C/C++ Interactive Guide
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Text File
255 lines
TITLE: 'e' for CP/M68K
VERSION: 1.48+
DESCRIPTION: "a screen editor";
KEYWORDS: editor;
SYSTEM: CP/M68K, V1.2;
WARNINGS: "the default value is for systems with 128K bytes
of memory or more";
SEE-ALSO: cpm68k.c, e68k.doc, CUG VOL 133;
AUTHORS: G.N.Gilbert('e'), J.W.Haefner(for DeSmet C on MSDOS and UNIX)
CODER: Yoshimasa Tsuji
COMPILERS: DRI C(Alcyon C) for CP/M68K;
PURPOSE: include file for e
/* ------- begin of re-compilation options ----- */
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
#define CPM68K 1
#define MSDOS 0
#define LARGE 1 /* if you can allow 64K byte arrays */
/* -------- end of re-compilation options ----------- */
#define VERSION "4.8b"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef short bool;
#ifdef CPM68K
#define FILELEN 18 /*max length of file name (uud:ffffffff.xxx\0)*/
#define FILELEN 50
#define INBUFLEN 20 /*length of type-in buffer */
#define CURSORWAIT 1000
#define LLIM 255 /*max length of a line*/
#define FLIM 80 /*max length of find/alter string*/
#define FAIL -1
#define PREV -2
#define HISTLEN 40 /*history stack of commands for undoing */
#define HISTINSERT 1 /*type of command on history stack */
#define HISTDELETE 2
#define SWIDTH 79 /*screen size*/
#define SHEIGHT 23
#define OFFWIDTH 20 /*horizontal scroll increment*/
#define PAGEOVERLAP 4 /*overlap between pages with UP,DOWN-PAGE*/
#define HELPLINES 8 /*top line number when help menu is on display */
#define FNPOS 8 /*status line - position of file name*/
#define LNPOS 23 /* position of line number*/
#define EMPOS 32 /* position of error message*/
#define WAITPOS 32 /* position of cursor when searching/reading*/
#define REPPOS 50 /* position of "Replace?" message*/
#define BACKSP 0x08 /*backspace*/
#define ENDFILE 0x1a /*CP/M end of text file mark */
#define CTRL 0x1f /*last control char.*/
#define PARBIT 0x80 /*parity bit used as a flag by testkey() */
#define NOPARITY 0x7f /*mask to strip parity bit */
#define NKEYS 32 /*number of key codes*/
#define GOTOLEN 6 /*approx number of chars in control code string for
cursor addressing*/
/*internal key codes (recommended key assignments in brackets)*/
#define LEADIN 0 /*lead in chararacter to key codes -
ignored, but following key code parity set*/
#define DOWNKEY 1 /*cursor down */
#define UPKEY 2 /*cursor up*/
#define LEFTKEY 3 /*cursor left*/
#define RIGHTKEY 4 /*cursor right*/
#define RIGHTWKEY 5 /*cursor right one word (D) */
#define LEFTWKEY 6 /*cursor left one word (S) */
#define EOLKEY 7 /*cursor to end of line (E) */
#define BOLKEY 8 /*cursor to beginning of line (B) */
#define UPPAGE 9 /*scroll up a page (W) */
#define DOWNPAGE 10 /*scroll down a page (Z) */
#define BOFKEY 11 /*cursor to beginning of file (U) */
#define HOMEKEY 12 /*cursor to end of file (HOME) */
#define DELLEFT 13 /*delete char to left of cursor (DEL) */
#define DELRIGHT 14 /*delete char under cursor (G) */
#define DELLNKEY 15 /*delete cursor line (Y) */
#define DELWDKEY 16 /*delete word to right of cursor (T) */
#define JUMPKEY 17 /*jump to (X) */
#define CRSTILL 18 /*insert newline after cursor (N) */
#define QUITKEY 19 /*quit (Q) */
#define ENVIRKEY 20 /*edit and file context (C) */
#define FINDKEY 21 /*find (F) */
#define ALTERKEY 22 /*alter (A) */
#define BLOCKKEY 23 /*block operations (O) */
#define RDFILEKEY 24 /*read a file (P) */
#define REPKEY 25 /*repeat last find/alter (R) */
#define HELPKEY 26 /*display help menu (V) */
#define UNDOKEY 27 /*undo history of commands (\) */
#define TAB 28 /*tab (I)*/
#define RETRIEVE 29 /*retrieve last name etc entered here (R)*/
#define CR 30 /*return (M)*/
#define ESCKEY 31 /*the magic escape key (ESC)*/
#define BRIDIM '|' /*char placed in e's message strings to start/stop
dim (half-intensity) display */
# if LARGE
#define MAXSLOTS 256 /*virtual memory constants*/
#define MAXMEMSLOTS 64
# else
#define MAXSLOTS 128 /*virtual memory constants*/
#define MAXMEMSLOTS 20
# endif
#define PAGESIZE 1024
#define FREE 0
#define INUSE 1
#define NOTAVAIL -1
#define MAXINT 32767
#define ABSOLUTE 0
struct addr {
short page;
int moffset;
}; /*address of text of each line*/
struct histstep { /*command history stack for undoing */
struct addr histp; /*address of text modified by command*/
int histline; /*line number of modified text*/
short histtype; /*type of command (insert,delete,replace)*/
short histcomm; /*number of command modulo 256 */
extern char *strcpy(), *strcat();
char *getline();
/* global variables for 'e'
# ifdef DEF
#define extern
# endif
extern struct addr *tp; /*address of text of each line*/
extern int allocp; /*location of next free in newpage */
extern int pageloc[MAXSLOTS]; /*current location of each page*/
extern int usage[MAXMEMSLOTS]; /*records usage of in memory slots*/
extern char *slotaddr[MAXMEMSLOTS]; /*memory addr of start of each in memory slot*/
extern bool dskslots[MAXSLOTS]; /*is disk slot free*/
extern short slotsinmem; /*max no. of slots available in memory*/
extern short tppages; /*no. of pages used to hold text pointers*/
extern short newpage; /*page no of page being filled with text*/
extern char *npaddr; /*base of slot holding newpage*/
extern int clock; /*counter for least recently used paging*/
extern int pagefd; /*file descriptor of paging file*/
extern char pagingfile[FILELEN]; /*name of paging file*/
#ifdef CPM68K
#define PATHLEN 6
#define PATHLEN 30
extern char pagingdir[PATHLEN]; /*directory to put paging file in*/
extern char curdir[PATHLEN]; /*currently logged in (default) directory */
extern unsigned ncommand; /*count of commands executed since startup*/
extern int goodline; /*line number we know we can display */
extern struct histstep history[HISTLEN];
extern int histptr; /*pointer into history stack*/
extern short histcnt; /*number of commands on stack*/
extern short storehist; /*commands only stored on history when true*/
extern FILE *textfp; /*io buffer for file being edited*/
extern short cursorx, cursory; /*current position of cursor*/
extern char tran[NKEYS]; /*translation table from external to internal
key codes*/
extern bool isdim; /*last char was in dim*/
extern int lastl; /*number of last line of text*/
extern int lastread; /*last line actually read to date*/
extern bool goteof; /*true when eof of file being edited*/
extern int cline; /*current line*/
extern char text[LLIM]; /*buffer for current line of text*/
extern int charn; /*position of current char in current line*/
extern bool altered; /*if YES, current line has been altered by edits*/
extern short pfirst, plast; /*top and bottom line displayed on screen*/
extern int topline; /*first line on screen for text*/
extern short offset; /*first col. to display on screen*/
extern short lastoff; /*offset last time resetcursor() was called*/
extern bool blankedmess; /*message area has been blanked, not overwritten*/
extern char inbuf[INBUFLEN]; /*input buffer for typeahead*/
extern short inbufp; /*pointer to next free in inbuf*/
#if DEF
bool autoin=YES; /*auto indent [YES/NO]*/
bool backup=NO; /*make ".BAK" file [YES/NO]*/
bool trail=NO; /*don't strip trailing blanks [YES/NO]*/
bool helpon=NO; /*start with help menu on [YES/NO]*/
short tabwidth=8; /*tab stops every n cols [number]*/
bool displaypos=YES; /*display line:column at top of screen*/
bool blockscroll=YES; /*don't scroll whole page, just current line*/
bool hilight=NO; /*highlight current line*/
# else
extern bool autoin; /*do auto indentation*/
extern bool backup; /*at end, old version becomes file.bak*/
extern bool helpon; /*display help menu*/
extern short tabwidth; /*width between tabstops*/
extern bool trail; /*don't chop trailing blanks from text lines*/
extern bool displaypos; /*display line:col at top of screen*/
extern bool blockscroll; /*horizon