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All Identical Bytes  |  1989-10-03  |  3KB

This file was processed as: All Identical Bytes (other/identicalBytes).

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert CD Disc Image (iso) magic
100% dexvert All Identical Bytes (identicalBytes) magic
66% dexvert Amstrad CPC Disk (cpcDisk) ext
65% dexvert TRS-80 Disk Image (dmk) ext
1% dexvert ORIC Disk Image (oricDisk) ext
1% dexvert Text File (txt) fallback
100% file PC formatted floppy with no filesystem default
99% file ISO-8859 text, with very long lines (3386), with no line terminators default
100% checkBytes All Identical Bytes default