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/* advdbs.h - adventure database definitions */
Copyright (c) 1986, by David Michael Betz
All rights reserved
/* useful constants */
#define T -1
#define NIL 0
#define WRDSIZE 6
/* data structure version number */
#define VERSION 102
/* file header offsets */
#define HDR_LENGTH 0 /* length of header in bytes */
#define HDR_MAGIC 2 /* magic information (6 bytes) */
#define HDR_VERSION 8 /* data structure version number */
#define HDR_ANAME 10 /* adventure name (18 bytes) */
#define HDR_AVERSION 28 /* adventure version number */
#define HDR_WTABLE 30 /* offset to word table */
#define HDR_WTYPES 32 /* offset to word type table */
#define HDR_OTABLE 34 /* offset to object table */
#define HDR_ATABLE 36 /* offset to action table */
#define HDR_VTABLE 38 /* offset to variable table */
#define HDR_DBASE 40 /* offset to base of data space */
#define HDR_CBASE 42 /* offset to base of code space */
#define HDR_DATBLK 44 /* first data block */
#define HDR_MSGBLK 46 /* first message text block */
#define HDR_INIT 48 /* initialization code */
#define HDR_UPDATE 50 /* update code */
#define HDR_BEFORE 52 /* code to execute before verb handler */
#define HDR_AFTER 54 /* code to execute after verb handler */
#define HDR_ERROR 56 /* error handler code */
#define HDR_SAVE 58 /* save area offset */
#define HDR_SLEN 60 /* save area length */
#define HDR_SIZE 62 /* size of header */
/* word types */
#define WT_UNKNOWN 0
#define WT_VERB 1
#define WT_NOUN 2
#define WT_ADJECTIVE 3
#define WT_ARTICLE 6
/* object fields */
#define O_CLASS 0
#define O_NOUNS 2
#define O_ADJECTIVES 4
#define O_PROPERTIES 8
#define O_SIZE 8
/* action fields */
#define A_VERBS 0
#define A_FLAG 4
#define A_MASK 5
#define A_CODE 6
#define A_SIZE 8
/* link fields */
#define L_DATA 0
#define L_NEXT 2
#define L_SIZE 4
/* property flags */
#define P_CLASS 0x8000 /* class property */
/* action flags */
#define A_ACTOR 0x01 /* actor */
#define A_DOBJECT 0x02 /* direct object */
#define A_IOBJECT 0x04 /* indirect object */
/* opcodes */
#define OP_BRT 0x01 /* branch on true */
#define OP_BRF 0x02 /* branch on false */
#define OP_BR 0x03 /* branch unconditionally */
#define OP_T 0x04 /* load top of stack with t */
#define OP_NIL 0x05 /* load top of stack with nil */
#define OP_PUSH 0x06 /* push nil onto stack */
#define OP_NOT 0x07 /* logical negate top of stack */
#define OP_ADD 0x08 /* add two numeric expressions */
#define OP_SUB 0x09 /* subtract two numeric expressions */
#define OP_MUL 0x0A /* multiply two numeric expressions */
#define OP_DIV 0x0B /* divide two numeric expressions */
#define OP_REM 0x0C /* remainder of two numeric expressions */
#define OP_BAND 0x0D /* bitwise and of two numeric expressions */
#define OP_BOR 0x0E /* bitwise or of two numeric expressions */
#define OP_BNOT 0x0F /* bitwise not of two numeric expressions */
#define OP_LT 0x10 /* less than */
#define OP_EQ 0x11 /* equal to */
#define OP_GT 0x12 /* greater than */
#define OP_LIT 0x13 /* load literal */
#define OP_VAR 0x14 /* load a variable value */
#define OP_GETP 0x15 /* get the value of an object property */
#define OP_SETP 0x16 /* set the value of an object property */
#define OP_SET 0x17 /* set the value of a variable */
#define OP_PRINT 0x18 /* print messages */
#define OP_TERPRI 0x19 /* terminate the print line */
#define OP_PNUMBER 0x1A /* print a number */
#define OP_FINISH 0x1B /* finish handling this command */
#define OP_CHAIN 0x1C /* chain to the next handler */
#define OP_ABORT 0x1D /* abort this command */
#define OP_EXIT 0x1E /* exit the program */
#define OP_RETURN 0x1F /* return from interpreter */
#define OP_CALL 0x20 /* call a function */
#define OP_SVAR 0x21 /* short load a variable */
#define OP_SSET 0x22 /* short set a variable */
#define OP_SPLIT 0x23 /* short load a positive literal */
#define OP_SNLIT 0x24 /* short load a negative literal */
#define OP_YORN 0x25 /* yes-or-no predicate */
#define OP_SAVE 0x26 /* save data structures */
#define OP_RESTORE 0x27 /* restore data structures */
#define OP_ARG 0x28 /* load an argument value */
#define OP_ASET 0x29 /* set an argument value */
#define OP_TMP 0x2A /* load a temporary variable value */
#define OP_TSET 0x2B /* set a temporary variable */
#define OP_TSPACE 0x2C /* allocate temporary variable space */
#define OP_CLASS 0x2D /* get the class of an object */
#define OP_MATCH 0x2E /* match a noun phrase with an object */
#define OP_PNOUN 0x2F /* print a noun phrase */
#define OP_RESTART 0x30 /* restart the current game */
#define OP_RAND 0x31 /* generate a random number */
#define OP_RNDMIZE 0x32 /* seed the random number generator */
#define OP_SEND 0x33 /* send a message to an object */
#define OP_XVAR 0x40 /* extra short load a variable */
#define OP_XSET 0x60 /* extra short set a variable */
#define OP_XPLIT 0x80 /* extra short load a positive literal */
#define OP_XNLIT 0xC0 /* extra short load a negative literal */
/* builtin variables */
#define V_ACTOR 1 /* actor noun phrase number */
#define V_ACTION 2 /* action from parse */
#define V_DOBJECT 3 /* first direct object noun phrase number */
#define V_NDOBJECTS 4 /* number of direct object noun phrases */
#define V_IOBJECT 5 /* indirect object noun phrase number */
#define V_OCOUNT 6 /* total object count */