C/C++ Interactive Guide
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/* xlftab.c - xlisp function table */
/* Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
#include "xlisp.h"
/* external functions */
extern NODE
/* the function table */
struct fdef ftab[] = {
/* evaluator functions */
{ "EVAL", SUBR, xeval },
{ "APPLY", SUBR, xapply },
{ "FUNCALL", SUBR, xfuncall },
{ "QUOTE", FSUBR, xquote },
{ "FUNCTION", FSUBR, xfunction },
{ "BACKQUOTE", FSUBR, xbquote },
{ "LAMBDA", FSUBR, xlambda },
/* symbol functions */
{ "SET", SUBR, xset },
{ "SETQ", FSUBR, xsetq },
{ "SETF", FSUBR, xsetf },
{ "DEFUN", FSUBR, xdefun },
{ "DEFMACRO", FSUBR, xdefmacro },
{ "GENSYM", SUBR, xgensym },
{ "MAKE-SYMBOL", SUBR, xmakesymbol },
{ "INTERN", SUBR, xintern },
{ "SYMBOL-NAME", SUBR, xsymname },
{ "SYMBOL-VALUE", SUBR, xsymvalue },
{ "SYMBOL-PLIST", SUBR, xsymplist },
{ "GET", SUBR, xget },
{ "PUTPROP", SUBR, xputprop },
{ "REMPROP", SUBR, xremprop },
{ "HASH", SUBR, xhash },
/* array functions */
{ "MAKE-ARRAY", SUBR, xmkarray },
{ "AREF", SUBR, xaref },
/* list functions */
{ "CAR", SUBR, xcar },
{ "CDR", SUBR, xcdr },
{ "CAAR", SUBR, xcaar },
{ "CADR", SUBR, xcadr },
{ "CDAR", SUBR, xcdar },
{ "CDDR", SUBR, xcddr },
{ "CAAAR", SUBR, xcaaar },
{ "CAADR", SUBR, xcaadr },
{ "CADAR", SUBR, xcadar },
{ "CADDR", SUBR, xcaddr },
{ "CDAAR", SUBR, xcdaar },
{ "CDADR", SUBR, xcdadr },
{ "CDDAR", SUBR, xcddar },
{ "CDDDR", SUBR, xcdddr },
{ "CAAAAR", SUBR, xcaaaar },
{ "CAAADR", SUBR, xcaaadr },
{ "CAADAR", SUBR, xcaadar },
{ "CAADDR", SUBR, xcaaddr },
{ "CADAAR", SUBR, xcadaar },
{ "CADADR", SUBR, xcadadr },
{ "CADDAR", SUBR, xcaddar },
{ "CADDDR", SUBR, xcadddr },
{ "CDAAAR", SUBR, xcdaaar },
{ "CDAADR", SUBR, xcdaadr },
{ "CDADAR", SUBR, xcdadar },
{ "CDADDR", SUBR, xcdaddr },
{ "CDDAAR", SUBR, xcddaar },
{ "CDDADR", SUBR, xcddadr },
{ "CDDDAR", SUBR, xcdddar },
{ "CDDDDR", SUBR, xcddddr },
{ "CONS", SUBR, xcons },
{ "LIST", SUBR, xlist },
{ "APPEND", SUBR, xappend },
{ "REVERSE", SUBR, xreverse },
{ "LAST", SUBR, xlast },
{ "NTH", SUBR, xnth },
{ "NTHCDR", SUBR, xnthcdr },
{ "MEMBER", SUBR, xmember },
{ "ASSOC", SUBR, xassoc },
{ "SUBST", SUBR, xsubst },
{ "SUBLIS", SUBR, xsublis },
{ "REMOVE", SUBR, xremove },
{ "LENGTH", SUBR, xlength },
{ "MAPC", SUBR, xmapc },
{ "MAPCAR", SUBR, xmapcar },
{ "MAPL", SUBR, xmapl },
{ "MAPLIST", SUBR, xmaplist },
/* destructive list functions */
{ "RPLACA", SUBR, xrplca },
{ "RPLACD", SUBR, xrplcd },
{ "NCONC", SUBR, xnconc },
{ "DELETE", SUBR, xdelete },
/* predicate functions */
{ "ATOM", SUBR, xatom },
{ "SYMBOLP", SUBR, xsymbolp },
{ "NUMBERP", SUBR, xnumberp },
{ "BOUNDP", SUBR, xboundp },
{ "NULL", SUBR, xnull },
{ "NOT", SUBR, xnull },
{ "LISTP", SUBR, xlistp },
{ "CONSP", SUBR, xconsp },
{ "MINUSP", SUBR, xminusp },
{ "ZEROP", SUBR, xzerop },
{ "PLUSP", SUBR, xplusp },
{ "EVENP", SUBR, xevenp },
{ "ODDP", SUBR, xoddp },
{ "EQ", SUBR, xeq },
{ "EQL", SUBR, xeql },
{ "EQUAL", SUBR, xequal },
/* control functions */
{ "COND", FSUBR, xcond },
{ "CASE", FSUBR, xcase },
{ "AND", FSUBR, xand },
{ "OR", FSUBR, xor },
{ "LET", FSUBR, xlet },
{ "LET*", FSUBR, xletstar },
{ "IF", FSUBR, xif },
{ "PROG", FSUBR, xprog },
{ "PROG*", FSUBR, xprogstar },
{ "PROG1", FSUBR, xprog1 },
{ "PROG2", FSUBR, xprog2 },
{ "PROGN", FSUBR, xprogn },
{ "GO", FSUBR, xgo },
{ "RETURN", SUBR, xreturn },
{ "DO", FSUBR, xdo },
{ "DO*", FSUBR, xdostar },
{ "DOLIST", FSUBR, xdolist },
{ "DOTIMES", FSUBR, xdotimes },
{ "CATCH", FSUBR, xcatch },
{ "THROW", SUBR, xthrow },
/* debugging and error handling functions */
{ "ERROR", SUBR, xerror },
{ "CERROR", SUBR, xcerror },
{ "BREAK", SUBR, xbreak },
{ "CLEAN-UP", SUBR, xcleanup },
{ "CONTINUE", SUBR, xcontinue },
{ "ERRSET", FSUBR, xerrset },
{ "BAKTRACE", SUBR, xbaktrace },
{ "EVALHOOK", SUBR, xevalhook },
/* arithmetic functions */
{ "TRUNCATE", SUBR, xfix },
{ "FLOAT", SUBR, xfloat },
{ "+", SUBR, xadd },
{ "-", SUBR, xsub },
{ "*", SUBR, xmul },
{ "/", SUBR, xdiv },
{ "1+", SUBR, xadd1 },
{ "1-", SUBR, xsub1 },
{ "REM", SUBR, xrem },
{ "MIN", SUBR, xmin },
{ "MAX", SUBR, xmax },
{ "ABS", SUBR, xabs },
{ "SIN", SUBR, xsin },
{ "COS", SUBR, xcos },
{ "TAN", SUBR, xtan },
{ "EXPT", SUBR, xexpt },
{ "EXP", SUBR, xexp },
{ "SQRT", SUBR, xsqrt },
{ "RANDOM", SUBR, xrand },
/* bitwise logical functions */
{ "BIT-AND", SUBR, xbitand },
{ "BIT-IOR", SUBR, xbitior },
{ "BIT-XOR", SUBR, xbitxor },
{ "BIT-NOT", SUBR, xbitnot },
/* numeric comparison functions */
{ "<", SUBR, xlss },
{ "<=", SUBR, xleq },
{ "=", SUBR, xequ },
{ "/=", SUBR, xneq },
{ ">=", SUBR, xgeq },
{ ">", SUBR, xgtr },
/* string functions */
{ "STRCAT", SUBR, xstrcat },
{ "SUBSTR", SUBR, xsubstr },
{ "STRING", SUBR, xstring },
{ "CHAR", SUBR, xchar },
/* I/O functions */
{ "READ", SUBR, xread },
{ "PRINT", SUBR, xprint },
{ "PRIN1", SUBR, xprin1 },
{ "PRINC", SUBR, xprinc },
{ "TERPRI", SUBR, xterpri },
{ "FLATSIZE", SUBR, xflatsize },
{ "FLATC", SUBR, xflatc },
/* file I/O functions */
{ "OPENI", SUBR, xopeni },
{ "OPENO", SUBR, xopeno },
{ "CLOSE", SUBR, xclose },
{ "READ-CHAR", SUBR, xrdchar },
{ "PEEK-CHAR", SUBR, xpkchar },
{ "WRITE-CHAR", SUBR, xwrchar },
{ "READ-LINE", SUBR, xreadline },
/* system functions */
{ "LOAD", SUBR, xload },
{ "GC", SUBR, xgc },
{ "EXPAND", SUBR, xexpand },
{ "ALLOC", SUBR, xalloc },
{ "MEM", SUBR, xmem },
{ "TYPE-OF", SUBR, xtype },
{ "EXIT", SUBR, xexit },
{ 0 }