C/C++ Interactive Guide
BASIC Source File
146 lines
Option Explicit
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' +
' SpelChek.BAS. (c) A.McMonnies/MEDC, 1993. +
' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
' This is a small library demonstrating the use of the +
' seriously cool SPELLMATE spell checker library +
' from James Heron's Acrian Software Products. +
' It includes Visual Basic declarations of the SPELMATE+
' library functions, a declaration for IsCharAlpha from+
' the Windows User.DLL library (very useful) and some +
' small functions which help to parse strings of text +
' for spell checking. +
' The module can be used to do a simple parse of +
' strings of text, or to include a spell check. +
' To check spelling, call SetSpellOn from your program +
' (which should incorporate this module in the Project +
' file), and then call DoSpellCheck(), passing the +
' string to be examined as a parameter. e.g...... +
' +
' Dim s$ +
' s$ = "Check the spelling of the word speling." +
' SetSpellOn +
' Parse(s$) +
' +
' If you do not need to check spelling, do not use +
' SetSpellOn, or call SetSpellOff to disable checking. +
' Alphanumeric id function...
Declare Function IsCharAlpha% Lib "User" (ByVal cChar%)
' Spellmate functions...
Declare Function SpelMateInit Lib "spelmate.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function SpellCheck Lib "spelmate.dll" (ByVal AWord As String) As Integer
Declare Function AddWord Lib "spelmate.dll" (ByVal AWord As String) As Integer
Declare Sub IgnoreWord Lib "spelmate.dll" (ByVal AWord As String)
Declare Sub SuggestVBWord Lib "spelmate.dll" (ByVal AWord As String)
Sub DoSpellCheck (T As TextBox)
' Reduce input text to a list of unique text strings
' and check the spelling of each.
Dim Wd$, W As String * 20, ok%, ip%
Dim Start%
ok% = SpelMateInit()
If Not ok% Then
MsgBox "Spellmate has not initialised.", 0, "Spell Check"
Exit Sub
End If
If Len((T.Text)) > 0 Then
Start% = T.SelStart
Exit Sub
MsgBox "No text to check.", 0, "Spell Check"
End If
Wd$ = Trim$(GetWord$((T.Text), Start%))
If Wd$ = "" Then
T.SelLength = 0
T.SelStart = Len((T.Text))
Exit Do ' No more words.
' Set select area to highlight word...
T.SelStart = Start% - 1
T.SelLength = Len(Wd$)
' Now check it's spelling...
W = Wd$ & Chr$(0)
ok% = SpellCheck(Wd$)
If ok% = 0 Then
SuggestVBWord W
If Asc(Left$(W, 1)) = 0 Then
Exit Do ' A NULL
End If
ip% = InStr(W, Chr$(0))
If (ip% > 0) And (Wd$ <> Left$(W, ip% - 1)) Then
Wd$ = Left$(W, ip% - 1)
T.SelText = Wd$
End If
End If
Start% = Start% + Len(Wd$)
End If
End Sub
Function GetWord$ (InText$, StartPos%)
' Function returns the next word in InText$, starting at
' StartPos%, or "" if StartPos% is past last word.
Dim L%, WdLen%, c As String * 1, FinPos%
L% = Len(InText$)
' Is InText$ empty, or is StartPos% past it's end?
If L% = 0 Or StartPos% > L% Then
GetWord$ = ""
Exit Function
End If
' Find the start of the next word...
If StartPos% < 1 Then
StartPos% = 1
End If
Do Until IsCharAlpha%(Asc(Mid$(InText$, StartPos%, 1)))
StartPos% = StartPos% + 1
' Check we've not overrun the end of Intext$...
If StartPos% > L% Then
GetWord$ = ""
Exit Function
End If
' We're at the start, find the end...
FinPos% = StartPos% + 1
Do While FinPos% <= L%
If IsWordChar%(Mid$(InText$, FinPos%, 1)) Then
FinPos% = FinPos% + 1
Exit Do
End If
' Adjust for a possessive single quote...
If Mid$(InText, FinPos% - 1, 1) = "'" Then
FinPos% = FinPos% - 1
End If
WdLen% = FinPos% - StartPos%
' Now extract the word...
GetWord$ = Trim$(Mid$(InText$, StartPos%, WdLen%))
' StartPos% = FinPos% + 1
End Function
Function IsWordChar% (c$)
Dim r%
r% = IsCharAlpha%(Asc(c$))
If r% Then
IsWordChar% = True
Exit Function
If c$ = "'" Then
IsWordChar% = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
IsWordChar% = r%
End Function