C/C++ Interactive Guide
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267 lines
; Contains:
; open lokrec frerec
; set up for TurboDOS use
INCLUDE <bds.lib>
; Open:
; int open(filename,mode)
; char *filename;
; Open a file for read (mode == 0), write (mode == 1) or both (mode = 2),
; and detect a user-number prefix. Returns a file descriptor.
; Modified version of open to open a TurboDOS file in shared mode,
; i.e., set hi bit of f5 in FCB.
call arghak
xra a
call fgfcb ;any fcb's free?
jnc open2 ;if not, error
mvi a,10 ;"no more file slots"
jmp error
open2: sta tmp
lhld arg1
push b
call setfcu ;parse name and set usenum
push d ;save registers
push h
lxi h,5 ;get offset to f5
dad d ;add to fcb address
mov a,m ;get character
ori 80h ;set shared file bit
mov m,a ;restore updated character
pop h ;restore registers
pop d
lda usrnum
call setusr ;set new user number
mvi c,openc
call bdos
cpi errorv ;successful open?
pop b
mvi a,11 ; set error code in case of error
jz oerror ;if error, go abort
lda tmp
call fgfd ;get HL pointing to fd table entry
lda arg2
ora a ;open for read?
mvi d,3
jz open4
dcr a
mvi d,5
jz open4 ;write?
dcr a
mvi a,12 ;"bad mode" for open operation...
jnz oerror ;...if not mode 2
mvi d,7 ;else must be mode 2.
open4: lda usrnum ;get user number for the file
add d ;add r/w bit codes
mov m,a ;and store in fd table
inx h ;clear max sector number field of fd entry
xra a
mov m,a
inx h
mov m,a
lda tmp ;get back fd
mov l,a
mvi h,0
call rstusr ;reset user number
oerror: call rstusr ;reset user number
sta errnum ;store error code number
jmp error ;and return general error condition
; Lokrec:
; lokrec(fd,rec);
; Lock specified record using Function 42. If rec -1, lock whole file.
; Returns with A (and HL) = 0 if successful
; 1 if positioning to unwritten data
; 3 if error changing extents
; 4 if positioning to unwritten extent
; 6 if random record number too large
; 8 if record locked by another process
; See the TurboDOS manual for more details on the use of this function.
call arghak
lda arg1
call fgfd
mov d,m ;save fdt entry in D
mvi a,7 ;prepare for possible "bad fd"
jc lerror
mov a,d
ani 2
mvi a,8 ;prepare for possible "no read permission"
jz lerror
push b ;save BC
mov a,d
call setusr ;set user area to that of the file
lda arg1
call fgfcb ;get pointer to fd table entry
mov d,h ;mov fcb address into DE
mov e,l
lxi h,33 ;get to random record field
dad d
push h ;save ptr to random record field for after BDOS call
shld tmp
mov a,m
inx h
mov h,m
mov l,a ;HL = current setting
push h ;save current value of random record field
lhld tmp ;get address of random record field
lda arg2
mov m,a
inx h
lda arg2+1
mov m,a
inx h
cpi 0ffh
push psw
mov a,m
sta tmp
pop psw
jnz lok2
mov m,a
push d
mvi c,42 ;Lock Random Record
call bdos
pop d
cpi 8
jz lok2
pop b ;pop old random record value into BC
pop h ;get pointer to random record field
mov m,c ;restore original value
inx h
mov m,b
push psw ;save returned value
lda tmp
inx h
mov m,a ;restore 3rd byte of random record field
call rstusr
pop psw
mov l,a
mvi h,0
pop b
lerror: sta errnum
jmp error
; Frerec:
; frerec(fd,rec);
; Unlock specified record using Function 43.
; If rec = -1, release any all-inclusive lock,
; but not any individual record locks.
; Returns with A (and HL) = 0 if successful
; 1 if positioning to unwritten data
; 3 if error changing extents
; 4 if positioning to unwritten extent
; 6 if random record number too large
; See the TurboDOS manual for more details on the use of this function.
call arghak
lda arg1
call fgfd
mov d,m ;save fdt entry in D
mvi a,7 ;prepare for possible "bad fd"
jc uerror
mov a,d
ani 2
mvi a,8 ;prepare for possible "no read permission"
jz uerror
push b ;save BC
mov a,d
call setusr ;set user area to that of the file
lda arg1
call fgfcb ;get pointer to fd table entry
mov d,h ;restore fcb address into DE
mov e,l
lxi h,33 ;get to random record field
dad d
push h ;save ptr to random record field for after BDOS call
shld tmp
mov a,m
inx h
mov h,m
mov l,a ;HL = current setting
push h ;save current value of random record field
lhld tmp ;get address of random record field
lda arg2
mov m,a
inx h
lda arg2+1
mov m,a
inx h
cpi 0ffh
push psw
mov a,m
sta tmp
pop psw
jnz ulok2
mov m,a
mvi c,43 ;Unlock Random Record
call bdos
pop b ;pop old random record value into BC
pop h ;get pointer to random record field
mov m,c ;restore original value
inx h
mov m,b
push psw
lda tmp
inx h
mov m,a
call rstusr
pop psw
mov l,a
mvi h,0
pop b
uerror: sta errnum
jmp error
ani 2
mvi a,8 ;prepare for possible "no read per