C/C++ Interactive Guide
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Text File
45 lines
Filename Length Description
-------- ------ -----------
AMR14.FON 18763 TeX font file in GRAD format
AMR7D.FON 6044 TeX font file in GRAD format for sideway print use
CALCADDR.ASM 11605 Source file of GRAD library
COLOR.ARC 1749 CGA driver
DISPFONT.OBJ 1886 Display font program object file
ERR.C 816 Example of using user error handle feature
EXECFUNC.ASM 3549 Source file of GRAD library
EXECFUNC.OBJ 937 Object file of above
EXETIME.C 3362 source file for timing GRAD function
EXETIME.MAK 277 make file for compiling time.c
FTABLE.C 1358 Another source file
GRADARC.H 389 Header file for Arc1 and Earc1
GRADEGS.GCM 3609 command file example for interp and mprint
GRADENV.H 241 Header file for using EnvSave and EnvRsto
GRADEPSN.C 930 prtcntl.c for EPSON FX-80 printer
GRADIO.H 664 Header file for WriteStr, ReadStr and writec
GRADLIB.LIB 48640 GRAD graphics library for MS C V4.0
GRADOKI.C 839 prtcntl.c for OKIDATA ML192
GRADVAR.H 279 GRAD global variables
HERCHALF.ARC 745 HGA half mode driver
INIT.C 716 Source file of GRAD library
INTERP.C 16119 Source file of a sample program
INTERP.MAK 296 Make file for compiling interp.c
MPRINT.C 19755 Source file of another sample program
MPRINT.MAK 290 Make file for compiling mprint.c
MPRT.GCM 912 One of the example files for mprint
MPRT.TXT 724 another one of the example files for mprint
OKI.ARC 3066 OKIDATA printer driver
PLOTTYPE.ASM 7709 Source file of GRAD library
PRTGC.ASM 2694 Source file of GRAD library
ROTATE.C 7091 source file of a utility program
S16X16.FON 3104 Another font file (16 by 16)
S5X6.FON 602 Another font file (5 X 6)
S6X8.FON 800 Another font file (6 X 8)
S6X8D.FON 512 font file for swprt (6 X 8)
S8X8.FON 800 8 X 8 font file
S9X14.FON 3616 9 X 14 font file
SIZE.C 9321 source file of another utility program
SPECIAL1.C 431 example of using SPACING_FUNC
SWPRT.C 5740 source file of sideway printing program
TEX2GRAD.C 7791 TeX PXL file to GRAD font file convertion program