would cause an overlap.
Selected Value - 100 (Shift+PgUp):
Subtracts 100 from the selected value unless it would cause an overlap.
Selected Value - 10000 (Shift+Home):
Subtracts 10000 from the selected value unless it would cause an overlap.
Redraw Screen (F9):
Redraws the entire screen. Intended primarily as a means of recovering
after screen is trashed by "Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?" message from DOS.
Activate Menu (F10):
Highlights the first selection in the menu bar. Use <Enter> key to show
pull-downs, select with arrow keys, then use <Enter> to perform the action
or <Esc> to back out.
Load Index File (Alt+I):
The cursor will appear in the "Index file" area (near the bottom of the
screen) allowing a file name to be entered and/or edited. Press <Enter>
to load the specified index file or <Esc> to do nothing.
Load Data File (Alt+D):
The cursor will appear in the "Data file" area (near the bottom of the
screen) al