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/* fcnplot.c -- point-by-point plot of function(s) */
/* 1984 apr 25 pmkrasno */
#include "bdscio.h"
#include "float.h"
#define XSCALE "120.0" /* screen points, near full scale */
#define YSCALE "90.0"
#define WH 1 /* colors */
#define BL 15
#define MAXF 8
#define wait pause () ; getchar ()
main () { /* calc x, y & plot */
float x[241], y[2*241] ;
float *sine (), *cosine (), *expe (), *log (),
*exp10 (), *tangent (), *arctan();
float xscale[1], yscale[1], maxx[1], maxy[1] ;
float ulim[1], llim[1] ;
float delta[1], sx[1], sy[1], tx[1] ;
unsigned fno, lkup(), n, npts, secs1, secs2, nfcns ;
char inpf[60], inpx[60], inpy[60] ;
char *tbl[MAXF+1] ;
byte time1[13], time2[13], time3[13] ;
byte dif12[13+5], dif23[13+5] ;
tbl[0] = "sin" ; tbl[1] = "cos" ;
tbl[2] = "tan" ; tbl[3] = "atan";
tbl[4] = "expe" ; tbl[5] = "exp10" ;
tbl[6] = "log" ; tbl[MAXF] = 0 ;
nfcns = 1 ; /* # functions */
while ( TRUE ) {
do { printf ("Function ? ") ; scanf ("%s", inpf) ;
fno = lkup (inpf, tbl) ;
} while ( fno >= MAXF ) ;
printf ("Max x ? ") ; scanf ("%s", inpx) ;
atof (maxx, inpx) ;
printf ("Max y ? ") ; scanf ("%s", inpy) ;
atof (maxy, inpy) ;
atof (yscale, YSCALE) ; atof (xscale, XSCALE) ;
fpdiv (delta, maxx, xscale) ;
fpdiv (xscale, xscale, maxx) ;
fpdiv (yscale, yscale, maxy) ;
fpchs (llim, maxx) ; fpasg (ulim, maxx) ;
mode2 () ; cls (WH, BL) ;
npts = 1 + ftoir (
fpdiv (tx, fpsub (tx, ulim, llim), delta)) ;
/* npts = 1 + ((ulim - llim) / delta) ; */
axes (0, 0) ;
syst_d (time1) ;
printf ("Evaluate %3d points: %s\N",
nfcns * npts, time1) ;
comp_pts (npts, nfcns, x, y, llim, delta,
fno == 0 ? sine : fno == 1 ? cosine :
fno == 2 ? tangent : fno == 3 ? arctan :
fno == 4 ? expe : fno == 5 ? exp10 :
log ) ;
/* gawd, that's hideous - but I can't use an
array of pointers to functions. */
syst_d (time2) ;
printf ("Plot %3d points: %s\N",
nfcns * npts, time2) ;
plot_pts (npts, nfcns, x, y, xscale, yscale) ;
syst_d (time3) ;
printf ("Done : %s\N", time3) ;
secs1 = tim_dif (dif12, time2, time1) ;
secs2 = tim_dif (dif23, time2, time3) ;
/* convert differences to seconds */
printf ("Evaluate: %d secs; Plot: %d secs\N",
secs1, secs2) ;
} /* forever */
} /* main */
float *log (res, xin) float *res, *xin ; {
int sign ; float *log10 () ;
log10 (res, &sign, xin) ;
if ( sign < 0 ) fpchs (res,res) ;
printf ("log10 (%f) = %f\N", xin, res) ;
return (res) ;
} /* log */
unsigned lkup (str, tbl) char *str, **tbl ; {
/* lookup str in tbl, return number */
char *s, *t ; int n ;
for (n = 0 ; **tbl ; ++tbl, ++n) /* each entry */
for (s = str, t = *tbl ; ; ++s, ++t)
if ( *s == '\0' ) return n ; /* hit */
else if ( toupper(*s) != toupper(*t) )
break ; /* miss, try next */
} /* lkup */
f pointers to functions. */