C/C++ Interactive Guide
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129 lines
copyright (C) 1983 by E. E. Bergmann
definitions in alphabetical(ASCII) order
* *
* PISTOL-Portably Implemented Stack Oriented Language *
* Version 2.0 *
* (C) 1983 by Ernest E. Bergmann *
* Physics, Building #16 *
* Lehigh Univerisity *
* Bethlehem, Pa. 18015 *
* *
* Permission is hereby granted for all reproduction and *
* distribution of this material provided this notice is *
* included. *
* *
A' ORD('A')
CHKLMT Capacity of the checkstack.
COMPBUF RAM boundary; beginning of compile buffer and
and maximum dictionary may reach up to.
CSIZE Capacity of case stack.
EDITBUF String area boundary. Top of input line buffer
and the bottom of buffer area of editor.
FALSE (logical "false") 0
LINEBUF String area boundary. Top limit of
ordinary string storage and start of input line
LSIZE Capacity of loop stack. An active DO .. LOOP
requires three entries in this stack.
MAXINT largest (signed) integer value a word can have
without overflow. It is analogous to the use
MAXLINNO Largest line number that can or should be used
by the editor in the buffered file (in the
edit buffer). Used by LOAD to distinguish
between line numbers and pointer to string
(for filename).
MAXORD Max(ord(char)).Typically 127 (for 7 bit ASCII).
MININT Most negative integer value a word can have
without underflow. (Cf with MAXINT, above).
NEWLINE Typically ord(<CR>) or ord(<LF>); implemented
char value used to separate line of text from
next in internal PISTOL representation. I/O
routines must convert external (system file
and console i/o conventions) to NEWLINE in
Q' Ord('Q').
RAMMAX System constant that points to the end of
accessible RAM.
RAMMIN System constant that points to the start of
accessible RAM; the area between RAMMIN and
USER contains system constants that can be read
from but not written to.
READ-PROTECT Boolean system constant. If it is true, then
operators that access memory for reading are
checked for legal ranges. For example,
addresses must be in the range,[RAMMIN..RAMMAX]
for W@ and [STRINGSMIN..STRINGSMAX] for C@ .
If the address during a read is outside these
limits, an error "READ VIOLATION" is generated
and the program does an ABORT.
RSIZE Capacity of the return stack.
SSIZE Capacity of (parameter stack).
STRINGSMAX System constant that points to the end of the
strings area.
STRINGSMIN System constant that points to the start of the
strings area.
TRUE Not FALSE. Usually set to -1 which is
represented by all binary 1's.
USER System constant that points to near the bottom
of RAM. It points to the lowest system
variable location and marks the top of the area
where the system constants are in RAM; these
constants can be read with W@, but not changed
by W!
VBASE Bottom limit in RAM of vocabulary stack.
VERSION 20 for PISTOL versioo 2.0.
VMAX Upper limit in RAM of vocabulary stack.
VSIZE Capacity of vocabulary stack.
W Size in address units of a word in RAM.
WRITE-PROTECT Boolean system constant. If it is true, then
operators that access memory for writing are
checked for legal ranges. For example,
addresses must be in the range, [USER..RAMMAX]
for W! and [STRINGSMIN..STRINGSMAX] for C! .
If the address during a write is outside these
limits, an error "WRITE VIOLATION" is generated
and the program does an ABORT.
N System constant that points to the start of the
strings area.