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Text File
308 lines
Header: CUG199;
Title: Module 8 of ged editor;
Last Updated: 12/01/87;
Description: "PURPOSE: get and put text lines into and out of storage";
Keywords: e, editor, qed, ged, DeSmet, MSDOS;
Filename: ged8.c;
Warnings: "O file must be present during link for ged";
Authors: G. Nigel Gilbert, James W. Haefner, and Mel Tearle;
Compiler: DeSmet 2.51; s
e/qed/ged screen editor
(C) G. Nigel Gilbert, MICROLOGY, 1981 - August-December 1981
Modified: Aug-Dec 1984: BDS-C 'e'(vers 4.6a) to 'qe' (J.W. Haefner)
March 1985: BDS-C 'qe' to DeSmet-C 'qed' (J.W. Haefner)
May 1986: qed converted to ged (Mel Tearle)
August 1987: ged converted to MSC 4.0 (Mel Tearle)
File: ged8.c
Functions: loc, gettext, getline, writ_txb, deltp, puttext,
readtext, opentext, balloc, error, addhistory
#ifndef TC
#include "ged.h"
#include "ged.t"
/* returns line + move, adjusted to be within text
int loc(line,move)
int line, move;
int y;
if ( ( y = line + move ) < 1 ) y = 1;
if ( lastl == UNKNOWN && y > lastread ) readtext( y );
if ( y > lastl ) return lastl;
return y;
/* makes 'line' the current line
void gettext(line)
int line;
char *getline();
strcpy( text, getline( line ) );
cline = line;
/* returns address of text of 'line'
* and updates page usage
char *getline(line)
int line;
int slot;
line = loc( line, 0 );
if ( ( slot = pageloc[ tp[line].page] ) <= 0 )
slot = swappin( tp[line].page );
if ( usage[slot] > FREE )
usage[slot] = ++pclock;
return slotaddr[slot] + tp[line].moffset;
/* inserts 'txt' after 'line'
int writ_txb( line, txt )
int line;
char *txt;
int l, p, balloc();
struct addr anaddr;
addhistory( line, HISTINSERT );
if ( ( char * ) &tp[lastread+2] >= slotaddr[tppages] ) {
/* need another slot to store tp's in
if ( ( tppages + 2 ) == slotsinmem ) {
error( " Too many lines of text " );
return FAIL;
if ( usage[tppages] == NOTAVAIL ) /* ie page is being alloc'ed into */
allocp = PAGESIZE+1; /* force alloc into new page */
if ( usage[tppages] != FREE )
swapout(tppages); /* changed */
usage[tppages++] = NOTAVAIL;
#ifndef DS
if ( ++line < ++lastread )
memcpy( &tp[line+1], &tp[line], (lastread-line)*sizeof(anaddr) );
if ( ++line < ++lastread )
_move( (lastread-line)*sizeof(anaddr), &tp[line], &tp[line+1] );
tp[line].moffset = p = balloc( 1 + strlen( txt ) );
tp[line].page = newpage;
strcpy( npaddr+p, txt );
if ( lastl != UNKNOWN ) lastl++;
return line;
/* delete line by shifting pointers
void deltp(from)
int from;
struct addr anaddr;
addhistory( from, HISTDELETE ); /* add for undo */
#ifdef MSC
memmove( &tp[from], &tp[from+1], ( lastread - from )*sizeof(anaddr) );
_move( ( lastread - from )*sizeof( anaddr ), &tp[from+1], &tp[from] );
if ( lastl != UNKNOWN ) lastl--;
if ( lastl < 1 ) lastl = 1;
if ( lastread < 1 ) lastread = 1;
/* replaces cline's text if it has been altered
void puttext()
int p, cp, balloc();
if ( altered ) {
addhistory( cline, HISTREPLACE ); /* add for undo */
altered = NO;
if ( !trail ) {
for ( cp = strlen( text )-1;
cp >= 0 && isspace( text[cp] ); cp-- )
text[cp] = '\0';
tp[cline].moffset = p = balloc( 1 + strlen( text ) );
tp[cline].page = newpage;
strcpy( npaddr+p, text );
/* Reads file being edited into virtual memory
* until 'line' is read, or eof.
* If eof, sets lastl to number of last line read.
* File is assumed to be already open
void readtext(line)
int line;
char txt[LLIM], *t;
int i, c, l;
storehist = NO;
while ( lastread < line ) {
for ( i = 0, t = &txt[0]; i < LLIM &&
( ( c = egetc( ( struct iobuffer *)textbuf) ) >= ' ' ||
c != '\n' && c != DFAIL && c != ENDFILE ); i++ ) {
if ( c ) {
*t = ( char ) c;
else i--;
if ( txt[i-1] == '\r' )
*t = '\0';
if ( ( l = writ_txb( lastread, txt ) ) == FAIL )
goto toomuch;
if ( ( lastread = l )%100 == 0 )
putlineno( lastread );
if ( ( goteof = ( char ) ( c == ENDFILE ) ) || c == DFAIL ) goto eof;
goto ok;
ffclose( ( struct iobuffer *) textbuf );
lastl = lastread;
storehist = YES;
/* open the file being edited for reading
int opentext(name)
char *name;
if ( ffopen( name, ( struct iobuffer * ) textbuf ) == FAIL ) {
/* attempt to open with default extension added
strcat( name, defext );
if ( ffopen( name, ( struct iobuffer * ) textbuf ) == FAIL ) {
error( " Can't open file " );
name[0] = '\0';
lastl = 1;
return FAIL;
return YES;
/* allocate and return the offset in newpage of a vector size n
int balloc(n)
unsigned n;
int slot;
if ( ( allocp + n ) >= PAGESIZE ) {
/* no room in current newpage; get another
if ( pageloc[newpage] > 0 ) usage[pageloc[newpage]] = INUSE;
pageloc[++newpage] = slot = freememslot();
usage[slot] = NOTAVAIL;
allocp = 0;
npaddr = slotaddr[slot];
allocp += n;
return allocp-n;
void error(message)
char *message;
if ( errmess != NULL ) return;
scr_delete( 0, 0 );
scr_aputs( 0, 0, message, REVS ); scr_ci();
blankedmess = YES;
inbufp = 0;
void addhistory(l,type)
int l;
int type;
struct histstep *step;
if ( !storehist ) return;
step = &history[histptr];
step->histp.page = tp[l].page;
step->histp.moffset = tp[l].moffset;
step->histline = l;
step->histtype = type;
step->histcomm = ncommand;
if ( ++histptr == HISTLEN ) histptr = 0;
if ( histcnt < HISTLEN ) histcnt++;
/* that's all */