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M.I.R.A.C.L. - Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C Library _______________________________________________________________________
M. Scott
A portable C library is described which implements multi-precision
integer and rational data-types, and provides the routines to perform
basic arithmetic on them. Certain useful number-theoretic routines
are also included in the package.
Conventional computer arithmetic facilities as provided by most
computer language compilers usually provide one or two floating-point
data types (e.g. single and double precision) to represent all the
real numbers, together with one or more integer types to represent
whole numbers. These built-in data-types are closely related to the
underlying computer architecture, which is sensibly designed to work
quickly with large amounts of small numbers, rather than slowly with
small amounts of large numbers (given a fixed memory allocation).
Floating-point allows a relatively small binary number (e.g. 32 bits)
to represent real numbers to an adequate precision (e.g. 7 decimal
places) over a large dynamic range. Integer types allow small whole
numbers to be represented directly by their binary equivalent, or in
2's complement form if negative. Nevertheless this conventional
approach to computer arithmetic has several disadvantages.
(1) Floating-point and Integer data-types are representationly
incompatible. Note that the set of integers, although infinite, is a
subset of the rationals (i.e. fractions), which is in turn a subset
of the reals. Thus every integer has an equivalent floating-point
representation. Unfortunately these two representations will in
general be different. For example a small positive whole number will
be represented by its binary equivalent as an integer, and as
separated mantissa and exponent as a floating-point. This implies the
need for conversion routines, to convert from one form to the other.
(2) Most rational numbers can not be expressed exactly (e.g. 1/3).
Indeed the floating-point system can only express exactly those
rationals whose denominators are multiples of the factors of the
underlying radix. For example our familiar decimal system can only
represent exactly those rational numbers whose denominators are
multiples of 2 and 5; 1/20 is 0.05 exactly, 1/21 is .0476190476190...
(3) Rounding in floating-point is base-dependant and a source of
obscure errors.
(4) The fact that the size of integer and floating-point data types
are dictated by the computer architecture, defeats the efforts of
language designers to keep their languages portable.
(5) Numbers can only be represented to a fixed machine-dependent
precision. In many applications this can be a crippling disadvantage,
for example in the new and growing field of Public-Key cryptography.
(6) Base-dependent phenomena cannot easily be studied. For example it
would be difficult to access a particular digit of a decimal number,
as represented by a traditional integer data-type.
Herein is described a set of standard C routines which manipulate
multi-precision rational numbers directly, with multi-precision
integers as a compatible subset. Approximate real arithmetic can also
be performed.
The two new data-types are called "big" and "flash". The former is
used to store multiprecision integers, and the latter stores
multiprecision fractions as numerator and denominator in "floating-
slash" form. Both take the form of a fixed length array of integers,
with sign and length information encoded in the first element, and
the data itself in subsequent elements. Both new types can be
introduced into the syntax of the 'C' language by the 'C' statements
typedef int* big;
typedef int* flash;
Now 'big' and 'flash' variables can be declared just like any built-
in data type, e.g.
big x,y[10],z[10][10];
Note that the user of these data-types is not concerned with this
internal representation; the library routines allow "big" and "flash"
numbers to be manipulated directly.
The structure of "big" and "flash" numbers is illustrated in figure (1)
x[0] x[1] x[2] x[n] x[max]
┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐
│s 0 n│ │ LSW │ │ │ .......... │ MSW │ │ 0 │ .............. │ 0 │
└─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘
x[0] x[1] x[2] x[n] x[n+1] x[n+2] x[n+d] x[max]
┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐
│s d n│ │ LSW │ │ │ ... │ MSW │ │ LSW │ │ │ ... │ MSW │ .. │ 0 │
└─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘
<------- numerator ------> / <------ denominator ----->
Figure (1): Structure of "big" and "flash" data-types, where s is
the sign of the number, n and d are the lengths of the
numerator and denominator respectively, and LSW and MSW
mean 'Least significant word' and 'Most significant
These structures combine ease of use with representational
efficiency. A denominator of length zero (d=0), implies an actual
denominator of one; and similarily a numerator of length zero (n=0)
implies a numerator of one. Zero itself is uniquely defined as the
number whose first element is zero (i.e. n=d=0).
Note that the slash in the 'flash' data-type is not in a fixed
position, and may "float" depending on the relative size of
numerator and denominator.
A "flash" number is manipulated by splitting it up into separate
"big" numerator and denominator components. A "big" number is
manipulated by extracting and operating on each of its component
integer elements. To avoid possible confusion with the internal sign
bit, the numbers in each element are limited to a somewhat smaller
range than that of the full word-length, e.g. 0 to 16383 (= 2^14 -1)
on a 16-bit micro-computer.
When the system is initialised the user specifies the fixed number of
words (or bytes) to be assigned to all "big" or "flash" variables,
and the number base to be used. Any base can be used, up to a maximum
MAXBASE which is dependant on the wordlength of the computer used. If
requested to use a small base b, the system will, for optimal
efficiency, actually use base bⁿ , where n is the largest integer
such that bⁿ fits in a single computer word.
The encoding of the sign and numerator and denominator size