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PISTOL - Portably Implemented STack Oriented Language
(Version 2.0)
Ernest E. Bergmann
Physics, Bldg #16
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pa. 18015
(215-) 861-3932
PISTOL 2.0 is being provided essentially in the
public domain, not because it isn't good, but to promote
interest in "FORTH-like" languages. It may be reproduced
and distributed for commercial as well as personal use so
long as the copyright notice is included. (Emulating the
FORTH INTEREST GROUP ("FIG"), P.O. Box 1105, San Carlos, Ca.
PISTOL 1.3 was previously released about a year ago
as SIG/M volume 59 and, also, through the BDS 'C' Users'
Group. An article on PISTOL appeared in the February 1983
issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. Additional examples and
documentation on PISTOL are to be found in the earlier
The development of PISTOL is based largely upon STOIC
(STack Oriented Incremental Compiler) that was developed by the
MIT and Harvard Bio-engineering Center in 1977. STOIC is
readily available from the CP/M User's Group as Volume 23A.
PISTOL was developed with a different philosophy,
perhaps, than its predecessors, FORTH and STOIC. It is my
belief that FORTH-like languages should be available to users
of large mainframe machines as well as mini- and micro- users.
I have concentrated upon the following goals. User
friendliness, Portability between machines with different word-
lengths and machine instruction sets, and KISS ("Keep it simple
stupid"), free of many of the ideosyncrasies that have
irritated me with FORTH and, to a lesser degree, STOIC.
Lastly, I wanted PISTOL to be as self-contained and complete as
possible (and my endurance!). Obviously, the result is not as
chintzy about RAM and file space as its predecessors.
Before the FORTH enthusiast is discouraged from
examining this language further, I hasten to add that there are
a number of simplifications that I have introduced which might
be worth considering. I shall now detail some of the ways that
PISTOL differs from classic FORTH.
Following the lead of STOIC, PISTOL supports strings as
a fundamental element of the language. They are manipulated in
almost the same manner and ease as numbers. For example, to
define a word, "DEMO", FORTH starts off with:
: DEMO . . .
wheras STOIC and PISTOL start off with:
'DEMO : . . .
This could be very important if the choice of name is to be
flexible. How would one write in FORTH the definition for "3"
depending upon whether the constant "FRENCH" were true or not?:
THEN : 3 ;
Again, following the lead of STOIC, we compile
everything into a compile buffer. Thus there is no interpret
mode as in FORTH. This change simplifies the language because
we don't have to code two distinct modes and provide two
separate sets of rules. To illustrate this point:
20 0 DO <whatever> LOOP
would work just fine typed in for immediate execution; it does
NOT have to be embedded in a definition!
We differ from STOIC and early forms of FORTH by
storing the complete name of each definition. STOIC, for
example, saves only the first five letters (and a letter
count). We found that it simplifies coding the language
originally, the variable length of the name might actually
take no more space, and, most importantly, when we use the
dissassembler and the trace features of PISTOL, we see the
full, original names of the words used.
We have "packaged" PISTOL so that the disassembler,
trace, and editor are always resident (they probably could be
removed, but why not enjoy the synergism of the complete
environment at your fingertips!)
The prompt is much more informative than in other
languages. STOIC started this trend by displaying "nesting
depth" we have continued this trend by displaying the number of
elements on the parameter stack when it is not empty. The
prompt explicity shows the current number base being used. If
the nesting depth is not zero, one sees what one is "nested
into". This information is used also for more viligent syntax
checking. I have worked with the earlier languages that
fatally "bomb" with such lines as:
IF . . ;
We have been able to remove the "arbitrary" restriction
that a ": ...;" definition can only be made at level 0. We can
and do make extensive use of definitions that are nested inside
of conditional expressions or, even, inside of other
We do not support "CODE" definitions in the present
"vanilla PISTOL". Here are our justifications: We wish to
guarantee portability of source code between widely
differing machines. In addition, we wish to maintain our
goal of user friendliness by being able to disassemble
virtually everything. Obviously we depart from STOIC
particularly on this point, but STOIC is not portable to
non-8080 compatible machines.
Because the primitives of PISTOL are defined in some
high level language, such as PASCAL or C, it is expected that
additional primitives might be added to the "kernel" as the
need arose. For example, in order to increase the speed of
PISTOL for block move operations in editing we might want to
replace LDDR, a slow, PISTOL language definition. On a Z80
machine there is an obvious machine hardware instruction that
could be used instead. One could add this word to the KERNEL
and "generalize" PBASE be replacing:
'LDDR : . . .
: . . .
To slightly ameliorate the lack of "CODE" definitions
we have provided an "inline macro" facility. If one creates a
word definition using:
$: . . . ;$
instead of:
: . . . ;
then when the word is invoken the contents of the definition
are compiled into the compile buffer instead of a "call" to the
A number of conveniences are provided which are not
common to the "competition". The crude line editor that is
provided with PISTOL can be used in a BASIC-like fashion.
In addition to being able to "LOAD" files, one can "LOAD" the
edit buffer as well, starting at any particular line number.
For example:
There are times when it is nice to record the terminal
session. Instead of using a printer one can create a disk file
that will hold the record:
. <this will be recorded>
. <this will not>
. <this will>
BYE <this way of exiting PISTOL will properly close
all files that are openned for writing>
Undoubtedly, there are other important differences that
I have not discussed; I hope that you will give PISTOL a try.
I would be most pleased to receive you comments, constructive
criticisms, and questions.
March 3, 1982
Ernest E. Bergmann
A number of conveniences are provided which are not