C/C++ Interactive Guide
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This warning is made based upon the article, in The C Users Group Newletter
Sept/Oct, 1987, written by Victor Volkman and the letter from Michael Yokoyama.
* Victor Volkman *
Public domain (PD) lex program CUG has several syntax-level
incompatibilities with the original Unix system specifications. First, in the
definitions section Unix lex specifies:
"Any line in this section not contained between %{ and %}, and
beginning in column 1, is assumed to define Lex substitution strings. The
format of such string is
name translation
and it causes the string given as a translation to be associated with the
name. The name and translation must be separated by at least one blank or
tab, and the name must begin with a letter." (Unix lex, Section 6)
But in PD lex, the syntax of the name definition requires more delimiters
than Unix lex:
"A definition has the form:
expression_name = regular_expression;
where a name is composed of a lower-case letter followed by a sequence
string of letter and digits, and where an underscore is a letter." (PD
lex, Section 2.4)
The additional syntax overhead and the lowercase restriction requires
modifying existing Unix lex specification files for PD lex. For example, the
Unix lex specification
letter [a-z][A-Z]
letter = [a-z][A-Z];
Second, another syntax disparity occures in the rules section. The
rules section is a table of regular expressions and their corresponding actions.
The Unix lex specification makes no restrictions about the case sensitivity
of the regular expression names. However, PD lex enforces an upper-case
restriction on regular expressions similar to its lower-case restriction in
the definition section:
"Outside a string, a sequence of upper-case letters stands for
sequence of the equivalent lower-case letters, while a sequence of lower-case
letters is taken as the name of a LEX expression." (PD lex, section 2.1)
This means that an existing Unix lex specification like
while {return(WHILE);}
must be changed to:
WHILE {return(WHILE);}
Unix lex users will immediately notice the absence of a string variable
called yytext which contains the actual pattern match. The Unix lex
specifically names this:
"In more complex actions, the user will often want to know the actual
text that matched some expressionn like [a-z]+. Lex leaves this text in an
external character array names yytext". (Unix lex, section 4)
However, PD lex does not provide this built-in yytext variable.
Fortunately, a file called GETTOK.C provides a routine gettoken() which must be
used to make yytext available. The following call will also properly set yyleng.
yyleng = gettoken(yytext, sizeof, yytext);
The PD lex processor does not support all of the regular expression
operators which are supported by Unix lex. These operators are simply ignored
in the PD lex documentation. When used in a lex file they do not produce errors
but do not match regular expressions either. The missing operators as found in
Unix lex, section 12:
operator use semantics
. any character but newline
^x an x at the beginning of a line
<y>x an x when Lex is in start condition y
x$ an x at the end of a line
x? an optional x
x+ 1,2,3 ... instances of x
x{m,n} m through n occurrences of x
Lastly, the IBM-PC adaptation is severely limited in its workspace for
creating the lex tables. This small-model implementation means tha lex is
limited to rules that it can process in a 64K data segment. A large-model
implementation, while somewhat slower, would allow lex to access the full 640K
memory. A future release of PD lex should be considered in order to remove this
Depending upon the severity of your compiler's error checking
mechanism, you may notice several warnings and errors for the sample lex and C
files provided. For example. the Lattice C compiler insists that all externally
declared items match their declarations. This means that a procedure declared
void in lex.h must also be void in the C files. Another caveat concerns the
use of variable-number argument function calls. Many C compilers will not
generate code to correct for user-functions with variable-number arguments
like they do for scanf() and printf(). Functions like lexerror() should be
normalized to a fixed number of arguments (e.g. four arguments). Also, be
aware that passing structures as function arguments is implementation
dependent. Passing the address of a structure via pointer or address operator
is highly recommended.
Unless you are using the DeSmet C compiler (C88) then you should use
the stdio.h file which came with your compiler. The DeSmet C stdio.h relies on
the low-level implementation of file handles as an integer in MS-DOS.
Compilers such as Lattice C use structures (instead of integers) like _iobuf
for higher-level I/O functions like scanf() and putc().
Perhaps the biggest danger is the cavalier assumption that integers
and pointers are equivalent. Kernighan and Ritchie thought this abuse
important enough to discourage its use by devoting a section (5.6) of "The C
programming Language" to it. Experienced MS-DOS programmers will note that
pointers and integers are equivalent ONLY in the small model (less than 64K
cod, less than 64K data). This is invalidated in large model compilers (more
than 64K code more than 64K data) where pointers are 32-bits. Working with
long 32-bit integers can help alleviate this problem.
* Michael Yokoyama *
PD Lex differs from UNIX Lex in that while in UNIX Lex the translation
may be omitted, in PD Lex the translation is required. One technique that
seems to work is to provide an entry of [\0 - \0377]; where the blank is used
in UNIX Lex.
letter [a-zA-Z] letter = [a-zA-Z];
digit [0-9] digit = [0-9];
other other = [\0-\0377];
If you find any more difference between Unix Lex and PD Lex, please feel free
to write us or call us.