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* Bawk constants and variable declarations.
#ifdef BDS_C
#define EXTERN /* */
#ifdef MAIN
#define EXTERN /* */
#define EXTERN extern
#define DEBUG 1 /* remove this line to compile without debug statements */
#ifdef DEBUG
EXTERN char Debug; /* debug print flag */
* Table and buffer sizes
#define MAXLINELEN 128 /* longest input line */
#define MAXWORDS (MAXLINELEN/2) /* max # of words in a line */
#define MAXWORKBUFLEN 4096 /* longest action or regular expression */
#define MAXVARTABSZ 50 /* max # of symbols */
#define MAXVARLEN 10 /* symbol name length */
#define MAXSTACKSZ 40 /* max value stack length (for expressions) */
* Current Input File variables *
* Current Input File pointer:
#ifdef BDS_C
EXTERN char *Fileptr, Curfbuf[ BUFSIZ ];
EXTERN char *Filename; /* current input file name */
EXTERN int Linecount; /* current input line number */
EXTERN int Recordcount; /* record count */
* Working buffers.
EXTERN char Linebuf[ MAXLINELEN ]; /* current input line buffer */
EXTERN char *Fields[ MAXWORDS ]; /* pointers to the words in Linebuf */
EXTERN int Fieldcount; /* and the # of words */
EXTERN char Workbuf[ MAXWORKBUFLEN ]; /* work area for C action and */
/* regular expression parsers */
* Regular Expression Parser variables *
* Tokens:
#define CHAR 1
#define BOL 2
#define EOL 3
#define ANY 4
#define CLASS 5
#define NCLASS 6
#define STAR 7
#define PLUS 8
#define MINUS 9
#define ALPHA 10
#define DIGIT 11
#define NALPHA 12
#define PUNCT 13
#define RANGE 14
#define ENDPAT 15
* C Actions Interpreter variables *
* Tokens:
#define T_STRING 'S' /* primaries: */
#define T_DOLLAR '$'
#define T_REGEXP 'r'
#define T_CONSTANT 'C'
#define T_VARIABLE 'V'
#define T_FUNCTION 'F'
#define T_SEMICOLON ';' /* punctuation */
#define T_EOF 'Z'
#define T_LBRACE '{'
#define T_RBRACE '}'
#define T_LPAREN '('
#define T_RPAREN ')'
#define T_LBRACKET '['
#define T_RBRACKET ']'
#define T_COMMA ','
#define T_ASSIGN '=' /* operators: */
#define T_MUL '*'
#define T_DIV '/'
#define T_MOD '%'
#define T_ADD '+'
#define T_SUB '-'
#define T_SHL 'L'
#define T_SHR 'R'
#define T_LT '<'
#define T_LE 'l'
#define T_GT '>'
#define T_GE 'g'
#define T_EQ 'q'
#define T_NE 'n'
#define T_NOT '~'
#define T_AND '&'
#define T_XOR '^'
#define T_IOR '|'
#define T_LNOT '!'
#define T_LAND 'a'
#define T_LIOR 'o'
#define T_INCR 'p'
#define T_DECR 'm'
#define T_IF 'i' /* keywords: */
#define T_ELSE 'e'
#define T_WHILE 'w'
#define T_BREAK 'b'
#define T_CHAR 'c'
#define T_INT 't'
#define T_BEGIN 'B'
#define T_END 'E'
#define T_NF 'f'
#define T_NR '#'
#define T_FS ' '
#define T_RS '\n'
#define T_FILENAME 'z'
#define PATTERN 'P' /* indicates C statement is within a pattern */
#define ACTION 'A' /* indicates C statement is within an action */
* Symbol Table values
#define ACTUAL 0
#define LVALUE 1
#define BYTE 1
#define WORD 2
* Symbol table
struct variable {
char vname[ MAXVARLEN ];
char vclass;
char vsize;
int vlen;
char *vptr;
#define VARIABLE struct variable
* Value stack
union datum {
int ival;
char *dptr;
char **ptrptr;
#define DATUM union datum
struct item {
char class;
char lvalue;
char size;
DATUM value;
#define ITEM struct item
EXTERN ITEM Stackbtm[ MAXSTACKSZ ], *Stackptr, *Stacktop;
* Miscellaneous
EXTERN char *Actptr; /* pointer into Workbuf during compilation */
EXTERN char Token; /* current input token */
EXTERN DATUM Value; /* and its value */
EXTERN char Saw_break; /* set when break stmt seen */
EXTERN char Where; /* indicates whether C stmt is a PATTERN or ACTION */
EXTERN char Fieldsep[3]; /* field seperator */
EXTERN char Recordsep[3]; /* record seperator */
EXTERN char *Beginact; /* BEGINning of input actions */
EXTERN char *Endact; /* END of input actions */
* Rules structure *
struct rule {
struct {
char *start; /* C statements that match pattern start */
char *stop; /* C statements that match pattern end */
char startseen; /* set if both a start and stop pattern */
/* given and if an input line matched the */
/* start pattern */
} pattern;
char *action; /* contains quasi-C statements of actions */
struct rule *nextrule; /* pointer to next rule */
#define RULE struct rule
EXTERN RULE *Rules, /* rule structures linked list head */
*Rulep; /* working pointer */
* Miscellaneous *
* Error exit values (returned to command shell)
#define USAGE_ERROR 1 /* error in invokation */
#define FILE_ERROR 2 /* file not found errors */
#define RE_ERROR 3 /* bad regular expression */
#define ACT_ERROR 4 /* bad C action stmt */
#define MEM_ERROR 5 /* out of memory errors */
* Functions that return something special:
char *str_compile(), *getmem(), *cclass(), *pmatch(), *fetchptr();
VARIABLE *findvar(), *addvar(), *decl();