C/C++ Interactive Guide
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Release of software like Mchip80 to the public domain is at least a
small boost to supportive commercial products that are discussed in the
documentation. Here is a list to acknowledge the vendors and the
products, plus some of the shortened names that might appear in the text.
Vendor: The Software Toolworks ['Toolworks']
Products: C/80 compiler, C/80 Mathpak ['Mathpak']
Vendor: Microsoft
Products: Macro80, m80.abs[.com], l80.abs[.com]
Vendor: Heath/Zenith Computers ['Heathkit']
Products: H89 computer, HDOS system software
Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices
Product: AM9511 math processor chip ['device']
Vendor: Digital Research
Product: CP/M system software
Vendor: Zilog
Product: Z80 microprocessor
The C/80 user/programmer who chooses to use the Mchip80 software
package will in some cases need to make no changes to his pre-existing
programs that run with Toolworks C/80 Mathpak. There is no way to tell
the C/80 compiler that it is working with a substitute for its' Mathpak
cousin, and the C/80 compiler doesn't need to be told that dlibrary.rel
is substituting for about 90 percent of flibrary.rel. This degree of
compatibility is achieved at the assembly language level by having
Mchip80 use the same global labels as C/80 Mathpak, while performing
similarly defined tasks using very different methods.
Considering the limited scope for naming labels in software packages
doing floating point and long arithmetic, assembly language labels such
as 'F.add' and 'L.div' must be accepted as generic, and not subject to
copyright, like single notes in a piece of music, or single words in a
novel. Beyond common usage of generic labels, no part of Mathpak is
reproduced. In some situations where Toolworks code is first and best,
where the AM9511 is not involved, Z80 or no Z80, there is no attempt at
replacement. The L80 linking loader is always commanded to search
flibrary, immediately after it's search of dlibrary, and the needed gem
of code in a Toolworks module will be included in the executable program.
Observations such as "the C/80 compiler doesn't need to be told that
... ", occurring in this document, are not reviews of any product nor
updates to their documentation. These are opinions based on experiments
by one individual, who endorses all named products, the configurations in
which they are marketed, and the documentation that is part of those
Creating and Running an Executable Version of 'Demo1.c'
Your Inventory
For hardware you need an AM9511 math processor chip installed in a
Heathkit H89 computer or equivalent. The Z80 microprocessor is essential.
You need this software, named Mchip80, which requires that you also
have the following set of software development tools, in versions that
run with either the CP/M or HDOS operating systems.
C/80 compiler and C/80 Mathpak, which are two separate
packages from the Software Toolworks.
Macro80 assembler package from Microsoft.
If you need more detailed instructions for any of the following
operations, consult the documentation that comes with the related
product. Configure the C/80 compiler to accept floats and longs, and also
to generate Macro80 output. You must use the augmented utility, cconfigf,
from the Mathpak distribution disk for the float/long fix.
Get the file 'fprintf.c' from the C/80 Mathpak disk, compile and
assemble to create 'fprintf.rel'. Including the float version of printf
in this exercise will prove the compatibility of the function ftoa() as
supplied with Mchip80.
Read your hardware documentation and make a note of the two I/O
ports used for your AM9511 chip. Convert the port numbers to decimal, or
consult your C/80 documentation on hex or octal constants.
Load your editor program and view the file 'demo1.c' from your back
up copy of the Mchip80 disk. Locate the line that reads
"portd = 188; portc = 189; /* must be YOUR hardware ports */ ".
If your hardware uses port 188 (decimal) for AM9511 data access, and
189 for commands and status, delete this line from your program.
Otherwise change the line to reflect your data and command ports, and the
host program will write your numbers over preset values in a library
module, before the AM9511 is used. Remember to use this convenient port
setting procedure in all your future C/80 programs using Mchip80 and the
AM9511, or at least until you simplify the source code and remake
Use C/80 to compile your modified version of 'demo1.c', then use m80
from the Microsoft package to assemble 'demo1.mac' and create
The Link Operation
Copy the following files to drive A: [or SY0:]
L80.abs[.com] (Microsoft)
Demo1.rel (as created above)
Fprintf.rel (as created above)
Dlibrary.rel (Mchip80 software)
Flibrary.rel (Toolworks Mathpak disk)
Clibrary.rel (Toolworks C/80 disk)
Enter the following command line to run the linker program:
L80 demo1,fprintf,dlibrary/s,flibrary/s,clibrary/s,demo1/n/e
to create the executable version of demo1. A comment at this point is
that if you omit dlibrary/s from the above command line, you have
standard usage of the Toolworks flibrary. The resultant program will run,
but the AM9511 will not get involved.
Run the newly created program by entering 'demo1'. There will be no
prompt, so enter a floating point number such as '34.56'. The number you
entered will be echoed 15 times, in five lines and three columns, in a
variety of formats and precisions. Next enter a number in exponential
format, such as '23.45e-2'. The same pattern will appear on the console.
You have just checked out your AM9511 chip, it's hardware interface, the
Mchip80 versions of ftoa() and atof(), and most of the modules from
Usage and Background.
If you feel that you are now ready to run a C/80 program that you
have used successfully with Mathpak, hold the action and read some more
before you proceed. Look at your C/80 source file where the global float
variables are declared. Are any of them initialized? For example:
float fnum = 5.32e-6;
Then your program has to be changed before it will run properly with
Mchip80. The good news is that this is the only C/80 feature that is
cancelled by use of Mchip80, as far as is known. Do not initialize floats
when using Mchip80. Find the best way to change your program. Why is
initialization of floats de-implemented? Read on.
Which Float Format?
Unfortunately there are two good float formats to discuss, while the
simple approach of Mchip80 requires that one be used, and the other not
only discarded, but also quarantined to prevent any errors or confusion.
The float formats of Toolworks Mathpak and the AM9511 math chip play in
ballparks of equal dimensions,
Both formats occupy 32 bits of memory, and
Both yield six significant decimal digits.
Internally, the formats have a one bit alignment discrepancy, which
produces the following differences in numeric range:
Decimal Float values
MAX. (pos. or neg.) MIN. (pos. or neg.)
AM9511 format 9.2e18 2.7e-20
Toolworks format 10e38 10e-38
The C/80 compiler knows only the Mathpak float format, which
apparently it never uses, except to initialize float variables. In
runtime situations involving floats or longs, a C/80 program will copy
the four bytes per variable to CPU registers or the stack, and then call
a Mathpak routine. When a Mchip80 routine replaces a Mathpak routine, it
starts by finding the four byte variables in either CPU registers or the