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/* acd_menu - PART MENU */
#include "local.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "part.h"
extern bool addpart();
extern bool chgpart();
extern bool delpart();
static FIELD Facd_menu[] =
{2, 0, "Add a part record", 'f', NULL, NULL, NULL, addpart},
{4, 0, "Change a part record", 'f', NULL, NULL, NULL, chgpart},
{6, 0, "Delete a part record", 'f', NULL, NULL, NULL, delpart},
MENU acd_menu = {"PART MENU", Facd_menu, DIM(Facd_menu), 0};
Menu name: acd_menu Menu title: PART MENU
Header: part.h C-struct: part1
Field name: 0 Desc: Add a part record
Line: 2 Col: 0 Type: f Post-fn: addpart
Field name: 0 Desc: Change a part record
Line: 4 Col: 0 Type: f Post-fn: chgpart
Field name: 0 Desc: Delete a part record
Line: 6 Col: 0 Type: f Post-fn: delpart
/* add_menu - ADD A PART RECORD */
#include "local.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "part.h"
extern bool isn_part();
static STRING_VAL Spart_no =
{'a', (part1).part_no, sizeof((part1).part_no), NULL};
static STRING_VAL Slead_time =
{'n', (part1).lead_time, sizeof((part1).lead_time), NULL};
static char *Tunit_meas[]=
"each", "lb", "box",
static CHOICE_VAL Cunit_meas =
{DIM(Tunit_meas), Tunit_meas, (part1).unit_meas};
static STRING_VAL Sunit_cost =
{'a', (part1).unit_cost, sizeof((part1).unit_cost), NULL};
static STRING_VAL Scost_qty =
{'n', (part1).cost_qty, sizeof((part1).cost_qty), NULL};
static FIELD Fadd_menu[] =
{2, 0, "Part number", 'S', &Spart_no, NULL, NULL, isn_part},
{4, 0, "Lead time (in weeks)", 's', &Slead_time, NULL, NULL, 0},
{6, 0, "Unit of measure", 'c', NULL, &Cunit_meas, NULL, 0},
{8, 0, "Cost per unit", 's', &Sunit_cost, NULL, NULL, 0},
{10, 0, "Qty required for price", 's', &Scost_qty, NULL, NULL, 0},
MENU add_menu = {"ADD A PART RECORD", Fadd_menu, DIM(Fadd_menu), 0};
Menu name: add_menu Menu title: ADD A PART RECORD
Header: part.h C-struct: part1
Field name: part_no Desc: Part number
Line: 2 Col: 0 Type: S Edit: a Post-fn: isn_part
Field name: lead_time Desc: Lead time (in weeks)
Line: 4 Col: 0 Type: s Edit: n Post-fn: 0
Field name: unit_meas Desc: Unit of measure
Line: 6 Col: 0 Type: c Post-fn: 0
"each", "lb", "box",
Field name: unit_cost Desc: Cost per unit
Line: 8 Col: 0 Type: s Edit: a Post-fn: 0
Field name: cost_qty Desc: Qty required for price
Line: 10 Col: 0 Type: s Edit: n Post-fn: 0
/* args - show command-line arguments, one line each
#include "local.h"
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ac; ++i)
printf("av[%d]=<%s>\n", i, av[i]);
/* atopi - convert string to positive integer */
int atopi(s)
char s[];
int n = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; isdigit(s[i]); ++i)
n = 10 * n + s[i] - '0';
return (n);
/* atopi - convert string to positive integer {0:INT_MAX} */
#include <limits.h>
int atopi(s)
char s[];
unsigned n = 0; /* the converted number: {0:INT_MAX} */
int i;
for (i = 0; isdigit(s[i]) && n <= INT_MAX/10; ++i)
if (n > INT_MAX / 10)
return (-1);
n = 10 * n + (s[i] - '0');
if (n > INT_MAX || isdigit(s[i]))
return (-1);
return (n);
/* chg_menu - CHANGE A PART RECORD */
#include "local.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "part.h"
extern bool is_part();
static STRING_VAL Spart_no =
{'a', (part1).part_no, sizeof((part1).part_no), NULL};
static STRING_VAL Slead_time =
{'n', (part1).lead_time, sizeof((part1).lead_time), NULL};
static char *Tunit_meas[]=
"each", "lb", "box",
static CHOICE_VAL Cunit_meas =
{DIM(Tunit_meas), Tunit_meas, (part1).unit_meas};
static STRING_VAL Sunit_cost =
{'a', (part1).unit_cost, sizeof((part1).unit_cost), NULL};
static STRING_VAL Scost_qty =
{'n', (part1).cost_qty, sizeof((part1).cost_qty), NULL};
static FIELD Fchg_menu[] =
{2, 0, "Part number", 'S', &Spart_no, NULL, NULL, is_part},
{4, 0, "Lead time (in weeks)", 's', &Slead_time, NULL, NULL, 0},
{6, 0, "Unit of measure", 'c', NULL, &Cunit_meas, NULL, 0},
{8, 0, "Cost per unit", 's', &Sunit_cost, NULL, NULL, 0},
{10, 0, "Qty required for price", 's', &Scost_qty, NULL, NULL, 0},
MENU chg_menu = {"CHANGE A PART RECORD", Fchg_menu, DIM(Fchg_menu), 0};
Menu name: chg_menu Menu title: CHANGE A PART RECORD
Header: part.h C-struct: part1
Field name: part_no Desc: Part number
Line: 2 Col: 0 Type: S Edit: a Post-fn: is_part
Field name: lead_time Desc: Lead time (in weeks)
Line: 4 Col: 0 Type: s Edit: n Post-fn: 0
Field name: unit_meas Desc: Unit of measure
Line: 6 Col: 0 Type: c Post-fn: 0
"each", "lb", "box",
Field name: unit_cost Desc: Cost per unit
Line: 8 Col: 0 Type: s Edit: a Post-fn: 0
Field name: cost_qty Desc: Qty required for price
Line: 10 Col: 0 Type: s Edit: n Post-fn: 0
/* cpystr - copy several source strings into one destination string
* NOT UNIVERSALLY PORTABLE: assumes argument stack layout
#include "local.h"
char *cpystr(olddest, s)
char *olddest;
char *s;
char **ps;
register char *dest = olddest;
register char *src;
ps = &s + 1; /* no range limits! */
for (src = s; src != NULL; src = *ps++)
while (*src != '\0')
*dest++ = *src++;
*dest = '\0';
return (olddest);
#include "cpystr.c"
char buf[BUFSIZ];
cpystr(buf, "ab", "c", "de", NULL);
printf("<%s>\n", buf);
/* crhash -- create and initialize an empty hash file
* used to hold part database records
#include "local.h"
#include "part.h"
#include "rec_io.h"
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
rec_fd fd; /* record file descriptor */
short size; /* size of one record in created file */
long nrecs; /* maximum numbers of records in created file */
char *buf; /* data to init. each record */
long i; /* counter to write records in created file */
if (ac != 4)
error("usage: crhash filename nrecs recsize", "");
nrecs = atol(av[2]);
size = atoi(av[3]);
fd = rec_open(av[1], O_RDONLY, size);
if (fd > 0)
error("file already exists:", av[1]);
fd = rec_open(av[1], O_RDWR|O_CREAT, size);
if (fd < 0)
error("can't create file", av[1]);
buf = (char *)calloc(size, 1);
if (buf == NULL)
error("Need more heap space to allow size =", av[3]);
*buf = REC_AVAIL;
/* file was created ok, initialize file */
for (i = 0; i < nrecs; ++i)
if (!rec_put(fd, buf, REC_W_END))
error("I/O error writing new file", "");
/* dangling - example of dangling pointer
#include "local.h"
static short *pi = NULL;
void f1();
/* pi => NULL initially */
f1(); /* pi => undefined suddenly! */
void f1()
short i;
pi = &i; /* pi => complete, momentarily */
/* del_menu - DELETE A PART RECORD */
#include "local.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "part.h"
extern bool is_part();
static STRING_VAL Spart_no =
{'a', (part1).part_no, sizeof((part1).part_no), NULL};
static FIELD Fdel_menu[] =
{2, 0, "Part number", 'S', &Spart_no, NULL, NULL, is_part},
MENU del_menu = {"DELETE A PART RECORD", Fdel_menu, DIM(Fdel_menu), 0};
Menu name: del_menu Menu title: DELETE A PART RECORD
Header: part.h C-struct: part1
Field name: part_no Desc: Part number
Line: 2 Col: 0 Type: S Edit: a Post-fn: is_part
/* dq_close - close a deque */
#include "deque.h"
void dq_close(pdq)
DQ_NODE **pdq; /* ptr to ptr to master DQ_NODE */
DQ_NODE *pnext;
for (p = (*pdq)->right; p != (*pdq); p = pnext)
pnext = p->right;
*pdq = NULL;
/* dq_detach - detach node d from deque */
#include "deque.h"
DQ_NODE *dq_detach(dq, d)
DQ_NODE *dq;
if (d == dq)
return (NULL);
q = d->right;
p = d->left;
p->right = q;
q->left = p;
return (d);
/* dq_find - search deque for equal match to d, return ptr to match
* Return NULL if no match
#include "deque.h"
DQ_NODE *dq_find(dq, d, cmpfn)
DQ_NODE *dq;
int (*cmpfn)(); /*function for comparisons */
DQ_NODE *d2;
EACH_DQ(dq, d2, DQ_NODE)
if ((*cmpfn)(d2, d) == 0)
return (d2);
return (NULL);
/* dq_first - produce ptr to first deque node, otherwise NULL */
#include "deque.h"
DQ_NODE *dq_first(dq)
DQ_NODE *dq;
if (dq->right == dq)
return (NULL);
return (dq->right);
/* dq_insert - install DQ_NODE at proper place in deque */
#include "deque.h"
void dq_insert(dq, p, cmpfn)
DQ_NODE *dq;
int (*cmpfn)(); /* function for comparisons: neg, zero, or pos */
DQ_NODE *p2;
if (DQ_IS_EMPTY(dq) /* if deque was empty, */
|| (*cmpfn)(p, DQ_FIRST(dq)) < 0) /* or if p comes first, */
DQ_PUSH(dq, p); /* push p onto front */
else /* else, p must sort after p2 */
EACH_DQ(dq, p2, DQ_NODE) /* find where p belongs */
if (p2->right == dq)
{ /* if end of deque, */
DQ_APPEND(dq, p); /* append p at rear of deque */
else if ((*cmpfn)(p, p2->right) < 0)
{ /* if p sorts before p2->right */
DQ_R_INSERT(p, p2); /* insert after p2 */
/* dq_main - test routine for deque package
#include "local.h"
#include "deque.h"
#define MYNODE struct mynode
MYNODE *left;
MYNODE *right;
int data;
#define LINESIZE 20
MYNODE *p; /* current node */
char buf[LINESIZE]; /* buffer for input */
printf("Type < to push (insert at left end of deque)\n");
printf("Type > to enque (insert at right end of deque)\n");
printf("Type - to pop (remove leftmost node)\n");
printf("Type = to print contents of deque\n");
printf("Type 0 to reset deque\n");
for (;;)
getreply("?: ", buf, 2);
switch (buf[0])
case '<':
p = (MYNODE *)malloc(sizeof(MYNODE));
if (p == NULL)
error("out of space", "");
getreply("data: ", buf, 5); /* bound to 4 digits */
p->data = atoi(buf);
DQ_PUSH(dq, p);
case '>':
p = (MYNODE *)malloc(sizeof(MYNODE));
if (p == NULL)
error("out of space", "");
getreply("data: ", buf, 5); /* bound to 4 digits */
p->data = atoi(buf);
DQ_APPEND(dq, p);
case '-':
p = (MYNODE *)DQ_POP(dq);
if (p == NULL)
printf("EMPTY DEQUE\n");
printf("data=%6d\n", p->data);
case '=':
if (DQ_IS_EMPTY(dq))
printf("EMPTY DEQUE\n");
printf("data=%6d\n", p->data);
case '0':
printf("unknown command: %c\n", buf[0]);
/* dq_open - open a deque */
#include "deque.h"
void dq_open(pdq)
DQ_NODE **pdq;
*pdq = (DQ_NODE *)malloc(sizeof(DQ_NODE));
if (*pdq == NULL)
(*pdq)->left = (*pdq)->right = (*pdq);
/* dq_pop - remove leftmost node and return pointer to it
* Treats deque as a stack to the right of dq master node.
#include "deque.h"
DQ_NODE *dq_pop(dq)
DQ_NODE *dq;
d = dq->right;
if (d == dq)
return (NULL);
return (DQ_DETACH(dq, d));
/* dq_r_insert - insert node d to the right of node p */
#include "deque.h"
void dq_r_insert(d, p)
q = p->right;
d->left = p;
d->right = q;
p->right = d;
q->left = d;
/* dump - print memory bytes
* (Warning - some usages may be non-portable)
#include "local.h"
#define LINESIZE 16
#define BYTEMASK 0xFF
void dump(s, n)
char s[]; /* byte address to be dumped */
unsigned n; /* number of bytes to dump */
unsigned i; /* byte counter */
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (i % LINESIZE == 0)
printf("\n%08x: ", &s[i]);
printf(" %02x", s[i] & BYTEMASK);
int errno = 0;
/* error - print error message and exit */
#include <stdio.h>
error(s1, s2)
char s1[], s2[];
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", s1, s2);
/* fgetsnn - get one line, omitting the newline (if any)
* Returns the number of characters stored,
* which equals size-1 only if no newline was found to that point.
* Returns EOF at end of file.
#include "local.h"
int fgetsnn(s, size, fp)
char s[];
int size;
FILE *fp;
int i;
metachar c;
for (i = 0; i < size-1 && (c = getc(fp)) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++i)
s[i] = c;
if (c == EOF)
return (EOF);
/* else */
s[i] = '\0';
return (i);
/* gen_menu - generate C source for menu from description file */
#include "local.h"
#define MAXBFLDS 8000
#define C_ID_LEN 31
#define FILE_NM_LEN 64 /* max length of file name */
#define C_EXPR_LEN 80 /* arbitrarly limit on length of struct ref */
#define TITLE_LEN 80 /* max length of displayed title */
#define SCR_POS_LEN 3 /* max digits in screen position */
#define FTYPE_LEN 1 /* field type is only one char */
#define EDIT_LEN 2 /* edit type is 1 char plus 1 optional digit */
#define GETPSTR(p, s) \
{ if (!getpstr(p, s, sizeof(s))) error("Cannot match" , p); }
#define OPTPSTR(p, s) \
getpstr(p, s, sizeof(s))
#define GETPLIN(p, s) \
{ if (!getplin(p, s, sizeof(s))) error("Cannot match" , p); } /*
.PS 17
/* internal variables */
static char buf[BUFSIZ] = {""};
static char buf_flds[MAXBFLDS] = {""};
static short i_flds = 0;
static char mname[C_ID_LEN+1] = {""};
static char mstruct[C_EXPR_LEN+1] = {""};
static char mtitle[TITLE_LEN+1] = {""};
static char mheader[FILE_NM_LEN+1] = {""};
static char fname[C_ID_LEN+1] = {""};
static char fline[SCR_POS_LEN+1] = {""};
static char fcol[SCR_POS_LEN+1] = {""};
static char ffn[C_ID_LEN+1] = {""};
static char ftype[FTYPE_LEN+1] = {""};
static char fedit[EDIT_LEN+1] = {""};
static char fdesc[TITLE_LEN+1] = {""};
void do_1_menu(), do_1_fld(), pr_s_fld(), pr_c_fld(), pr_m_fld(), pr_f_fld(); /*
.PS 15
/* gen_menu (main) */
void main()
while (OPTPSTR("Field name:", fname))
do_1_fld(); /* process one field */
printf("static FIELD F%s[] =\n", mname);
for (i_flds = 0; buf_flds[i_flds] != '\0'; ++i_flds)
printf("MENU %s = {\"%s\", F%s, DIM(F%s), 0};\n",
mname, mtitle, mname, mname);
} /*
.PS 13
/* do_1_menu - process the menu information */
void do_1_menu()
GETPSTR("Menu name:", mname);
GETPLIN("Menu title:", mtitle);
GETPSTR("Header:", mheader);
GETPSTR("C-struct:", mstruct);
printf("/* %s - %s */\n", mname, mtitle);
printf("#include \"local.h\"\n");
printf("#include \"menu.h\"\n");
printf("#include \"%s\"\n", mheader);
} /*
.PS 33
/* do_1_fld - process the info for one field */
void do_1_fld()
asserts(IN_RANGE(i_flds, 0, MAXBFLDS - MAXFLINE), "buffer space ok");
GETPLIN("Desc:", fdesc);
GETPSTR("Line:", fline);
GETPSTR("Col:", fcol);
GETPSTR("Type:", ftype);
if (tolower(ftype[0]) == 's')
GETPSTR("Edit:", fedit);
if (ftype[0] != 'm')
GETPSTR("Post-fn:", ffn);
if (!STREQ(ffn, "0") && !STREQ(ffn, "NULL"))
printf("extern bool %s();\n", ffn);
switch (ftype[0])
case 's':
case 'S':
case 'c':
case 'm':
case 'f':
error("Unknown field type", ftype);
i_flds += strlen(&buf_flds[i_flds]);
if (i_flds > MAXBFLDS - MAXFLINE)
error("out of buffer space", "");
} /*
.PS 22
/* pr_s_fld - print the info for a string field */
void pr_s_fld()
"\t{%s, %s, \"%s\", '%c', &S%s, NULL, NULL, %s},\n",
fline, fcol, fdesc, ftype[0], fname, ffn);
if (fedit[1] == '\0')
printf("static STRING_VAL S%s =\n", fname);
printf("\t{'%c', (%s).%s, sizeof((%s).%s), NULL};\n",
fedit[0], mstruct, fname, mstruct, fname);
printf("static char N%s[%c+1] = {0};\n",
fname, fedit[1]);
printf("static STRING_VAL S%s =\n", fname);
printf("\t{'%c', N%s, sizeof(N%s), &(%s).%s};\n",
fedit[0], fname, fname, mstruct, fname);
} /*
.PS 18
/* pr_c_fld - print the info for a choice field */
void pr_c_fld()
int ret;
"\t{%s, %s, \"%s\", '%c', NULL, &C%s, NULL, %s},\n",
fline, fcol, fdesc, ftype[0], fname, ffn);
printf("static char *T%s[]=\n", fname);
do {
ret = getsnn(buf, BUFSIZ);
if (ret != EOF && ret > 0) /* skip blank lines */
printf("%s\n", buf);
} while (ret != EOF && strchr(buf, ';') == NULL);
printf("static CHOICE_VAL C%s =\n", fname);
printf("\t{DIM(T%s), T%s, (%s).%s};\n",
fname, fname, mstruct, fname);
} /*
.PS 15
/* pr_m_fld - print the info for a menu field */
void pr_m_fld()
printf("extern MENU %s;\n", fname);
"\t{%s, %s, \"%s\", '%c', NULL, NULL, &%s, %s},\n",
fline, fcol, fdesc, ftype[0], fname, ffn);
/* pr_f_fld - print the info for a function field */
void pr_f_fld()
"\t{%s, %s, \"%s\", '%c', NULL, NULL, NULL, %s},\n",
fline, fcol, fdesc, ftype[0], ffn);
/* getplin - get a line from input
* line must start with specified "prompt" text
* return YES if text matched, NO otherwise
#include "local.h"
#define FMTSIZE 84
bool getplin(p, s, n)
char p[];
char s[];
size_t n;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
char fmt[FMTSIZE];
metachar c;
if (!strfit(fmt, p, FMTSIZE - 4))
return (NO); /* prompt text is too long */
strcat(fmt, "%c");
while (isspace(c = getchar()))
ungetc(c, stdin);
if (scanf(fmt, buf) != 1)
return (NO);
if (getsnn(buf, BUFSIZ) == EOF)
return (NO);
if (!strfit(s, buf, n))
fprintf(stderr, "<%s> chopped to \n<%s>\n", buf, s);
return (YES);
/* getpstr - get a string from input
* string must be preceded by specified "prompt" text
* return YES if text matched, NO otherwise
#include "local.h"
#define FMTSIZE 84 /* arbitrary limit on size of "prompt" */
bool getpstr(p, s, n)
char p[]; /* : !NULL */
char s[]; /* : string */
size_t n; /* : {1:sizeof(p[*])} */
char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* : string */
char fmt[FMTSIZE]; /* : string */
metachar c;
if (!strfit(fmt, p, FMTSIZE - 4)) /* copy "prompt" into fmt */
return (NO); /* prompt text is too long */
strcat(fmt, "%s"); /* make fmt into a scanf format */
while (isspace(c = getchar()))
; /* skip leading whitespace */
ungetc(c, stdin); /* put the non-whitespace back */
if (scanf(fmt, buf) != 1)
return (NO); /* scanf match failed */
if (!strfit(s, buf, n))
fprintf(stderr, "<%s> chopped to <%s>\n", buf, s);
return (YES);
/* getreply - print a prompt and get one-line reply
* Returns length of reply string, or EOF if end-of-file
* Consumes an entire input line, even if over-long.
#include "local.h"
int getreply(prompt, reply, size)
char prompt[];
char reply[];
int size;
metachar last_char; /* the last char read */
int get_ret; /* getsnn return: length of reply or EOF */
printf("%s", prompt);
get_ret = getsnn(reply, size);
if (get_ret == EOF)
return (EOF);
else if (get_ret == size-1) /* no newline was read */
while ((last_char = getchar()) != EOF && last_char != '\n')
if (last_char == EOF)
return (EOF);
return (get_ret);
/* getsnn - get one line, omitting the newline (if any)
* Returns the number of characters stored,
* which equals size-1 only if no newline was found to that point.
* Returns EOF at end of file.
#include "local.h"
int getsnn(s, size)
char s[];
int size;
int i;
metachar c;
for (i = 0; i < size-1 && (c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n'; ++i)
s[i] = c;
s[i] = '\0';
if (c == EOF)
return (EOF);
return (i);
/* isort - sort array a (dimension n) using insertion sort
#include "local.h"
void isort(a, n)
short a[]; /* array to be sorted; a[0:n-1]: multiset */
index_t n; /* dimension of a */
index_t i;
index_t j;
short t;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
/* a[0:i-1] => sorted */
t = a[i];
for (j = i; j > 0 && a[j-1] > t; --j)
a[j] = a[j-1]; /* a[0:n-1] => !multiset */
a[j] = t; /* a[0:n-1] => multiset */
/* a[0:n-1] => sorted */
/* isort - sort array a (dimension n) using insertion sort
#include "local.h"
void isort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
int i;
int j;
int t;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) /* a[0:i-1]=>sorted */
t = a[i];
j = i;
while (j > 0 && a[j-1] > t)
a[j] = a[j-1];
a[j] = t;
/* a=>sorted */
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
isort(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
printf("N**2 = %.0f\n", (double)lim * lim);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N**2 (usec)\n", tim / ((double)lim * lim));
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
/* isort - sort array a (dimension n) using insertion sort
#include "local.h"
void isort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
int i;
int *pj;
int *pjm;
int t;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) /* a[0:i-1]=>sorted */
t = a[i];
pj = &a[i];
pjm = pj - 1;
while (pj > a && *pjm > t)
*pj = *pjm;
*pj = t;
/* a=>sorted */
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
isort(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
printf("N**2 = %.0f\n", (double)lim * lim);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N**2 (usec)\n", tim / ((double)lim * lim));
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
/* isort - sort array a (dimension n) using insertion sort
#include "local.h"
void isort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
int i;
register int *pj;
register int *pjm;
int t;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) /* a[0:i-1]=>sorted */
t = a[i];
pj = &a[i];
pjm = pj - 1;
while (pj > a && *pjm > t)
*pj = *pjm;
*pj = t;
/* a=>sorted */
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
isort(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
printf("N**2 = %.0f\n", (double)lim * lim);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N**2 (usec)\n", tim / ((double)lim * lim));
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
/* isort - sort array a (dimension n) using insertion sort
#include "local.h"
void isort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
int i;
int *pj;
int *pjm;
int t;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) /* a[0:i-1]=>sorted */
t = a[i];
pj = &a[i];
pjm = pj - 1;
while (pj > a && *pjm > t)
*pj = *pjm;
*pj = t;
/* a=>sorted */
/* itoa - convert integer n to string (ndigits max) */
#include "local.h"
bool itoa(n, str, ndigits)
int n;
char str[];
int ndigits;
int sign;
short i;
bool success;
unsigned un = n; /* need room for most-negative n */
success = YES;
if (ndigits < 1 || n < 0 && ndigits < 2)
return (NO); /* can't even get started */
else if (n == 0)
strcpy(str, "0"); /* dispose of a special case */
return (YES);
else if (n < 0)
sign = -1;
un = -n;
--ndigits; /* sign consumes one print digit */
sign = 1;
for (i = 0; i < ndigits && un != 0; ++i)
str[i] = '0' + un % 10;
un /= 10;
if (un != 0) /* still more digits to print, and no room */
for (i = 0; i < ndigits; ++i)
str[i] = '9';
success = NO;
if (sign < 0)
str[i++] = '-';
str[i] = '\0';
return (success);
/* itoa_demo - demonstrate itoa */
#include "local.h"
#define TEST(n, str, ndigits) \
{ \
printf("%8d %4d %8d ", n, ndigits, itoa(n, str, ndigits)); \
printf("<%s>\n", str); \
char str[20];
TEST(0, str, 1);
TEST(0, str, 0);
TEST(-1, str, 1);
TEST(-1, str, 2);
TEST(100, str, 2);
TEST(10000, str, 5);
TEST(10000, str, 6);
TEST(-10000, str, 6);
/* memcpy - copy n bytes from b to a */
#include "local.h"
data_ptr memcpy(s1, s2, n)
data_ptr s1;
data_ptr s2;
register size_t n;
register char *a = s1;
register char *b = s2;
for (; n > 0; --n, ++a, ++b)
*a = *b;
return (s1);
/* mu_ask - get responses to menu items
* Keeps looping over string and choice fields;
* terminates when user selects an action field, or hits SCR_EXIT.
#include "menu.h"
FIELD *mu_ask(pm)
MENU *pm; /* ptr to current MENU */
FIELD *pf; /* ptr to current FIELD */
FIELD *pfj; /* ptr to j-th FIELD of this MENU */
SCR_CMDCHAR c; /* most recent user key input */
char vtype; /* value type of current FIELD */
bool legal; /* is c valid input in this state? */
short j; /* index over FIELDs of this MENU */
pm->cur_field = 0; /* start with first field */
pf = &pm->fields[pm->cur_field];
legal = YES;
vtype = pf->val_type;
/* accept user input, get user's SCR_CMDCHAR */
if (vtype == 'c' || tolower(vtype) == 's')
if (vtype == 'c')
c = mu_chv(pf);
else /* vtype == 's' OR 'S' */
c = mu_str(pf);
if (pf->pfn != NULL)
legal = (*pf->pfn)(pm);
if (c == SCR_EXIT)
return (NULL);
scr_curs(pf->line, pf->col);
c = scr_getkey();
/* at this point, c is the user's response, and */
/* legal records validity of 'c' or 's' field */
/* (more) */ /*
.PS 46
/* determine next action, based on c */
if (c == SCR_RETURN && (vtype == 'm' || vtype == 'f'))
return (pf);
else if (c == SCR_EXIT)
return (NULL);
else if (!legal)
; /* no actions allowed if validation failed */
else if (vtype == 'S' && pf->psv->string[0] == '\0')
legal = NO;
else if (!SCR_CMD(c) && tolower(vtype) != 's')
legal = NO; /* tentatively */
for (j = 0; j < pm->nfields; ++j)
pfj = &pm->fields[j];
if (toupper(pfj->desc[0]) == toupper(c))
pm->cur_field = j;
legal = YES;
else if (SCR_CMD(c))
switch (c)
case SCR_UP:
pm->cur_field = IMOD(pm->cur_field - 1, pm->nfields);
case SCR_DOWN:
pm->cur_field = IMOD(pm->cur_field + 1, pm->nfields);
case SCR_HOME:
pm->cur_field = 0;
legal = NO;
if (!legal)
} /* end FOREVER */
/* mu_chv - get a value for a CHOICE_VAL field
* Return the SCR_CMDCHAR that terminated the input of this field.
* fld_sync = field in data rec agrees with screen
#include "menu.h"
SCR_CMDCHAR mu_chv(pf)
FIELD *pf; /* ptr to current FIELD : fld_sync */
short nchoice; /* current choice value: {0:9} */
CHOICE_VAL *pcv; /* ptr to this field's CHOICE_VAL */
SCR_CMDCHAR c; /* most recent user input char */
short prevlen; /* length of previous choice display string */
short curlen; /* length of current choice display string */
short i;
prevlen = 0;
pcv = pf->pcv;
if ('0' <= *pcv->pc && *pcv->pc <= '9')
nchoice = *pcv->pc - '0';
nchoice = 0;
/* scr_curs to start of choice display, display current choice */
scr_curs(pf->line, pf->col + strlen(pf->desc) + 2);
scr_print("%s", pcv->choices[nchoice]); /* pf => fld_sync */
/* erase any leftover from previous choice */
curlen = strlen(pcv->choices[nchoice]);
for (i = 0; i < prevlen - curlen; ++i)
scr_putc(' ');
for (i = 0; i < prevlen - curlen; ++i)
prevlen = curlen;
/* get user input and process it */
c = scr_getkey();
if (c != SCR_LEFT && c != SCR_RIGHT)
return (c);
else if (c == SCR_RIGHT)
nchoice = IMOD(nchoice + 1, pcv->nchoices);
else /* c == SCR_LEFT */
nchoice = IMOD(nchoice - 1, pcv->nchoices);
*pcv->pc = '0' + nchoice; /* pf => !fld_sync */
#include "menu.h"
/* mu_do - present a menu, process actions until user SCR_EXIT
void mu_do(pm)
MENU *pm;
FIELD *pf;
static short level = 0;
if (level == 0)
scr_open(); /* initialize the terminal state */
mu_pr(pm); /* print the menu */
pf = mu_ask(pm); /* get a new field ptr */
if (pf == NULL)
else if (pf->val_type == 'm') /* new field is a menu */
else /* pf->val_type == 'f' -- new field is a C fn */
asserts(pf->val_type == 'f', "val_type is 'f'");
if (level == 0)
scr_curs(scr_lins-1, 0);
scr_close(); /* restore terminal state */
/* mu_pr - display a menu on the screen */
#include "menu.h"
void mu_pr(pm) /* at return, pm => menu-sync */
MENU *pm; /* ptr to the MENU to be displayed */
short i; /* index for loop over fields */
FIELD *pf; /* pointer to each FIELD */
short i_choice; /* numeric value of choice field */
/* print the menu title, centered on top line */
scr_curs(0, (scr_cols - strlen(pm->title))/2 - 3);
scr_print("%s", pm->title);
for (i = 0; i < pm->nfields; ++i) /* for each field */
pf = &pm->fields[i];
/* print the field description at proper x,y location */
scr_curs(pf->line, pf->col);
scr_print("%s ", pf->desc);
/* for string and choice fields, print current value */
if (tolower(pf->val_type) == 's')
if (pf->psv->pnum != NULL) /* field has numeric form */
itoa(*pf->psv->pnum, pf->psv->string, pf->psv->maxsize -1);
scr_print("%s", pf->psv->string);
else if (pf->val_type == 'c')
if ('0' <= *pf->pcv->pc && *pf->pcv->pc <= '9')
i_choice = *pf->pcv->pc - '0';
i_choice = 0;
scr_print("%s", pf->pcv->choices[i_choice]);
/* mu_reply -- get a reply in response to a prompt
* on the last screen line
#include "local.h"
#include "menu.h"
mu_reply(prompt, reply, size)
char prompt[]; /* : string */
char reply[]; /* : !NULL */
int size; /* max number of chars allowed in reply */
STRING_VAL rsv; /* reply string value structure */
if (scr_mode == SCR_TTY)
return (getreply(prompt, reply, size));
scr_curs(scr_lins - 1, 0);
scr_print("%s", prompt);
reply[0] = '\0'; /* reply string initially empty */
rsv.edit_type = 'a'; /* initialize the STRING_VAL rsv */
rsv.string = reply;
rsv.maxsize = size;
rsv.pnum = NULL; /* rsv => well-defined */
mu_sval(&rsv); /* let mu_sval handle the dialog */
return (strlen(reply));
/* mu_str - get a string for a STRING_VAL field */
#include "menu.h"
SCR_CMDCHAR mu_str(pf)
FIELD *pf; /* : fld_sync */
{ /* fld_sync = field in data rec agrees with screen */
psv = pf->psv; /* get the string-value pointer for this field */
/* position scr_curs just to right of string value */
scr_curs(pf->line, pf->col + strlen(pf->desc) + 2 + strlen(psv->string));
ret = mu_sval(psv); /* get string value */
if (psv->pnum != NULL) /* pf => !fld_sync */
*psv->pnum = atoi(psv->string); /* pf => fld_sync */
return (ret);
/* mu_sval - get the string contents for a STRING_VAL field
* Assumes cursor is just to right of string
#include "menu.h"
SCR_CMDCHAR mu_sval(psv)
STRING_VAL *psv; /* ptr to the STRING_VAL structure : str_sync */
/* str_sync = screen agrees with contents of */
/* psv->string */
char *s; /* ptr to start of string */
short i; /* index of current nul-terminator */
SCR_CMDCHAR c; /* latest SCR_CMDCHAR returned from scr_getkey */
s = psv->string;
i = strlen(s);
c = scr_getkey();
if (SCR_CMD(c)) /* if c is a command character, */
return (c); /* return it */
else if (c == '\b')
if (i > 0)
scr_print("\b \b"); /* erase previous character */
s[--i] = '\0'; /* shorten the string */
else if (psv->edit_type == 'n' && !isdigit(c) &&
!(i == 0 && c == '-'))
scr_beep(); /* non-digit invalid */
else if (i < psv->maxsize - 1)
scr_putc(s[i++] = c); /* append the char, and echo it */
s[i] = '\0';
scr_beep(); /* no room left in string */
/* nfrom - {{ get listing from lpc files }} */
int nfrom(lo, hi)
int lo, hi;
return (rand() % (hi - lo + 1) + lo);
/* part_db.c - simulated database access to parts */
#include "local.h"
#include "part.h"
static PART parts[3] = {0};
static short n_part = 0;
/* db_locate_part -- see if a part is in the database */
static int db_locate_part(partp)
PART *partp;
short i;
for (i = 0; i < n_part; ++i)
if (STREQ(partp->part_no, parts[i].part_no))
return (i); /* this is the part, return its index */
return (-1); /* no part from 0 to n_part matches this part_no */
} /*
.PS 13
/* db_add_part - add a part record to database */
bool db_add_part(partp)
PART *partp;
if (n_part >= DIM(parts))
remark("Part storage is full", "");
return (NO);
STRUCTASST(parts[n_part], *partp);
return (YES);
} /*
.PS 12
/* db_find_part - find a part record in database */
bool db_find_part(partp)
PART *partp;
short i;
i = db_locate_part(partp);
if (i == -1)
STRUCTASST(*partp, parts[i]);
} /*
.PS 17
/* db_del_part - delete a part record in database */
bool db_del_part(partp)
PART *partp;
short i;
for (i = 0; i < n_part; ++i)
if (STREQ(partp->part_no, parts[i].part_no))
STRUCTASST(parts[i], parts[n_part]);
return (YES);
return (NO);
} /*
.PS 16
/* db_chg_part - change a part record in database */
bool db_chg_part(partp)
PART *partp;
short i;
for (i = 0; i < n_part; ++i)
if (STREQ(partp->part_no, parts[i].part_no))
STRUCTASST(parts[i], *partp);
return (YES);
return (NO);
} /*
.PS 12
/* db_open_part - open the parts database
* Dummy - no action needed
void db_open_part()
/* db_close_part - close the parts database
* Dummy - no action needed
void db_close_part()
/* part_db_tr.c - simulated database access to parts
* uses binary tree for in-memory storage
#include "tree.h"
#include "part.h"
#define TPART struct tr_part
TPART *right;
TPART *left;
PART part;
static TPART tpart = {0};
static TPART *parts = NULL;
/* db_cmp_part - comparison function for database access */
static int db_cmp_part(p1, p2)
TPART *p1, *p2;
return (strcmp(p1->part.part_no, p2->part.part_no));
/* (more) */ /*
.PS 16
/* db_add_part - add a part record to database */
bool db_add_part(partp)
PART *partp;
p = (TPART *)malloc(sizeof(TPART));
if (p == NULL)
remark("Part storage is full", "");
return (NO);
STRUCTASST(p->part, *partp);
TR_INSERT(&parts, p, db_cmp_part);
return (YES);
.PS 50
/* db_find_part - find a part record in database */
bool db_find_part(partp)
PART *partp;
TPART *pn; /* ptr to part record in tree */
STRUCTASST(tpart.part, *partp);
pn = (TPART *)TR_FIND(&parts, &tpart, db_cmp_part);
if (pn == NULL)
return (NO);
STRUCTASST(*partp, pn->part);
return (YES);
/* db_del_part - delete a part record in database */
bool db_del_part(partp)
PART *partp;
TPART **pln; /* ptr to link-in of part record in tree */
STRUCTASST(tpart.part, *partp);
pln = (TPART **)TR_LFIND(&parts, &tpart, db_cmp_part);
if (*pln == NULL)
remark("No record for this part", "");
return (NO);
TR_DELETE(&parts, pln, db_cmp_part);
return (YES);
/* db_chg_part - change a part record in database */
bool db_chg_part(partp)
PART *partp;
TPART *pn; /* ptr to part record in tree */
STRUCTASST(tpart.part, *partp);
pn = (TPART *)TR_FIND(&parts, &tpart, db_cmp_part);
if (pn == NULL) /* validation done in menu should prevent */
return (NO); /* non-existent part from reaching here */
STRUCTASST(pn->part, *partp);
return (YES);
/* (more) */ /*
.PS 50
/* db_open_part - open a part record database */
void db_open_part()
/* db_close_part - close the part record database */
void db_close_part()
/* part_hash.c -- hash file database access to parts */
#include "rec_io.h"
#include "part.h"
#define HPART struct hash_part
char hcode;
PART part;
static HPART hpart = {0};
static HPART kpart = {0};
static rec_fd part_fd = 0;
/* db_cmp_part - compare function for database access */
static int db_cmp_part(p1, p2)
HPART *p1, *p2;
return (strcmp(p1->part.part_no, p2->part.part_no));
} /*
.PS 11
/* db_hash_part - hash the part_no field */
static long db_hash_part(p1)
HPART *p1;
char *p;
long sum = 0;
for (p = p1->part.part_no; *p != '\0'; ++p)
sum += *p;
return (IMOD(sum, rec_nrecs(part_fd)));
} /*
.PS 7
/* db_open_part - open the parts database */
void db_open_part()
part_fd = rec_open("part.dat", O_RDWR, sizeof(HPART));
if (part_fd < 0)
error("can't open ", "part.dat");
} /*
.PS 6
/* db_close_part - close the parts database */
void db_close_part()
if (rec_close(part_fd) < 0)
error("can't close ", "part.dat");
} /*
.PS 21
/* db_add_part - add a part to the database */
bool db_add_part(partp)
PART *partp;
long i;
STRUCTASST(hpart.part, *partp);
hpart.hcode = REC_OCCUP;
i = rec_havail(part_fd, &hpart, &kpart, db_hash_part);
if (i == REC_FULL)
remark("Part storage is full", "");
return (NO);
else if (i == REC_ERROR || !rec_put(part_fd, &hpart, i))
remark("I/O error", "");
return (NO);
return (YES);
} /*
.PS 11
/* db_chg_part - change a part record on database */
bool db_chg_part(partp)
PART *partp;
long this_rec;
STRUCTASST(kpart.part, *partp);
this_rec = rec_hfind(part_fd, &kpart, &hpart, db_cmp_part, db_hash_part);
kpart.hcode = REC_OCCUP;
return (rec_put(part_fd, &kpart, this_rec));
} /*
.PS 11
/* db_del_part - delete a part record on database */
bool db_del_part(partp)
PART *partp;
long this_rec;
STRUCTASST(kpart.part, *partp);
this_rec = rec_hfind(part_fd, &kpart, &hpart, db_cmp_part, db_hash_part);
kpart.hcode = REC_DELET;
return (rec_put(part_fd, &kpart, this_rec));
} /*
.PS 21
/* db_find_part - find a part on the database */
bool db_find_part(partp)
PART *partp;
long this_rec;
STRUCTASST(kpart.part, *partp);
this_rec = rec_hfind(part_fd, &kpart, &hpart, db_cmp_part, db_hash_part);
if (this_rec >= 0)
STRUCTASST(*partp, hpart.part);
return (YES);
else if (this_rec == REC_ERROR)
remark("I/O error", "");
return (NO);
return (NO);
#include "menu.h"
#include "part.h"
/* main menu */
/* menu-sync = screen agrees with menu contents */
PART part1 = {0};
PART null_part = {0};
extern MENU add_menu, chg_menu, del_menu, acd_menu;
/* isn_part - verify that no record exists for this key */
bool isn_part(pm)
MENU *pm; /* : menu-sync */
if (db_find_part(&part1))
/* pm => !menu-sync, new part contents */
remark("This part is entered already", "");
STRUCTASST(part1, null_part); /* clear the part struct */
mu_pr(pm); /* pm => menu-sync */
return (NO);
return (YES);
} /*
.PS 14
/* is_part - verify that record exists and read it into part1 */
bool is_part(pm)
MENU *pm;
if (!db_find_part(&part1))
remark("Unknown part number", "");
STRUCTASST(part1, null_part); /* clear the part struct */
mu_pr(pm); /* display the cleared record, pm => menu-sync */
return (NO);
/* pm => !menu-sync, new part contents */
mu_pr(pm); /* display the found record, pm => menu-sync */
return (YES);
} /*
.PS 19
/* addpart - add a part record */
bool addpart(pm)
MENU *pm;
char reply[2];
STRUCTASST(part1, null_part);
/* if no valid transaction occured, exit without change to db */
if (part1.part_no[0] == '\0')
return (NO);
mu_reply("Add this part [y/n]? ", reply, 2);
if (reply[0] == 'y')
return (db_add_part(&part1));
return (NO);
} /*
.PS 18
/* chgpart - change a part record */
bool chgpart(pm)
MENU *pm;
char reply[2];
STRUCTASST(part1, null_part);
/* if no valid transaction occured, exit without change to db */
if (part1.part_no[0] == '\0')
return (NO);
mu_reply("Change this part [y/n]? ", reply, 2);
if (reply[0] == 'y')
return (db_chg_part(&part1));
return (NO);
} /*
.PS 18
/* delpart - delete a part record */
bool delpart(pm)
MENU *pm;
char reply[2];
STRUCTASST(part1, null_part);
/* if no valid transaction occured, exit without change to db */
if (part1.part_no[0] == '\0')
return (NO);
mu_reply("Delete this part [y/n]? ", reply, 2);
if (reply[0] == 'y')
return (db_del_part(&part1));
return (NO);
} /*
.PS 7
/* part_menu (main) - execute the parts menu */
/* plot_m - demonstrate plot_trk function */
#include "local.h"
#include "screen.h"
short i;
for (i = 0; i < 400; ++i) /* four times around the track */
plot_trk(i, 'X');
scr_curs(scr_lins-1, 0);
/* plot_trk - plot position around a pseudo-oval track */
#include "local.h"
#include "screen.h"
#define LIN_ORIGIN 11
#define COL_ORIGIN 40
#define NPOINTS 26
#define IMAX (NPOINTS - 1)
#define POS(n, signlin, signcol) \
scr_curs(LIN_ORIGIN + (signlin) * coords[n].lin, \
COL_ORIGIN + (signcol) * coords[n].col)
static struct coords
short lin, col;
} coords[NPOINTS] =
{ /* points for one quadrant (quarter-screen) */
{11, 0}, {11, 2}, {11, 4}, {11, 6}, {11, 8},
{11, 10}, {11, 12}, {11, 14}, {11, 16}, {11, 18},
{11, 20}, {11, 22}, {11, 24}, {11, 26}, {11, 28},
{10, 29}, { 9, 30}, { 8, 31}, { 7, 32}, { 6, 33},
{ 5, 34}, { 4, 35}, { 3, 36}, { 2, 36}, { 1, 36},
{ 0, 36},
}; /*
.PS 26
/* plot_trk - plot a point */
void plot_trk(n, c)
int n;
char c;
asserts(n >= 0, "plot_trk: n is non-negative");
n %= 4 * IMAX;
if (n < IMAX)
POS(n, 1, 1); /* 1st quadrant - lower right */
else if (n < 2 * IMAX)
POS(2 * IMAX - n, -1, 1); /* 2nd quadrant - upper right */
else if (n < 3 * IMAX)
POS(n - 2 * IMAX, -1, -1); /* 3rd quadrant - upper left */
POS(4 * IMAX - n, 1, -1); /* 4th quadrant - lower left */
/* pmt - compute payment on mortgage
#include <local.h>
double pow(); /* power function */
double round(); /* rounding function */
double intmo; /* monthly interest */
double intyr; /* annual interest */
double bal; /* balance remaining */
double pmt; /* monthly payment */
short npmts; /* number of payments */
short nyears; /* number of years */
/* get input and compute monthly payment */
printf("Enter principal (e.g. 82500.00): ");
scanf("%lf", &bal);
printf("Enter annual interest rate (e.g. 16.25): ");
scanf("%lf", &intyr);
printf("Enter number of years: ");
scanf("%hd", &nyears);
printf("\nprincipal=%.2f", bal);
printf(" interest=%.4f%%", intyr);
printf(" years=%d\n\n", nyears);
intyr /= 100.;
intmo = intyr / 12.;
npmts = nyears * 12;
pmt = bal * (intmo / (1. - pow(1. + intmo, (double)-npmts)));
pmt = round(pmt, .0099);
printf("pmt=%.2f\n", pmt);
double round(dollars, adjust)
double dollars;
double adjust;
long pennies;
pennies = (dollars + adjust) * 100.;
return (pennies / 100.);
/* powtst - test accuracy of pow
#include "local.h"
#include <math.h>
double x, y, z;
for (x = 1.; x <= 25.; x = x + 1.)
y = x * x;
z = pow(x, 2.);
if (y != z)
printf("%5.1f %20.16f %20.16f %20.16f\n", x, y, z, y-z);
/* q_append - install Q_NODE at rear of queue */
#include "queue.h"
void q_append(frontp, rearp, p)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE *p;
Q_NEXT(p) = NULL; /* new node will be rear of queue */
if (*frontp == NULL) /* if queue was empty, */
*frontp = *rearp = p; /* p becomes front and rear */
Q_NEXT(*rearp) = p; /* splice p into queue */
*rearp = p; /* p becomes rear of queue */
/* q_close - close the queue accessed via *frontp and *rearp */
#include "queue.h"
void q_close(frontp, rearp)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE *p;
Q_NODE *pnext;
for (p = *frontp; p != NULL; p = pnext)
pnext = Q_NEXT(p);
free(p); /* p is (momentarily) undefined */
*frontp = *rearp = NULL; /* prevent dangling ptr */
/* q_insert - install Q_NODE at proper place in queue */
#include "queue.h"
void q_insert(frontp, rearp, p, cmpfn)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE *p;
int (*cmpfn)(); /* function for comparisons */
Q_NODE *p2;
if (*frontp == NULL /* if queue was empty, */
|| (*cmpfn)(p, *frontp) < 0) /* or if p comes first, */
Q_PUSH(frontp, rearp, p); /* push p onto front */
for (p2 = *frontp; ; p2 = Q_NEXT(p2))
if (Q_NEXT(p2) == NULL)
{ /* if end of queue, */
Q_APPEND(frontp, rearp, p); /* append p at rear of queue */
else if ((*cmpfn)(p, Q_NEXT(p2)) < 0)
{ /* if p sorts before Q_NEXT(p2) */
Q_R_INSERT(frontp, rearp, p, p2); /* insert after p2 */
/* q_lfind - search queue for equal match to p, return its link-in
* Return NULL if no match
#include "queue.h"
Q_NODE **q_lfind(frontp, rearp, p, cmpfn)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE *p;
int (*cmpfn)();
Q_NODE **pp;
for (pp = frontp; *pp != NULL; pp = &Q_NEXT(*pp))
if ((*cmpfn)(*pp, p) == 0)
return (pp);
return (NULL);
/* q_main - test routine for queue package */
#include "local.h"
#include "queue.h"
#define NAME_NODE struct name_node
NAME_NODE *next;
char name[4];
NAME_NODE *front = NULL; /* front node of queue */
NAME_NODE *rear = NULL; /* rear node of queue */
NAME_NODE *p = NULL; /* current node */
void show_cmds(), append_name(), push_name(), pop_name(), dump_names();
char buf[2]; /* buffer for input */
Q_OPEN(&front, &rear); /* open the queue */
if (getreply("?: ", buf, 2) == EOF)
switch (buf[0])
case '>':
case '+':
case '-':
case '=':
case '0':
Q_CLOSE(&front, &rear);
Q_OPEN(&front, &rear); /* open the queue */
case '?':
printf("unknown command: %c\n", buf[0]);
} /*
.PS 44
/* show_cmds -- show legal commands */
void show_cmds()
printf("Type > to append, + to push, - to pop, = to print, 0 to reset:\n");
/* append_name - append new name on queue */
void append_name()
p = (NAME_NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NAME_NODE));
if (p == NULL)
error("out of space", "");
getreply("name: ", p->name, 4);
Q_APPEND(&front, &rear, p);
/* push_name - push new name on queue */
void push_name()
p = (NAME_NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NAME_NODE));
if (p == NULL)
error("out of space", "");
getreply("name: ", p->name, 4);
Q_PUSH(&front, &rear, p);
/* pop_name - pop a name off queue */
void pop_name()
p = (NAME_NODE *)Q_POP(&front, &rear);
if (p == NULL)
printf("EMPTY QUEUE\n");
printf("name= %s\n", p->name);
/* dump_names - print the current queue of names */
void dump_names()
if (front == NULL)
printf("EMPTY QUEUE\n");
EACH_Q(front, p)
printf("name= %s\n", p->name);
/* q_pop - detach front node of queue and return pointer to it */
#include "queue.h"
Q_NODE *q_pop(frontp, rearp)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE *p;
if (*frontp == NULL)
return (NULL);
p = *frontp; /* p points to front of queue */
*frontp = Q_NEXT(p); /* front now points to next node (or NULL) */
if (*frontp == NULL) /* if queue is now empty, */
*rearp = NULL; /* then make both ptrs NULL */
Q_NEXT(p) = NULL; /* prevent dangling ptr */
return (p);
/* q_push - install Q_NODE at front of queue */
#include "queue.h"
void q_push(frontp, rearp, p)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE *p;
Q_NEXT(p) = *frontp; /* p points to previous front (or NULL) */
*frontp = p; /* *frontp now points to p */
if (*rearp == NULL) /* if queue was empty, */
*rearp = p; /* *rearp also points to p */
/* q_r_detach - detach queue node that *pp links-in and return pointer to it */
#include "queue.h"
Q_NODE *q_r_detach(frontp, rearp, pp)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE **pp;
Q_NODE *p2; /* ptr to detached node */
if (*pp == NULL)
return (NULL);
p2 = *pp; /* p2 points to node to detach */
*pp = Q_NEXT(p2); /* *pp now points to next node (or NULL) */
if (*frontp == NULL) /* if queue is now empty, */
*rearp = NULL; /* then make both ptrs NULL */
Q_NEXT(p2) = NULL; /* prevent dangling ptr */
return (p2);
/* q_r_insert - install Q_NODE after *pp */
#include "queue.h"
void q_r_insert(frontp, rearp, p, pp)
Q_NODE **frontp, **rearp;
Q_NODE *p;
Q_NODE **pp;
Q_NEXT(p) = *pp; /* p points to node following *pp (or NULL) */
*pp = p; /* *pp now points to p */
if (*rearp == NULL) /* if queue was empty, */
*rearp = p; /* *rearp also points to p */
#include "qksort3.c"
#define SORTFN(a, lim) qksort(a, lim)
static int intcmp(a, b)
int *a, *b;
if (*a > *b)
return (1);
else if (*a == *b)
return (0);
return (-1);
#include "qkmain.h"
/* qksort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort */
#include "local.h"
/* iqksort - internal function to partition a[lo:hi] */
static void iqksort(a, lo, hi)
short a[]; /* array to be sorted; a[lo:hi]: multiset */
index_t lo; /* lowest subscript */
index_t hi; /* highest subscript */
index_t mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2; /* : {lo:hi} */
index_t i; /* : {lo+1:hi+1} */
index_t lastlo; /* : {lo:hi-1} */
short tmp;
SWAP(a[lo], a[mid], tmp);
lastlo = lo;
for (i = lo + 1; i <= hi; ++i)
if (a[lo] > a[i])
SWAP(a[lastlo], a[i], tmp);
SWAP(a[lo], a[lastlo], tmp);
if (lastlo != 0 && lo < lastlo - 1)
iqksort(a, lo, lastlo - 1);
if (lastlo + 1 < hi)
iqksort(a, lastlo + 1, hi);
/* qksort - external entry point */
void qksort(a, n)
short a[]; /* array to be sorted; a[0:n-1]: multiset */
index_t n; /* number of elements */
if (n > 1)
iqksort(a, 0, n - 1);
asserts(tst_sort(a, n), "a is sorted");
/* qksort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort
#include "local.h"
void qksort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
iqksort(a, 0, n-1);
isort(a, n);
static void iqksort(a, lo, hi)
int a[];
int lo, hi;
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
int i;
int lastlo;
int t;
int tmp;
if (hi - lo < 16) /* should not use (hi < lo + 16) */
SWAP(a[lo], a[mid], tmp);
t = a[lo];
lastlo = lo;
for (i = lo+1; i <= hi; ++i)
if (a[i] < t)
SWAP(a[lastlo], a[i], tmp);
SWAP(a[lo], a[lastlo], tmp);
iqksort(a, lo, lastlo - 1);
iqksort(a, lastlo + 1, hi);
/* isort - sort array a (dimension n) using insertion sort
void isort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
int i;
int j;
int t;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) /* a[0:i-1]=>sorted */
t = a[i];
j = i;
while (j > 0 && a[j-1] > t)
a[j] = a[j-1];
a[j] = t;
/* a=>sorted */
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double nlogn;
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
qksort(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
nlogn = lim * log((double)lim) / log(2.);
printf("log N = %.3f\n", log((double)lim) / log(2.));
printf("N log N = %.3f\n", nlogn);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N log N (usec)\n", tim / nlogn);
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
/* qksort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort
#include "local.h"
void qksort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
iqksort(a, &a[n-1]);
static void iqksort(lo, hi)
int *lo, *hi;
int *mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
int *i;
int *lastlo;
int t;
int tmp;
if (hi <= lo)
SWAP(*lo, *mid, tmp);
t = *lo;
lastlo = lo;
for (i = lo+1; i <= hi; ++i)
if (*i < t)
SWAP(*lastlo, *i, tmp);
SWAP(*lo, *lastlo, tmp);
iqksort(lo, lastlo - 1);
iqksort(lastlo + 1, hi);
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double nlogn;
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
qksort(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
nlogn = lim * log((double)lim) / log(2.);
printf("log N = %.3f\n", log((double)lim) / log(2.));
printf("N log N = %.3f\n", nlogn);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N log N (usec)\n", tim / nlogn);
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
/* qksort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort
#include "local.h"
void qksort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
iqksort(a, &a[n-1]);
static void iqksort(lo, hi)
int *lo, *hi;
int *mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
register int *i;
register int *lastlo;
int t;
register int tmp;
if (hi <= lo)
SWAP(*lo, *mid, tmp);
t = *lo;
lastlo = lo;
for (i = lo+1; i <= hi; ++i)
if (*i < t)
SWAP(*lastlo, *i, tmp);
SWAP(*lo, *lastlo, tmp);
iqksort(lo, lastlo - 1);
iqksort(lastlo + 1, hi);
/* qksort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort
#include "local.h"
void qksort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
iqksort(a, &a[n-1]);
isort(a, n);
static void iqksort(lo, hi)
int *lo, *hi;
int *mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
register int *i;
register int *lastlo;
int t;
register int tmp;
if (hi < lo + 16) /* cannot use (hi < lo + 16) */
SWAP(*lo, *mid, tmp);
t = *lo;
lastlo = lo;
for (i = lo+1; i <= hi; ++i)
if (*i < t)
SWAP(*lastlo, *i, tmp);
SWAP(*lo, *lastlo, tmp);
iqksort(lo, lastlo - 1);
iqksort(lastlo + 1, hi);
/* isort - sort array a (dimension n) using insertion sort
void isort(a, n)
int a[];
int n;
int i;
register int *pj;
register int *pjm;
int t;
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) /* a[0:i-1]=>sorted */
t = a[i];
pj = &a[i];
pjm = pj - 1;
while (pj > a && *pjm > t)
*pj = *pjm;
*pj = t;
/* a=>sorted */
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double nlogn;
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
qksort(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
nlogn = lim * log((double)lim) / log(2.);
printf("log N = %.3f\n", log((double)lim) / log(2.));
printf("N log N = %.3f\n", nlogn);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N log N (usec)\n", tim / nlogn);
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double nlogn;
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
qksort(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
nlogn = lim * log((double)lim) / log(2.);
printf("log N = %.3f\n", log((double)lim) / log(2.));
printf("N log N = %.3f\n", nlogn);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N log N (usec)\n", tim / nlogn);
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
/* qksort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort */
#include "local.h"
/* iqksort - internal function to partition the array [*lo:*hi] */
static void iqksort(p_lo, p_hi)
short *p_lo, *p_hi;
short *p_mid = p_lo + (p_hi - p_lo) / 2; /* : {p_lo:p_hi} */
short *p_i; /* : {p_lo+1:p_hi+1} */
short *p_lastlo; /* : {p_lo:p_hi-1} */
short tmp;
SWAP(*p_lo, *p_mid, tmp);
p_lastlo = p_lo;
for (p_i = p_lo+1; p_i <= p_hi; ++p_i)
if (*p_lo > *p_i)
SWAP(*p_lastlo, *p_i, tmp);
SWAP(*p_lo, *p_lastlo, tmp);
if (p_lo < p_lastlo && p_lo < p_lastlo - 1)
iqksort(p_lo, p_lastlo - 1);
if (p_lastlo + 1 < p_hi)
iqksort(p_lastlo + 1, p_hi);
/* qksort - external entry point */
void qksort(a, n)
short a[]; /* array to be sorted; a[0:n-1]: multiset */
size_t n; /* number of elements */
if (n > 1)
iqksort(a, &a[n-1]);
#include "qsort.c"
#define SORTFN(a, lim) qsort(a, lim, sizeof(a[0]), intcmp)
static int intcmp(a, b)
int *a, *b;
if (*a > *b)
return (1);
else if (*a == *b)
return (0);
return (-1);
#include "qkmain.h"
/* qsort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort
* based on Bentley, CACM April 84
* Comments use notation A[i], a (fictitious) array of things
* that are of size elt_size.
#include "local.h"
/* swapfn - swap elt_size bytes a <--> b (internal routine)
static void swapfn(a, b, elt_size)
register char *a; /* pointer to one element of A */
register char *b; /* pointer to another element of A */
size_t elt_size; /* size of each element */
register size_t i;
char tmp;
for (i = 0; i < elt_size; ++i, ++a, ++b)
SWAP(*a, *b, tmp);
} /*
.PS 25
/* iqsort - internal quicksort routine */
static void iqsort(p_lo, p_hi, elt_size, cmpfn)
char *p_lo; /* ptr to low element of (sub)array */
char *p_hi; /* ptr to high element of (sub)array */
size_t elt_size; /* size of each element */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* comparison function ptr */
char *p_mid = p_lo + ((((p_hi - p_lo) / elt_size) / 2) * elt_size);
register char *p_i; /* pointer to A[i] */
register char *p_lastlo; /* pointer to A[lastlo] */
swapfn(p_lo, p_mid, elt_size); /* pick the middle element as pivot */
p_lastlo = p_lo;
for (p_i = p_lo + elt_size; p_i <= p_hi; p_i += elt_size)
if ((*cmpfn)(p_lo, p_i) > 0)
p_lastlo += elt_size;
swapfn(p_lastlo, p_i, elt_size);
swapfn(p_lo, p_lastlo, elt_size);
if (p_lo < p_lastlo && p_lo < p_lastlo - elt_size)
iqsort(p_lo, p_lastlo - elt_size, elt_size, cmpfn); /* lower */
if (p_lastlo + elt_size < p_hi)
iqsort(p_lastlo + elt_size, p_hi, elt_size, cmpfn); /* upper */
} /*
.PS 9
/* qsort - the callable entry point */
void qsort(a, n, size, pf)
data_ptr a; /* address of array A to be sorted */
size_t n; /* number of elements in A */
size_t size; /* size of each element */
int (*pf)(); /* comparison function ptr */
if (n > 1)
iqsort((char *)a, (char *)a + (n-1) * size, size, pf);
/* qsort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort
* based on Bentley, CACM April 84
* Iterative version; avoids recursion, uses little stack
* Comments use notation A[i], a (fictitious) array of things
* that are of size elt_size.
* Uses static storage, not re-entrant.
#include "local.h"
#define STACK_DEPTH (sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT)
static size_t elt_size = 0; /* size of one element */
static int (*cmpfn)() = NULL; /* the comparison function ptr */
/* swapfn - swap elt_size bytes a <--> b (internal routine) */
static void swapfn(a, b)
register char *a; /* pointer to one element of A */
register char *b; /* pointer to another element of A */
register size_t i;
char tmp;
LOOPDN(i, elt_size)
SWAP(*a, *b, tmp);
++a, ++b;
} /*
.PS 24
/* sort1 - partition one (sub)array, returning p_lastlo */
static char *sort1(p_lo, p_hi)
char *p_lo; /* ptr to low element of (sub)array */
char *p_hi; /* ptr to high element of (sub)array */
char *p_mid;
register char *p_i; /* pointer to A[i] */
register char *p_lastlo; /* pointer to A[lastlo] */
p_mid = p_lo + ((((p_hi - p_lo) / elt_size) / 2) * elt_size);
swapfn(p_lo, p_mid); /* pick the middle element as pivot */
p_lastlo = p_lo;
for (p_i = p_lo + elt_size; p_i <= p_hi; p_i += elt_size)
if ((*cmpfn)(p_lo, p_i) > 0)
p_lastlo += elt_size;
swapfn(p_lastlo, p_i);
swapfn(p_lo, p_lastlo);
return (p_lastlo);
} /*
.PS 23
/* qsort - the callable entry point */
void qsort(a, n, size, pf)
data_ptr a; /* address of array A to be sorted */
size_t n; /* number of elements in A */
size_t size; /* size of each element */
int (*pf)(); /* comparison function ptr */
static char *histack[STACK_DEPTH] = {0};
static char *lostack[STACK_DEPTH] = {0};
int istack; /* index of next free stack cell */
char *p_lo; /* ptr to A[lo] */
char *p_hi; /* ptr to A[hi] */
char *p_lastlo; /* ptr to A[lastlo] */
char *p_lo1, *p_hi1; /* partition 1 */
char *p_lo2, *p_hi2; /* partition 2 */
char *tpc; /* tmp ptr for swaps */
elt_size = size;
cmpfn = pf;
istack = 0;
p_lo = a;
p_hi = (char *)a + (n-1) * elt_size; /*
.PS 45
/* loop until no non-trivial partitions remain */
while (istack != 0 || p_lo < p_hi)
p_lastlo = sort1(p_lo, p_hi);
p_lo1 = p_lo;
p_hi1 = p_lastlo - elt_size;
p_lo2 = p_lastlo + elt_size;
p_hi2 = p_hi;
if (p_hi1 - p_lo1 > p_hi2 - p_lo2)
SWAP(p_lo1, p_lo2, tpc);
SWAP(p_hi1, p_hi2, tpc);
/* now [p_lo1,p_hi1] is smaller partition */
if (p_lo1 >= p_hi1)
if (p_lo2 < p_hi2)
/* do next iteration on [p_lo2, p_hi2] */
p_lo = p_lo2;
p_hi = p_hi2;
else if (istack > 0)
/* take next iteration from stack */
p_hi = histack[istack];
p_lo = lostack[istack];
p_hi = p_lo; /* done */
/* push [p_lo2, p_hi2] on stack */
histack[istack] = p_hi2;
lostack[istack] = p_lo2;
/* take next iteration from [p_lo1, p_hi1] */
p_lo = p_lo1;
p_hi = p_hi1;
/* qsort - sort array a (dimension n) using quicksort
* based on Bentley, CACM April 84
* Comments use notation A[i], a (fictitious) array of things
* that are of size elt_size.
#include "local.h"
/* swapfn - swap elt_size bytes a <--> b (internal routine)
static void swapfn(a, b, elt_size)
register char *a; /* pointer to one element of A */
register char *b; /* pointer to another element of A */
size_t elt_size; /* size of each element */
register size_t i;
char tmp;
for (i = 0; i < elt_size; ++i, ++a, ++b)
SWAP(*a, *b, tmp);
} /*
.PS 25
/* iqsort - internal quicksort routine */
static void iqsort(p_lo, p_hi, elt_size, cmpfn)
char *p_lo; /* ptr to low element of (sub)array */
char *p_hi; /* ptr to high element of (sub)array */
size_t elt_size; /* size of each element */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* comparison function ptr */
char *p_mid = p_lo + ((((p_hi - p_lo) / elt_size) / 2) * elt_size);
register char *p_i; /* pointer to A[i] */
register char *p_lastlo; /* pointer to A[lastlo] */
swapfn(p_lo, p_mid, elt_size); /* pick the middle element as pivot */
p_lastlo = p_lo;
for (p_i = p_lo + elt_size; p_i <= p_hi; p_i += elt_size)
if ((*cmpfn)(p_lo, p_i) > 0)
p_lastlo += elt_size;
swapfn(p_lastlo, p_i, elt_size);
swapfn(p_lo, p_lastlo, elt_size);
if (p_lo < p_lastlo && p_lo < p_lastlo - elt_size)
iqsort(p_lo, p_lastlo - elt_size, elt_size, cmpfn); /* lower */
if (p_lastlo + elt_size < p_hi)
iqsort(p_lastlo + elt_size, p_hi, elt_size, cmpfn); /* upper */
} /*
.PS 9
/* qsort - the callable entry point */
void qsort(a, n, size, pf)
data_ptr a; /* address of array A to be sorted */
size_t n; /* number of elements in A */
size_t size; /* size of each element */
int (*pf)(); /* comparison function ptr */
if (n > 1)
iqsort((char *)a, (char *)a + (n-1) * size, size, pf);
/* qsortm - test the qsort function
#include "local.h"
#include "cputim.h"
/* cmpfn - compare two ints
int cmpfn(pi, pj)
register int *pi, *pj;
if (*pi < *pj)
return (-1);
else if (*pi == *pj)
return (0);
return (1);
/* qsortm (main) - run the test */
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static int a[10000];
double nlogn;
double tim; /* in usec */
cputim_t cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = rand();
#if 0
if (lim <= 100)
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
printf("%5d\n", a[i]);
qsort((data_ptr)a, lim, sizeof(int), cmpfn);
tim = 1e6 * (double)cputim() / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
#if 0
if (lim <= 100)
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
printf("%5d\n", a[i]);
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
nlogn = lim * log((double)lim) / log(2.);
printf("log N = %.3f\n", log((double)lim) / log(2.));
printf("N log N = %.3f\n", nlogn);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N log N (usec)\n", tim / nlogn);
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (a[i] > a[i+1])
error("bad value", "");
qsortm.x 100
cpu time = 0.267 (sec)
log N = 6.644
N log N = 664.386
cpu time = 401.37 N log N (usec)
qsortm.x 1000
cpu time = 3.633 (sec)
log N = 9.966
N log N = 9965.784
cpu time = 364.58 N log N (usec)
qsortm.x 10000
cpu time = 44.000 (sec)
log N = 13.288
N log N = 132877.124
cpu time = 331.13 N log N (usec)
/* rec_close - close the REC_FILE fd */
#include "rec_io.h"
int rec_close(fd)
rec_fd fd;
REC_FILE *rfp;
int old_errno = errno;
errno = 0;
if (fd < 0 || fd >= REC_NFILE) /* validate fd */
return (-1);
rfp = &rec_files[fd];
if ((rfp->_status & O_RWMODE) == O_RDONLY)
return (bin_close(fd)); /* if read-only, all done */
bin_lseek(fd, (long)0, SEEK_SET);
bin_write(fd, rfp, sizeof(*rfp)); /* write new REC_FILE info */
if (errno == 0)
errno = old_errno;
return (0);
return (-1);
/* rec_files - global array of REC_FILEs */
#include "rec_io.h"
REC_FILE rec_files[REC_NFILE] = {0};
/* rec_get - read one record from record-binary file */
#include "rec_io.h"
bool rec_get(fd, buf, recno)
rec_fd fd; /* which file */
data_ptr buf; /* where to put the data */
long recno; /* {REC_NEXT,0:rec_nrecs(fd)-1} */
REC_FILE *rfp;
short n; /* size of each record */
if (fd < 0 || fd >= REC_NFILE) /* validate fd */
return (NO);
rfp = &rec_files[fd];
n = rfp->_recsize;
if (recno != REC_NEXT && recno < 0 || recno >= rfp->_nrecs)
return (NO);
else if (recno == REC_NEXT)
; /* no seek, ready for next record */
else if (bin_lseek(fd, rfp->_byte0 + recno * n, SEEK_SET) < 0)
return (NO);
return (bin_read(fd, buf, n) == n);
/* rec_havail.c -- find where a record belongs in a hashed file */
#include "rec_io.h"
long rec_havail(fd, keybuf, buf, hashfn)
rec_fd fd; /* hashed file */
data_ptr keybuf; /* record key to find */
data_ptr buf; /* buffer for found record */
long (*hashfn)(); /* hash lookup function */
long nrecs; /* number of records in file */
long ntry;
long i;
nrecs = rec_nrecs(fd);
i = (*hashfn)(keybuf);
for (ntry = 0; ntry < nrecs; ++ntry)
if (!rec_get(fd, buf, i))
return (REC_ERROR);
if (*(char *)buf == REC_AVAIL || *(char *)buf == REC_DELET)
return (i);
i = IMOD(i + 1, nrecs);
return (REC_FULL);
/* rec_hfind.c -- find a record in a hashed file */
#include "rec_io.h"
long rec_hfind(fd, keybuf, buf, cmpfn, hashfn)
rec_fd fd; /* hashed file */
data_ptr keybuf; /* record key to find */
data_ptr buf; /* buffer for found record */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* record key comparison function */
long (*hashfn)(); /* hash lookup function */
long nrecs; /* number of records in file */
long ntry;
long i;
nrecs = rec_nrecs(fd);
i = (*hashfn)(keybuf);
for (ntry = 0; ntry < nrecs; ++ntry)
if (!rec_get(fd, buf, i))
return (REC_ERROR); /* i/o error during rec_get */
if (*(char *)buf == REC_AVAIL) /* examine first byte of buf */
return (REC_NOT_FOUND);
if (*(char *)buf == REC_OCCUP)
if ((*cmpfn)(keybuf, buf) == 0)
return (i);
i = IMOD(i + 1, nrecs);
return (REC_FULL);
/* rec_main - simple test harness for rec_io */
#include "local.h"
#include "rec_io.h"
long lnum;
long rec_no;
rec_fd rfd;
rfd = rec_open("lnum.dat", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, sizeof(lnum));
if (rfd < 0)
error("can't open (output)", "lnum.dat");
for (lnum = 0; lnum <= 9; ++lnum)
if (!rec_put(rfd, (data_ptr)&lnum, REC_W_END))
error("rec_put (END) error", "");
rfd = rec_open("lnum.dat", O_RDONLY, sizeof(lnum));
if (rfd < 0)
error("can't open (input)", "lnum.dat");
while (rec_get(rfd, (data_ptr)&lnum, REC_NEXT))
printf("%4ld\n", lnum);
rfd = rec_open("lnum.dat", O_RDWR, sizeof(lnum));
if (rfd < 0)
error("can't open (update-output)", "lnum.dat");
for (lnum = 109; lnum >= 100; --lnum)
if (!rec_put(rfd, (data_ptr)&lnum, lnum - 100))
error("rec_put (direct) error", "");
rfd = rec_open("lnum.dat", O_RDWR, sizeof(lnum));
if (rfd < 0)
error("can't open (update-input)", "lnum.dat");
for (rec_no = 0; rec_no <= 9; ++rec_no)
if (!rec_get(rfd, (data_ptr)&lnum, rec_no))
error("rec_get (direct) error", "");
else if (lnum != rec_no + 100)
error("bad data on re-read", "");
printf("%4ld %4ld\n", rec_no, lnum);
/* rec_open - open a record-binary file */
#include "rec_io.h"
REC_FILE rec_files[REC_NFILE] = {0};
rec_fd rec_open(fname, type, recsize)
char fname[];
int type;
int recsize;
rec_fd fd;
REC_FILE *rfp; /* pointer to a REC_FILE entry */
int old_errno = errno; /* save system error indicator */
short i; /* counter to clear first record */
errno = 0; /* clear error indicator */
fd = bin_open(fname, type);
if (fd < 0 || fd >= REC_NFILE) /* validate fd */
return (-1);
rfp = &rec_files[fd];
bin_lseek(fd, (long)0, SEEK_SET); /* seek to initial byte of file */
if ((type & O_RWMODE) == O_WRONLY || /* new file: opened write-only, or */
bin_read(fd, rfp, sizeof(*rfp)) != sizeof(*rfp)) /* can't be read */
bin_lseek(fd, (long)0, SEEK_SET);
rfp->_byte0 = REC_BYTE0;
rfp->_recsize = recsize;
rfp->_nrecs = 0;
bin_write(fd, rfp, sizeof(*rfp));
for (i = 1; i <= REC_BYTE0 - sizeof(*rfp); ++i)
bin_write(fd, "\0", 1);
else if (recsize != rfp->_recsize) /* file exists, but bad recsize */
return (-1);
if (errno == 0)
errno = old_errno; /* restore saved value */
bin_lseek(fd, (long)rfp->_byte0, 0);
rfp->_status = type; /* save the open-mode of file */
return (fd);
else /* error was returned from some bin_io function */
return (-1);
/* rec_put - write one record to record-binary file
#include "rec_io.h"
bool rec_put(fd, buf, recno)
rec_fd fd;
data_ptr buf; /* where to get the data */
long recno; /* {REC_W_END,REC_NEXT,0:rec_nrecs(fd)} */
REC_FILE *rfp;
short n; /* size of each record */
if (fd < 0 || fd >= REC_NFILE)
return (NO);
rfp = &rec_files[fd];
n = rfp->_recsize;
if (recno != REC_NEXT && recno != REC_W_END && recno < 0 ||
recno > rfp->_nrecs)
return (NO);
else if (recno == REC_W_END || recno == rfp->_nrecs)
recno = rfp->_nrecs; /* block will be added at end */
++rfp->_nrecs; /* extend the file size */
if (bin_lseek(fd, rfp->_byte0 + recno * n, SEEK_SET) < 0)
return (NO);
return (bin_write(fd, buf, n) == n);
/* reverse - reverse the order of a string */
#include "local.h"
void reverse(s)
char s[];
char t;
size_t i, j;
if ((j = strlen(s)) == 0)
for (i = 0, j = j - 1; i < j; ++i, --j)
SWAP(s[i], s[j], t);
/* round - adjust floating dollars to even pennies */
#include "local.h"
double round(dollars)
double dollars;
double pennies;
pennies = floor(dollars * 100 + .5);
return (pennies / 100.);
/* roundup - adjust floating dollars to even pennies
* round all fractional pennies upward
#include "local.h"
double roundup(dollars)
double dollars;
double pennies;
pennies = ceil(dollars * 100.);
return (pennies / 100.);
/* run_cars - simulate airport terminal train cars */
#include "deque.h"
#include "screen.h"
#define TRKSIZE 1000
#define CAR struct car
CAR *left; /* pointer to previous deque node; !NULL */
CAR *right; /* pointer to next deque node; !NULL */
short pos; /* position on track; {0:TRKSIZE-1} */
short vel; /* velocity; {0:SHORT_MAX} */
char ident[2]; /* identifier for this car; {"a":"z"} */
void init(); /* initialize the simulation */
void run(); /* run one time step */
DQ_NODE *cars = NULL; /* pointer to master deque node */
CAR *p = NULL; /* pointer to a CAR */
short ncars = 0; /* number of cars on track; {2:26} */
char idents[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
short t; /* loop counter */
SCR_CMDCHAR c; /* input from keyboard */
if (ac < 2)
error("usage: run_cars #-of-cars", "");
ncars = atoi(av[1]);
if (ncars < 2 || ncars > 26)
error("#-of-cars must be between 2 and 26", "");
scr_curs(21, 40); scr_putc('A');
scr_curs(11, 75); scr_putc('B');
scr_curs( 1, 40); scr_putc('C');
scr_curs(11, 5); scr_putc('D');
do {
for (t = 0; t < 200; ++t)
scr_curs(scr_lins - 1, 0);
scr_print("More? ");
c = scr_getkey();
} while (c == 'y');
} /*
.PS 50
/* init - initialize the simulation */
void init()
short i; /* loop counter; {0:ncars-1} */
for (i = 0; i < ncars; ++i)
p = (CAR *)malloc(sizeof(CAR));
if (p == NULL)
error("out of space", "");
p->pos = i * (TRKSIZE / ncars);
p->vel = 0;
p->ident[0] = idents[i];
p->ident[1] = '\0';
DQ_APPEND(cars, p);
/* run - run the simulation for one time step */
void run()
short to_station; /* distance to next station */
short to_car; /* distance to next car */
short to_stop; /* safe distance required to stop this car */
short i; /* loop counter */
CAR *psucc; /* ptr to successor of car p */
EACH_DQ(cars, p, CAR)
plot_trk(p->pos / (TRKSIZE/100), ' ');
p->pos = IMOD(p->pos + p->vel, TRKSIZE);
plot_trk(p->pos / (TRKSIZE/100), p->ident[0]);
to_station = IMOD(p->pos, TRKSIZE / 4);
psucc = (CAR *)DQ_SUCC(cars, p);
to_car = IMOD(psucc->pos - p->pos, TRKSIZE);
for (i = 1, to_stop = 0; i <= p->vel+1; ++i)
to_stop += i;
if (to_car < 10)
p->vel = 0; /* screeching halt */
else if (to_station <= 5)
p->vel = rand() & 0x1; /* random jerk in station */
else if (MIN(to_station, to_car) < to_stop && p->vel > 0)
--p->vel; /* slow down */
++p->vel; /* speed up */
/* screen - environment-specific terminal functions
* Idris version for ANSI terminal
#include "local.h"
#include "screen.h"
#define get_7bit_char() (getchar() & 0177) /* "raw" getchar never EOF */
short scr_mode = SCR_TTY; /* screen mode - TTY or RAW */
short scr_lines = 24; /* screen lines (default) */
short scr_cols = 80; /* screen columns (default) */
/* scr_getkey - get a (coded) keyboard char */
SCR_CMDCHAR scr_getkey()
char c1, c2, c3;
if ((c1 = get_7bit_char()) != '\33')
return (c1);
else if ((c2 = get_7bit_char()) == 'O')
if ((c3 = get_7bit_char()) == 'S')
return (SCR_EXIT);
return (getkey());
else if (c2 == '[')
switch (c3 = get_7bit_char())
case 'A': return (SCR_UP); /* no "break" needed - all returns */
case 'B': return (SCR_DOWN);
case 'C': return (SCR_RIGHT);
case 'D': return (SCR_LEFT);
case 'H': return (SCR_HOME);
default: return (scr_getkey());
return (scr_getkey());
/* remark - print error message, appropriate for scr_mode */
void remark(s1, s2)
char s1[], s2[]; /* strings to be printed */
if (scr_mode == SCR_TTY)
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", s1, s2);
scr_curs(scr_lines-1, 0);
scr_print("%s %s; hit any key to continue", s1, s2);
/* clear message from screen after response */
/* print 79 spaces, 80 would cause CR on last line
** screen would scroll up (on most terminals
scr_curs(scr_lines-1, 0);
scr_print(" ");
scr_print(" ");
/* (new page)
/* scr_open - initialize the terminal
void scr_open()
system("stty +raw -echo"); /* slow but universal */
printf("\33[>6h"); /* enter keypad-shifted mode */
scr_mode = SCR_RAW;
/* scr_close - re-establish normal terminal environment
void scr_close()
printf("\33[>6l"); /* exit keypad-shifted mode */
system("stty -raw +echo"); /* slow but universal */
scr_mode = SCR_TTY;
/* screen - environment-specific terminal functions
* PC Version - uses bdos function
#include "local.h"
#include "screen.h"
short scr_mode = SCR_TTY; /* screen mode - TTY or RAW */
short scr_lins = 24; /* screen lines (default) */
short scr_cols = 80; /* screen columns (default) */
/* scr_getkey - get a (coded) keyboard char */
SCR_CMDCHAR scr_getkey()
char c1;
if ((c1 = bdos(8)) != '\0')
return (c1 & 0x7F);
switch (c1 = bdos(8))
/* no "break" needed - all returns */
case 'H': return (SCR_UP);
case 'P': return (SCR_DOWN);
case 'M': return (SCR_RIGHT);
case 'K': return (SCR_LEFT);
case 'G': return (SCR_HOME);
case ';': return (SCR_EXIT); /* F1 function key */
default: scr_beep();
return (scr_getkey());
/* remark - print error message, appropriate for scr_mode */
void remark(s1, s2)
char s1[], s2[]; /* strings to be printed */
if (scr_mode == SCR_TTY)
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", s1, s2);
scr_curs(scr_lins-1, 0);
scr_print("%s %s; hit any key to continue", s1, s2);
scr_curs(scr_lins-1, 0);
/* scr_open - enter "raw" screen mode */
void scr_open()
scr_mode = SCR_RAW; /* otherwise no work; bdos(8) is unbuffered */
} /*
/* scr_close - restore normal tty state */
void scr_close()
scr_mode = SCR_TTY;
/* screen - environment-specific terminal functions
* UNIX version for ANSI terminal
#include "local.h"
#include "screen.h"
#define get_7bit_char() (getchar() & 0177) /* "raw" getchar never EOF */
short scr_mode = SCR_TTY; /* screen mode - TTY or RAW */
short scr_lins = 24; /* screen lines (default) */
short scr_cols = 80; /* screen columns (default) */
/* scr_getkey - get a (coded) keyboard char */
SCR_CMDCHAR scr_getkey()
char c1, c2;
if ((c1 = get_7bit_char()) != '\33')
return (c1);
else if ((c2 = get_7bit_char()) == 'O')
if (get_7bit_char() == 'S') /* F1 function key */
return (SCR_EXIT);
return (scr_getkey());
else if (c2 == '[')
switch (get_7bit_char())
case 'A': return (SCR_UP); /* no "break" needed - all returns */
case 'B': return (SCR_DOWN);
case 'C': return (SCR_RIGHT);
case 'D': return (SCR_LEFT);
case 'H': return (SCR_HOME);
default: scr_beep();
return (scr_getkey());
return (scr_getkey());
} /*
.PS 30
/* remark - print error message, appropriate for scr_mode */
void remark(s1, s2)
char s1[], s2[]; /* strings to be printed */
if (scr_mode == SCR_TTY)
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", s1, s2);
scr_curs(scr_lins-1, 0);
scr_print("%s %s; hit any key to continue", s1, s2);
scr_curs(scr_lins-1, 0);
/* scr_open - initialize the terminal */
void scr_open()
system("stty raw -echo"); /* slow but universal */
printf("\33[>6h"); /* keypad-shifted; not universal ANSI */
scr_mode = SCR_RAW;
/* scr_close - re-establish normal terminal environment */
void scr_close()
printf("\33[>6l"); /* exit keypad-shifted mode */
system("stty -raw echo"); /* slow but universal */
scr_mode = SCR_TTY;
/* short_order - put two short integers into order
#include "local.h"
void short_order(pi, pj)
short *pi, *pj;
short t;
if (*pj < *pi)
t = *pi, *pi = *pj, *pj = t;
/* sisort - string version of isort
* sorts an array of pointers to char
#define ISORT_NAME sisort
#define ISORT_TYPE char *
#define ISORT_GT(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) > 0)
#include "isort.h"
/* sqksort - string version of qksort
#define QKSORT_NAME sqksort
#define QKSORT_TYPE char *
#define QKSORT_GT(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) > 0)
#include "qksort.h"
/* sqksort - string version of qksort
#define QKSORT_NAME sqksort
#define QKSORT_TYPE char *
#define QKSORT_GT(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) > 0)
#include "qksort.h"
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static char * a[10000];
static char pie[10001] = {0};
double nlogn;
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
pie[i] = rand() & 63;
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = &pie[rand() % 10000];
QKSORT_NAME(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
nlogn = lim * log((double)lim) / log(2.);
printf("log N = %.3f\n", log((double)lim) / log(2.));
printf("N log N = %.3f\n", nlogn);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N log N (usec)\n", tim / nlogn);
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (QKSORT_GT(a[i], a[i+1]))
error("bad value", "");
/* sqksort - string version of qksort
#define QKSORT_NAME sqksort
#define QKSORT_TYPE char *
#define QKSORT_GT(a, b) \
((a)[0] != (b)[0] ? (a)[0] > (b)[0] : strcmp(a, b) > 0)
#include "qksort.h"
#ifdef TRYMAIN
#include <math.h>
main(ac, av)
int ac;
char *av[];
int i;
int lim;
static char * a[10000];
static char pie[10001] = {0};
double nlogn;
double tim;
long cputim();
lim = atoi(av[1]);
printf("lim=%d\n", lim);
for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
pie[i] = rand() & 63;
for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
a[i] = &pie[rand() % 10000];
QKSORT_NAME(a, lim);
tim = cputim() * 1e6 / 60;
printf("cpu time = %.3f (sec)\n", tim / 1e6);
nlogn = lim * log((double)lim) / log(2.);
printf("log N = %.3f\n", log((double)lim) / log(2.));
printf("N log N = %.3f\n", nlogn);
printf("cpu time = %.2f N log N (usec)\n", tim / nlogn);
for (i = 0; i < lim-1; ++i)
if (QKSORT_GT(a[i], a[i+1]))
error("bad value", "");
/* sqrttst - test accuracy of sqrt
#include "local.h"
double x, y;
for (x = 1.; x <= 25.; x = x + 1.)
y = sqrt(x) * sqrt(x);
if (y != x)
printf("%5.1f %21.17f %10.2e\n", x, y, x-y);
2.0 2.00000000000000010 -5.55e-17
3.0 3.00000000000000010 -5.55e-17
7.0 6.99999999999999990 2.22e-16
8.0 8.00000000000000020 -2.22e-16
10.0 10.00000000000000000 -2.22e-16
12.0 12.00000000000000000 -2.22e-16
15.0 15.00000000000000000 -2.22e-16
17.0 17.00000000000000100 -4.44e-16
18.0 18.00000000000000000 4.44e-16
21.0 21.00000000000000000 4.44e-16
22.0 22.00000000000000000 4.44e-16
23.0 22.99999999999999900 8.88e-16
2.0 2.00000000000000044 -4.44E-16
3.0 2.99999999999999955 4.44E-16
5.0 5.00000000000000088 -8.88E-16
6.0 5.99999999999999911 8.88E-16
7.0 7.00000000000000088 -8.88E-16
8.0 8.00000000000000177 -1.78E-15
10.0 10.00000000000000176 -1.78E-15
12.0 11.99999999999999821 1.78E-15
13.0 12.99999999999999822 1.78E-15
15.0 15.00000000000000176 -1.78E-15
18.0 17.99999999999999642 3.55E-15
19.0 19.00000000000000355 -3.55E-15
20.0 20.00000000000000353 -3.55E-15
23.0 22.99999999999999642 3.55E-15
24.0 23.99999999999999642 3.55E-15
/* st_close - close the stack accessed via *headp */
#include "stack.h"
void st_close(headp)
ST_NODE **headp;
ST_NODE *pnext;
for (p = *headp; p != NULL; p = pnext)
pnext = p->next;
free(p); /* p is (momentarily) undefined */
*headp = NULL; /* prevent dangling ptr */
/* st_main - test routine for stack package
#include "local.h"
#include "stack.h"
#define NAME_NODE struct name_node
NAME_NODE *next;
char data[4];
NAME_NODE *head = NULL; /* head node of stack */
NAME_NODE *p = NULL; /* current node */
void show_cmds(), push_name(), pop_name(), dump_names();
.PS 26
/* st_main (main) */
char buf[2]; /* buffer for input */
ST_OPEN(&head); /* open the stack */
while (getreply("?: ", buf, 2) != EOF)
switch (buf[0])
case '+':
case '-':
case '=':
case '0':
ST_OPEN(&head); /* open the stack again */
case '?':
printf("unknown command: %c\n", buf[0]);
} /*
.PS 30
/* show_cmds -- show legal commands */
void show_cmds()
printf("Type + to push, - to pop, = to print, 0 to reset:\n");
/* push_name - push new name on stack */
void push_name()
p = (NAME_NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NAME_NODE));
if (p == NULL)
error("out of space", "");
if (getreply("name: ", p->data, 4) == EOF)
error("unexpected EOF", "");
ST_PUSH(&head, p);
/* pop_name - pop a name off stack */
void pop_name()
p = (NAME_NODE *)ST_POP(&head);
if (p == NULL)
printf("EMPTY STACK\n");
printf("name= %s\n", p->data);
/* dump_names - print the current stack of names */
void dump_names()
if (ST_IS_EMPTY(head))
printf("EMPTY STACK\n");
EACH_ST(head, p)
printf("name= %s\n", p->data);
/* st_pop - detach top node of stack and return pointer to it */
#include "stack.h"
ST_NODE *st_pop(headp)
ST_NODE **headp;
if (*headp == NULL)
return (NULL);
p = *headp; /* p points to top of stack */
*headp = p->next; /* headp now points to next node (or is NULL) */
p->next = NULL; /* prevent dangling ptr */
return (p);
/* st_push - install ST_NODE at head of stack */
#include "stack.h"
void st_push(headp, p)
ST_NODE **headp;
p->next = *headp; /* p->next now points to previous head (or is NULL) */
*headp = p; /* *headp now points to p */
/* strcspn - xxx
size_t strcspn(s1, s2)
char s1[];
char s2[];
{ /* strcspn */
register size_t i;
register char *p;
for (i = 0; s1[i] != '\0'; ++i)
for (p = s2; *p != '\0'; ++p)
if (*p == s1[i])
return (i);
return (i);
} /* strcspn */
/* strfit - copy s2 to s1, chopping to n chars
* return YES if sufficient space, no if not
#include "local.h"
bool strfit(s1, s2, n)
char s1[];
char s2[];
size_t n;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n-1 && s2[i] != '\0'; ++i)
s1[i] = s2[i];
s1[i] = '\0';
return (s2[i] == '\0');
/* strspn - xxx
#include "local.h"
size_t strspn(s1, s2)
char s1[];
char s2[];
{ /* strspn */
register size_t i;
register char *p;
for (i = 0; s1[i] != '\0'; ++i)
for (p = s2; *p != '\0'; ++p)
if (*p == s1[i])
if (*p == '\0')
return (i);
return (i);
} /* strspn */
/* strtok - return pointer to next token in string
#include "local.h"
static char *nextpos = NULL;
char *strtok(s1, s2)
char s1[];
char s2[];
{ /* strtok */
char *returnp;
size_t nchars;
if (s1 != NULL)
nextpos = s1;
nchars = strspn(nextpos, s2); /* length of sep char sequence */
if (*nextpos == '\0')
return (NULL); /* no more tokens left */
nextpos += nchars;
nchars = strcspn(nextpos, s2); /* length of token char sequence */
nextpos[nchars] = '\0';
returnp = nextpos;
nextpos += nchars + 1;
return (returnp);
} /* strtok */
#include "qsort.c"
#define SORTFN(a, lim) qsort(a, lim, sizeof(a[0]), intcmp)
static int intcmp(a, b)
int *a, *b;
if (*a > *b)
return (1);
else if (*a == *b)
return (0);
return (-1);
#include "qkmain.h"
/* tr_close - free a tree or subtree */
#include "tree.h"
void tr_close(plt)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree */
TR_NODE *pt; /* ptr to root of tree */
pt = *plt; /* pt now points to root of tree */
if (pt == NULL) /* if link-in is NULL, */
return; /* nothing to do, so return */
TR_CLOSE(&pt->left); /* free left subtree */
TR_CLOSE(&pt->right); /* free right subtree */
free(pt); /* free the node itself */
/* tr_delete - delete the node **pln from tree *plt
#include "tree.h"
void tr_delete(plt, pln, cmpfn)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree */
TR_NODE **pln; /* ptr to link-in of node */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* ptr to comparison function */
TR_NODE *pn; /* ptr to specific node of tree */
TR_NODE *ps; /* ptr to node's successor */
TR_NODE **pls; /* ptr to link-in of successor */
pn = *pln; /* pn pts to the node to delete */
if (pn->right == NULL) /* if node has no right subtree, */
if (pn->left == NULL) /* if node has no children, */
*pln = NULL; /* replacement for pn is NULL */
else /* if node has L subtree, but not R, */
*pln = pn->left; /* replacement is pn's L subtree */
else if (pn->left == NULL) /* if node has R subtree, but not L */
*pln = pn->right; /* replacement is pn's R subtree */
else /* if node has R and L subtrees *
pls = TR_LNEXT(plt, pn, cmpfn); /* get ptr to link-in of succ */
ps = *pls; /* ps now points to successor */
*pls = ps->right; /* succ's R subtree takes succ's place */
ps->right = pn->right; /* succ acquires node's R ... */
ps->left = pn->left; /* ... and L subtree */
*pln = ps; /* replacement is successor */
/* tr_detach - detach node (or subtree) from tree, given link-in
#include "tree.h"
TR_NODE *tr_detach(pln)
TR_NODE **pln; /* ptr to link-in of node to be detached */
p = *pln; /* hold the address of the node */
*pln = NULL; /* detach the node */
return (p); /* return its address */
/* tr_insert - insert a single node in tree (recursive version) */
#include "tree.h"
void tr_insert(plt, pn, cmpfn)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree or subtree */
TR_NODE *pn; /* ptr to node to be inserted */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* ptr to comparison function */
TR_NODE *pt; /* ptr to tree (or subtree) */
int cmp; /* result of key comparison; neg, zero, or pos */
pt = *plt; /* pt now pts to current tree (if any) */
if (pt == NULL) /* if plt pointed to a null pointer, */
pn->left = pn->right = NULL; /* has no sub trees yet */
*plt = pn; /* then this is the place to install pn; do so */
else if ((cmp = (*cmpfn)(pn, pt)) == 0) /* if already in tree, */
return; /* then don't install */
else if (cmp < 0) /* if node's key compares low */
TR_INSERT(&pt->left, pn, cmpfn); /* then insert in left tree */
else /* otherwise, */
TR_INSERT(&pt->right, pn, cmpfn); /* insert in right tree */
/* tr_lfind - find node matching a specified key
* recursive version
* never returns NULL
#include "tree.h"
TR_NODE **tr_lfind(plt, pn, cmpfn)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree or subtree */
TR_NODE *pn; /* ptr to structure containing key to match */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* ptr to comparison function */
TR_NODE *pt; /* ptr to current tree */
int cmp; /* comparison result: neg, zero, pos */
pt = *plt; /* pt now points to current tree */
if (pt == NULL) /* if plt points to a null pointer, */
return (plt); /* the data isn't in the tree */
else if ((cmp = (*cmpfn)(pn, pt)) == 0) /* if key already in tree, */
return (plt); /* return its node's link-in */
else if (cmp < 0) /* if key compares low, */
return (TR_LFIND(&pt->left, pn, cmpfn)); /* search in left tree */
else /* otherwise, */
return (TR_LFIND(&pt->right, pn, cmpfn)); /* search in right tree */
/* tr_lfind - find node matching a specified key
* iterative version
* never returns NULL
#include "tree.h"
TR_NODE **tr_lfind(plt, pn, cmpfn)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree or subtree */
TR_NODE *pn; /* ptr to structure containing key to match */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* ptr to comparison function */
TR_NODE *pt; /* ptr to current tree */
int cmp; /* comparison result: neg, zero, pos */
pt = *plt; /* pt now points to current tree */
if (pt == NULL) /* if plt points to a null pointer, */
return (plt); /* the data isn't in the tree */
else if ((cmp = (*cmpfn)(pn, pt)) == 0) /* if key already in tree, */
return (plt); /* return its node's link-in */
else if (cmp < 0) /* if key compares low, */
plt = &pt->left; /* then search in left tree */
else /* otherwise, */
plt = &pt->right; /* search in right tree */
/* tr_lfind - find node matching a specified key
* iterative version
* never returns NULL
#include "tree.h"
TR_NODE **tr_lfind(plt, pn, cmpfn)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree or subtree */
TR_NODE *pn; /* ptr to structure containing key to match */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* ptr to comparison function */
TR_NODE *pt; /* ptr to current tree */
int cmp; /* comparison result: neg, zero, pos */
pt = *plt; /* pt now points to current tree */
if (pt == NULL) /* if plt points to a null pointer, */
return (plt); /* the data isn't in the tree */
else if ((cmp = (*cmpfn)(pn, pt)) == 0) /* if key already in tree, */
return (plt); /* return its node's link-in */
else if (cmp < 0) /* if key compares low, */
plt = &TR_LEFT(pt); /* then search in left tree */
else /* otherwise, */
plt = &TR_RIGHT(pt); /* search in right tree */
/* tr_lfirst - find first node in tree
* Returned value is ptr to link-in of first node
* never returns NULL, and never points to null ptr
#include "tree.h"
TR_NODE **tr_lfirst(plt)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to (non-null) link-in of tree */
TR_NODE **pln; /* ptr to link-in of node */
for (pln = plt; (*pln)->left != NULL; pln = &(*pln)->left)
return (pln);
/* tr_lnext - find the successor of node pn
* Returned value is ptr to link-in of successor node
* Never returns NULL; may return addr of a null ptr
#include "tree.h"
static TR_NODE *nullp = NULL; /* used to return addr of null ptr */
TR_NODE **tr_lnext(plt, pn, cmpfn)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree */
TR_NODE *pn; /* ptr to specific node of tree */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* ptr to comparison function */
TR_NODE **pls; /* ptr to link-in of successor */
TR_NODE **pln; /* ptr to link-in of a TR_NODE */
if (pn->right != NULL) /* if node has a right subtree, */
{ /* return ptr to link-in of "leftmost" node in right subtree */
return (TR_LFIRST(&pn->right));
else /* if node has no right subtree, */
{ /* return ptr to link-in of parent of pn */
pln = TR_LPFIND(plt, pn, cmpfn);
if (*pln != NULL && (*pln)->left == pn)
return (pln); /* node is left subtree of parent */
return (&nullp); /* node is rightmost in tree */
/* tr_lpfind - find parent of node matching a specified key
* iterative version
* never returns NULL; may return addr of null ptr
#include "tree.h"
static TR_NODE *nullp = NULL; /* used to return addr of null ptr */
TR_NODE **tr_lpfind(plt, pn, cmpfn)
TR_NODE **plt; /* ptr to link-in of tree or subtree */
TR_NODE *pn; /* ptr to structure containing key to match */
int (*cmpfn)(); /* ptr to comparison function */
TR_NODE *pt; /* ptr to current tree */
TR_NODE **plp; /* ptr to link-in of parent of tree */
int cmp; /* comparison result: neg, zero, pos */
plp = &nullp; /* root has no parent */
pt = *plt; /* pt now points to current tree */
if (pt == NULL) /* if plt points to a null pointer, */
return (&nullp); /* the data isn't in the tree */
else if ((cmp = (*cmpfn)(pn, pt)) == 0) /* if key already in tree, */
return (plp); /* return its parent's link-in */
plp = plt; /* before starting subtree, save plt */
if (cmp < 0) /* if key compares low, */
plt = &pt->left; /* then search in left tree */
else /* otherwise, */
plt = &pt->right; /* search in right tree */
/* tr_main - main pgm to test tree pkg
#include "tree.h"
#define DATA_NODE struct data_node
DATA_NODE *right;
DATA_NODE *left;
char data[4];
/* mknode - allocate a new node with specified key
DATA_NODE *mknode(key)
char key[];
p = (DATA_NODE *)malloc(sizeof(DATA_NODE));
if (p == NULL)
return (NULL);
strncpy(p->data, key, sizeof(p->data));
return (p);
tr_pr -- print the contents of the tree
void tr_pr(pt)
DATA_NODE *pt; /* ptr to root of tree */
static short level = -1;
short i;
if (pt == NULL)
for (i = 0; i < level; ++i)
printf("%s\n", pt->data);
comp_str -- comparison function
int comp_str(p1, p2)
return(strcmp(p1->data, p2->data));
static char *keys[] =
{"d", "b", "c", "a", "e"};
int i = 0;
int comp_str(); /* comparison function */
for (i = 0; i < DIM(keys); ++i)
p = (DATA_NODE *) mknode(keys[i]);
TR_INSERT(&root, p, comp_str);
q = (DATA_NODE **) TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("q=<%s>\n", (*q)->data);
q = (DATA_NODE **) TR_LPFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("parent=<%s>\n", *q != NULL ? (*q)->data : "NULL");
q = (DATA_NODE **) TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
TR_DELETE(&root, q, comp_str);
printf("after deletion\n");
printf("after re-inserting\n");
p = (DATA_NODE *) mknode(keys[i]);
TR_INSERT(&root, p, comp_str);
q = (DATA_NODE **) TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("q=<%s>\n\n", (*q)->data);
p = mknode("a"); /* dup, already in tree */
TR_INSERT(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("after dup:\n");
p = mknode("x"); /* not in tree */
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("LFIND(missing) %s properly NULL\n", *q == NULL ? "is" : "NOT");
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LPFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("LPFIND(missing) %s properly NULL\n", *q == NULL ? "is" : "NOT");
p = mknode("d"); /* the root */
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LPFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("LPFIND(root) %s properly NULL\n", *q == NULL ? "is" : "NOT");
p = mknode("d"); /* root, 2 subtrees */
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LNEXT(&root, *q, comp_str);
printf("LNEXT(d) == <%s>\n", *q != NULL ? (*q)->data : "NULL");
p = mknode("a"); /* no subtrees, successor is parent */
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LNEXT(&root, *q, comp_str);
printf("LNEXT(a) == <%s>\n", *q != NULL ? (*q)->data : "NULL");
p = mknode("e"); /* no subtrees, has no successor */
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LNEXT(&root, *q, comp_str);
printf("LNEXT(e) == <%s>\n", *q == NULL ? "NULL" : (*q)->data);
p = mknode("e"); /* no subtrees, has no successor */
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
printf("LFIRST(e) == <%s>\n", *q == NULL ? "NULL" : (*q)->data);
p = mknode("d");
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
TR_DELETE(&root, q, comp_str);
printf("\nAfter deleting 'd':\n");
p = mknode("b");
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
TR_DELETE(&root, q, comp_str);
printf("\nAfter deleting 'b':\n");
p = mknode("c");
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
TR_DELETE(&root, q, comp_str);
printf("\nAfter deleting 'c':\n");
p = mknode("a");
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
TR_DELETE(&root, q, comp_str);
printf("\nAfter deleting 'a':\n");
p = mknode("e");
q = (DATA_NODE **)TR_LFIND(&root, p, comp_str);
TR_DELETE(&root, q, comp_str);
printf("\nAfter deleting 'e':\n");
/* tst_sort - returns YES if array a is sorted
* specialized "short" version
#include "local.h"
bool tst_sort(a, n)
short a[];
index_t n;
index_t i;
if (n <= 0)
return (NO);
for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)
/* a[0:i-1] => sorted */
if (a[i] < a[i-1]) /* compare adjacent elements */
return (NO);
/* a[0:n-1] => sorted */
return (YES);
/* bin_open - open a binary file
* WSL 2.3 version
#include "bin_io.h"
bin_fd bin_open(fname, type)
char fname[];
int type;
int fd;
if ((type & O_TRUNC) != O_TRUNC) /* not TRUNC mode */
fd = open(fname, type & O_RWMODE, 1); /* attempt open */
if (fd >= 0)
if ((type & (O_EXCL|O_CREAT)) == (O_EXCL|O_CREAT))
return (-1); /* not allowed to exist */
return (fd); /* open succeeded */
else if ((type & O_RWMODE) == O_RDONLY)
return (fd); /* rdonly, open failed */
if ((type & O_CREAT) != O_CREAT)
return (-1); /* not allowed to create */
fd = create(fname, type & O_RWMODE, 1); /* attempt create */
return (fd);