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Letter: A Letter Processor
Raison d'Etre
I don't know about everyone else, but I write about ten to twenty one page
letters a week.
Although I have several word processors (Microsoft Word, WordStar, and
Unix's nroff, plus a MacIntosh just to hit the high spots), none are
adequate for what should be a very simple task, namely writing a letter!
This is not a design fault in them; rather it is one of the drawbacks of
applying general purpose tools to a specific problem.
I have several requirements for a letter formatting program. They are:
o The body of the letter must be vertically centered on the page.
o The address should be extracted and redirected to a file for later
printing on an envelope or label.
o Itegral parts of a letter (such as dates, salutations, etc.) should be
supported by the program.
All of the above mentioned processors (even nroff!) gagged at this list.
After making do with various kludges, I finally took a day off and wrote
letter, which seems an adequate solution to the problem.
What Letter Does
Letter is a very specific program, but it excels at formatting one page
documents, especially letters. It automatically performs vertical centering
and supports enough rudimentary text processing features to allow
considerable format flexibility. It dates a letter, supports address
redirection, and provides a shorthand for filling in the closing salutation
(or whatever the 'Sincerely yours' stuff is called!). It will justify,
center, underline, and doublestrike just like a real word processor.
It will not number the page, format two page letters, or do anything
fancier than the above list. It is very precisely defined to do one thing
(and only one thing) fairly well.
Using Letter
Letter is distributed as the following files:
letter.c The actual letter formatting/printing program. The current
version has been tested using the Wizard C compiler and MS-DOS
3.1. The only nonportable function that I can think of is the
one that gets the date from the operating system.
letter.exe Executable version of same.
address.c Address printing program
address.exe Executable version.
Letter: A Letter Processor
example?.ltr Some example letters.
letter.doc This file.
Letter is invoked with the name of an input document. Output is printed on
the terminal unless the command line switch '-p' is placed before the
filename, in which case output is sent to the printer. The input document
contains text and letter commands, which take the form of two character
mnemonics preceded by a '.' (in the style of WordStar or nroff, etc.). The
format of the document is straight ASCII text, and it can be created by any
All commands must begin in the leftmost column. The general form of a
command is:
blah blah blah blah
.rm 75
more blah more blah
which in this case sets the right margin to 75 spaces.
In general, letter operates by processing an input file a line at a time. A
line can either be a command or text. Assuming it;s text, letter adds it a
word at a time to the current print line (assuming fill mode is enabled).
When the line threatens to grow larger than the current page width, it is
justified (if justification is enabled) and stored in a page array.
Paragraphs are ended by almost any of the commands or a blank line. After
all lines have been read, letter calculates the length and prints the
letter properly centered on the page.
Here's a list of all letter commands. Wherever <xx> is given, a number may
be specified. The number can be absolute, eg: '5', '30', or it can be
relative to a current value, eg: '+5', '-3'. Some commands require one of
'on' or 'off' be given, and some accept text. Hopefully, the context and
explanation of the command will make the situation sufficiently clear.
Don't worry about the expression 'line break' for now.
.. Comment. The rest of this line is ignored. This line might
contain notes to yourself regarding the letter. No line break.
.in <xx> Indent. This sets the number of spaces between the left margin
and the first character printed. If a relative value is given
(eg: '.in +5') then the new indent is set relative to the old
indent. Defaults to 0. Causes a line break.
.po <xx> Page offset. The number of characters to skip before printing
the first character. Similar to '.in' above. Default is 5,
causes a line break.
.ju on|off Justification. Enables/disables right justification between
the current left and right margins. Defaults to off, causes a
line break.
.rm <xx> Right margin. Same idea as '.in' but for the obvious differ-
ence. Default is 65, causes a line break.
Letter: A Letter Processor
.ti <xx> Temporary indent. Sets the indent for the next line only.
Handy for bullet lists and paragraph indentation. Causes a
line break, no default.
.br Break. Causes a line break.
.as Address start. Marks the beginning of the address and begins
redirection to the file 'address'. Fill and justification are
automatically disabled. Causes a line break.
.ae Address end. Marks the end of the address and closes the file
'address'. Fill and justification are restored to the values
they had prior to address redirection. Causes a line break.
.sp <xx> Space. Leaves <xx> blank lines. If <xx> is omitted, one blank
line is left. Causes a line break.
.dt Date. Prints the current system date in the form 'Wednesday
November 6, 1999' right justified. Causes a line break.
.sg <text> Signature. Inserts 'Sincerely yours,', two blank lines and
<text>. Causes a line break.
.ce <xx> Center. Centers the following <xx> lines between the current
left and right margins.
.rj <xx> Right justify. Right justifies the following <xx> lines at the
current right margin.
.fi on|off Fill. Invokes/suppresses the rearranging of input lines into
lines of text as close to the current margin width as possi-
ble. Default is on, causes a line break.
The are also three special characters that can be inserted anywhere within
the text of a letter.
^ Begin/end doublestrike.
_ Begin/end underlining.
~ Replaced with a single space after any line justification has been
performed ('hard space').
Letter is (hopefully) distributed with several example letters that demon-
strate all these commands at work. Hopefully, reading and printing them
will answer most questions. By default, the output will be sent to the
screen. Output can be sent to the current 'LPT1:" device by the command
letter -p example1.ltr
Address is a simple program to print the file 'address' centered on a stan-
dard envelope. Do I need to say anything more?
Technical Details & Weaknesses
Letter: A Letter Processor
Letter is written in C. This version has been written using the Wizard C
compiler and MS-DOS 3.1, but the code should be easily portable to any
other C compiler. There are no esoteric tricks or witticisms contained
therein. The function which returns the current system date is fairly
compiler specific, but still commonly availa