C/C++ Interactive Guide
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105 lines
/*--------- DEL -- Version 1.1 --- 06 MAR 80 -- BDS C v1.2 ---------*/
/* */
/* DEL is a directory maintenance utility that provides a means */
/* for selectively erasing files from a CP/M disk directory. */
/* It is safer to use than the standard CP/M command ERA because */
/* the user must confirm a deletion by answering a prompt of the */
/* form */
/* */
/* DELETE FILE .... ? -- (Y/N/^C): */
/* */
/* If the response made to the prompt is "y" (upper or lower */
/* lower case), DEL deletes the file. If the response is any- */
/* thing else, DEL retains the file. A response of control-C */
/* (^C) terminates DEL. All other responses cause DEL to con- */
/* tinue with the directory scan. */
/* */
/* The execution syntax for DEL is the same as ERA, that is, */
/* */
/* DEL <afn> */
/* */
/* where <afn> is a CP/M ambiguous file name. The syntax for an */
/* <afn> is */
/* */
/* <afn> = [<drv>:]{<file> |*}.{<type> | *} */
/* */
/* <drv> is a drive designator (A, B, C, or D). */
/* <file> is a one-to-eight-character file name. */
/* <type> is a zero-to-three-character file type. */
/* */
/* As usual [ ... ] indicates an optional parameter and */
/* { ... | ... } indicates that a choice of parameter is to be */
/* made. The question mark (?) is allowed as a wild-card */
/* character in the <file> and <type> parameters. */
/* */
#define FIRST 17
#define NEXT 18
#define DELETE 19
#define DRIVE 25
#define ALL 255
#define STDFCB 0x005C
#define STDBFR 0x0080
char i, j, c, rq, rtn, skip, skp;
char *arg, *dirp, file[15], fcb[33];
int lns, chrs;
/* Move the standard FCB to a safe place. */
movblk(STDFCB, fcb, 32);
fcb[32] = '\0';
/* If files are to be deleted on a different drive, */
/* make allowance for this. */
arg = STDBFR;
if (arg[3] == ':') file[0] = arg[2];
else file[0] = 'A' + bdos(DRIVE, 0);
file[1] = ':';
/* Initialize counters used to suppress repeating */
/* prompt on directory rescan. */
skip = skp = 0;
/* End of initialization -- start of main loop. */
/* BDOS calls bdos(FIRST, fcb) and bdos(NEXT, fcb) */
/* cause directory scans for match with the <afn>. */
rq = FIRST;
while ((rtn = bdos(rq, fcb)) != ALL)
rq = NEXT;
/* Skip over previously scanned but undeleted entries. */
if (++skp <= skip) continue;
/* Point to directory entry matching <afn> in STDBFR. */
dirp = STDBFR + ((rtn & 3) << 5);
/* Get file name from directory entry. */
i = 1;
for (j = 1; (j <= 8) && ((c = dirp[j]) != ' '); ++j)
file[++i] = c;
file[++i] = '.';
for (j = 9; (j <= 11) && ((c = dirp[j]) != ' '); ++j)
file[++i] = c;
file[++i] = '\0';
/* Prompt for permission to delete. */
printf("\nDELETE FILE %s? -- (Y/N/^C): ", file);
if (toupper(getchar()) == 'Y')
/* Permission granted -- delete file and */
/* request rescan of directory. */
rq = FIRST;
skp = 0;
/* Permission denied -- retain file and continue scan. */
/* Note additional entry to be skipped if rescan occurs. */
/* End of main loop -- directory scan completed. */