/* 'BLocK' methods to manipulate RasterBlocks on and off the screen */
extern int far blkget (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, RasterBlock far *gfxblk);
extern void far blkput (PixelMode mode, int x, int y, RasterBlock far *gfxblk);
extern void far blkresize (unsigned newxsize, unsigned newysize, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk, RasterBlock far *destgfxblk);
extern int far blkrotate (int ang, int backfill, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk, RasterBlock far *destgfxblk);
extern int far blkrotatesize (int ang, RasterBlock far *sourcegfxblk);
/* 'BYTECOPY' method for fast memory copy */
extern void far bytecopy (void far *src, void far *dst, unsigned long numbytes);
/* '2D' methods to transform D2Points */
extern void far d2rotate (int points, int xorigin, int yorigin, int ang, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary);
extern void far d2scale (int points, int xscale, int yscale, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary);
extern void far d2translate (int points, int xtrans, int ytrans, D2Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary);
/* '3D' methods to transform D3Points */
extern int far d3project (int points, ProjParameters far *params, D3Point far *inary, D2Point far *outary);
extern void far d3rotate (int points, int xorigin, int yorigin, int zorigin, int zrang, int yrang, int xrang, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary);
extern void far d3scale (int points, int xscale, int yscale, int zscale, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary);
extern void far d3translate (int points, int xtrans, int ytrans, int ztrans, D3Point far *inary, D3Point far *outary);
/* 'DRaW' methods for placing text and graphics primitives on screen */
extern void far drwbox (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
extern void far drwcircle (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radius);
extern void far drwellipse (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radiusx, int radiusy);
extern void far drwfillbox (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
extern void far drwfillcircle (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radius);
extern void far drwfillellipse (PixelMode mode, int colr, int centerx, int centery, int radiusx, int radiusy);
extern void far drwline (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
extern void far drwpoint (PixelMode mode, int colr, int x, int y);
extern void far drwstring (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y);
extern void far drwstringdn (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y);
extern void far drwstringlt (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y);
extern void far drwstringrt (PixelMode mode, int fcolr, int bcolr, const char far *strng, int x, int y);
/* 'FILL' methods for filling various regions on screen with a color */
extern void far fillarea (int xseed, int yseed, int bordercolr, int fillcolr);
extern void far fillcolor (int xseed, int yseed, int oldcolr, int newcolr);
extern void far fillpage (int colr);
extern void far fillscreen (int colr);
extern void far fillview (int colr);
/* 'FONT' methods for setting the current font */
extern void far fontgetinfo (int far *wdth, int far *hght);
extern void far fontset (Font far *font);
extern void far fontsystem (void);
/* 'GET' methods to return information held by library */
extern void far getlaststring (RasterBlock far *strnggfxblk);
extern long far getarccos (long cosvalue);
extern long far getarcsin (long sinvalue);
extern long far getarctan (long tanvalue);
extern long far getcos (long angle);
extern int far getpoint (int x, int y);
extern long far getsin (long angle);
extern long far gettan (long angle);
/* 'GIF' methods to read / write GIF files and place images on screen */
extern int far gifgetinfo (const char far *name, int far *gifxsize, int far *gifysize, int far *numcolors, RGB far *pal);
extern int far gifmake (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const char far *name);
extern int far gifput (PixelMode mode, int xloc, int yloc, const char far *name);
/* 'JOYSTICK' method to read joysticks' status */
extern void far joystickinfo (int far *jax, int far *jay, int far *jabuts, int far *jbx, int far *jby, int far *jbbuts);
/* 'MOUSE' methods to interact with mouse driver */
extern void far mousebutpress (int reqbut, int far *xloc, int far *yloc, int far *num, int far *mbuts);
extern void far mousebutrelease (int reqbut, int far *xloc, int far *yloc, int far *num, int far *mbuts);
extern void far mousecursordefault (void);
extern void far mousecursorset (MouseCursor far *mousecursor);
extern void far mouseenter (void);
extern void far mouseexit (void);
extern void far mousehide (void);
extern void far mouseinfo (int far *drvmajorver, int far *drvminorver, int far *mousetype, int far *irqnumber);
extern void far mouselocset (int xloc, int yloc);
extern void far mouserangeset (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
extern void far mouserestorestate (byte far *mousebuf);
extern void far mousesavestate (byte far *mousebuf);
extern void far mousesensset (int xsens, int ysens, int dblspdthresh);
extern void far mouseshow (void);
extern void far mousestatus (int far *x, int far *y, int far *mbuts);
extern int far mousestoragesize (void);
extern void far overscanset (int colr);
/* 'PAGE' methods to control paging abilities */
extern int far pageactive (int page);
extern int far pagedisplay (int x, int y, int page);
/* 'PALette' methods to manipulate and activate palettes */
extern void far palchgauto (RGB far *pal, RGB far *newpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int speed);
extern void far palchgstep (RGB far *pal, RGB far *newpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int percent);
extern void far palcopy (RGB far *srcpal, RGB far *destpal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr);
extern void far paldimstep (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int percent);
extern void far palget (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr);
extern void far palioauto (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int speed);
extern void far palrotate (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr, int shift);
extern void far palset (RGB far *pal, int firstcolr, int lastcolr);
/* 'RESolution' methods to set various video modes */
extern int far res320 (void);
extern int far res640 (void);
extern int far res640l (void);
extern int far res800 (void);
extern int far res1024 (void);
extern int far restext (void);
/* 'SCROLL' methods for scrolling various sections of the screen */
extern void far scrolldn (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num, int colr);
extern void far scrolllt (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int num,