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Directory Repack
Directory repack is written in 'C' and compiled against
specifically Supersoft 'C'. Since Supersoft 'C' uses floating
point functions to perform math, this program will not compile
on other 'C' packages unless modifications are made to the source.
Directory repack stored as DSKRPK.ARC contains the following files:
This program can be run as follows:
dskrpk [drive spec] ---- where drive spec is optional.
The purpose of dskrpk is to pack the root and all subdirectories.
Packing simply removes all deleted files from the approiate directory
cluster, moving valid entries up leaving no holes. In effect deleted
files are scrubbed form the directory. New files are written on
the end of the directory rather than embedded in previously deleted
I have included the source for this program such that any
interested parties can update or just learn about file storage using
the direct method of file access. The source file depicts Supersofts
method of merging assembly language code into 'C' directly.
The program has been tested against DSDD floppies, 10mb hard
disks, and buffers are configured to handle up to 20mb drives.
The program was developed to gain understanding of the MSDOS file
structures, FATS, and directory/subdir organization. The experienced
gained with this code will aid in the creation of another program
which will analyze and unfragment the disk data area. Unfragmenting
the data area organizes all files on continous sectors such that
head movement is kept low leading to faster disk I/O.
A word about public domain software. Program development is
a long process taking many hours of research as well as development
and debug. I hope you will support our efforts by sending a small
contribution of $5.00 to :
14 Wells Road
Flemington,NJ 08822
data 201-782-7640
voice 201-782-0639
* Exploring MSDOS file structures
Richard a. Karas
Fido 107/29
Exploring MSDOS File Structures
Disks (floppy as well as hard's) are formatted or
initialized under MSDOS Version 2.o to allow fast and
convenient access to files. MSDOS supports several methods
of accessing files. The handle method, the File Control
Block method, and the direct access method through
directory and the File Allocation Table (FAT) search. The
handle and FCB methods require you to access files
through the operating system and their respective
function calls, while the direct method enables you
to access files as it implies, directly. To access
files directly, a little knowledge of the way MSDOS
formatts the disk is required. MSDOS disks after
formatting contain the following structures in
o Reserve boot loader area.
o First copy of the FAT.
o Second copy of the FAT ( for recovery purposes).
o Root directory.
o Data area.
Utility programs read the reserved boot area where
disk media data may be found. This data provides
the program with information about the device.
Typically byte offsets 11 through 29 have been set
aside to define all the necessary attributes required.
Disk space is allocated in the data area only when
required and is accomplished in one allocation unit
at a time. An allocation unit is refered to as a cluster
and is represented by one or more consecutive sectors.
A sector is usually 512 bytes. A cluster will contain
from 1 to x sectors depending upon the media. Some
typical allocations are:
o Double sided floppies 2 sectors/cluster.
o 10mb hard 8 sectors/cluster.
o 20mb hard 16 sectors/cluster.
This method of storage presents some problems
to the user (especially those running BBS systems)
who store many small files. Consider storing 100 files
of text containing approximately 200 bytes each file
on a 10mb hard disk (Like Fido stores messages). Figuring
8 sectors/cluster X 512 bytes/sector = 4096 bytes per
allocation unit. 100 allocation units would be needed
(providing each file only needs one allocation unit each)
at 4K per representing 400K bytes of storage for 100 files.
You are only actually storing 200 bytes X 100 files or
20K bytes of data ( a very big waste of space). DOS 3.1
attempts to solve this problem by allowing the user
to define the cluster size. Enough about problems,
back to file storage techniques using the direct method
(reference back Fido news issue).
When information is written to the disk, the system
looks for the cluster that is closest to the beginning
of the data area and available. This criteria can
easily be fulfilled by checking the FAT. The FAT maps
every cluster of the data area and is in fact a large
linked list to files occupying more than one cluster.
FAT data is stored 1.5 bytes per cluster, with cluster #2
defined as the start of the data area. The first two FAT
entries represent system data, entry 3 through X actually
map the entire disk. The value of each FAT entry could be
one of the following:
o 000H Unused cluster.
o 002H-ff6H Next cluster of data.
o ff7H Bad cluster.
o ff8H-fffH Last cluster of file.
The root directory is initially built at the time of disk
format. It is a fixed value of clusters depending upon the
size of the media. Each directory entry is 32 bytes in
length and contains information required by the system to
locate files. Since directories other than the root
directory are actual files, there is no limit to the
number of entries they may contain. Reference the DOS
manual for a complete description of the fields of
a directory entry. For now all that you should know
is that fields 00-07H contain the file name, 08-0aH
contain the extension, and 1a-1bH contain the starting
cluster number.
The following brief discussion describes file access
using the direct method (assume root directory only):
1. The media data is read to obtain the necessary
information as to number of sectors, where the
root dir starts, how big it is, etc.
2. The Root directory is read.
3. Each 32 byte entry is scanned until the correct
file is located.
4. The starting cluster number at offset 1a/1bH of
that directory entry is obtained and converted
to logical sector number.
5. X number of sectors per allocation is read to a
transfer address starting at the sector calculated
above. (X sect/allocation unit is a function of the
6. Next the FAT map is checked to see if additional
clusters must be read. This is accomplished by
converting the cluster just read from the directory
entry to an offset value into the FAT. If the 1.5
bytes representing the starting cluster contains
data pointing to addiional clusters, the system
will read that cluster. This next mapped cluster
entry will be checked and the process will continue
until the last cluster is read.
The following visually represents the process:
DIRECTORY (Entry #3)
| | | Name.ext | | |
| 1 | 2 | start cluster---- | X |
| |
_________| Routine to |
| | access data |
| |__________________|
| |
| ______2_|_____________5__________________________X__
| | | | | | | |
| | sys | 5 | | FFF| | |
| |_____|_____|________|____|_____________________|____|
| |_____________|
| _|_______________________________________________