C/C++ Interactive Guide
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/***** Directory for the C User's Group Library (#101 - #155), Oct.10,85 *****/
VOLUME 101 BDS "C" Games I
C101.1 2k -CATALOG.CG3 Contents of this disk
C101.2 3k -HISTORY.CG3 Credits for this volume
C101.3 0k -VOL101 .CUG Volume number
C101.4 8k ALIFE .ASM Z80 only asembly code, see NLIFE.
C101.5 2k ALIFE .CRL Assembled version of ALIFE. Link with NLIFE.
C101.6 8k BUGS .C For Heath/Zenith. Leor says,"This one is WEIRD!
C101.7 8k DMF .C Header for David Fogg games.
C101.8 1k EUCLID .C Finds greatest common demoninator of two ints
C101.9 2k EZ1 .ANS More for IQUIZ
C101.10 6k FALLOUT .C "A logical extension of FLYBY."
C101.11 2k FLYBY .C Another graphic demo for Heath/Zenith
C101.12 2k HARD1 .ANS More for IQUIZ
C101.13 13k HSTONE .C Heath/Zenith version of STONE
C101.14 8k IQUIZ .C Question and Answer game for Heath/Zenith.
C101.15 23k IQUIZ .DAT See IQUIZ.C
C101.16 8k JOTTO .C See JOTTO.WDS
C101.17 4k JOTTO .WDS Heath/Zenith oriented word game.
C101.18 9k LIFE .C Life for non-H19/Z19 terminals.
C101.19 13k LIFE .DAT Library of screen images for NLIFE
C101.20 10k LINES .C Visual demo for H19/Z19
C101.21 2k MED1 .ANS More for IQUIZ
C101.22 5k MM .C Mastermind.
C101.23 7k NLIFE .C New H89/Z89 version of LIFE
C101.24 4k NLIFE .HLP See NLIFE.C
C101.25 2k POLISH .C RPN demonstration.
C101.26 8k PRESSUP .C A peg game by Steve Ward
C101.27 1k R2 .MAP See RALLY.C
C101.28 11k RALLY .C Road game for H19/Z19
C101.29 2k RALLY .MAP See RALLY.C
C101.30 7k STD .H Required for XWORD,Yahtzee,IQUIZ
C101.31 10k STONE .C WARI for tty type terminals
C101.32 8k TTT .C Tic-Tac-Toe...this goes way back
C101.33 2k TV .ANS Data file for XWORD.C
C101.34 4k XPERT1 .ANS Data file for XWORD
C101.35 15k XWORD .C Crossword puzzle game for H19/Z19
C101.36 12k YAHTZEE .C Classic die/poker game.
VOLUME 102 BDS "C" Games II
C102.1 2k -CATALOG.021 Contents of this disk
C102.2 0k -VOL102 .CUG Volume number
C102.3 19k BG .C Backgammon game
C102.4 8k BUGS .C Updated from "Games 1" for Heath H19/89
C102.5 8k CASIO .C Casio watch game
C102.6 1k CASIO .REC See CASIO.C
C102.7 6k FALLOUT .C Update form "Games 1" for Heath H19/89
C102.8 10k FISH .C Just "gone fishin'"
C102.9 4k HANGMAN .C Hangman word game
C102.10 7k NLIFE .C Yet another life simulator for Heath H19/89
C102.11 13k NLIFE .DAT See NLIFE.C
C102.12 2k NLIFEA .CRL See NLIFE.C
C102.13 14k OTHELLO .C Othello, a "GO/GOMOKU" like game
C102.14 5k PACDEFS .H See PACMAN.C
C102.15 7k PACMAN .C PACMAN for cursor addressable terminal
C102.19 9k PACUTIL .C See PACMAN.C
C102.21 7k PPONG .C Variation of ping pong for Heath H19/89
C102.22 11k RALLY .C Road race game for Heath H19/89
C102.23 2k RALLY .MAP See RALLY.C
C102.24 13k STONE .C Update from "Games 1" for Heath H19/89
C102.25 2k WAVY .C Puts wavy lines on Heath H19/89 screen
C102.26 9k WUMPUS .C Hunt the Wumpus through the caves
C102.27 13k YAHTZEE .C A dice game
VOLUME 103 "Just Like Mom's" [ or Just like Ma Bell's UNIX utilities ]
C103.1 0k -VOL103 .CUG Volume number
C103.2 3k CATALOG .DOC Describes files on "Just like Mom's" disk
C103.3 2k CRCK .COM CRC check program
C103.4 1k CRCKLIST.CRC CRC check list
C103.5 7k CRYPT .C A file encryption program
C103.6 8k CRYPT .COM Object file of CRYPT.C
C103.7 21k EDIT .C The first segment of source for q.e.d
C103.8 26k EDIT .COM Executable q.e.d. COM file
C103.9 10k EDIT .DOC Help file describing use of q.e.d.
C103.10 1k EDIT .HLP File containing the help message in q.e.d.
C103.11 3k EDIT .INC Part of q.e.d
C103.12 9k EDIT2 .C A segment of the q.e.d. source.
C103.13 8k EDIT3 .C See EDIT2.C
C103.14 2k ENVIRON .DOC Describes environment of progs on this vol
C103.15 3k HELP .C Source for a q.e.d tutorial program
C103.16 6k HELP .COM Com file for HELP.C
C103.17 11k HELP .EDI Data file for HELP.C
C103.18 4k HISTORIC.NOT A note on the origins of q.e.d and ROFF.
C103.19 8k NDIO .C A new, version of the directed i/o package
C103.20 13k PACK .C 'C' source for the pack program
C103.21 12k PACK .COM Com version of PACK.C
C103.22 7k PKUNPK .DOC Tutorial for PACK & UNPAK
C103.23 3k READ .ME File with other messages form authors.
C103.24 18k ROFF .COM Com version of ROFF
C103.25 8k ROFF .DOC Tutorial on use of ROFF
C103.26 12k ROFF1 .C Source files for ROFF
C103.27 10k ROFF2 .C See ROFF1.C
C103.28 3k ROFFGLOB. 'C' source file need for ROFF
C103.29 1k UBGETC . A modified version of 'C' library function getc
C103.30 11k UNPACK .C 'C' source for UNPACK.COM
VOLUME 104 M. Bernson's Small-C Compiler in BDS "C" source code
C104.1 0k -VOL104 .CUG Volume number
C104.2 21k ASSEMBLE.COM Assembler for Small-C output code
C104.3 6k C .DEF Static and macro defs for Small-C
C104.4 1k C .SUB Submit file to compile Small-C compiler
C104.5 11k C1 .C Main function for Small-C
C104.6 32k C1 .COM Compiled version of Small-C
C104.7 13k C2 .C Needed functions for Small-C
C104.8 5k C3 .C Needed utilities and functions for Small-C
C104.9 6k C4 .C Needed utilities and functions for Small-C
C104.10 7k C5 .C Part of expression handler for Small-C
C104.11 4k C6 .C Part of expression handler for Small-C
C104.12 14k C7 .C Part of expression handler for Small-C
C104.13 7k C8 .C Part of code generator for Small-C
C104.14 4k C9 .C Part of code generator for Small-C
C104.15 1k CC .SUB Submit file to run SMALL-C compiler
C104.16 1k CL .SUB Submit file to link SMALL-C CRL files
C104.17 3k FUNCTION.ASM Needed function for Small-C.
C104.19 13k LINK .COM Linker for Small-C
C104.20 4k READ .ME Information on contents of this volume
C104.21 12k RUNTIME .ASM Source to runtime routines for Small-C
C104.23 26k STDLIB .ASM Source to assembler functions for Small-C
C104.25 7k SUBMIT .C New SUBMIT, allows nesting of submit files
C104.26 5k TIME .C Example program in Small-C
VOLUME 105 BDS "C" Functions I
C105.1 2k -CATALOG.CG7 Contents of this disk
C105.2 1k -ENVIRON.DOC Required envionment
C105.3 0k -VOL105 .CUG Volume number
C105.4 1k CALHOUN .RMK Remarks from author aboutthe RANDOMX package.
C105.5 3k CIO .C "Almost universal" console i/o package.
C105.6 1k COEFSET .C Test/initialize floating point constants.
C105.7 7k CTRIG .C Standard trig functions, uses FLOATXT package.
C105.8 5k CTRIG .DOC See CTRIG.C
C105.9 7k DIO .C Functions simulate Unix's directed i/o
C105.10 1k DIO .H See DIO.C
C105.11 1k FLEVAL .C Evaluates the standard floating point package.
C105.12 8k FLOAT .C Standard floating point package on distrib disk
C105.13 7k FLOAT .DOC See FLOAT.C
C105.15 10k FLOATXT .C Extensions to the float package.
C105.17 17k LIB .C Functions, facilitates handling of $ and c
C105.18 6k LONG .C Long integers package (like FLOAT)
C105.19 3k LONG .CRL See LONG.C
C105.20 4k LONG .DOC See LONG.C
C105.25 12k RANDOMX .C Package to access the disk as virtual memory.
C105.26 9k SCOPE .C A full screen editing, manipulation package.
C105.27 2k TESTTRIG.C Test demo for CTRIG package
VOLUME 106 BDS "C" Functions II
C106.1 3k -CATALOG.CG6 Contents of this disk
C106.2 2k -HISTORY.CG6 Credits for this volume
C106.3 0k -VOL106 .CUG Volume number
C106.5 4k BIOSLB .MAC A bios modified by harvey Moran
C106.7 8k BSPAT1-4.DOC More by Moran on bios tinkering.
C106.8 3k CHARFUN .ASM Assembly version of char manipulation functions
C106.9 3k CRL .DOC Macro file to aid in generating CRL files.
C106.10 8k CRL .LIB See CRL.DOC
C106.11 2k CSYM .LIB Symbol file for CRL.LIB
C106.12 1k DEFFMODS.HRM Describes mods in STLIB?
C106.13 1k FACT .MOU Factorial program written in MOUSE
C106.14 13k GRAVT100.C Graphics for the VT100 in ANSI.
C106.15 9k GRAVT100.CRL See GRAVTT100.C
C106.16 3k IOFUN .ASM Assembly version of C i/o functions.
C106.17 5k MACHINE .ASM Functions,for manipulating blocks of memory
C106.18 5k MOUSE .C Interpreter described in BYTE(date in source)
C106.19 1k NTOI .C Small number crunching functions.
C106.20 1k OTOI .C Small bumber crunching functions
C106.21 4k PRVLIB .C Misc. functions.
C106.22 5k QUEUE .C Functions to impliment FIFO's
C106.23 1k STDEF .C Deff file for NTOI,OTOI,GRAVT100,STRINGS, UTIL1
C106.24 4k STDIO .DOC Functions to simulate Unix's i/o redirection.
C106.27 7k STDLIB1 .C Modified libraries for Mouse, WP.C, XTRINS.
C106.28 20k STDLIB2 .C See STDLIB1.C
C106.29 4k STRFUN .ASM C string functions in assembly for efficiency.
C106.30 5k STRINGS .C String manipulation package.
C106.32 2k SYSTEM .C Deffs for files listed at STDEF.
C106.33 1k TEST .MOU Test program for MOUSE...
C106.34 3k UTIL1 .C Small functions by Donald Stevens.
C106.36 7k XTRINSLB.MAC Functions to set bits in an array of 1-34 bytes
VOLUME 107 BDS "C" Functions III
C107.1 0k -VOL107 .CUG Volume number
C107.2 2k CATALOG .BDS Catalog list
C107.3 10k CLOGS .C Source of "log" functions
C107.4 5k CLOGS .CRL See CLOGS.C
C107.5 5k CLOGS .DOC See CLOGS.C
C107.6 1k COEFSTAT.C Source of program conv fp to octal string
C107.8 8k CTRIG .C Source of "trig" functions
C107.9 5k CTRIG .CRL See CTRIG.C
C107.10 6k CTRIG .DOC See CTRIG.C
C107.11 12k DEFF .CRL Regular DEFF with FLOAT+44 functions added
C107.12 5k FI .C File directory and backup utility
C107.13 10k FI .COM Executable form of FI.C
C107.14 3k FIO .1 File I/O ala K&R
C107.15 2k FIO .2 See FIO.1
C107.16 5k FIO .3 See FIO.1
C107.17 10k FLOAT+44.C Source of upgraded Floating point package
C107.18 6k FLOAT+44.CRL See FLOAT+44.C
C107.19 11k FLOAT+44.DOC See FLOAT+44.C
C107.20 5k FORM .CPM CPM UG form used to submit data herein
C107.21 2k NEWFLVAL.C Source of program used to test FLOAT+44
C107.22 9k NEWFLVAL.COM Linked version of NEWFLVAL.C incl FLOAT+44
C107.24 8k PIP .COM PIP itself you know
C107.25 2k TESTCLOG.C Source of program used to test CLOGS
C107.26 12k TESTCLOG.COM Linked TESTCLOG.C incl FLOAT+44 & CLOGS
C107.28 2k TESTTRIG.C Source of program used to test CTRIG
C107.29 13k TESTTRIG.COM Linked TESTRIG.C incl FLOAT+44 & CTRIG
VOLUME 108 BDS "C" Utilities I
C108.1 3k -CATALOG.CG4 Contents of this volume
C108.2 5k -HISTORY.CG4 Credits for this volume
C108.3 0k -VOL108 .CUG Volume number
C108.4 6k B .C Big directory program for H89/H19
C108.5 2k BIGDIR .C Big directory program for 24 x 80 screens.
C108.6 8k CB .C Pretty printer for C programs
C108.7 2k CC0T .C C pre-processor for TRS-80.
C108.8 9k CCRL .C Creates a CRL file from an existing COM file.
C108.9 3k CCRL .DOC Instructions for using above.
C108.10 4k CHCNT .C Counts occurances of ASCII characters in a file
C108.11 2k CLOCK .H Header for DateDemo programs below.
C108.12 4k COMP .C Compares two files and lists differences
C108.13 14k COMPRESS.C Program compacts files, replaces repeated info
C108.16 8k CONCORD .C Creates a file which can form a concordance
C108.17 4k CONOUT .C Processes the output of CONCORD
C108.18 8k DATEDEMO.C Shows how to read clocks boards/chips in C
C108.20 12k DATEDEMO.DOC Article advocating use of C, explains DATEDEMO
C108.21 9k DISK .C Disk Surgery program, single density only
C108.22 8k DMF .C Functions for KWIK related programs.
C108.23 7k KWIC .C Generates an unsorted Kwik index.
C108.24 5k LIST .C Program for listing text files.
C108.25 5k MERGE .C Generates sorted file from from smaller files
C108.26 8k MSORT .C Uses quick sort to create sorted sub-files
C108.27 7k RT11 .C Source list of RT11
C108.28 14k RT11 .COM Converts RT11 format to CPM format
C108.29 8k RT11 .DOC Tutorial for RT11 translator
C108.30 2k RT11 .H Header file for RT11.C
C108.31 12k RTFILES .C See RT11.C
C108.32 4k RTMISC .C See RT11.C
C108.33 3k SHOW .C Permits the display of all chars in a file
C108.34 7k STD .H Header for KWIC related programs.
C108.35 2k STRIP .C Strips high-order bits from a file.
C108.36 1k WC .C Program to count words in a file.
C108.37 4k WFREQ .C KWIK companion
VOLUME 109 BDS "C" Utilities II
C109.1 3k -CATALOG.CG5 Contents of this disk
C109.2 2k -HISTORY.CG5 Credits for this volume
C109.3 0k -VOL109 .CUG Volume number
C109.4 3k BIGFIO .C File funct for Scott W. Layson's programs
C109.5 1k CONCAT .C Concate two files, putting result into third.
C109.6 4k CONVERT .C Converts regular C source files for TRS80 edit
C109.7 5k COPYALL .C Simplifies disk/file copying on 1 drive systems
C109.8 5k COUNT .C Counts the number of chars, words,lines in file
C109.9 5k DEL .C Like ERA only requests OK before deleting file.
C109.10 7k FILECOMP.C Compares, byte for byte, two files, shows diffs
C109.11 2k GLOBALS .WP See WP.C below.
C109.12 3k LISTF .C Dumps ASCII/ Hex of file, 1 record at a time.
C109.13 3k LPR .C Line printer formatter, for C programs.
C109.14 1k MACDEFS .WP See WP.C below.
C109.15 2k NEWCHCNT.C Frequency information for each byte in a file.
C109.16 3k PG .C Outputs info to std output one page at a time.
C109.17 6k PG .COM See PG.C
C109.18 1k PNUM .C Prints a file with line numbers.
C109.19 3k PRMDMP .C Program for reading proms.
C109.20 6k SCREEN .C Flashwriter for TRS-80 Mod II.
C109.22 2k SCRUB .C Copies a file deleting all control chars
C109.23 12k SEARCH .ASM Searches RAM or a file for ASCII/HEX data
C109.25 3k TABIFY .C Converts spaces to tabs.
C109.26 21k TELNET .C Serial communication program.
C109.27 1k TYP .C Large buffer to hold ASCII file during display.
C109.28 12k UCSD2CPM.C Translates UCSD Pascal files to CP/M format.
C109.29 8k UCSDIR .C Lists the directory of a UCSD Pascal disk
C109.30 1k UNTAB .C Turns tabs into spaces.
C109.31 4k UTIL-WP .C See WP.C below.
C109.32 5k VARTABS .C Converts ASCII file to/from tabbed form
C109.33 2k WC2 .C Counts chars, words, lines
C109.34 10k WP .C Word processor patterned after ROFF.
C109.35 5k WP .DOC Sample output from WP.C
C109.36 6k WP .OUT Additional docs for WP.C, input file
C109.37 14k XSDIR .ASM Large sorted directory program
C109.40 3k ZLPR .C Modified LPR, allows printing of selected pages
VOLUME 110 BDS "C" Utilities III
C110.1 3k -CATALOG.BDS Contents of this disk
C110.2 0k -VOL110 .CUG Volume number
C110.3 4k BIN2HEX .C Binary to hex-ascii format converter
C110.4 1k BLOOK .C A program to display the diskblock by block
C110.5 3k BYTEBNCH.C A benchmark program ala BYTE
C110.6 3k CBC .C Curly brace checker
C110.7 15k CHARGEN .C Utility to generate character set for Imsai VIO
C110.8 3k CHARSET . Character descriptions for CHARGEN.C
C110.9 2k CMP .C Compares files
C110.10 11k DDNDISK .C DISK modified for CPM 110.x and double density
C110.12 1k FIB .C Another benchmark, ala Usenix conference
C110.13 1k FIXCCC .ASM Modified runtime package for yam and umodem27
C110.14 1k GETC .C getc funct modified for better eof indication.
C110.15 4k PRINTF .C _spr modified for leading 0's
C110.16 12k PROLOG .C Programs/verifies EPROMS using PRO-LOG burner
C110.18 1k SEE .C Prints files, showing non-ascii chars as octal
C110.19 6k SYMBUG .C Converts "clink" .SYM file to "vbug" format.
C110.20 3k TABIFY .C Enhanced version of TABIFY
C110.21 1k TEK .C Displays a file a number of lines at a time.
C110.22 31k UMODEM27.C Fancy modem program from Unix system
C110.23 2k UMODEM27.DOC See UMODEM27.C
C110.24 2k UNDEL .C Called by UNDELETE.C
C110.25 2k UNDELETE.C Recover deleted file
C110.26 5k VTEST .C Benchmark in which BDS beats the Biggies
C110.27 21k XYAMHELP.T Short help file for YAM
C110.28 6k YAM .H master header file for YAM system
C110.29 1k YAM .SUB See YAM1.C
C110.30 9k YAM1 .C Yet Another Modem program version 2
C110.31 7k YAM2 .C Part of YAM ver 2
C110.32 8k YAM3 .C Part of YAM ver 2
C110.33 4k YAM5 .C Part of YAM ver 2
C110.34 4k YAM5II .C Part of YAM ver 2
C110.35 12k YAM7 .C Part of YAM ver 2
C110.36 25k YAMDOC .FIN User documentation for YAM
C110.37 1k YAML .SUB Part of YAM ver 2
C110.38 1k YAMPHONE.T Phone numbers used by YAM
C110.39 1k YAMSQ . Part of YAM ver 2
C110.40 2k YAMSYS .H Header file for YAM ver 2
C110.41 2k YAMTRSII.H Part of YAM ver 2
C110.42 1k YAMTRSII.SUB Part of YAM ver 2
C110.43 1k YAMTU .SUB Part of YAM ver 2
C110.44 2k YAMTUART.H Part of YAM ver 2
C110.45 1k YAMX .SUB Part of YAM ver 2
C110.46 2k YAMXHELP.T XYAM online command summury
C110.47 2k YAMZ89 .H Part of YAM ver 2
C110.48 2k YAMZ89XM.H Part of YAM ver 2
C110.49 1k YMTRSII2.SUB Part of YAM ver 2
VOLUME 111 BDS "C" Utilities IV
C111.1 3k #CATALOG.016 Contents of this volume
C111.2 1k #HISTORY.016 Credits for this volume
C111.3 0k -VOL111 .CUG Volume number
C111.4 3k BC .C BC is a 16-bit binary calculator
C111.5 1k BC .DOC See BC.C
C111.6 1k BC .SUB Submit file for BC.C
C111.7 10k BCANLYZ .C Functions used by BC.C
C111.8 3k BCDEF .H Header file for BC.C
C111.9 2k CHANGES .DQC Doc. of changes in various ver. of sq/usq.
C111.10 2k CHOP .C 'Chops' x amount of sec. off front of file.
C111.11 5k COUNT .C Update of earlier cug release
C111.12 12k CRCK4 .ASM Cyclic redundancy check on files
C111.13 2k CRCK4 .COM See CRCK4.ASM
C111.14 2k CRCKLIST.CRC CRC check list
C111.15 1k CUG .ADR Sample label file for above.
C111.16 7k FILECOMP.C Update of earlier cug release
C111.17 4k FLS .CQ Wildcard preproc., can be piped to sq or usq.
C111.18 6k HISTORY .DQC History of the sq/usq package.
C111.19 3k IDIR .C View the directory of an single den ISIS disk
C111.20 1k IDIR .DOC Documentation for IDIR.C
C111.21 1k IO .CQ I/O functions used by sq/usq.
C111.22 5k LABELS .C Mailing label preprocessor, 4 wide labels.
C111.23 11k MCROANG .C Creates char sets for Microangelo graphics bd.
C111.24 7k MCROANG .H Header file for MCRONG.C
C111.25 4k MXPRINT .C Functions for driving MX-80/100 printer.
C111.26 1k MXPRINT .DOC Doc file on MXPRINT.C
C111.27 6k MXPRINT .H Header file for MXPRINT.C
C111.28 12k SE .C Sector editor for diskettes, full screen
C111.29 3k SE .DOC Documentation for SE.C
C111.30 1k SE .SUB Submit file for compiling SE.C
C111.31 5k SENTER .C Funct. allowing fancy screen input to programs.
C111.32 5k SQ .CQ 'Squeezed' c source for SQ.C
C111.33 2k SQ .HQ Headers for SQ.C
C111.34 1k SQCOM .HQ More stuff used by SQ.C
C111.35 1k SQDEBUG .CQ A debug function for use with SQ/USQ
C111.36 23k SQUEEZER.DOC The doc. for the SQ/USQ package (unsqueezed)
C111.37 2k TR1 .CQ First pass functions of SQ.C
C111.38 9k TR2 .CQ Second pass functions of SQ.C
C111.39 10k USQ .COM Com file of USQ.C
C111.40 6k USQ .CQ 'Squeezed' source of USQ.C
C111.41 1k USQ .HQ Headers used by USQ.C
C111.42 2k UTR .CQ Functions used by USQ.C
C111.43 8k XPR .C File xfer via cp/m punch and reader.
VOLUME 112 BDS "C" Utilities V
C112.1 2k -CATALOG. Contents of this volume
C112.2 0k -VOL112 .CUG Volume number
C112.3 1k AN .NRO Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.4 16k ANYDISK .C Part of disk analysis program, see ANYDISK.DOC
C112.5 10k ANYDISK .COM Part of disk analysis program, see ANYDISK.DOC
C112.6 8k ANYDISK .DOC Disk analysis program
C112.7 8k ANYDISK .OUT Part of disk analysis program, see ANYDISK.DOC
C112.8 4k DDOCLIB . Part of Disk Doctor program, see DISKDOC.DOC
C112.9 5k DDOCSYS .C Part of Disk Doctor program, see DISKDOC.DOC
C112.10 18k DISKDOC .C Part of Disk Doctor program, see DISKDOC.DOC
C112.11 11k DISKDOC .COM Part of Disk Doctor program, see DISKDOC.DOC
C112.12 7k DISKDOC .DOC Disk Doctor program from Dr Dobbs, April 1982
C112.13 4k DISKDOC .SYM Part of Disk Doctor program, see DISKDOC.DOC
C112.14 21k FGREP .C Source of FGREP.COM
C112.15 14k FGREP .COM Search files for fixed patterns
C112.16 1k MAN .NRO Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.17 5k NRO .C Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.18 23k NRO .COM Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.19 16k NRO .DOC A text formatter patterned after ROFF
C112.20 6k NRO .H Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.21 11k NRO .NRO Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.22 12k NROCMD .C Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.23 1k NROCOM .C Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.24 1k NROMAKE .SUB Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.25 10k NROTXT .C Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
C112.26 1k SKELETON.NRO Part of NRO package, see NRO.DOC
VOLUME 113 William C. Colley's 6800/6801 and 1802/1805A Cross Assemblers
C113.1 4k ++NOTE++.+++ About this disk
C113.2 0k -VOL113 .CUG Volume number
C113.3 17k A15 .COM Compiled object
C113.4 4k A15 .CQ Main program
C113.5 16k A15 .DQC User manual for 1805A X-ASM
C113.6 4k A15 .HQ Global definitions
C113.7 6k A15ASMLN.CQ Line assembly routine
C113.8 4k A15EVAL .CQ Expression evaluator
C113.9 6k A15GET .CQ Lexical analyzer
C113.10 3k A15PUT .CQ Output routines
C113.11 3k A15SYMB .CQ Symbol table drivers
C113.12 5k A15TBL1 .AQM Tables (BDS C 1.4x)
C113.13 5k A15TBL1 .CQM Tables (BDS C 1.5x)
C113.14 2k A15TBL1 .CRL Tables (assembled)
C113.15 5k A15TBL2 .AQM Tables (BDS C 1.4x)
C113.16 5k A15TBL2 .CQM Tables (BDS C 1.5x)
C113.17 1k A15TBL2 .CRL Tables (assembled)
C113.18 18k A68 .COM Compiled object
C113.19 4k A68 .CQ Main program
C113.20 17k A68 .DQC User manual for 6801 X-ASM
C113.21 5k A68 .HQ Global definitions
C113.22 6k A68ASMLN.CQ Line assembly
C113.23 4k A68EVAL .CQ Expression evaluator
C113.24 7k A68GET .CQ Lexical analyzer
C113.25 3k A68PUT .CQ Output routines
C113.26 3k A68SYMB .CQ Symbol table drivers
C113.27 8k A68TBLS .AQM Tables (BDS C 1.4x)
C113.28 9k A68TBLS .CQM Tables (BDS C 1.5x)
C113.29 2k A68TBLS .CRL Tables (assembled)
C113.30 12k USQ .COM Utility to "unsqueeze" text files
VOLUME 114 Ed Ream's Screen Editor BDS-C Version
C114.1 0k -VOL114 .CUG Volume number
C114.2 6k BDSCIO .H Ed Ream's standard header file
C114.3 16k CONFIG .COM Configuartion program for Screen Editor
C114.4 2k CONFIG .H Part of source for CONFIG.COM
C114.5 15k CONFIG1 .BDS Part of source for CONFIG.COM
C114.6 4k CONFIG2 .BDS Part of source for CONFIG.COM
C114.7 2k CONFIG3 .BDS Part of source for CONFIG.COM
C114.8 1k ED .H Part of Source for Screen Editor
C114.9 1k ED1 .CCC Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.10 9k ED10 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.11 4k ED10 .CRL See ED10.BDS
C114.12 9k ED2 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.13 23k ED2 .COM Ed Ream's Screen Editor
C114.14 6k ED2 .CRL See EDS.BDS
C114.15 14k ED3 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.16 7k ED3 .CRL See ED3.BDS
C114.17 13k ED4 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.18 7k ED4 .CRL See ED4.BDS
C114.19 4k ED5 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.20 2k ED5 .CRL See ED5.BDS
C114.21 2k ED6 .CCC Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.22 2k ED6 .CRL See ED6.CCC
C114.23 3k ED7 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.24 3k ED7 .CRL See ED7.BDS
C114.25 5k ED8 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.26 3k ED8 .CRL See ED8.BDS
C114.27 4k ED9 .BDS Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.28 3k ED9 .CRL See ED9.BDS
C114.29 1k EDCOMP .SUB Submit file to compile Screen Editor
C114.30 2k EDEXT .CC Part of source for Screen Editor
C114.31 1k EDLINK .SUB Submit file to link Screen Editor
C114.32 6k EDSUM .DOC Concise command summary for Screen Editor
C114.33 21k GUIDE .DOC User Guide for Screen Editors
C114.34 8k INSTALL .DOC Installation guide for Screen Editor
C114.35 5k MODULE .DOC Internal Description of Screen Editor
C114.36 2k README .DOC Explains contents of this volume
C114.37 5k REVIEW .DOC Nick Hammond's review of Screen Editor
VOLUME 115 Ed Ream's Screen Editor Small-C Version
C115.1 0k -VOL115 .CUG Volume number
C115.2 22k C80 .COM Small-C compiler
C115.3 18k C80LIB . Library
C115.4 22k C80STR .COM Has a larger string space than 'C80.COM'
C115.5 1k CONFIG .C Main configuration program, in Small-C
C115.6 15k CONFIG .COM Configuartion program for Screen Editor
C115.7 15k CONFIG1 .C Part of configuration program
C115.8 4k CONFIG2 .C Part of configuration program
C115.9 2k CONFIG3 .C Part of configuration program
C115.10 1k ED .C Main editor program, in Small-C
C115.11 1k ED0 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.12 1k ED1 .CCC Part of Screen Editor
C115.13 9k ED10 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.14 9k ED2 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.15 13k ED3 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.16 13k ED4 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.17 4k ED5 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.18 2k ED6 .CCC Part of Screen Editor
C115.19 3k ED7 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.20 5k ED8 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.21 5k ED9 .C Part of Screen Editor
C115.22 6k EDSUM .DOC Summary of the commands
C115.23 21k GUIDE .DOC User's guide
C115.24 8k INSTALL .DOC How to install the editor
C115.25 5k MODULE .DOC Program design
C115.26 2k README .DOC Guide to the files on disk
VOLUME 116 BDS "C" Adventure
C116.1 0k -VOL116 .CUG Volume number
C116.2 1k ADVCOMP .SUB Submit file for compiling of ADVENTURE programs
C116.3 5k ADVENT .C Main Adventure Program, in C
C116.4 10k ADVENT .COM Compiled and linked version call up by ADVENT
C116.6 6k ADVENT .H Changes, to V 1.43 disk buffering
C116.7 18k ADVENT1 .DAT Adventure data file
C116.8 7k ADVENT2 .DAT Adventure data file
C116.9 7k ADVENT3 .DAT Adventure data file
C116.10 4k ADVENT4 .DAT Adventure data file
C116.11 6k ADVENT5 .DAT Adventure data file
C116.12 18k ADVENT6 .DAT Adventure data file
C116.13 1k ADVLINK .SUB For linking up three ADVENTURE chains
C116.14 2k CATALOG .DOC Contents of this volume
C116.15 7k DATABASE.C Source for data manipulation sub-programs
C116.17 1k EADVENT .C Source for main operating link of ADVENTURE
C116.18 24k EADVENT .COM COM file, called in by EXEC from ADVENT.
C116.20 3k ENGLISH .C Another Source needed for part of Adventure
C116.22 3k ENVIRON .DOC Description of original environment,
C116.23 1k HISTORY .DOC Credits for this volume
C116.24 4k ITVERB .C Another Source needed for Adventure
C116.26 1k MKADVENT.SUB These 3 are original link subs, see ADVLINK.SUB
C116.29 1k READ .ME General notes on the revision and revisor
C116.30 1k SAVEADV .C Source of link used to save a game
C116.33 14k TURN .C Another source needed for part of Adventure
C116.34 10k TURN .CRL See TURN.C
C116.35 13k VERB .C Another source needed for part of Adventure
C116.36 8k VERB .CRL See VERB.C
VOLUME 117 Ed Ream's "Software Tools" Documentation
C117.1 0k -VOL117 .CUG Volume number
C117.2 8k CONTENTS.DOC Overview of the "Software Tools" disks
C117.3 05k COOKBOOK. Describes the "Software Tools"
C117.4 12k COPY .FTN FORTRAN prog to coy STDIN to STDOUT
C117.5 78k RATFOR .FTN FORTRAN source for RATFOR
C117.6 2k READ .ME Explains contents of this volume
C117.7 1k SINGLE .SUB PIPs contents of Vol 14 to B: drive
VOLUME 118 Ed Ream's "Software Tools" Primitives in BDS "C"
C118.1 0k -VOL118 .CUG Volume number
C118.2 4k ARGS .BDS Part of I/O primitives
C118.3 4k BDS .DOC Explains contents of this volume
C118.4 7k CHANGES .DOC Comments on further possible changes
C118.5 8k CONVERT .BDS Conversion utility programs
C118.6 6k CONVR2C .DOC Docs on conversion process
C118.7 1k COPY .BDS Test program for BDS "C" primitives
C118.8 2k DATE .BDS Time and Date primitives
C118.9 1k ECHO .BDS Echos command line arguments
C118.10 11k FILE .BDS Part of I/O redirection primitives
C118.11 3k FILE .DOC Explanation of I/O redirection
C118.12 1k LINKARGS.SUB Submit file to link ARGS files
C118.13 1k LINKCOPY.SUB Submit file to link COPY files
C118.14 1k MISC .BDS Part of I/O primitives
C118.15 11k PATTERN .BDS Pattern matching primitives
C118.16 4k RAT2C .BDS Filters RATFOR comments to C comments
C118.17 4k RAWFILE .BDS Part of I/O primitives
C118.18 5k ROFF .H Part of ROFF
C118.19 13k ROFF1 .BDS Part of ROFF text formatter
C118.20 18k ROFF2 .BDS Part of ROFF text formatter
C118.21 1k SINGLE .SUB PIPs contents of Vol 13 to B: drive
C118.22 2k STORAGE .BDS Dynamic storage allocation primitives
C118.23 5k STRING .BDS String primitives
C118.24 1k SYMLINK .SUB Submit file to link SYMTAB files
C118.25 9k SYMTAB .BDS Symbol table stuff
C118.26 14k TOOLIB1 .BDS Modified DEFF2 source for primitives
C118.28 6k TOOLIB2 .CRL Modified DEFF2A for primitives
C118.29 7k TOOLS .H Globals etc for primtive files
C118.30 1k TOOLS .SUB Submit file to compile the primitives
VOLUME 120 Compiler Utilities I
C120.1 3k #CATALOG.017 Contents of this volume
C120.2 2k #HISTORY.017 Credits for this volume
C120.3 0k -VOL120 .CUG Volume number
C120.4 8k CB .C Pretty-printer for C Programs.
C120.5 4k CHARIO .C Char. oriented file i/o.
C120.6 5k COMUTL .HDR All the header file for the compiler utility
C120.7 3k CP .C Makes copy of a file in the current directory.
C120.8 2k CRCK4 .COM CRC check program
C120.9 2k CRCKLIST.CRC CRC check list of this volume
C120.10 9k DIO45 .C Dio v. 1.45, removes certain bugs.
C120.11 2k DIO45 .H Header file for above.
C120.12 20k L2 .C An improved linker for BDS C CRL format.
C120.13 16k L2 .DOC See L2.C
C120.14 16k M4 .COM COM file for the meta4 package.
C120.15 19k MAKOVL .C Variation on L2.C that creates overlays
C120.16 2k META4 .DOC META*.* Dr. W.A. Gales META4 compiler-
C120.17 7k META4 .M4 Part of META4
C120.18 6k META4 .MET Part of META4
C120.19 8k META40 .C Part of META4
C120.20 2k META40 .H Part of META4
C120.21 7k META41 .C Part of META4
C120.22 8k META42 .C Part of META4
C120.23 2k META43 .C Part of META4
C120.24 1k META4COM.SUB Builds META4 compiler
C120.25 1k META4LNK.SUB Links META4 compiler
C120.26 3k NOBOOT .C .COM file becomes does not support warm-boot
C120.27 4k SCOTT .C Scott Layson's personal miscellaneous-function
C120.28 4k USERCODE.C Allow a user area prefix on all filenames.
C120.29 21k XC .C A cross-reference utility for 'C' programs.
C120.30 1k XC .DOC Documentation for XC.C
VOLUME 121 Miscellany I
C121.1 2k #CATALOG.019 Contents of this volume
C121.2 1k #HISTORY.019 Credits of this volume
C121.3 0k -VOL121 .CUG Volume number
C121.4 7k BDSCIO1 .H Used by various programs on this volume
C121.5 4k CALL .C Smart "callout" for Hayes "Smartmodem"
C121.6 3k CC .C A command driver for the C compiler
C121.7 1k CLOCK .H Header filefor DATE*.C
C121.8 3k CONTENTS.NOT Some notes on volume contents
C121.9 2k CRCK4 .COM CRC check program
C121.10 2k CRCKLIST.CRC CRC check list of this volume
C121.11 2k DATE .C Read time form Computime clock board
C121.12 1k DATEUP .C Updates time on Computime clock board
C121.13 2k DDIR .C Directory utility, flavour #4
C121.14 1k DOGLOB .H Header file for DOGLOB.C
C121.15 2k DSW .C A selective file remover, delete from switches
C121.16 1k FCB .H Used by various programs on this volume
C121.17 2k FILES .C Used by various programs on this volume
C121.18 25k FLAKEY .DAT Test data for PLOT.C
C121.19 3k FSEEK .C Seek for buffered I/O
C121.20 1k FSTAT .C Stat of a disk file, used by various progs
C121.21 3k IF .C Conditionally execute commands in SUBMIT files
C121.22 20k L2 .C L2 linker with bug fixes and for MP/M
C121.23 2k LDIR .C Directory utility, flavour #1
C121.24 12k LOCAL .C Random routines used by other progamss
C121.25 3k LOCAL .H See LOCAL.Cl
C121.26 3k MORE .C Paging file lister
C121.27 9k PLOT .C Epson Graftrax driver
C121.28 3k PLOT .H See PLOT.C
C121.29 1k PLOT .INC See PLOT.C
C121.30 4k SDIR .C Directory utility, flavour #3
C121.31 1k SETUP .C Set up functions keys on Teleray 10 terminal
C121.32 14k SH .C A "shell" for CP/M
C121.33 3k SH .DOC See SH.C
C121.34 2k SH .NOT See SH.C
C121.35 1k SKLOCAL .C
C121.36 1k SYSTEMS .DAT Sample data file for CALL.C
C121.37 22k TEL .C A VERY souped version of TELNET
C121.38 21k TL370 .C TELNET modified to talk to IBM TSO
C121.39 3k XD .C A disk file dumper
C121.40 3k ZDIR .C Directory utility, flavour #2
VOLUME 122 PISTOL V2.0 - Portably Implemented Stack Oriented Language
C122.1 3k -CATALOG.DOC Contents of this volume
C122.2 0k -VOL122 .CUG Volume number
C122.3 2k ARITH . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.4 1k COPY .RIT Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.5 16k CORE2 . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.6 3k DEFS . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.7 4k EDITOR . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.8 2k ENVIRON .DOC Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.9 5k FUTURE .DEV Future PISTOL directions, suggests standards
C122.10 9k IO . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.11 11k ITCOND . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.12 2k LOGIC . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.13 4k MEMOPS . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.14 5k MISC . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.15 23k PBASE2 . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.16 6k PIST2A .C Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.17 4k PIST2B .C Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.18 4k PIST2C .C Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.19 5k PIST2D .C Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.20 7k PIST2E .C Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.21 5k PISTOL .C Main function of PISTOL V2.0
C122.22 16k PISTOL .COM Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.23 5k PISTOL .H Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.24 7k PISTOL .HLP Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.25 42k PISTOL .PAS PISTOL written in PASCAL for DEC-20 mini
C122.26 1k PISTSUB .SUB Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.27 7k READ .ME PISTOL V2.0, a FORTH/STOIC like language
C122.28 3k STACK . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.29 4k SYSCONS . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.30 8k SYSVARS . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.31 13k TUTORIAL. Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
C122.32 6k VOCAB . Part of PISTOL V2.0, see READ.ME
VOLUME 123 Tools I
C123.1 2k -CATALOG. Contents of this volume
C123.2 0k -VOL123 .CUG Volume number
C123.3 15k AR1 .BDS Version 1 of the "ARCHIVE" software tool
C123.4 17k AR1 .COM See AR1.BDS
C123.5 9k AR1 .DOC See AR1.BDS
C123.6 4k AR1/UTIL.BDS See AR1.BDS
C123.7 1k DATE .H See DATE/SSI.BDS
C123.8 3k DATE/SSI.BDS Date and time routines for AR1.BDS
C123.9 12k DIO .C A new version of the DIO package
C123.10 12k DIO .DOC See DIO.DOC
C123.11 3k DIO .H See DIO.C
C123.12 14k PP .C A preprocessor modified from the "MACRO" tool
C123.13 12k PP .COM See PP.C
C123.14 7k PP .DOC See PP.C
C123.15 1k TOD .BDS Time function for Godbout SS1, see DATE/SSI.BDS
C123.16 6k TR .C The "TRANSLIT" software tool
C123.17 11k TR .COM See TR.C
C123.18 4k TR .DOC See TR.C
VOLUME 124 TEX packages
C124.1 2k #CATLOG .DSK Contents of this volume
C124.2 0k -VOL124 .CUG Volume number
C124.3 7k BASIC .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.4 8k CEDIT .C Source Code for Epson MX-80 Character Editor
C124.5 8k CEDIT .COM See CEDIT.C
C124.6 5k CEDIT .CRL See CEDIT.C
C124.7 10k HACKERS .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.8 5k INSTALL .GDE TEX for Epson printer & Softcraft "Fancy Font"
C124.9 1k MACRO .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.10 3k MASTER .CHR Epson MX-80 master character set, see CEDIT.C
C124.11 8k MATH1 .FON Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.12 7k MATH2 .FON Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.13 2k MBASIC .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.14 7k MSCRIBE .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.15 4k OPT12 .FON Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.16 1k SBASIC .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.17 2k SCRIBE .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.18 7k SCRIBE+ .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.19 36k TEX .C Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.20 21k TEX .COM Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
C124.21 45k TEXUMAN .TEX Part of TEX package, see INSTALL.GDE
VOLUME 125 Standard video terminal libraries and demonstration programs
C125.1 1k -CATALOG.DOC Contents of this volume
C125.2 0k -VOL125 .CUG Volume number
C125.3 1k ASCII .H Header file of ASCII character definitions
C125.4 1k CLRSCRN .NRO Part of video library manual, see README.DOC
C125.5 1k CRT .H Header file for video library
C125.6 9k DEFLECT .C The game of deflection
C125.8 1k ERALIN .NRO Part of video library manual, see README.DOC
C125.9 10k HEADERS .DOC Brief list of all files on this disk
C125.10 1k HOMCUR .NRO Part of video library manual, see README.DOC
C125.11 3k LIBO1 .C Video library for Osborne 1
C125.12 1k LIBO1 .NRO See LIB01.C
C125.13 3k LIBVT52 .C Video library for VT-52 terminal
C125.14 2k LIBVT52 .NRO See LIBVT52.C
C125.15 1k MOVCUR .NRO Part of video library manual, see README.DOC
C125.16 14k NRO .COM Text formatter similar to ROFF and WP
C125.17 5k NRO .MAN Part of video library manual, see README.DOC
C125.18 4k NRO .NRO Part of video library manual, see README.DOC
C125.19 2k README .DOC Directions on where to start
C125.20 1k SETCUR .NRO Part of video library manual, see README.DOC
C125.21 7k VTTT .C Video Tic-tac-toe game
C125.22 1k VTTT .NRO See VTTT.C
VOLUME 126 Martz libraries
C126.1 2k -CATALOG.000 Contents of this volume
C126.2 0k -VOL126 .CUG Volume number
C126.3 1k A-OPEN .C Open to append
C126.4 2k BDSCIO+ .H Martz additions to standard BDS C headerb
C126.5 3k D .COM Directory program
C126.6 3k DMAP .C Displays disk block allocations for files
C126.7 11k DMAP .COM See DMAP.C
C126.8 24k FACSPLOT.C Example program for HIPLOT.C
C126.9 2k FIO1 .H K&R fopen() & fclose() for BDS C
C126.10 2k FIO2 .H See FIO1.H
C126.11 8k FIO3 .H See FIO1.H
C126.12 2k GETC .C BDS getc() for K&R compatibility
C126.13 10k HIPLOT .C Library of functions for Houston HiPlot plotter
C126.15 2k HIPLOT .H See HIPLOT.CO
C126.16 13k MARTZ-AD.C Part of MARTZLIB.C
C126.17 13k MARTZ-EI.C Part of MARTZLIB.C
C126.18 10k MARTZ-JR.C Part of MARTZLIB.C
C126.19 7k MARTZ-SZ.C Part of MARTZLIB.C
C126.20 1k MARTZLIB.C Includes 43 general purpose functions
C126.22 1k PUTC .C BDS putc with output dump
C126.23 9k RANIOLIB.C Library for random I/O, appending to file
C126.24 1k RAWGETC .C BDS getc() tutorial
VOLUME 127 RAP Text processor by Eric Martz
C127.1 2k -CATALOG.000 Contents of this volume
C127.2 6k -READ .ME Notice
C127.3 0k -VOL127 .CUG Volume number
C127.4 2k BDSCIO+ .H Non standard extensions to BDS C header
C127.5 12k DEFF .CRL MARTZLIB.C compiled and renamed
C127.6 10k DEFF2 .CRL BDS C DEFF renamed with some modifications
C127.7 7k DEFF3 .CRL BDS C DEFF2 renamed
C127.8 2k DIABLO .SS RAP "SS" file for Diablo daisywheel printers
C127.9 2k FIO1 .H Provide K&R fopen() & fclose() for BDS C6
C127.10 2k FIO2 .H See FIO1.H
C127.11 8k FIO3 .H See FIO1.H
C127.12 18k L2 .COM Modified L2 linker for BDS C
C127.13 7k RAP .C RAP, a text formatter in BDS C
C127.14 37k RAP .COM See RAP.C
C127.15 15k RAP .H Header file for RAP modules
C127.16 17k RAP1 .C Part of RAP package, see RAP.C
C127.17 10k RAP2 .C Part of RAP package, see RAP.C
C127.18 15k RAP3 .C Part of RAP package, see RAP.C
C127.19 19k RAP4 .C Part of RAP package, see RAP.C
C127.20 9k RAPIO .C Part of RAP package, see RAP.C
C127.21 1k RAPLINK .SUB Submit file to link RAP modules
C127.22 8k RAPREAD .C Part of RAP package, see RAP.C
C127.23 4k SANDERS .SS RAP "SS" file for Sanders Technology 12/7
C127.24 2k SIMPLEPR.SS RAP "SS" file for simple printer
C127.25 3k SIMPLEV .SS RAP "SS" file for simple CRT display
C127.26 2k TTY43 .SS RAP "SS" file for Teletype 43 band printer
C127.27 3k VIEWAAA .SS RAP "SS" file for Ann Arbor CRT terminal
C127.28 3k VIEWADDS.SS RAP "SS" file for ADDS CRT terminal
C127.29 3k VIEWTRS2.SS RAP "SS" file for TRS-80 Mod 2 CRT
VOLUME 128 Roff4 Text Pocessor Version 1.61
C128.1 0k -VOL128 .CUG Contents of this volume
C128.2 2k CATALOG . Credits of this volume
C128.3 1k COPY .RIT Roff4 copyright notice
C128.4 2k ENVIRON .DOC Described Roff4 hardwae requirements
C128.5 1k EQN . Roff4 demo of equation numbering
C128.6 1k EXY1 . Roff4 graphics on Exidy Sorcerer screen
C128.7 1k FOOT . Roff4 footnote example
C128.8 1k FORM . Roff4 form letter example
C128.9 3k KAYPRO . Initialize for KAYPRO video output
C128.10 17k L2 .COM L2 linker for BDS C
C128.11 1k LIST . Roff4 file lister
C128.12 2k MARGINS . Test program for top&bottom pagination
C128.13 1k MATRIX . Roff4 demo for print motions
C128.14 8k ML92 . Initialize for OKI DATA Microline 92 printer
C128.15 6k MX80 . Roff4 set up for Epson MX-80 and Graftrax
C128.16 3k NEC3525 . Initialize for NEC printer
C128.17 1k NEST . Roff4 nested macros and strings
C128.18 1k NETEST . Demo or test of the .NE(ED) command
C128.19 1k ONE . Test used with SOTEST
C128.20 2k PAGES . Roff4 demo program
C128.21 4k PROWRITE. Initialize for PROWRITER printer series
C128.22 4k READ .ME Roff4 comments from author of package
C128.23 7k ROF41161.C Main function of revised ROFF4
C128.24 13k ROFF4 .C Text formatter in BDS C
C128.25 1k ROFF4 .CAT Dir of old version ROFF
C128.26 34k ROFF4 .DOC Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.27 9k ROFF4 .H Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.28 1k ROFF4 .SUB Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.29 7k ROFF41 .C Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.30 13k ROFF4161.C Text formatter in BDS C (revised)
C128.31 31k ROFF4161.COM Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4161.C (revised)
C128.32 2k ROFF4161.DOC Tutorial for ROFF4161
C128.33 1k ROFF4161.SUB Batch file for system generation
C128.34 8k ROFF42 .C Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.35 5k ROFF43 .C Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.36 6k ROFF44 .C Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.37 8k ROFF45 .C Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.38 8k ROFF46 .C Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.39 8k ROFF47 .C Part of Roff4 package, see ROFF4.C
C128.40 4k SCI .ASM Roff4 init Sorcerer scientfic symbol graphics
C128.41 2k SCI .COM See SCI.ASM
C128.42 1k SOTEST . Test and demo of nested .SO(URCE) command
C128.43 1k THREE . Used with SOTEST
C128.44 1k TWO . Used with SOTEST
C128.45 4k UPGRADES.LST Chages for v1.50 --> v1.60
VOLUME 129A CITADEL bulletin board system source disk Ver 2.10a (1 of 2)
C129A.1 0k -VOL129A.CUG Volume number
C129A.2 12k 210CONFG.C CITADEL configuration program
C129A.3 22k 210CTDL .C CITADEL main program
C129A.4 15k 210CTDL .H See 210CTDL.C
C129A.5 18k 210LOG .C CITADEL user logging module
C129A.6 12k 210MISC .C CITADEL miscellaneous function module
C129A.7 25k 210MODEM.C CITADEL low level modem/console module
C129A.8 32k 210MSG .C CITADEL message file code
C129A.9 22k 210ROOMA.C CITADEL room and miscellaneous module
C129A.10 20k 210ROOMB.C CITADEL room and miscellaneous module
C129A.11 5k AABUYME .DOC Overview of CITADEL BBS system
C129A.12 1k CFG .SUB Batch file
C129A.13 4k CLOG .C Displays contents of the CITADEL log
C129A.14 3k CLRAY .C Show log file
C129A.15 4k COUNTRY .DOC List of contry codes for CITADEL configuration
C129A.16 1k CTDL .SUB Batch file
C129A.17 8k CTDLCHNG.C Allows fast changes of CTDLCOFG.SYS parameters
C129A.18 6k EXPAND .C Expands a message file
C129A.19 23k HACK .DOC Overiew of CITADEL code structures
C129A.20 4k HISTORY .DOC Brief history oof CITADEL BBS system
C129A.21 3k RECOVER1.C Recover killed rooms
C129A.22 1k WARRANTY.DOC Everything you wanted to know about.....
VOLUME 129B CITADEL bulletin board system run time disk Ver 2.10a (2 of 2)
C129B.1 0k -VOL129B.CUG Volume number
C129B.2 2k 1STREAD .ME Brief intro/history to CITADEL BBS
C129B.3 1k 2NDREAD .ME Brief intro/history to CITADEL BBS
C129B.4 3k AIDE .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.5 1k AIDE .MNU CITADEL menu file
C129B.6 3k CATALOG .CAT Brief description of CITADEL files
C129B.7 42k CITADEL .COM CITADEL bulletin board system
C129B.8 9k CLOG .COM Allow look at log file
C129B.9 7k CLRAY .COM Another way of looking at log file
C129B.10 18k CONFIGUR.COM Installation program for CITADEL BBS
C129B.11 11k CTDLCHNG.COM Quick change configure parameters
C129B.12 17k CTDLCNFG.SYS CITADEL configuration file
C129B.13 1k CTDLOPT .MNU CITADEL menu file
C129B.14 5k CTSTUFF .DOC Bug files, enhancements
C129B.15 2k DOHELP .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.16 1k EDIT .MNU CITADEL menu file
C129B.17 1k ENTER .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.18 1k ENTOPT .MNU CITADEL menu file
C129B.19 1k ENTRY .BLB CITADEL bulletin
C129B.20 15k EXPAND .COM Expand message files
C129B.21 1k EXTENDED.HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.22 2k FILES .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.23 1k FORGET .HLP About forgotten rooms
C129B.24 1k GOTO .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.25 1k HELPOPT .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.26 1k HIDDEN .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.27 1k HOURS .HLP Operation time
C129B.28 8k INSTALL .DOC Installing Citadel on a new machine
C129B.29 20k L2 .COM Alternative linker for BDS C compiler
C129B.30 3k LOCALBBS.HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.31 1k LOGIN .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.32 1k LOGOUT .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.33 1k MAIL .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.34 1k MAINOPT .MNU CITADEL menu file
C129B.35 1k NEWROOM .BLB CITADEL bulletin
C129B.36 1k NOCHAT .BLB CITADEL bulletin
C129B.37 3k OPERATN .DOC Using Citadel
C129B.38 1k PASSWORD.BLB CITADEL bulletin
C129B.39 1k READ .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.40 1k READOPT .MNU CITADEL menu file
C129B.41 8k RECOVER1.COM Recover killed rooms
C129B.42 2k SKIP .HLP How to skip the rooms
C129B.43 1k SUMMARY .HLP CITADEL help file
C129B.44 12k UTIL .DOC Details use of utility programs
C129B.45 1k WCDOWN .BLB CITADEL bulletin
C129B.46 1k WCUPLOAD.BLB CITADEL bulletin
VOLUME 130 CUG "Volume 20"
C130.1 2k BIOS .LIB Modified bios() function for BDS C
C130.2 9k BS .USE Tutorial on use of blocked records via RY.C
C130.3 2k DISKIO .C Disk I/O utilities
C130.5 17k DISKU .C Updated version of DISK from "Utilities 1"
C130.6 3k DPATCH .C Disk patcher
C130.7 2k G80 .ASM Machine language library functions
C130.8 9k G81 .ASM See G80.ASM
C130.9 4k G82 .ASM See G80.ASM
C130.10 10k GC0 .C Inverse char set for Exidy Sorcerer
C130.11 7k GZ0 .ASM Cursor functions for Exidy Sorcerer
C130.12 8k LONG .C See LONG.DOC
C130.13 5k LONG .DOC LONG package with bugs fixed, used by RY.C
C130.14 10k LONGCODE.MAC Assembler source code for LONG, see LONG.DOC
C130.15 3k LX .CRL Compiled LONG package, see LONG.DOC
C130.16 1k MAKEDEF .H Part of MAKESYS package, see MAKESYS.DOC
C130.17 7k MAKEHEX .C Part of MAKESYS package, see MAKESYS.DOC
C130.18 4k MAKELIB .C Part of MAKESYS package, see MAKESYS.DOC
C130.19 5k MAKEPARM.C Part of MAKESYS package, see MAKESYS.DOC
C130.20 4k MAKESYS .C Part of MAKESYS package, see MAKESYS.DOC
C130.21 1k MAKESYS .DOC CP/M BIOS maintenance system for hackers
C130.22 1k MAKESYS .SUB Part of MAKESYS package, see MAKESYS.DOC
C130.23 24k RY .C Update to RANDOM.X from "Functions 1"
C130.24 7k RY .DOC See RY.C
C130.25 2k RY .H See RY.C
C130.26 10k RY .USE Tutorial on use of RY, see RY.C
C130.27 6k RYTEST .C Exercises random functions, see RY.C
C130.28 3k SCN .LIB A library of some sort????
C130.29 9k VFILE .C Code for block seeks of a disk file
C130.30 9k VIEW .C A disk block 'viewer'
C130.31 1k VMAIN .C Exercises block seeks, see VFILE.C
C130.32 11k YACCRL .C See YACCRL.DOC
C130.33 9k YACCRL .DOC ASM to CRL utility (like CASM???)
VOLUME 131 ACRL - 8080 Assembler which generates BDS C CRL code
C131.1 0k -VOL131 .CUG Volume number
C131.2 7k A8080 .C 8080 code generator, part of ACRL package
C131.3 6k ACRL .C 8080 assembler which generates BDS CRL code
C131.4 1k ACRL .CAT List of files in ACRL package
C131.5 18k ACRL .COM Part of ACRL package, see ACRL.C
C131.6 3k ACRL .DOC Part of ACRL package, see ACRL.C
C131.7 5k ACRL .H Part of ACRL package, see ACRL.C
C131.8 7k ACRL .HDR Catalog of source files for ACRL
C131.9 5k AEXP .C Expression evaluation, part of ACRL package
C131.10 8k ALEX .C Token recognition, part of ACRL package
C131.11 8k APAR .C Parsing routines, part of ACRL package
C131.12 1k BDS .EQU Compressed BDS.LIB for ACRL package
C131.13 1k CATALOGS.DOC Brief description of FPUT catalogs
C131.14 1k CCACRL .SUB Submit file to compile ACRL assembler
C131.15 7k FPUT .C Copies files using CAT file as file list
C131.16 1k FPUT .CAT See FPUT.C
C131.17 7k FPUT .COM See FPUT.C
C131.18 1k FPUT .DOC See FPUT.C
C131.19 1k LINKACRL.SUB Submit file to link ACRL assembler
C131.20 1k READ .ME Brief documentation on ACRL and FPUT
C131.21 2k TEST1 .CSM Pseudo ops and expression test for ACRL
C131.22 3k TEST2 .CSM 8080 instructions test for ACRL
C131.23 2k TEST3 .CSM Error check and reporting test for ACRL
VOLUME 132 6809 tools, 6809 C compiler & Graphics driver
C132.1 0k -VOL132 .CUG Volume number
C132.2 6k BDSCIO .H Standard I/O header file
C132.3 1k BLDC .SUB Submit file to build compiler
C132.4 21k CANEW .C Source list of CANEW.COM
C132.5 24k CANEW .COM Starting module of Tiny C compiler
C132.6 4k CB .C
C132.7 10k CD .C
C132.8 4k CDEF .H Define system dependent parameters
C132.9 8k CE6809 .C Code generation for 6809
C132.10 12k COLORLIB.A69 Color computer support library
C132.11 2k CWRITER .C Main program
C132.12 4k CWRITER .DOC Describes how the it works
C132.13 2k CWRTINI .C Initialization for CWRITER
C132.14 7k DLOAD . Down load program
C132.15 6k FPASS0 .C Faster version
C132.16 2k FPASS1 .C Faster version
C132.17 1k FPASS2 .C Faster version
C132.18 2k GRAPH .H Graphics driver C header
C132.19 5k LIB . Stripped version of COLORLIB.A69
C132.20 3k PASS0 .C First pass list processor
C132.21 3k PASS1 .C Second pass list processor
C132.22 1k PASS2 .C Last passlist processor
C132.23 1k PRELUDE . Assembly code for entry and exit
C132.24 11k README .DOC Implementation guide
C132.25 3k RUN . Stripped RUN6809.A69
C132.26 4k RUN6809 .A69 Runtime assembly file for C
C132.27 2k SER6809 . Part of SERIO.COM
C132.28 2k SER69 .A69 Part of SERIO.COM
C132.29 2k SERIO .C Part of SERIO.COM
C132.30 5k SERIO .COM Supplied serial port driver
C132.31 4k SHOOT .C Simple target demonstration
C132.32 1k SHOOT .GPH Object library
C132.33 1k SHOOT .H Game header file
C132.34 7k SHOOT1 .C Chase demonstration in C
C132.35 24k SHOOT1 .H69 Chase demonstration in assembler
C132.36 3k SHOOTINI.C Initialization routines
VOLUME 133 E text editor and TEXTCOM file comparison utility
C133.1 0k -VOL133 .CUG Volume number
C133.2 11k E . Main function for 'E'
C133.3 32k E .COM Ready-compiled and loaded version of 'E'
C133.4 50k E .DOC User's Guide, introduction and implementation
C133.5 10k E .H Header file for 'E'
C133.6 1k E .SUB 'SUBMIT' file to compile and load 'E'
C133.7 7k E1 . Part of E text editor package
C133.8 3k E10 . Part of E text editor package
C133.9 8k E2 . Part of E text editor package
C133.10 5k E3 . Part of E text editor package
C133.11 5k E4 . Part of E text editor package
C133.12 5k E5 . Part of E text editor package
C133.13 6k E6 . Part of E text editor package
C133.14 4k E7 . Part of E text editor package
C133.15 5k E8 . Part of E text editor package
C133.16 4k E9 . Part of E text editor package
C133.17 8k EADDS . Interface for the ADDS range of terminals
C133.18 8k EDEC52 . Interface for DEC VT52 terminal
C133.19 8k EHAZE . Interface for Hazeltine range of terminals33.
C133.20 8k EKAY . Interface for the KayPro 10
C133.21 8k ETERM . Terminal interface
C133.22 3k INFO .DOC File catalog
C133.23 19k L2 .COM Alternative linker for BDS C compiler
C133.24 5k NEWFOR48. Summary of upgrades from 'e' version 4.6
C133.25 12k TEXTCOM . The source code of TEXTCOM
C133.26 4k TEXTCOM .DOC Instructions on using TEXTCOM
C133.27 1k TEXTCOM .SUB A 'SUBMIT' file to compile and load TEXTCOM
VOLUME 134 BDS C Compiler Utilities II
C134.1 2k -CATALOG.DOC Contents of this volume
C134.2 5k -README .DOC Brief docs on Compiler Utilities II files
C134.3 0k -VOL134 .CUG Volume number
C134.4 1k AN .NRO Header file
C134.5 24k CASM2 .C Modified CASM needed for CTOA utility
C134.6 6k CMDUTIL .C Functions to process argv & argc
C134.8 13k CMDUTIL .NRO Documentation for CMDUTIL.C
C134.9 3k CORO .H See CORO.C
C134.10 12k CORO .NRO Function descriptions for CORO.C
C134.11 7k CORO1 .C Coroutine package for BDS C
C134.12 8k CORO2 .CSM See CORO.C
C134.13 24k CORODOC .NRO Documentation for CORO.C package
C134.15 19k CPROFILE.C Usage "profile" for BDS C programs
C134.16 3k CPROFILE.NRO Documentation for CPROFILE package
C134.17 20k CTOA .C CRL to assembler post processor
C134.18 5k CTOA .H See CTOA.C
C134.19 2k CTOA .NRO Documentation for CTOA.C
C134.20 11k CTOA2 .C See CTOA.C
C134.22 2k CTOATBLS.H See CTOA.C
C134.23 11k DIFF .C Text file comparison utility
C134.24 4k DIFF .NRO Documentation for DIFF.C
C134.25 6k GENREL .C Needed for CPROFILE package
C134.26 3k INSTALL .DOC Installation docs for Compiler Utilities II
C134.27 5k RETAB .C Example program for CORO.C coroutine package
VOLUME 135 Very Large Integer Package for BDS-C
C135.1 0k -VOL135 .CUG Volume number
C135.2 11k CALC .C Reverse Polish programmable calculator
C135.3 2k E .C Compute 'e'
C135.4 2k M .C Implementation of Fermat's little theorem
C135.5 7k MATH .CRL CRL version of MATH.CSM
C135.6 21k MATH .CSM Very high precision math package
C135.7 2k P .C A probabilistic primality test
C135.8 2k PRIME .C Calculate prime numbers
C135.9 2k QPM .CRL CRL version of QPM.CSM
C135.10 3k QPM .CSM An example of extensions to VLI.CSM
C135.11 3k RATC .C Rational number functions
C135.12 4k READ .ME File information
C135.13 1k SQR1 .C Great power
C135.14 5k V .C Examples on VLI function calls
C135.15 4k VLI .CRL CRL version of VLI.CSM
C135.16 13k VLI .CSM Front end processor for MATH
VOLUME 136 Games III
C136.1 0k -VOL136 .CUG Volume number
C136.2 17k CMAZE .C Perspective maze game
C136.3 10k CMAZE .COM See CMAZE.C
C136.4 1k CMAZE .SUB See CMAZE.C
C136.5 3k CUG .LTR Notes about CUG volume 049
C136.6 12k DUMPSTAR.C Dump Star, a video game
C136.9 1k PORTIO .C I/O port access for C/80 compiler
C136.10 1k RANDOM .C Random functions for C/80 compiler
C136.11 3k RDTERM .C Checks terminal configuration
C136.13 9k TERMINAL.C Terminal configuration program
C136.17 26k TZ .C See TZ.R
C136.18 40k TZ .COM See TZ.R
C136.19 4k TZ .DOC See TZ.R
C136.20 24k TZ .R Twilight Zone adventure game
VOLUME 137 Dr Dobb's Journal # 1
C137.1 2k -LSUP .H Part of long ptr package, see JUN84COL.DDJ
C137.2 0k -VOL137 .CUG Volume number
C137.3 18k APR84COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 4/84
C137.4 17k AUG84COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 8/84
C137.5 2k CUG-DDJ .001 List of CUG volume 47 contents
C137.6 15k DEC83COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 12/83
C137.7 3k ENV .C Part of long ptr package, see JUN84COL.DDJ
C137.8 6k ENV .EXE Part of long ptr package, see JUN84COL.DDJ
C137.9 20k FEB84COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 2/84
C137.10 16k JUN84COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 6/84
C137.11 8k LLINT .ASM Part of long ptr package, see JUN84COL.DDJ
C137.12 5k LLSUP .ASM Part of long ptr package, see JUN84COL.DDJ
C137.13 3k LSUP .C Part of long ptr package, see JUN84COL.DDJ
C137.14 1k LSUP .H Part of long ptr package, see JUN84COL.DDJ
C137.15 2k README .CUG Note on CUG volume 47 contents
C137.16 11k SEP83COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 9/83
C137.17 7k SEP83TAB.I See SEP83COL.DDJ
C137.18 21k SEP84COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 9/84
VOLUME 138 Dr Dobb's Journal # 2
C138.1 0k -VOL138 .CUG Volume number
C138.2 3k ADVERT .CUG Information about CUG volume 47
C138.3 2k CUG-DDJ .002 List of contents of CUG volume 48
C138.4 4k GPR .C General purpose input library
C138.5 18k OCT84COL.DDJ Dr Dobbs C/Unix column, 10/84
C138.6 2k README .CUG Summary file for CUG volume 48
C138.7 4k RK4 .C Single equation Runge-Kutta integrator
C138.8 5k RKS .C System Runge-Kutta 4 integrator
C138.9 4k RKST1 .C Runge-Kutta system test program
C138.10 13k RKST1 .EXE Runge-Kutta system test program
C138.11 4k RKST2 .C Runge-Kutta system test program
C138.12 15k RKST2 .EXE Runge-Kutta system test program
C138.13 3k RKTEST1 .C Runge-Kutta 4 system test source code
C138.14 12k RKTEST1 .EXE Runge-Kutta 4 system test program
VOLUME 139 KAREL the Robot
C139.1 0k -VOL139 .CUG Volume number
C139.3 6k ARTICLE .DOC Perfect Writer file which describes KAREL
C139.4 6k KAREL .H Source code for KAREL robot simulator
C139.5 1k KAREL .SUB Submit file to control KAREL compile
C139.6 16k KAREL1 .C KAREL robot world builder source code
C139.7 19k KAREL1 .COM Compiled KAREL robot world builder
C139.8 33k KED .C Part of KAREL robot editor source code
C139.9 32k KED .COM Compiled KAREL robot command editor
C139.10 4k KED .H Part of KAREL robot editor source code
C139.11 24k KED2 .C Part of KAREL robot editor source code
C139.12 2k MENU .DOC Summary of KAREL editor commands
C139.13 2k README .DOC Brief information on KAREL robot system
C139.14 3k README2 .DOC Brief information on KAREL robot editor
C139.15 12k SESSIONS.DOC Sample KAREL editing sessions
C139.16 25k UGUIDE .DOC User guide for KAREL editor and submit
C139.17 1k VERSION .DOC CUG version notice for CUG volume 46
VOLUME 140 Miscellany II
C140.1 1k --READ--.ME Contents of this volume
C140.2 0k -VOL140 .CUG Volume number
C140.3 17k BACKUP .C Neat CP/M file back up utility
C140.4 45k BDSCAT .ALL On line catalogue for CUG (way out of date)
C140.5 6k CLOCK .C Routines to read Compupro SS1 clock
C140.6 1k CLOCK .H Part of DATEDEMO.C and CLOCK.C
C140.7 14k CMODEM .C Simple MODEM program in C
C140.8 8k DATEDEMO.C Demo of time and date from Compupro SS1
C140.9 7k DDTTOMAC.C Edits DDT disassembly for reassembly
C140.11 6k FIXDIR .C Clean bad file names from CP/M directories
C140.12 4k FIXDIR .DOC Tutorial on FIXDIR.C
C140.13 3k KEY .C Program function keypad on ADM-31 terminal
C140.14 3k MARGIN .C Sets margins on Diable/Qume from console
C140.15 3k MGAME .C Simple number guessing game for kids
C140.16 7k READ-ME .1ST Notes on contents of CUG volume 050
C140.17 2k STRIP .C Precursor to SCRUB, strips Wordstar files
C140.18 9k VERIFY .C File verifier, stand alone or for BACKUP
C140.19 4k WCT2 .C Word/column count program for typesetting
C140.20 6k YAMBOOT .C Equivalent of MBOOT in C
C140.21 7k ZCASM .DOC CASM modified for Zilog Z80 mnemonics
C140.23 23k ZCASM13 .C See ZCASM.DOC
VOLUME 141 Miscellany III
C141.1 0k -VOL141 .CUG Volume number
C141.2 2k CIRCLE .C Complete graph on N pts
C141.3 1k CLOCK .C Peipheral and a TMS9918 graphics display
C141.4 3k CLOCK .DOC Documentation for clock.c
C141.5 15k CMATH .C Modifications/extension to ctrig.c, clog.c
C141.6 1k CMATH .DOC Documentation for cmath.c
C141.7 2k COEF .H Constants for above
C141.8 3k EXPSPI .C Draws a spiral
C141.9 3k FCNPLOT .C Point by point plot of functions
C141.10 2k FGETSN .C Function to get a line of up to 'n' letters
C141.11 1k FLOAT .H Constants in octal and useful declarations
C141.12 3k FONT .DEF Character data set
C141.13 2k GRAPH .DOC Explanations for graphic functions
C141.14 15k HDWLIB .C Interface routines for a NewClock80
C141.15 1k LOGINFO .DTA Data file for LOGON
C141.16 14k LOGON .C Source of LOGON.COM
C141.17 17k LOGON .COM Logon program
C141.18 5k PMKLIB .C Assorted functions
C141.19 4k PMKLIB .DOC Building on hdwlib.c
C141.20 5k PUNCT .C Source list of PUNCT.COM
C141.21 8k PUNCT .COM Punctuation error finder program
C141.22 1k READ .ME Notice
C141.23 2k README .DOC Brief catalog of this volume
C141.24 3k ROSE .C Assorted graphics demos
C141.25 3k SPIRAL .C Draws a spiral
C141.26 2k SWAPCOPY.COM Copy utility
C141.27 2k TRIGPLOT.C Point-by-point plot of sine, cosine
VOLUME 142 Volton Catalog Vol.
C142.1 2k -CATALOG.000 Contents of this volume
C142.2 0k -VOL142 .CUG Volume number
C142.3 11k AUSTPAMS.WST Australian & Pams systems list
C142.4 2k CATLST .CUG Catalog list of CUG library
C142.5 7k CHIS16 .C Chi square analysis, Aztec C II
C142.6 2k CLOCK .C Clock program for FDC-1, Aztec C II
C142.7 2k CLSET .C See clock.c
C142.8 3k CRC .COM CRC check program
C142.9 20k CRCBUILD.A86 Use to make catalog file, CP/M-86
C142.10 15k CRCBUILD.ASM Use to make catalog file, CP/M-80
C142.11 2k CRCBUILD.COM See crcbuild.asm
C142.12 73k CUGCAT .ALL C UG on line catalog
C142.13 2k DAYS .C See clock.c
C142.14 20k FIND+ .ASM See find+.com
C142.15 3k FIND+ .COM FIND+ ver 2.0, for searching cugcat.all
C142.16 1k READ .ME Brief note on Alan Coates stuff
C142.17 4k SCRUB .C SCRUB modified for Aztec C II
C142.18 12k SCRUB .COM Wordstart to ASCII file filter
C142.19 7k STARTIM .C Find difference between DataStar dates
C142.20 4k UNSCRUB .C UNSCRUB modified for Aztec C II
C142.21 12k UNSCRUB .COM Ascii to Wordstar file filter
VOLUME 143 Van Nuys Tools, source disk
C143.1 0k -VOL143 .CUG Volume number
C143.2 5k 2UP .C Multiple collumn print formatter.
C143.3 6k BATCH .C Much superior form of SUBMIT.
C143.4 3k BDSCIO .H Standard header file
C143.5 4k C .C Extract and batch compile jobs from source.
C143.6 5k CASE .C Puts all C keywords in upper case
C143.7 2k CAT .C Cancatinate from a list of ambigious files.
C143.8 12k CB .C C formatter the way I like to do it.
C143.9 2k CHECK .LST CRC check list
C143.10 3k CLEAN .C Clean garbage and tabs out of a file.
C143.11 2k COMPRESS.C Compress text files.
C143.12 7k COPY .C Modified version of Leor's cp.
C143.13 2k CRYPT .C A fairly simple minded crypt/decrypt program.
C143.14 3k DELETE .C Delete files from list of ambigious names.
C143.15 16k DIO .C I/O Redirection support package
C143.16 1k DIO .H My directed IO package.
C143.17 2k ECHO .C Echo command line arguments to output.
C143.18 1k ENDIF .C See IF.
C143.19 2k ENTAB .C Convert runs of spaces into tabs.
C143.20 1k EXIT .C Provides an exit from BATCH or SUBMIT files
C143.21 1k EXPAND .C Expand files compressed by COMPRESS.
C143.22 3k HEAD .C Shows beginning of files from a list of files.
C143.23 7k HELP .C Menu driven help/text retrieval.
C143.24 4k IF .C Conditional capability for BATCH or SUBMIT.
C143.25 4k INDEX .C Formats index or cross references.
C143.26 1k KOPY .C Just copies stdin to stdout.
C143.27 3k LC .C Line, word or character counter.
C143.28 2k LS .C Expands ambigious files names to output.
C143.29 5k MERGE .C Merges or selects from two sorted files.
C143.30 6k MERGEM .C Multiple file merge.
C143.31 4k MIX .C Page mix for book signature generation.
C143.32 5k MORE .C Presents text page at a time.
C143.33 2k NUM .C Adds line numbers to a file.
C143.34 6k PAGE .C Formats text into pages.
C143.35 10k PRINT .C Print out utility
C143.36 2k RENAME .C Renames files.
C143.37 9k SEARCH .C Search multiple files for lines with a pattern.
C143.38 10k SELECT .C Selects lines with/without matching pattern.
C143.39 5k SORT .C Sort lines on any key.
C143.40 6k SORTM .C Multiple file sort.
C143.41 3k SPLIT .C Splits files into smaller files.
C143.42 12k SUB .C Generalized text substitution program.
C143.43 6k SUM .C Sums a specified field from each line.
C143.44 4k TAIL .C Shows the ending of files from a list.
C143.45 2k TEE .C Tee fitting for a pipe stream.
C143.46 4k UNIQUE .C Finds unique or duplicate lines in sorted file.
C143.47 8k WILDEXP .C My wildcard name expander.
C143.48 3k WORDS .C Seperates text into words.
VOLUME 144 Van Nuys Tools, documentation disk
C144.1 0k -VOL144 .CUG Volume number
C144.2 15k 2UP .COM Executable form of 2UP
C144.3 3k 2UP .HLP Multiple collumn print formatter.
C144.4 3k BATCH .HLP Much superior form of SUBMIT.
C144.5 9k C .COM Executable form of C
C144.6 1k C .HLP Extract and batch compile jobs from source.
C144.7 2k CASE .HLP Puts all C keywords in upper case
C144.8 2k CAT .HLP Cancatinate from a list of ambigious files.
C144.9 2k CB .HLP C formatter the way I like to do it.
C144.10 2k CHECK .COM CRC check program
C144.11 1k CHECK .HLP Help file for CHECK.COM
C144.12 2k CHECK .LST CRC check list
C144.13 3k CLEAN .HLP Clean garbage and tabs out of a file.
C144.14 2k COMPRESS.HLP Compress text files.
C144.15 3k CONTENTS.HLP List of file contents
C144.16 2k CRYPT .HLP A fairly simple minded crypt/decrypt program.
C144.17 2k DELETE .HLP Delete files from list of ambigious names.
C144.18 2k ECHO .HLP Echo command line arguments to output.
C144.19 2k ENTAB .HLP Convert runs of spaces into tabs.
C144.20 4k EXAMPLE .HLP List files in a nice format on the screen
C144.21 1k EXPAND .HLP Expand files compressed by COMPRESS.
C144.22 2k HEAD .HLP Shows beginning of files from a list of files.
C144.23 19k HELP .COM Executable form of HELP
C144.24 3k HELP .HLP Menu driven help/text retrieval.
C144.25 1k IF .HLP Conditional capability for BATCH or SUBMIT.
C144.26 2k INDEX .HLP Formats index or cross references.
C144.27 3k LS .HLP Expands ambigious files names to output.
C144.28 3k MERGE .HLP Merges or selects from two sorted files.
C144.29 3k MERGEM .HLP Multiple file merge.
C144.30 2k MIX .HLP Page mix for book signature generation.
C144.31 2k NUM .HLP Adds line numbers to a file.
C144.32 3k PAGE .HLP Formats text into pages.
C144.33 3k README .HLP Start up tutorial
C144.34 3k SEARCH .HLP Search multiple files for lines with a pattern.
C144.35 3k SELECT .HLP Selects lines with/without matching pattern.
C144.36 3k SORT .HLP Sort lines on any key.
C144.37 3k SORTM .HLP Multiple file sort.
C144.38 2k SPLIT .HLP Splits files into smaller files.
C144.39 3k SUB .HLP Generalized text substitution program.
C144.40 2k SUM .HLP Sums a specified field from each line.
C144.41 2k TEE .HLP Tee fitting for a pipe stream.
C144.42 7k TOOLKIT .HLP How to use this Toolkit
C144.43 3k UNIQUE .HLP Finds unique or duplicate lines in sorted file.
C144.44 2k WORDS .HLP Seperates text into words.
VOLUME 145A ROFF4 Version 1.6P (1 of 2)
C145A.1 0k -VOL145A.CUG Volume number
C145A.2 1k BDSJUNK .H Things for ROFF4 normally defined in BDSCIO.H
C145A.3 2k CATALOG . Catalog list
C145A.4 1k CC .BAT Batch file
C145A.5 2k CCS .BAT Batch file
C145A.6 1k COPY .RIT Notice
C145A.7 2k ENVIRON .DOC States system requires for creation, use
C145A.8 1k EQN . Demonstrates macro use for equation numbering
C145A.9 2k ERRNO .H Error return definitions for math functions
C145A.10 1k EXY1 . Exidy video output for scientific symbols
C145A.11 2k FILEIO2 .H Library I/O functions header file for DOS 2.0
C145A.12 1k FOOT . Footnote demo
C145A.13 1k FORM . Demonstration for creating form letters
C145A.14 1k INPUT . Test file
C145A.15 3k KAYPRO . Initialize for KAYPRO video output
C145A.16 1k LINKIT .BAT Batch file
C145A.17 1k LIST . Initialize to list
C145A.18 2k MARGINS . Test programs for pagination
C145A.19 1k MATRIX . Demonstrates positional control for equations
C145A.20 8k ML92 . Initialize for OKIDATA microline 92 printer
C145A.21 6k MX80 . Initialize for EPSON MX-80 with GRAFTRAX
C145A.22 3k NEC3525 . Init for NEC printer with TECH math/times roman
C145A.23 1k NEST . Demo for nesting macros & string substitutions
C145A.24 1k NETEST . Demo for test of the .NE(ED) command
C145A.25 1k ONE . Test used with SOTEST
C145A.26 2k PAGES . Test for pagination
C145A.27 4k PROWRITE. Init for prowriter printer series
C145A.28 4k READ .ME Comments on ROFF4 formatter in public domain
C145A.29 1k ROFF .BAT Batch file
C145A.30 14k ROFF4 .C Main source module
C145A.31 1k ROFF4 .CAT Catalog of ROFF4
C145A.32 34k ROFF4 .DOC 32K of documentation
C145A.33 11k ROFF4 .H Header file for ROFF4
C145A.34 9k ROFF4 .O Object module of ROFF4
C145A.35 1k ROFF4 .SUB Submit file to create ROFF4.COM from sources
C145A.36 7k ROFF41 .C Source module of formatter
C145A.37 4k ROFF41 .O Object module
C145A.38 8k ROFF42 .C Source module of formatter
C145A.39 4k ROFF42 .O Object module
C145A.40 6k ROFF43 .C Source module of formatter
C145A.41 5k ROFF43 .O Object module
C145A.42 6k ROFF44 .C Source module of formatter
C145A.43 5k ROFF44 .O Object module
C145A.44 8k ROFF45 .C Source module of formatter
C145A.45 5k ROFF45 .O Object module
C145A.46 8k ROFF46 .C Source module of formatter
C145A.47 6k ROFF46 .O Object module
C145A.48 9k ROFF47 .C Source module of formatter
C145A.49 2k ROFFDATA.O Object module
C145A.50 4k SCI .ASM Initialize exidy sorcerer to display sci syms
C145A.51 2k SCI .COM Executable file of SCI
C145A.52 1k SOTEST . Test and demo of nested .SO(URCE) commands
C145A.53 1k STARTUP .BAT Batch file
C145A.54 1k STDIO .H Standard header file
C145A.55 1k THREE . Used with SOTEST
C145A.56 1k TWO . Used with SOTEST
C145A.57 4k UPGRADES.LST Changes for Ver 1.50 --> Ver 1.60
VOLUME 145B ROFF4 Version 1.6P (2 of 2)
C145B.1 0k -VOL145B.CUG Volume number
C145B.2 1k FIGS . Figure captions
C145B.3 1k FNOTES . Object
C145B.4 1k FOOT .BAK Footnote demo
C145B.5 6k IBM .DOC Brief comments on the ROFF4, MS-DOS Version
C145B.6 2k MAKEROFF.BAT Batch file for automatic system create
C145B.7 1k MATH .H Header file for mathematics functions
C145B.8 28k ROFF4 .EXE Executable file of the ROFF4, running on IBM-PC
C145B.9 15k ROFF4 .MAP Library map
C145B.10 7k ROFF47 .O Object module
C145B.11 10k ROFFDATA.C Header file for external vars and defines
C145B.12 1k SEE .MAC Macro file
VOLUME 146 Small C compiler for 6800 for FLEX on CP/M
C146.1 0k -VOL146 .CUG Volume number
C146.2 3k CATHEAD .146 Catalog header files for the text files
C146.3 2k CCC .H Small C header files
C146.4 24k CCINT .TXT Small C interpreter
C146.5 1k FLEXPTRS.TXT Pointers to FLEX subroutines
C146.6 3k FSIZE .TXT Read a binary file and prints the load address
C146.7 22k NOTES .DOC Notice
C146.8 3k PRIME .C Sample program
C146.9 9k PRTLIB .C Library for print functions
C146.10 74k SMALLC .C Source code
C146.11 2k WC .C Sample program for word count
C147.1 0k -VOL147 .CUG Volume number
C147.2 0k 01-18-85.TAG Tag
C147.3 11k DAYTIM .CSM Date/time functions
C147.4 9k ENTER .C Most of the entermsg functions
C147.5 1k EXIT2CPM.CCC Displayed when non-expert exits to CP/M
C147.6 2k HELP .CCC Help message
C147.7 13k LOGON .C Most of the logpn functions
C147.8 8k MAINOP .C A collection of functions
C147.9 2k MSGHELP .CCC Displayed when the user types "?<CR>"
C147.10 8k RBBS4 .C Main program
C147.11 11k RBBS4 .DOC Tutorial for RBBS4
C147.12 10k RBBS4 .H Commented header file
C147.13 4k RBBS4 .HIS History of RBBS4
C147.14 1k RBBS4 .SUB Generates RBBS4
C147.15 14k RBBSCIO .C A rather fnacy line ed, and console I/O
C147.16 12k RBBSFN .C Miscellaneous functions, mostly file I/O
C147.17 1k RCIOHLP0.CCC Displayed when the user types "^V" in normal
C147.18 1k RCIOHLP2.CCC Displayed when the user types "^V" in masked
C147.19 1k SELHELP .CCC Displayed when the user types "?" to the select
C147.20 5k TDOSFN .CSM Lock and free record TurboDOS functions
C147.21 1k TWITMSG .CCC Displayed when 'twit' logs in
C147.22 3k UTIL .C Module for 'subject'
C147.23 1k UTIL .SUB Batch file
C147.24 16k UTILFN .C Utility functions
C147.25 8k UTLX .C Variant of UTIL.C to convert files
C147.26 3k UTLX .DOC Tutorial for UTLX
C147.27 1k UTLX .SUB Batch file
C147.28 1k WELCOME .CCC Welcome message
VOLUME 148 TMS 99000/19105 Cross Assemblers
C148.1 0k -VOL148 .CUG Volume number
C148.2 5k A99 .C Main function of 9900 Cross Assembler
C148.3 23k A99 .COM Executabke form of A99
C148.4 4k A99 .CRL CRL format of A99
C148.5 6k A99 .GBL Global macros and variables
C148.6 11k A99ASMLN.C Line assembly routine
C148.7 7k A99ASMLN.CRL CRL form of A99ASMLN
C148.8 2k A99BDS .LIB Library for A99
C148.9 8k A99EVAL .C To crunch on source text chunks and give bak
C148.10 3k A99EVAL .CRL CRL form of A99EVAL
C148.11 9k A99GET .C Get source text from the disk and return it
C148.12 5k A99GET .CRL CRL from of A99GET
C148.13 5k A99PUT .C List and hex output routines
C148.14 4k A99PUT .CRL CRL form of A99PUT
C148.15 4k A99SYMB .C To manipulate the symbol table
C148.16 2k A99SYMB .CRL CRL from of A99SYMB
C148.17 8k A99TBLS .ASM System table (instruction code etc..)
C148.18 2k A99TBLS .CRL CRL form of A99TBLS
C148.19 11k A99TBLS .CSM Get opcode number from the opcode table
C148.20 2k READ .ME Notes on A99
C148.21 1k TEST .A99 Source list for testing
C148.22 1k TEST .H99 Hex output
C148.23 2k TEST .L99 Result listing of above
C148.24 39k XASM99 .DOC Tutorial for XASM99
C148.25 47k XASM99 .PRN Print out manual
C148.26 3k XASM99 .TOC Topics of XASM99.DOC
VOLUME 149 6800 / 1805A Cross Assembler
C149.1 0k -VOL149 .CUG Volume number
C149.2 12k A18 .C Main function of 1805A cross assembler
C149.3 45k A18 .DOC Manual for 1805A cross assembler
C149.4 9k A18 .H Header file for 1805A cross assembler
C149.5 10k A18EVAL .C Instructions for all compilers
C149.6 15k A18UTIL .C How to use with the package
C149.7 13k A68 .C Main function of 6801 cross assembler
C149.8 47k A68 .DOC Manual for 6801 cross assembler
C149.9 8k A68 .H Header file
C149.10 11k A68EVAL .C Instructions for all compilers
C149.11 16k A68UTIL .C How to use with the package
C149.12 6k HEXTOS .C Convert Intel hex format to Motorola S format
C149.13 4k READ .ME Notice
C149.14 7k TEST18 .ASM Entire instruction set of the 1805A CPU in test
C149.15 5k TEST68 .ASM Entire instruction set of the 6801 CPU in test
VOLUME 150 Extractions from PC-SIG Vol. #142 & #50
C150.1 0k -VOL150 .CUG Volume number
C150.2 4k AFT8087 .MAC Enable a FORTRAN programmer to use the i8087
C150.3 9k BIOS .MAC Define the indeterfaces to the BIOS
C150.4 4k CLINK .ASM Load and link graphics characters
C150.5 1k CLINK .COM Linker
C150.6 12k DOS .MAC Define the interfaces to DOS
C150.7 1k FILEIO .C Header for file I/O
C150.8 2k HP .C RPN calculator simulation
C150.9 10k LDIR .C Library directory display program
C150.10 1k LDIR .DOC Tutorial of LDIR
C150.11 14k LDIR .EXE Executable form of LDIR
C150.12 4k LTYPE .C Type a member of a LBR file
C150.13 13k LTYPE .EXE Executable form of LTYPE
C150.14 8k ROFF .DOC Tutorial for ROFF
C150.15 19k ROFF .EXE ROFF text formatter
C150.16 4k ROFF .H Header file for ROFF
C150.17 4k ROFF .HE Header file for ROFF
C150.18 11k ROFF1 .C Source file of ROFF
C150.19 10k ROFF2 .C Source file of ROFF
C150.20 1k ROFF3 .C Source file of ROFF
C150.21 1k TRAN .C Transcendental function library
C150.22 8k XENIX .ASM MSDOS 2.00 function library for Lattice C
VOLUME 151 Ed Reamn's screen editor for IBM-PC (PC-SIG #137)
C151.1 0k #137 . Garbage
C151.2 0k -VOL151 .CUG Volume number
C151.3 5k ED .DOC Documentation of the commands
C151.4 1k ED0 .C Main function
C151.5 2k ED1 .CCC Include files
C151.6 7k ED10 .C Source file
C151.7 11k ED11 .A Source file
C151.8 12k ED2 .C Source file
C151.9 18k ED3 .C Source file
C151.10 11k ED4 .C Source file
C151.11 3k ED5 .C Source file
C151.12 1k ED6 .C Source file
C151.13 3k ED7 .C Source file
C151.14 5k ED8 .C Source file
C151.15 3k ED9 .C Source file
C151.16 31k EDIT .EXE Executable file
C151.17 1k LINK .BAT Batch file for system create
C151.18 1k LIST .BAT Print out all source files
C151.19 7k READ .ME Explanation for IBM-PC version of C editor
VOLUME 152 C Utilities (PC-SIG #149)
C152.1 0k #149 . Garbage
C152.2 0k -VOL152 .CUG Volume number
C152.3 4k CC .C Source file of CC
C152.4 1k CC .DOC Tutorial for CC
C152.5 12k CC .EXE Simple C checker
C152.6 1k CC .OBJ Object file of CC
C152.7 17k GREP .C Source files of GREP
C152.8 4k GREP .DOC Tutorial for GREP
C152.9 18k GREP .EXE Scan file(s) for a string or pattern of string
C152.10 2k LUMP .C Source file of LUMP
C152.11 1k LUMP .DOC Tutorial for LUMP and UNLUMP
C152.12 12k LUMP .EXE Gather a group of files together
C152.13 2k README . File explanation
C152.14 2k UNLUMP .C Source file of UNLUMP
C152.15 14k UNLUMP .EXE Spit a lump apart
C152.16 25k XC .C Source file of XC
C152.17 3k XC .DOC Tutorial for XC
C152.18 19k XC .EXE C Cross Assembler
VOLUME 153 C Utilities (PC-SIG #137)
C153.1 0k #216 . Garbage
C153.2 0k -VOL153 .CUG Volume number
C153.3 13k BIOSIO .ASM Assembly routines to directly control the BIOS
C153.4 1k CAT .BAT Type out files
C153.5 1k CC .BAT System generator for C compiler
C153.6 2k CHOSIT .C Display a menu
C153.7 1k CL .BAT Clear screen
C153.8 1k COMM .MNU Sample menu
C153.9 2k CURBACK .C Move the cursor backward
C153.10 2k CURDOWN .C Move the cursor down
C153.11 2k CURFOR .C Move the cursor forward
C153.12 2k CURSOR .C Move the cursor to the specific position
C153.13 2k CURUP .C Move the cursor up
C153.14 3k CVTDATE .C Check and convert the julian date
C153.15 2k DOSDATE .ASM Assembly routine for get a date
C153.16 2k DOSTIME .ASM Assembly routine for get a time
C153.17 2k ELINE .C Erase a line of the screen
C153.18 2k ESCREEN .C Erase a line of the screen
C153.19 3k FRAME .C Draw a box on the screen
C153.20 2k GETDATE .C Return a string represents the date
C153.21 2k GETLINE .C Read a record from a file into a string
C153.22 2k GETTIME .C Return a string represents the time
C153.23 2k GTOJ .C Return the julian date from gregorian input
C153.24 16k IBMTTY .C Terminal emuration program
C153.25 3k JTOG .C Convert a julian date into a gregorian date
C153.26 2k JTOJ .C Returns the julian date
C153.27 1k L .BAT Pretty print of the DIR
C153.28 1k LD .BAT Link files
C153.29 1k LS .BAT List files
C153.30 8k MENCON .C Open a menu file and display it on the screen
C153.31 1k MV .BAT Rename file
C153.32 2k PAUSE .C Pause a program for a given period time
C153.33 1k READC .C Read a character to the screen
C153.34 3k README .DOC Tutorial
C153.35 2k READS .C Read a string from stdin
C153.36 1k RM .BAT Delete files
C153.37 2k SCONTROL.H Header file for screen and keyboard library
C153.38 3k SCRATT .C Switch screen attributes
C153.39 1k SCRINIT .C Initialize the screen and keyborad control work
C153.40 1k VI .BAT Execute line editor
C153.41 2k WEEKDAY .C Convert gregorian date to the day of the week
C153.42 1k WRITEC .C Write a character to the screen
C153.43 1k WRITES .C Write a string to stdout
VOLUME 154 PC Tools
C154.1 0k -VOL154 .CUG Volume number
C154.2 2k CALC .C Source file of CALC
C154.3 14k CALC .EXE A simple online adding machine
C154.4 1k CAT .C Source file of CAT
C154.5 10k CAT .EXE File catenation
C154.6 2k DARKEN .C Soure files of DARKEN
C154.7 10k DARKEN .EXE Overstrikes each line of files
C154.8 1k DETAB .C Change tabs to blanks
C154.9 6k EATCOM .C Strip comments from STDIN
C154.10 3k FC .EXE File compare
C154.11 13k GETKEY .C Single, unbuffered keypress via BIOS
C154.12 2k GREP2 .C Source list of GREP2
C154.13 1k GREP2 .DOC Tutorial for GREP2
C154.14 1k GREP2 .EXE Attempt to get UNIX pattern-match on a micro
C154.15 2k HASH .C Create and display an open hash table
C154.16 2k HEAD .C Source file of HEAD
C154.17 10k HEAD .EXE Print the first lines of files
C154.18 2k INCLUDE .C Do-it-yourself file inclusion
C154.19 11k MAKEARG .C Make a global argv[] by parsing command line
C154.20 4k MARK .C Underline C reserved words from STDIN
C154.21 3k PAGE .C Source file of PAGE
C154.22 10k PAGE .EXE Displays files one screen at a time
C154.23 4k PR .C Source file of PR
C154.24 11k PR .EXE Print text files by defined format
C154.25 13k READ .ME Notice
C154.26 2k RM .C Source file of RM
C154.27 11k RM .EXE Selectively delete files
C154.28 9k ROFF .C Source file of ROFF
C154.29 2k ROFF .DOC Tutorial of ROFF
C154.30 13k ROFF .EXE Yet another ROFF
C154.31 1k ROFF .TXT Text
C154.32 1k TIME .H Function to return time & date
C154.33 6k TOOLS .DOC Summary of PC Tools
C154.34 2k UNIQ .C Source file of UNIQ
C154.35 10k UNIQ .EXE Deletes adjacent, duplicate lines
C154.36 2k UNIQ2 .C Source file of UNIQ2
C154.37 9k UNIQ2 .EXE Delets duplicates even if not sorted
C154.38 2k WC .C Source file of WC
C154.39 10k WC .EXE Word count
C154.40 2k XREF .C Source file of XREF
C154.41 9k XREF .EXE Alphabetical cross refrencer
VOLUME 155 B-Trees, FFT, etc.
C155.1 0k -VOL155 .CUG Volume number
C155.2 2k BDOS .CSM New version of BDOS function for BDS-C
C155.3 3k BTREE .H Header for B-Tree library
C155.4 7k BTREE0 .C Called by BTREE1
C155.5 15k BTREE1 .C Main function of B-Tree
C155.6 4k CRYPT .C Encrypt a file
C155.7 2k CUGDISK3.BRF Brief explanation of this disk
C155.8 14k DISK3 .C Source of DISK3.COM
C155.9 9k DISK3 .COM CPM Disk editor
C155.10 5k EXAMPLE .C How to use the B-Tree library
C155.11 4k FFT .C Main function of FFT
C155.12 4k FFT .DOC Documentation of FFT
C155.13 1k HEADER .DSK Header files for the document files
C155.14 5k IBMBIO .COM
C155.15 17k IBMDOS .COM
C155.16 9k ONED .C Main function of ONED
C155.17 8k ONED .COM Cellular automata simulation
C155.18 6k ONED .DOC Documentation of ONED
C155.19 4k ONEDLIB .C UNIX like library for ONED
C155.20 1k READ .ME Notice
C155.21 16k README . Documentation of B-Tree library
C155.22 3k TERMCTRL.C Terminal control functions
C155.23 1k TREEINIT.C Initializer for B-Tree
7k BTREE0 .C Called by BTREE1
C155.5 15k BTREE1 .C Main