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** include doscall.h -- defines for DOS function calls
** DOS function call codes
#define F_KBDECH 1
#define F_DSPOUT 2
#define F_PRNOUT 5
#define F_DIRECH 6
#define F_DIRNOE 7
#define F_KBDNOE 8
#define F_BUFKBD 10
#define F_OPEN 15
#define F_CLOSE 16
#define F_SEARCH 17
#define F_CREATE 22
#define F_SETDTA 26
#define F_READ 39
#define F_WRITE 40
#define F_GDATE 42
#define F_GTIME 44
** DOS FCB structure
#define FCBSIZE 59 /* includes 7-byte FCB extension
** and 15-byte non-DOS postfix
/* DOS FCB extension begins here */
#define FCB_FLAG 0 /* 000H -- not allocated
** 080H -- KBD
** 040H -- SCRN
** 0C0H -- CON
** 020H -- PRN
** 010H -- ASYNC
** 002H -- READ
** 001H -- WRITE
** 0FFH -- disk FCB (extended)
** others -- device FCB (simulated)
#define FCB_ATTR 6 /* file creation attributes
** 02H -- hidden
** 04H -- system
** 06H -- both
/* standard DOS FCB begins here */
#define FCB_DRIVE 7 /* DOS drive number
** 0 - default drive
** 1 - drive A
** 2 - drive B
#define FCB_FILE 8 /* file name
#define FCB_EXTEN 16 /* file name extension
#define FCB_BLOCK 19 /* block number (unused)
#define FCB_LRECL 21 /* logical record size (always 1)
#define FCB_FSIZE 23 /* file size in bytes (set by DOS)
#define FCB_FDATE 27 /* date of last update (set by DOS)
#define FCB_SRECNO 39 /* record number within block (unused)
#define FCB_RRECNO 40 /* record number relative to beginning of file
** when LRECL is 1, this value is byte position
/* non-DOS extension begins here */
#define FCB_MODE 44 /* mode for which file was opened
** 000H - read
** 001H - write
** 002H - read/write
** status
** 080H - end-of-file
** 040H - last input character was CR
** 020H - last input character was LF
/* UNIX-like sgttyb structure */
#define FCB_SGTTYB 45
#define FCB_ISPEED 45 /* input speed
#define FCB_OSPEED 46 /* output speed
#define FCB_ERASE 47 /* backspace character
#define FCB_KILL 48 /* cancel line character
#define FCB_FLGS 49 /* flags -- 2 bytes
** 0FF00H - bits to control delays
** 00080H - even parity allowed on input
** 00040H - odd parity allowed on input
** 00020H - "raw" mode - wake up on all chars
** 00010H - map CR into LF, echo LF or CR as both
** 00008H - echo
** 00004H - map upper case to lower case (input)
** 00002H - return each char as typed
** 00001H - automatic flow control
#define FCB_IBUF 51 /* intermediate buffer
#define FCB_ISEG 53 /* segment of same (0 == DS)
#define FCB_IPTR 55 /* next byte in buffer
#define FCB_ICNT 57 /* # of bytes left